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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for Tractor305 A `RESOLUTION REQUESTING- THE CITY- MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE" BY, THE' CITY."OF" PADUCAH; 'KENTUCKY'"OF ONE'' NEW RUBBER`-Ti'RED 'TRACTOR "WITH A ~~HYDRAUhI'CALI~Y "O~PERATED° FRONT "END ''LOADER ATTACHMENT, TO BE USED BY THE SEWAGE TREATMENT- PLANT;.:' AND PRESCB;IB:INGY ,_ THE CONDITIONS UPON Wi~ICH SUCH. PURCHASE SHALL BE' MAD=E '- BE`:IT~"R:ESOLVED BY THE BOARD'~OF COM1VIiS~SIONERS.-OF THECITY OF "~~~ -, -, r UC H';: ~ KEN~17C`KY:' -= _ ...... _ . ; ... - _ ...., °~ = ~ SECTION 1 -That: the -Ci Maria "er .be, °:_arid he is hereb -',-.authorized to ty _ ~ Y advertise for bids for the purchase of one new ~"RubUer' Tired ::Tractor: with-"~ a Hydraulcally~,Operated Froht End "Lo~ade'r Attachment, `#q be° used" by'tle 'Sewage Treatment- P3ant„ ~ : said. Tractor :to"have the =minimum specifications -`accdrdirig to ahe specifications attached hereto and by reference incorporated hereiri.~r, .SECTIQN~ 2~~ ~ .-That.,the~ City Manager 'shall ~ad~erfiise fors bids:b~~ a 'notice posted on the bulletin board at City Hall and by inserting,;rn~trce. ;of- the reciuest~ for ~ " - bids ; in~ The<Paducah "Sun; to •be ` publi~shed:'° as requi~red':~iy claw, :All 'bias; "s'fiall be sealed- arid- no bid - hall; be received after the "hour ~~fixed in ~°:the~ notice: for the- opening:' of same . All bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for the`open- ing~=of ~ same--~slalT° be =filed with the:' Board "of ~C'oiiimiss'ioners ~wl~o 'may. `let 'a~:contract to the best responsible bidder, and the Board of °Commissioners shall reserve' the:` . '. right-;to-reject~:~a:ny- and a1lThids;` and the~_City shall--not become legally'.-~ob'ligated to purchase. "said equipment until th`e final adopfiior~ ' of-~ an -au#horizing "ardnamce~ -and~~ _. - . ~. t e exeenfion ' o a ;coritrae~t ~~ ~ : - ~ ... -... ~; : <, . ..- _ _ _ SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and' .,. .,. ~ .: ,, . ,. ter ;the date o .ixs. adaption~:' P Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners August 14, 1979 Recorded by; Zouise_ McKinney , _ City, clerk , August '14 `_=1979: ~ ~ "