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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgent for McCracken--CETA Annual Plan306 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS' NECESSARY` FOR"THE' CITY OF' "PADUCAH TO BE APPOINTED AGENT -" FOR 1VIcCRACKEN COUNTY:, -OFD"SHE-19'79 CETA ANNUAL PLAN FOR'COMPREHENSNE~-' ' EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. , .... - ~ _.., ._ - ;-; a _ ; .., - - . ... , .. . _ . . _ . .., ... _ .. - , ., _. -` ~ . WHEREAS , e~eral ' furid~s'~ for "employment "and training o unemployed - persons wtliin'the City of Paducah 'and ~°McCracken County` are ~avalable~'through the 1979 CETA Annual Plan for Comprehensive Employment and Training;' and WHEREAS;, after September- 30~, ° 1979, there-`wily not: .be an agent °for said -., . , .. plan in McCracken County , Kentucky-; `and ~ ~~ ~ ~' ~• WiiEREAS~ "proper:~~appiicatan.:of the °Plan• wll'~be ~Iaer~efical' -to^'tYi~,-crt%zens "". _ _.. of thee. City of-Paducah~:an~1 the ~eit~zens~ofM~Cracken~ County= acid to''other`~govern=" mental agencies, and'- - ; ,: ~ ,-_..-. ;-,..,.. ;; ~ - - --WHEREAS;' the. City of Paducah is in - a' betfer position to' administer the Plan-thenother prYVate=~agences~, and ~. = . _ •-- _ • :' °WFIEREAS the .Plan ~w:ili ~the~ City. ~ of~Paducah to provide- services' to ` the citizens of the::Cty of`,Padu'cah`_and McC'r..acken County which' would not' otherwise .. ~ - - - be av~a~rable' :- -,: ... - ., , .• ~ . , ,.... _.. _ - - - ... .. -~ -NOW; TIiEREFOIi,E -BE•TT "RK5O'LV~D BY-TIE BOARD bF=COMII~IISSC7NERS '-=~ OF THE ~ CiTY~,-OF .P~iD1TCAH ; KENTUCKY: . ~ , - -- ,, ; .: ~~SECTION 1:> That tlie~ Mayor be;' and.-'he is hereby°; authorized to' e~ecute•"" any and: ;all ~documents> r~eces~sary -for the approval -:of the City' of ="Pe.dte'e:h to be the - agent in McCracken County for the Comprehensive Employment and `Training Act;"" " Title II: - .. _ - a. SECTION 2 . This resolution shall be in effect from` arid' after the- date =of its adoption . Mayor .. -. - Passed by ::the `Board of Commissioners August` 14,r '1~9'79~' Recorded by Louise McKinney , City Clerk , August 14, 1979.