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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for Sound System for Townlift Project307 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR,~THE SALE =AND INSTALLAT~6N OF A -SOUNb SYSTEM -T0 BE =USED IN CONNECTION' WITIi~ THE TOTVNLIFT~ "PROJECT';-' AND PRES.CRTBINGj'THE" TERNfS~ AND CONDITIONS TJP:ON '`WHICH' A': CONTRACT- 'MAY "BE' LET' ~ - _ ~ : ° . - ~ '~ ` - ~ ' - BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF'-THE CITY OF ~ . PADUCAH;~"KENTUCKYt -' SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby;. authorized' to advertise:~for-`bids' for~_ the saie~ an,~l. 2nstallation -.of:,a~:~sohnd s~~sfem to: be'used in connection tnrith the, Townliff'` Proje~et. ~ ~ --`- °' _ ~ ~ _. -. ,.. ~ _ - ~ SECTIO:N 2:~ All propased~-forrits`'eontract:~docrzm~rits, including= glans=: and specificafions-:are~ to be on file at the -office of°:th~e City lUlanager"City' Hall, ~.- .=' ` Paducah., 'Kentucky ; and : hall : be :available ~ fore -inspection ~by `a11=persons interested in bidding on the aforesaid project . a - . - . -~ - -: SECTION 3.~ ~:The~ City Manager ~shall~ advertise.'fbr -bids by pdst~g? a notice .at aher City Halls :door ° and ~_by ~ inserting : notice . of~: the : request' `for ° bida°~ .in the' Paducah Stun =asr~provtded~`for~by:~Iaw::~~ ~All-~bids'shall: be sealed and~no bid` shall: be .received :after: -the - hour fixed';: rn :the-; ~notzce for ~ opening ~ of came : = All:-bids - received -by<~ they C. ty~'Manager -fip - to- ~Yie `time 'fixed` rin the notice for` of same shall be filed with the Board of Commissioner who may lets a contras:t to the best r~sgonsbleibidder=,-r and the- Bo~rd~ o~IEoinrnissroners shah `reserve` tne~~right to reject any::and- a11_::bids an~1r the, City "shall not b`ecomo ~legally~obligate~i~-ta-~purch°ase said sbunc~ system ~ until the•-~final-: adoption of., an a:utharizin~ ordinanCe~:rand: the. r~ execution of a contract. ~, t .~~. :- ~~-~~,~ "~~- ;:; ° _ _ _ _" `. SECTION 4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . _~ .. ~ - - _. r _ Mayor -_ ., - -~ - ~ - f Passed bye the .Bo~d~'of. Co"rnmissoner.~_ A~gst'_14;~ 1979~T~~ ~ _ .. _ _ . Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, August 14, 1979