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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNeed for Gaines Land315 A RESOLUTION RECITING THE NEED FOR ACQUIRING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO~ CLARENCE GAINES AND WIFE ; CLARA GAINES ," TO BE USED FOR THE COMPLETION" OF THE INTERIlVI` COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND:: PROVIDING .FOR"'AND' AUTHORIZING' THE CCrNDEM1VATION 'OF' SAME WHEREAS , a parcel of real estate is owned of record by Clarence Gaines` and wife-, Clara Gaines;; "and- is necessary for the completion of the Irite"rim Com- munity Development Plan, Application No. B-75HN-21-00009, arid' ~ ~~'-' -WHEREAS,:; he Urbane R,enewal~ and Community; Developmen# ~Agency, by resolution dated August' 2Y, 1979,; regirested~~institution'of Coridemnaton,proceedngs in its behalf, and ' ' WHEREAS , it does not appear that a purchase agreement can be reached -> at this tme° with the° owners of~- the ~ subject property , and WHEREAS; the~:Board of Comrrtissioners of the ~City~of Paducah,°°Kentucky, . ,. does therefore agree with the. request` of'ahe- Ur'ban' Renew'a1- and Coninunity Development Ageticy of the City of-Paducah , ~ Kentucky ,- that it wll~'be -necessary `to institute condemnation proceedings pursuant to the Kentucky Revised ` Statutes- to _,r. _. q P P tY . ..:.. .... .. . .. ac uire title to this > ° ro er ~ ~ ' ` ~~ ` ~ ~ ' ~' = = NOWT" 'THEREFORE; BE :IT~~RESOL~7ED: BY`~THE .BOAR.D-AF~:COMiVIISSIONER.S ;.: , OF THE . CITY: ~QF~ ~I?ADUCAH., -KENTUCKY: ~~ -- SECTION: -1..:. That the Assistant Corporation Counsel :be, Yard °he is here= by;, ordeped ands,directed tti institue cor~dexnrratibn -proceedin'gs .in thee,. NleCracken: Circuit: C-o~xrt against Clarence ~ Gaines and':wfe ,. Clara Gaines , ~ and any -and all p i other parties in iriteresfi ~to~ acquire: all: of: ~ther =right, ~ title and -interests in" tY"e s aubj eef property- owned:':by~ the ~~aforem-en~tioned . ~ - . ~ ,r ~ ~ -. - SECTION: 2: ~:. TYiat: the -parcel to be taken''is more-particularly -described'' as follows: ... :..,Lots: ,i~Tos.~'.5!~,~58' 5:9~ and. 6Oa, :.each fronting 40--feet on fNobdvv~ard Street and extending back for depth 133 feet, as shown by plat recorded in Deed Book "T", page 544, McCracken ~Coun-ty''Conrt~ `~ Clerk's Office . SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners August 2~, 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney , City Clerk , August 28 , 1979 .