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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Bldg Revenue Bonds (4)320
EE .ENT OF THE. - CLTY. _OF .P r „
E T WILL BE PAYABL, „ _. _ . _.
E - , t IBING T
,., ,_~
WHEREAS,, the, ,..,Board of,Educaton..of,Paducah-; :Kentucky., ;with: the approval
-. R;:--.
of the State Board of Education, acting through the State Department for Elementary
_, ,: , .
.:., -
and Secondary 'Education, has determined that there is an urgent need and demand
., ..- ,.- ~ .r,. .
for the undertaking of two substantial projects for the construction ~ of school build-
ings which will constitute (i) additions to the existing buildings at Tilghman Senior
High School and (ii) additions to convert Brazelton Elementary School to a Middle
School, both projects being in the Paducah School District, together with substantial
reconstruction of said existing school buildings; and in that connection the Board of
Education has agreed to convey to the City of Paducah the sites of the respective
construction projects as' provided by KR;S 162.120; and the City of Paducah and -this
Board of Commissioners. have agreed to aceepf one- or more conveyances df theschool
sites when tendered by the Board of Education, to authorize by Ordinance and
according to ~ the authority of KR;S 162':120 to 162.290 "City of Paducah School Building
Revenue Bonds ; .Series of October 1, 1979" , to provide the costs' of the construction
and reconstruction program, the fees of the Architects, the fee of the` Fiscal Agent,
capitalized. interest and other costs, such School Building 'Revenue: Bonds to be
offered by `the City at an advertised public" competitive sale; and '
WHEREAS , in conformity with the requirements of KRS 162.140 the Board of
Education: has agreed to : execute ~ with the City of :.Paducah - a ""Contract ~ of Lease ~: and
Rent" whereby the Board of Education wills lease said"sites ~ and the buildings to be
constructed ~-arid reconstructed thereonr fora periods of one-year, with ~exclusive~ options
to the- Board ~of Education to-renew the sa-me ..from' year tozryear. ,tfiereafter, 'for one'
year at a time, at rentals to: be~~payab~Ye semiannually: so: long as such lease ~instru=
meat is renewed .and remains in effect; sufficient ~to enable the City to' pay, solely
from such+ r"entais:;_ file principal of and interestcon the School =Building Revenue Bonds
which .the:' City has ;agreed tor.-issue , and :also the ~ costs of maintenance `and ~ insurance
of the properties, to the extent.-nox~~paid by' the" Boards of Education as lessee.;' and• "
the City and the Board of Commissioners' have agreed to ent.e~~~_into st%ch ''"Contract
of Lease and ~Renf" when `tendered acid found to. be in accordance with statutory
_ . _. _. _.
requirements; and : _. _ _ _ . -~ "_. . •
:: ~ - -WHEREAS;:-the plans a.nd~ specifications.prepared by the Ar%chitects have been
approved :by 'the ~Superintendent~ of:.Public~ Instruction= as required Eby ~KR,S ~162~.'150 ahd
filed in~.the' office of the -City-.Clerk:,::~and'~ because of the°pres_sure :of time as' herein-
after-;recited; the zB:©ard ~of~ Education-hasccaused advertisements to boypublished ~in
its own name. •soiiciting-the-: submission of .co.~npettiue construction bids.; ally in ~ the= '
manner rrequired by law . and: izn ~ the manners which they Cityitself ~ is "required to
follbwv~r~n. such matters;°~so: that~it:_is iri order for: the~City.~to agree that~it='will ratify
and contraets;award~d by they-Board of Education'on the•bass' •
thereof rand--. -- -. __. ~ .--~ -' -" .,--- _ :,. ~:~, .
-. -: ~_WH~EREAS • the Architects have ascertained t+o ~ theirsatisfaction ~ that ` by reason
af~,~contintzally increasing costs-_~of-labor-nnd materials attributable to inflation; con-
struction contractors will not submit bids -which~are firm'.for~'more than: sixty (60)
days; _. and ;in order: for -,the City-_to~ `enter ~~into construction contracts ~ p~ayable~ `from-`
bona-;proceed~S~ i~ is -necessar~,y -t~at:,the ~=prvspective:~School° Building Revenue> Bonds be
authorized, publicly sold, printed and delivered within such period of sixty (60) days
after the opening of the first construction bids; but nevertheless the amount of the
bond issue cannot be determined until the approval of the last of the construction bids,
presently in process of tabulation by'the ArcYiitects, so that it- is necessary to
determine at this time as many of the details and provisions ` of the `bond issue as may
feasibly be determined, `leaving the. 'amount ~-of the bond issue, "the maturity schedule
of the- bonds and. the amounts of the annual rental payments~to~°be made by the"`Board
of Education... to the, City under the terms of "the "Contract. of Lease and Rent" to be "~
determined in "the bond authorizing Ordinance when such detaz~ls are ava°ilable; alI
to the end that-<this Resoiution~ may^'be m'ade a matter of official record= in the" office of
the City Clerk and may be incorporated by2reference into the bond,:-authorizing Ordi-
Hance ; thus ~ shortening the text of such Ordinance and enabling the Board of Com-
missioners Yo give such bond Ordinance two readings, a week apart; as required by
KRS 89.590, to ~ "allow ten (10)~ days:- for the Ordinance to become effective after
adoption, to advertise the- public -sale of -the bonds according to KR,S" Chapter. 424,
to make an award of the bonds to the best bidder , to cause the bonds` to be printed
and thereafter executed and delivered, all within such period of sixty (6U) days; and
WHEREAS ; legal authority for the adoption of this Resolution as ~ an official
public record of the. City , -and for incorporation of the provisionsi hereof by reference
in the bond- authorizing: °Ordinance which- cannot be -prepared until a "later "date, ~ exists
in a decision "of the: highest Cpurt of the Commonwealth in the case of -"City of Hazard
v Collins (1947):;- 304 Ky:. 379, 200 SW2d 933,
.SECTION 1. The Board" -of Commissioners hereby agrees" to "cooperate in
~carrying~ out~the -proposed financing :of school= building projects upon the sites here
inafter described, according to the- plans and. specifications prepared by Architects
employed by the Board of Education and approved byahe -Superintendent of ~Publie
Instruction" and by-the~ Board .of Education. of Paducah; ~ this agreeinerii being con-
ditioned only upon the performance by the -Board of "Education of Paducah of all
actions required by KRS 162:120 to. 162.290 to be performed on its part:,. as herein-
after more particularly set forth, it "being clearly understood " and ' ogre°ed that. in the
issuance of School Building Revenue Bonds according to said Statutes the City
shall agree to pay 'the principal of and interest on the b"ondsfrom time to time solely
from a special fund consisting of" rentals -received by the "City from the leasing of •the
school- sites "and the buildings" to be constructed and'. reconstructed thereon; and' that
the City will not incur :any indebtedness to the holders ~of said bonds , or"of the
interest cou ons a ~ "
p ppurtenant thereto , in any manner' payable from -the general-'funds
of the City or from its tax revenues or from the exercise of its taxing powers . The
text of• each: bond ,shall; as hereinafter provided; and as~ provided in KRS 162.190,
clearly so -'state: - . , _ . ,,., - r. .. - :. .
• ~ ~SEC'TION 2. ` Nlor'e:sp.e''cifcally the Boarzt'°of Commissioners, =acting for the
City of Paducah, .hereby ~agr~ees: - ,~ ;.-,- ,.. .. ... .-
- ~ --(1) The--Board `of -Education .has .agreed,- as required by KR;S 162.120, that
it will execute and tender to the City one or more deeds whereby said Board will
convey- to the: Ci~y~:in fee simple~~,: free oftsll~-encumbran~ces~~~.and with. covenant of
general-warr~anty.of -title, .the- site~_of the two achool: propertes.° upon: which buildings
are sought to be constructed and reconstructed, the same being particularly
described, as follows: - - --
-:: Lots ~• 91 through -:16:,~~~:irrcli~ive , _~b1oc'k -~2 :nf Do~s~sett's:- subdivision ;:of the
City of Paducah as -'shown on ~ Plat Bovk ''D" ;` page 23 in the McCracken
County :Court Clerk! s :Office , -_ eaeh~ i~f~ said lots fronting 50 `feet on the
.South .side of Clark Street, ands extending back in a southerly 'direction
- - 200 feet~~to~'analley-and said `lots comisrising all~'th'at portion of•pro-
perty lying on the South side of Clark `Street between'24th' Street and
.. ..
25th Street n~ ahe~ ~~City. of ~ Padtzc ah : ; > - • .... c, • ~ : - . ~ . .
- -~r:ISots- '17" through 24,y ,inclusive,. Block l~. of rpossett's shown
" by~,glat of said subdivision recorded 'in~`Plat Book "'D" , page 23.; in the
. j, - : NIO.Crackeri 'County> Courts Clerk's Office ; ~ ~each~ of~ said:, lots fronfiing 50
feet on the North side of Clark Street and running back in a northerly
dir. ectiox~ 1&5 .feet :to . any alle ~'
y;_;and~~said lots=~:comprising•:all that portion
of property fronting on the North~~sde of Clark Street between 24th
. , .; 5treet~. and_- 25th .Street in they City of::Paducah. ~ ,,_;
,. ._
. :.. ~ ~ - . Traet IiI ~ . .
r.; Lots 2'° through a 21-; _ inclusive , of. O' H{ : -Shelton's ~ Addition _ rto the City of
Paducah, ° Kentucky; as` shown by plat "of 'said addition- recorded in Plat
~~:,Book,rrAn~ ;,pages~.184,'and 18.5`.~~ ._,1.±:,'..:,.:r - ,., - -. .... . -
Tract IV
~- Beginning at a point where. the ~South~!line~ of Lbt~-No~~l'~of: 0 H~.=~ Shel-
ton's Addition intersects the East line of theland of 'the `West End Im-
provement Company , being the same point where the South line of the
parcel -of ~ real. estate conveyed to E . J . Paxton by the West End _ Im-
provement Company by deed dated January 20th, 1925, recorded in
Deed Book 142,'page 372; `aforesaid Clerk's Office, intersects-the East
line of the land^• of the West.~End Improvement; thence" West~rardly with
the South line of the parcel of real estate sold by the '.West End' Im-
provement Company to E . J : Paxton to a point where the South line of
E . J . Paxton's parcel of real estate intersects the South line of the land
of the West End Improvement ~ Company in the East line of a 15-foot
alley in O . H . Shelton's Addition , common corner of Lot No . 2 of O . H .
_ - ~ , S~helton's Addition. ~and~ E .-~:J~: P~axtori's ,parcel ~:of • real• estat~e~; -'thence
East~rardly with the- South dine of,'theland: of the West End Improvement
': ~ Company: -to : a .point :where said line intersects the, forth 'line of Lot No .
" 4 of O . H . Shelton's Addition; and thence in a Northerly direction on
with tYie East -line of the land .ref :the-~West~ Erid~ Improvement ~Coiripany to
the point of beginning. -
.. _...;.... , Tract. V ~ ~ _... ,, :: _
Also, all that property heretofore included in gallstreets ~ and alleys in
Paducah, Kentucky, in the area bounded on the South by the North
line of Adams Street and the said North line of Adams Street, if
extended, on the east by the west line of 23rd Street, and the said
West line of 23rd Street, if extended, on the north by the South nine
of Washington Street, and on the west by the East line of 25th Street,
except, however, the alley extending from the east line of 25th Street -
to the west line of 24th Street, and situated between Washington and
Clark -Street, and •except that portion of`24th Street between"-the South
line of said alley, if extended, and the South line of Washington
Street. Said former streets and alleys reverted to YGrantor. upon clos-
ing of same by judgment entered in the McCracken Circuit Court on
"the 1"6th-day: of`-February 1954, -in an ~etion styled "City:-of Paducah
vs . Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky" .
Being, in part, the same property conveyed to the City of Paducah,
Kentucky ~- by; the Board- of~ Education of° Paducah, Kentucky, by 'deed
dated the 20th day of February, 1954, recorded in Deed Book 246, at
-- - _ page- 28'9:; ~in the office of the Clerk- of ahe~ County Court of McCracken
County , Kentucky .
(To Be Converted into a Middle School) - ,
- _-
Tract I , .-
Beginning at a point where the northerly line of Adams Street intersects
with the easterly line of Lovelaceville (Lone Oak) Road; thence along
the easterly:-~line of Lovelaceville Road 398':4Yfeet:more or less°to the
-- -- -southwest;.-corner-~;of property '~a~r~owrred-by+~Team Supplg; Inc.-;: thence
`. at an interior °angle~ of appro"Ximateiy. 11T degrees` .44 minutes along the
_. -; _ ,southeasterly. iirxe~: af:pa~operty~ _ow~ned-~ by.: Team :Supply, :Inc . ;° X20:8_. 42 feet
to a point; • thence at an interior angle- of '90 degrees 39 minutes .and along
-~ the ~1aste~3y.--~ine~ ~o~ property-~awtned ~by~ Tream"Supply; Inc :. , in a north-
westerly direction 162.7 feet to -the `southerly' line: _of Clark: Street; thence
along the southerly line of Clark Street in an easterly direction 400.3 feet
to a point in the westerly line of property owned by A. Allen (same be-
ing 30 feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 8, Block 30, as shown by
plat of -the' West End Improvement Company :found in the' McCracken Cir-
~: cut. Court ..Or.der:Book~~YYYY- Page 278A):,~•.thence al .right angies in a
southerly- direction and with =tYe westerly -line of. A . "Allen 15$ : 68 feet;
.:,-:the:nee~in -pan .;ea~te~ly _~direetion°,--alorig.~ the ~sautherly~~hne of property owned
=- bye A Alen -arid -parallel to `Clark Street 183.03 feetmore ors lea's to a
~p~oirrt-~29 ;3~ ;feet; ;beyond the :southeast corner of~ A ::>.41Yen;~ thence : at an
interior angle of approximately 19- degrees and yin a westerly direction to
a point on the easterly line of the tract formerly owned by Terrell; thence
at right angles in a southerly- direction 27.5 feet, more or less , to the
northerly line of a public alley; thence along the northerly line of said
- ~ alley in -;a~ westerly ~ direction 644.'63 feet;. hence' at right angles and in a
--southerly-drecton 165-feet~to-;thy-northerly~lirte`~of Adams~8treet:; thence
at right angles along the northerly ,line 'of: Adams Street 'in a;westerly di-
rection 340 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Being the same property conveyed to Board of Education, Paducah, Independ-
ent School':Distriet `by the following.: deeds- of .record in the- office of the
-~~ ~1~eCraclten-~County,~,CourtiClerk; ~ - .. ,r~;-:- ~ ... ..
---Date - _ ,, .; ~~. .-_ .., ~ .. ; Deed hook/Page Number _
- ,, March ~7.:,~--1~9~65 ~,;.- , . .:- .,; : -~- = 465 .. ~- ~ : 83,.- -
December 18, -1925 °" 148" - 344- '
AprSiY 15;.:124 - : - - ;:~ ..-~~:~ ; ,..- 1~8, r-= ~_ -.466 ; .:, ~ - ,
'pctober 10; 1873 " - X' = 72
-. ~ _- - : Tract `-II _,
Being Lots No . 34 -~ No :: 35 , No-.- 3 6"~ and No . - 37 , iri the Schmaus Addition
-~-~-, to;the Crity .~of; Padixcah,_ Kentue~y; asr~sYiowri~ by ~a :ghat recorded°:in Plat
-Book "A"; pages i90~191; in the-::Office of the .McCracken~C'ounty Court
~tClerk-and fronting 200 feet;~on`xhe Norfih~:si<de of: Ad~a.ins Street and extend-
-- ing northwardly a uniform width "of 150: feet to the "south line- of a 15 foot
public alley. -;~~~_~. ~~ .. ~y
Being the same property conveyed° 'to Board of Education , Paducah Inde-
pendent School District by the following deeds of record in the office of
>tYier McG~racken -County C~ourt_~Cerkr ~:' ~. ~ ,,
. _, ., _ _:
-Date ..... ... . .. . .. :_ ,: _,., _ . . ~ Deed Book/Page Number
,.,. -March .1, 1965.: ;_ .: ~r~~._,_ ,... ._s 465: --:, .: :80..-. ~,. ; : _. . ;:•- ,
July 14, 1952 602 - 424
. - -r-: -. .-: .:;.:1,97:9::. _..- _ ._. ~~ - - .,. ~ c;. ~. ; .
:~Tra.cts;lfand~~~II .are: separ~ated~ by two-intersecting publicalleys, -one'of ,
which fronts 20 feet on Adams Street and extends northwardly a uniform
- ~ -width>:of:.2D- :feet for a: distance 'of. ~ 165 ~ feet where it ~ meets perpendicularly
a second public alley which runs parallel to Adams Street and which
`~ : - extends. a uniform .~nridth~ of =,15~zfeet- along the .northerly-line of •Tract IL
for a distance of 200 feet.
_ _. is _
The foregoing Brazelton School Site , comprising Tracts I and II , being
the same propertesr-conveyed .to.~the :City >of Paducah, Kentu%eky;: by the
Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, by Deed dated the day
~~ of: S~eptemher;.,1979;.reearc~ed in, Doed Book ~ .., <,,,, at page ,
in the office of the County Court of McCracken County , Kentucky .
:,; ;hr's ~ ,, _ - _ ,.
When such deed or deeds are tendered to the City the same shall be accepted
and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to cause each of them to be recorded in the
_ ...
- -. ___ ..,.., ,.., r_ .,__ _.. .. -. .,. ~, .,
office of the Clerk of the County Court of McCracken County, Kentucky.
(2) The Board of Education has agreed, as required by KRS 162.140, that
it will execute and tender to the City a lease instrument which may be designated
"Contract of Lease and Rent" in the customary manner , the same to conform to
_ _ .,; _ .,
statutory requirements by providing that the Board of Education leases from the City
the above-described sites and the school buildings existing thereon, and to be con-
. , -:
structed and reconstructed thereon, for a period of one year, with exclusive options
to the Board of Education to renew such lease thereafter from year to year, for one
year at a time, until the final maturity date of the bonds authorized by the Ordinance
to be adopted by the Board of Commissioners according to authority of KRS 162.170,
et seq. , and in accordance with the details hereinafter set forth. Said lease instru-
~~,, .. - -
ment shall also provide that so long as the same is renewed by the Board of Edu-
cation and is continued in force the Board of Education will pay to the City rentals,
in cash, in such amounts and at such times as will enable the City to pay, solely
from such cash rentals, the principal of and interest on the School Building Revenue
.,,,,r . .._ __~ _.. r .. - ... _ .-
Bonds issued by the City, as and when the respective bonds and interest coupons
., ,,...t, .- ... _ .~ _ ,~ . _, ~ .
... _..
become due from time to time; and the Board of Education shall additionally agree
.. ~ - _ -;
that it will from its own resources pay, so long as the lease instrument is renewed
- -
and remains in force, all costs of maintaining the school properties in good condition
,. _., ..._.._ ,,_...r .. -. , ..
and the cost of insuring the same against fire , windstorm and all of the hazards
covered by the standard comprehensive or extended coverage endorsements, such
insurance to be in the full insurable value of the improvements upon said sites, to be
for the benefit of the bondholders, and to be written in the names of the City of
...,, ...r.., ... .,._ ..._ ... _.. , .,. ,,
Paducah and the Board of Education of Paducah and the bondholders, as their
respective interests may appear , all premiums therefor to be paid by the Board of
Education. Additionally said "Contract of Lease and Rent" shall provide that from
and after the first date when the School Building Revenue Bonds are subject to
redemption at the option of the._City, the- Board of Education may prepay-rent, cause
the then outstanding bonds': to be- -calved for redemption and retired, and-=obtain a
reconveyance of the sites and all- improvements thereon from<. the City to the Board
of Education. free ~ anet: cleaxh:~ ofs-a~li ~-elains-.•:of ~the`~bondholtlers; Eby • praying to ahe City
an.amount ~ta -enable the :City to• :cull and :redeem ~ all of ~ahe then
outstariding~ bonds:,:=including interest t~~ the'redempfiinri ,date and• the proscribed
redemption premium as hereinafter set forth; and said instrument shall also assign
to each ofi the ~ twoschool :properties, an estimated,! ~percentage• : of :the • total af~nount
of the bond is sue representing , as ~ nearl3r ` as- may abe , -the ~ amount of . bond ~ proceeds
to be expended on each site, and shall grant to the Board of Education options to
purchase and re-acquire title to any or all of said described tracts , and the improve-
ments thereon, upon paying to the City an amount of money sufficient to enable the
City to call, redeem and retire that specified percentage of the bonds then outstand-
ing, in order that the Board of Education may re-acquire such title in the event of
• a..~ _ ~:
damage or destruction to the improvements thereon , or in the event the Board of
Education shall desire to initiate the issuance of a new and separate issue of bonds
for construction or reconstruction of further improvements thereon, all as hereinafter
When the Board of Education tenders to the City one or more executed copies
of a "Contract of Lease and Rent" meeting the above requirements , together with
evidence that the same has been duly authorized by the Board of Education according
to law , the same shall be executed in the name and on behalf of the City by the
Mayor, attested under seal by the City Clerk, and the City Clerk is directed to cause
the same to be recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of McCracken
_._ .._ -
County, Kentucky.
.. - --
(3) The Board of Education having tendered to the City a contract made by
the Board of Education with Gresham-Keeling-Jones, a firm of licensed Architects,
.. .~
. _ ~ _ _.
having their place of business at 1203 Broadway, Paducah, Kentucky, under the terms
of which said Architects have been employed to prepare the plans and specifications
for and to supervise construction and reconstruction of the school buildings upon the
site of Paducah Tilghman Senior High School, hereinabove described, and such con-
tract having been examined and found to be satisfactory as to form and substance,
the City of Paducah hereby approves and adopts said contract and agrees to the
terms and conditions thereof; provided, however, all compensation payable to the
Architects thereunder and all expenses to be reimbursed to them thereunder shall be
paid to them by the City solely from the proceeds of the School Building Revenue Bonds
-. --
and shall not be a liability of or payable from any other resources of the City of
Paducah. Said contract of the Architects may be~ endorsed to show this approval and
acceptance: by ,the -City, -and- the Mayor is hereby °.authorized to sign such endorsement
in -the name arid= on behalf of the :City :with his signature. attested° under: seal°by rthe
City Clerk:°~ r:, _,,... ,_ .. ., _.. .. _.
-~ X41- ,~ The Board bf iEducation having-: tendered the: City : ~ _ contract ~~made by
-the Board,of Education with Gresham-Keeling-Jones; Architects, having--their place
of -business~~,at : x:203 Broa. dway ; ;Paducah ; Kentucky , - under- the:: terms of which- contract
said' Architects :have been ~~:employed _ to- prepare ~.the:::pians and sp-ecifications for :and to
supervise-;~ans~tructign and,~:reconstructian ro€ the -s-drool. buildings upon the site of the
Brazelton .Elementary-; School ~ ; Yiereinabove = des:crihed;~ and such -contract' having been.
examined-`and found to-be satisfactory=-as-to form and substance, the City of Paducah
hereby approves :and:- adopts said- contract and agrees to the .terms and.conditions
thereof;- provided>--however:;-~a11:; c~ampeneation .payable: to `:the r~Architects~thereunder
and- all expenses -to- bereimbursed ao-.them-` thereunder- shall: be paid to' them b_y ahe
City solely from the proceeds of the School Building Revenue Bonds :and shall not`
be . -a liability Hof or payable-from any- other resources of the City of Paducah . Said
contract of -. the Architects mag b-e endorsedt to show this : approval~~, and ~ acceptances by
they • City-; end the -,A!fayar is:--hereby -authorized- .to signs such-. endorsement in the : name
and~-on behalf :of;the ~Cty -.withchis-signature~atrtested: under._ seal: -by the ~Eity ~Cierk:~~~
:,,-(.53~ ,,:The :Board ;of~~Education Yraving:;tendere~d~to:.xhe City; a fiscal. agency con-
tract madeY by , the~_ Board.: of:-,Education Tnrrth~ J : J : B .:. Hii~liard,::; _~ W : L : hyons , r.Inc :: , .a ~..
licensed: ;Municipal-Bond -Dealer having: offices ins houisvillt~ and:,Paducai~~;: Kentucky.;.: for
its services~sand E ,expenses in providing financiai° advice :concerning the--amount of:::the
bond issue-~thei~details th~reo~f,:~:~the -offerin.g .tYrereof at~pttbli~ saao, the preparation. of
a proper: , "Offi~cial~ Stateraient~'~-to =17e:. furniah~d ~ to `lprospectiv~'- bidders:providi~ng~ to:° them
all information necessary and pertinent to-a'proper-:evaluation.-of~ahe bonds';: and, -~
employing -at- the =Fiscal Agent's~-expense recogni-~d Bond :Cduns.el to:^'prepare ordinances ,
resolutions; -deeds+and~,other; instruments involved, said fiscal agency>ebntract is
hereby apgrowed ~ and .adopted - by~ the ~City~ ~p:rovided ; -hoinrever ; :that ,the . compensation
of theC,Fiseal Agent- thereunder.- shall-: axe;- pay~.ble solely ;~ronn ~tl~e ~ proceesls_.of the:~~SChool
Building-;Revenue, Boxrds;; when ~-actuall~r -redeived ,byi the City; ~~and~~shall not -chrrstitute
a labili:ty-of:'the ~City-~pay.-abie from a~iy;.otherrre~so~rces~~of~:tle- Citylw3atsoever..,_ ~ Sard
contract ;af ~ the= Fi:scai :Agent may be=rendorsed ~to-shdw~ this..approval ~-and .acceptance
by the;-;City,, °and;the.Mayor: is..herebyaufhorized :torsign~sueh. endor-sement~: in~ahe~• -°
name: ~ anal on: -behalf of the City ~ with his -sgnature:attested und~er~ seal by' tyre .'City: Clerk .
;.,-(_6~ :The`:Board:-o~,;Educatiunz-having tendered=to~:the City ,proper ancl~.,"-. ,:
sat~sf~ac.Cory, e~ridenc~> has: caused-:advertrsem~rrts: to -~be .pubslished :in r~s:~o~in : :
name: >solieta~g--the~.s~zbmission ;o€ -bads ~ for the~;constructiom:'of-~tlie ~.two;-sep~arate~~pro=~
j acts for the construction and reconstruction of school buildings upon the sites here-
in described; m allrespects in .accordance with the manner in which the City itself
is required by law- to advertise in that respect, -the Board of . Commissioners of the
City hereby approves and accepts such evidence and hereby adopts and ratifies the
Baard's .solicitation= -of construction bidsthereunder; and `the' City hereby agrees
that- as a' -matter~:of convenience' and-in ~order~ to save time the Board of "Education may
`award construction ~:contracts on -the basis thereof ; to ~the~ respective' -bidders deter'-
mined by the Board of ~ Edueation,~~to be the respective lowest and best bidders . The
Board of ~Edzication may tender to the Board of Commissioners the- construction con=
tracts w:hch`it.awards on-the basis of such advertised competitive lettings, 'and the
Board:: of Commissioners agrees that the City will at~ that: time: adopt sand ratify "such
construction. contracts ; and` peach of them , as, contracts of 'the City:; but -for payment
of the- amounts .due- thereunder fromtime to time ° solely from the proceeds of School
Building Revenue Bonds- to ~be issue-d •by' the City, and not-from any other resources
of the City whatsoever .
"' . - TYre`~respec#ive construction contracts may be written: in the first instance in
the name. of the City of Paducah-, whereupon the same shall be signed in the name- and
on~ behal o -the City by the Mayor:;' attested.~under seal by the `City Clerk; or: -such
contracts may 'be written. in they first ~nstance~ in the Warne'` of~ the Board of Education,
in -which event.. they ~may'be endorsed+to• show adoption `:and ratification thereof by
the Cit `"
y, in whrch event the endorsement shall be~executed in' the name~'and on be=
half ' of the ° City. by they Mayor-;- attested u°nder seal by the ° ~Ctq Clem . ` -In 'eitYer
event- an° executed copy of each- contraet:, ~~together with evidence of: they =proper
solicitation of construction` bids*by advertising as hereinabove recited shall be filed
in the: office of the City 'Clerk and preserved gas public records° of-the • City as in
the case of `a.nyi other.'contracts :executed by the City.
SECTIOfiT 3 . - ~ When all of .tyre actions and events described in paragraphs
(1) , - (2~}~,- and-• (6) ~ of, Section 2 of this Resolution shall have been performed and
accomplished , the .Board of Commissioners :her'. eby ~~agrees that it -will adopt an
Ordinance authorizing he issuance of Sch~oT Building Revenue Bonds according to
the authority Hof. -KRS~ 162 :1'2"0 to r16~2'. 29'0,` inclusive°; ° in =such aggregate -principal
amount . as the Board" of Education may<°raquest- in order to provide for the payment
of all costs of t=he 'three° school building construction and reconstruction projects `
upon the sites-: hereinabove :described: ~ Said` bonds sliali be designated "City Hof
Paducah School Building Revenue Bonds ; Series: of October 1, 1979" ; shall be dated
October 1, 1979 ;~ shall consist of - rie~gotiab3e coupon :bonds in the`' denomination of
$5, 0:00- each, .:and:: shall bear interest af: such rate or~ rates as may be' established by
the Bgar..d of Commissioners=in a resolution to be adopted upon the 'occasion of `the
advertised public sale:'of said • bonds gas hereinafter provided.; and upon the basis of
competition among'the bidders: as hereinafter provided~~ such- interest: to-~the~ respec--
tine: maturity' dates ::of 'the= bonds t©~ be-evidenced -~by appurteriant::interest ,co~uporr :.:
payabie-'- sbiniannua3ly~on:=.April ~i and<~O~eto~er Yc:of~~>each-year, : comiaen~ngc~A~pril . l,• -
1980: ' Said ~~bonds -shall ~ bei caused-• to mature ~serixll in :various T~amsrunts" ors _ ::.~ .._ -;
October 1 of each year; -conimercing ~October~;~l; 19$:0; :-actor-din:g:to a~:mat~z~rty~:~ ~~
sch~eduie: which Y~a11- be ~ as~ requested by the -$aard Krf Education -and ~whcYi shall be
set .forth in~tle Orciirramee :authori2ing:issuan~e~~of--the-:bonds provided; ~however~;~.
the -City sY~all -reserve° the option to call anal:redeem ~ the 'bonds:. Hof-staid series maturing
on and after October 1, 1990, or such: ;of :may ~f~e'::czuts#andin,g-<from -time -to time,
prior to ,maturity.;.~on any interest•spayznhnt:rlate_ort~:or:~,after~ October. 1; ~~989, as a whole
-.or from" time -to~ time': in :.part in :the= :inverse=; order of -aheir: rnatu~rty .(less' ;tha,~'_,alhof a single
~~ ' 7riaturity~ Ito _be~ ~iot~) ; c~anti "in tiie°~event-::any ~f ~ssaid~bonds_,-to- be redeemed,
~it- shall be_:agreecl~;that~:thereishallr-beepaid~ito~the-,:Yrolder:~~of~~ea~h.-bond:[upon: surrender
thereof a premium , in addition to principal and to the interest then , ~accrueds sand evi-
dented:: by:~.nterest coulrons; =such premium: being • stated as. --a: ger~cent -of ~th_e principal
amount;.•~as foll~o°w•s:_--~~1 _ :-rr; . .~ . _ - - ,~:~ .~~,~ ~. . __ ._;r- _. ~ : - ....
r, ~ ~ ~fl: fr,redeei~tted=: on:~r~: after •:Oetaber ~L, ~198.9~;:~•an~i bn or:~p~iQn to : ~::
October 1, 1995;
2 o if redeemed on or after April 1, 1996, and on or prior to
r~, .~etober:.i;,`2001;~anri' ._ ~ ____ r;_ , ~ __. -.. .,., . _ ,~. -r ,,,-• . .., •r~..
. _:. - T - . 3 0 ~ if redeemed ~ on ` or' ~ after .April; 1: 2 fl02 : ands:p-riarr, to fnat--matur~ty_-, .: rt=,:
.. ~ ~ 1~Totice of -such'.r..e~demprtion;::~rdentify3ng~ -they bonds~~to be>sed.~eemed; -shad ~be-
given by publication, at least once, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the red-emp-
tion~: date,, n-~ a~-newspaper~~ of.general °:cir.culation throughout I~entucky~;.'and in the case of
:ate b~c~xrds . toy bae: redeemed ~-which ~may.~ at ~ ~tteh time ~;be rregistere~l~-~as:~tci.~ p~ri:n~cip~al ~in~; the
m~arxer :ht*reih Fpravided:; by: s sendng-f a -colay of .-such ~,natiee _:by~:- registered ~°2nai1 ~; vr-;-certi-
fied rr~ail ~>t~ the~~ then~registere:d: rh~older :-oi; each bond -to _b:e redeem-ed;,. prrnrded~-; however ,
tliat;ariy ~faii~ur~e°:to:,:defect.Cherein-shall,not:-affect-tlze>vsalidity
and ~ 3effectivex~•ess= of°~ the. ~ redemptivrr °pro~ceedings i~~:jnotice~> by =p~xblication is~ giveri~,n
proper sand ~ tirnely-~fashiorr • as:~~set ,:orxt ~ abovi~; Kand: if ~ all redeemed are then
registered-,- anid~ ~~iot~ce--by _ registered-r~or~cer-tified `mail is duly- given ~ then. publication
of.the'-redemp:tion.;rie~tice-r-r~eed-.-not ~ie~:made:::~ Band~~sa~.calied for~~redemptvn,-,rand~.for
the payrneivt: ~o£:-whichr^f~nds~>are..d~uiy ~provided-~i.n-: accordance ,with ~.a:ny ?such:_noti~e~~shall
ceas~e~ toy b:ear:-~:interest-:after:the-:,dds:gnat~ed;redemption~-~latea .. _ :~ : .._,._fi:Kr:~<<< • ._ ~-
t . - ~ ~r;SE~3~lf?N .;~4~:-~ Botha prix~i~al : of-,and: nte~est_: on:: saiel -bonds sha•11 be°:~pay~ble
in la~.uful:.-money -of _the-:: United;T&tates;~a~ ifrmericar;at:.-~the :pirncpab°office-'.of•,:The- Peoples
First -l~atiorral-Bank:&~~Trrxstr;Company.~., :.n;the-Ci4~;of~:-Paducah;, dientucky, xa~:~ba~rk,~zn-
suredY,by Federal _i~eposit:Insurance Corgar-aton ~(i~iere-inafter: referred_to-,~a~:°"E~I~")`a
Each of said bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the reproduced
facsimile of the signature of the Mayor , sealed with the reproduced facsimile - of the: seal
of the City and attested by 'the 'reproduced' facsimile= of the si;gnature.° of the City Clerk;
and additionally efther~ the Mayor- or -the City-Clerk ~shall validate- each :bond by.'manual
signature.- The~~interest coupons<attached to_ said bonds shall °be executed with the re-
produced 'facsimile signatures of th'e -Mayor and the 'City Clerk . •
' If any of the officers whose 'signatures or .facsimile signatures -appear on the
bonds. or~coupons •shali cease to be such officers before'-the delivery of"the bonds, the
• signatures and facsimiles shall, nevertheless , :be valid for all" purposes , the same as
if the officers-`-had-remained°n •office until-delivery.
-Any .bond issuable hereunder may be signed, Baled or attested on behalf
of the City` (by facs~:rriile signature; or manual 'signature, :as herein provided) by any
person who `at -the actual date of theexecution of such bond is~•the proper officer of- the
City of •Paducah; notwithstanding that at the date of such action such person shall not
have -been such officer .
ATl bf said bonds; together with •interest thereon;: and any additional -bonds
ranking on a parity therewith which may be issued and outstanding from time to~ time
under the restrictions and conditions hereinafter "set forth.,. shall. not constitute an
indebtedness of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, but shall be secured by and shall
be payable solely out of the "City of Paducah School Building Revenue Bond and
Interest Redemption Fund -'S`eries of October 1, 19'79", hereinafter created, and the
revenues from•°the: use and occupancy of-rthe: aid school buildings pledged to said - _.. _ _,.. ~ ,. ~ ~ .-
`. SECTIQl~ 5. Each ~of said b'onds' shall -be ~ fully negotiable, provided that
upon presentation of anyof-said bonds at~_the office of~the City Treasurer, such bonds
may be' 'registered as to~ principal 'in the name of, the-holder .thereof on Books which
shall be kept::.for"'that purpose, ~whicl registration shall be noted .on:~ the.: back: of the
bonds so registered, and thereafter' the~~ principal Jof the bonds so~ registered -shall be
payable 'only to •the: registered 'holder, his legal ~repre~senfative orb>assign~s~. B"onds o
registered may be transferred to another similarly registered `holder upon presen-•
tation~=to the•~said Treasur'er~ with a- legal `assignment duly acknowledged, or proved;
and may ~be r~e~stored° to negotability,~by being in like manner regiatered~~as before.
Registration~''of~any of~ said -bonds as to` principal shall not- affect the negotiability
of the appurtenant coupons , and such coupons. shah` .continue to' bey =transferable by
delivery, Each and'': every successiveholder of ariy or all of said bonds` during
such. time' as they" are payable to bearer , an'd such Yiolder of ~ each -•of the' coupons
appurtenant thereto ; - shall' be conclusively ~presumed~ to -forego ~ and ~ renounce. his or'
their equities in favor of subsequent holders~~for value °withoizt notice, and' to agree
that said :bonds' while so° p:ayabie` to bearer.,: r•artd~ each of the coupons appurtenant
thereto, -may ~b~e negatiated~: and • transferred. by ~-delivery by ° any person=~ having
pds~s~essdon,~thereof`.:howsoever ,-s~e~i-po~session~ ma.y: ~Y~aue--been: acquired, ~aneY than -
~ainy hold-erwho shalY~ ha~e,rtaken~anyof ~said:bonds~-or any: of th~~~c6upoirsffrom~ ~a~y
person fc~m value'e -thereh'y hs.s ~~a~ciur-re`~i~~-alisaltlte 'title ttY~ereto,~rf~ee
from ~anyclefen~e~.sYenforc~able agaiYt~sti atny-'=~r-~or~-lrolder_~a~`~ free°~~fror~-~a~ll ~eq~ities~
and-r claims:- o~ ;`owner~shpi:~f~: ~.ny~~ such p~iar hoirle~ :: ~~ _ .. . ~., _ r . .; ,. -.~ ., , :. , _.. ;
SECTION 6. Upon ther-receipt` by=:the=City of'evid~nee~ staisfa~tory.~tc•-if
of; theT-los~:~theft;.~d~stru~tior or ~muti:latrom~~of sny .outstanding-bancl- ar`:bonds issued
- antler- th'~ribondi ~aLithoriz~ang-O~rli~nrance ,-=~r%d Hof 3n~emniftyl=satisfactory- to the`'-City;' ~ "
and upon-:-surrender' and.,canceYlation of ~s~zc~~ bohd or :boride ifs mutilated;"the City`
may.exeaute~and there--inay~ be delivered;°~a~ new-•.~:borrd orbonds.'•af=l~ke~~~tei~c5r-,,~ ` ~ r~
maturity;~iirrtferestr~ate a~rud numbering:in ~lzeur.df Tstrch~~:lost;~=:stolen, `~lestr~byed=.or: °~~ ='
• mutilated. bond °or-.~lxond's.; ~ and -:ead~h ~~sue~ rre~d~ lictnd~shall= bye==entitled ~ tzr . the Ysame ' _
security. arid~~source ~f p~:ymentras^~the.~°b~orr~~.-whi_ch pit :r~gfaces: ~~Eaeh. su°c1~=•=new"- ~~-~
bond::uray-';bear~~ suctr endor~s~einent,..1f any.;rra.s~~.xi~ay be~~deemed necessary to'-'~vi~dene
that-it ~has'.be=en>~issu~d,~i~s lieu-.ofr;a:`Tlost:;~~toren;-.:..destroyed.or uti~ated incl.'=~ The
City.may_-r_equiru::thespaynr~nt::°of=the expenses~~ irl~[zrred by=-~tlt~e lCity' ~~ coririectior
therewith. In the event such destroyed or mutilated bonds, or any of them; ~ shall be
~::due _ ~hd~~-pa~rable within a:~ neasa~able• thire~raftdr no~ti:ce= Ito the- ~Ci:ty-~o~f ` s~~h destruction
or ~inutilatcrn;~~he-7Lity~~ay; ::by agreenent~~v~rith •th'e~:~claiman~,'~`wtY~=`dike seeurit~ pro-
visione-_to ~proSeet°4fihe ~•City. =from.~~in~ss , _ ren#er~ rFta ~~a ~writteh==agreement `-to pay` ~tYie~ bonds
rand couporrsr wizen> ~-d°ue ; =instead>:af :causing.-r~. bird ors bes~ncls' to iae manufactured Ladd
delvere~drn;-a~eur°'thereo£: ~',~. -;r;.,~ .., r~`. ,~.. :. _ _: _ ~r . ~- :~ ~ ~ ; - _.... ..-.
-+~-~~, ` - ~•- SE.CT•ION~~7~ _r,Tha.# said~bontY~~ andr coup~zsms -~cncl provisYons-fora-megistratiori
shall bye `inr substantially they fol~lnwing forms:} . ~~ :._~_> ~- ; : s:: x .: r_= :~ n - ~ r . ~ ~s ; ci ; .. .
~.; ` .- -^.•r r : 4°' . "+ _,: T' .> .fa.3 . ??:'~. `~"~ ~~~(F SB~O }... I.. - f..., ,. .r~.n. •.:.~~? ., s _. _:.
UNITED STATES"OF~i,~lf/IRRICY~~=-=~;'s°re:: ~.~-,.,_.. ;-~°+~:,r.~ ...
,~; n j. - -, ;_~:-. , r -, -: ~ ~= s a C:I TY ~ <I'ADi1G~iI~ - - .. _ .., .... .:
.._ __ _ .... . '.._v .._ .. .. i ~ y
... . „ .
_ : ,~.
-it'. ":;$5,000:0'0;`
KNQW:~ALL:~ ME3~Yc~BYz~THESE= P~:ES~I'~T'S`.~= ; -_ ~ .p~ i,,, ~ rj ~-
That the City of Paducah, Kentucky, acting by and through its Board of
Commissioners as its governing body, for value received, hereby promises to pay to
the bearer, or if this bond be registered to the registered holder hereof, solely from
the special fund herein referred to, the principal sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5, 000)
on the 1st day of October, and in like manner from said special fund to pay
interest on said sum from the date hereof until payment of principal at the rate of
per cent ( ~) per annum, semiannually on the 1st day of April
and October in each year,- commencing April 1, 1980, except as the provisions
hereinafter set forth with respect to prior.; redemption may be and become-applicable
hereto, such .interest as may accrue on"-and prior to .maturity Hereof to be >paid only
upon.. presentation -and. surrender Hof the annexed interest coupons as the same
severally mature;-`both' principal and interest. being-payable iri lawful moneSr of the
United States of America at the principal office of-The .Peoples:First National Bank
& Trust--Company-, in• the City of- Paducalr;' Kentucky.
- - ~ This bond is one of an authorized series of bonds numbered consecutively
from-- l to- 660;~ inclusive, issued by said City pursuant: to an Ordinance duly adopted
by its Board af -Commissioner,s for- the: pttrpo'se of :paying the costs of ~_c~onstruction of
new school buildings- and ahe substantial:reconstruction" of existing school buildings
upon the sites of Paducah Tilghman Senior >High School; and of the Brazelton
Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as the "school buildings") ; with necessary
appurfienances, in the. Paducah School District:, `in •said City; as more fully set forth
and- identified in ,said- Ordinance,- under and in full compliance with the Constitution
and Statutes 'of the Commonwealth `of Kentucky , 'including among others; Sections
162;.120 to 162.29:0; inclusive, of the Kentucky Revised Statutes., `now`n full force '
and effect .
- Said City-Yiereby reserves the rights and option: to caTY"'and' redeerri the bonds
-of said --series maturing on and after -October 1; 1990; 'as may from time -to: dine "be
outstanding; prior .to maturity, on any interest..payment-date.-on or_Aafter Oc#ober~ 1,
19.89; as -a whole; or from "time: to time in part in 'the- inverse order "of their-.maturity
(less than all of a single maturity to be selected by lot) , and in `the event any of said
bonds are toy be redeemed it is agreed that there 'shall: be paid to the holder of each
such bond, upon surrender thereof, a premium in• addtioiY to principal anal to the
interest then accrued and evidenced: by inter"es"t"'coupons, in a sum which is expressed
as a percentage of principal; gas' fo7aows:'
3 o if redeemed on or after~Octbbe'r 1-, 1989, and on or prior to
October 1, 1996; ~ `_ ~.,. , ;.''~ ,:~:
L 45.
2% if redeemed on or after April 1, 1996, and on or prior to
October 1, - 2001; and
1% if redeemed on or after,~:Aprl 1,'2U02, and prior' to final"
maturity .
Notice of such redemption , identifying the bonds to be redeemed , shall
be given by publication at least one time, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the
redemption date, in a newspaper of general circulation throughout Kentucky; and by
registered or certified mail to the then holder of each registered bond to be re-
deemed; provided, however, that any failure to give notice by mail or any defect
. _:;~-,
therein shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the redemption proceedings
if notice by. publication is given in proper- and timely fashion as set out .above; and
if_ all of the _ bonds ao be redeemed. are :then registered,. and notice by ,register-ell or _ .
certifies mail is duly given, .then publication. of the notice of .redemption need ...not be
made,. All such bonds thus .called for redemp-tion and for the,. retirement of which
funds are duly provided- shall cease to bear interest on such. redemption .date .
This bond and the .series -of which it for-rns a part and any additional bonds
ranking on a parity,. therewith,. which -may be issued and. outstanding from time to.
time under ,the restrictions and.- conditions.. set-.forth in said Ordinance do not con-
stitute an indebtedness of .the City of Paducah,.. Kentucky, and. are.. not payable from
its -general fund or taxes., but- ar-e payable. only from and- secured by a first .lien upon
the gross. income and revenues ,to be derived- fr-om leasing. the. school buildings and. .
appurtenant . facilities , the.. amount. of..which revenues shall. be :sufficient to pay the. -
principal of and interest :on said bonds as and when the same become.. due and ;payable ,
and which .shall be set aside as a.. special fund, pledged for, that .purpose. and .... . -
identified-. as the. "City ;of Paducah- School .Building Revenue. Bond :and, Interest
Redemption. Fund-- -Series of October .1,.,179". _ Said~City covenants.ahat it will., ,
fix, .and charge- such rates and .,will -account for income .and revenues.: from aid school
buildings and appurtenant facilities, , sufficient.. to. pay promptly= the principal of and -
interest .on,.all bonds,,from time, time outstanding,. which:, by their terms.,=are
payable from said.- special .fund. _ . -.. :. , _ ~. _.. ,
. A-.statutory mortgage =lien .which is hereby, recognized -as .valid ..and binding
on the -said school buildings, and. ,appurtenant facilities., ~.a.nd -upon ..any -ad_ditions.,.- ..
extensions and improvements thereto,-,s_created and. granted,.by-_KRS, 1,
of the :holder-,.or..holder.s of this._bgnd_.and the...seres .of...which._it~.forms,,a,p.a.rt and-in~
favor. of ,the..holder or.,holders of nterest._coupons .appurtenant. to said ..bonds,, ,and.-, -::.--,
said school buildings and any appurtenant facilites., additions,, extensans..and . , ,...
improvements thereto ..shall remain „subject: ao.-said.zstatutory xnorxgage_ Lien.. until, the: -,,
payment in full of the principal of and interest ..on this, bond..,and ..the series.. of which
it forms a part and until payment.-in--full -of any-:additional::bonds ranking orr a basis
of parity therewith which may be issued.,upon.-the conditions and,subj-ect:to;the ,.~.,: -.-
restrictions set forth in. said Or-.dnance;. ..provided, rhowever,~ that said. statutory:...
mortgage. lien- is .and ;shall be .restricted. in its- application to the. school buildings -and
appurtenant..- facilities,, the. costs-. of .,the coastruction..or, .reconstruction. ,of-.which. are ...;
defrayed from ,the proceeds of .the -bonds :issued. or. permitted, to~,be, .issued, under .the- .- ,
provisions of .the:. above mentioned.; Ordinancs..(i~cic-lulling pa.rixy bonds.,- aforQ~ad)~,.:- - . r
together. with appurtenances, ,equipment, therein,,;_ahose
physically occupied: thereby , and such -easements,. and ,rights-of-~vay. „for, ingress,.... ; ~ -
been pledged to and will be set aside- into the said identified special fund by said
City -for the prompt payment of the principal -of -and interest ~on all `bonds which by
their. terms and"by the terms of "said "Ordinance are made payable from said special
fund .
IN WITNESS-WHEREOF, the City of Paducah, Kentucky, acting by and
through .its -Board- of Commissioners , has caused this bond to ~be signed with the
reproduced. facsimile signatures of the Mayor and the City Clerk andsealed'with the
reproduced=facsimile ~of 'the .corporate seal of "said City, has additionally ceased this
bond to be" executed by-the "validating manual 'sign`ature of either the "Mayor or the
City- Clerk, -and: has Yiereto"attached to be executed with the
authorized facsimile signatures ~of the Mayor ~and° City Clerk; and this bond to' be
dated the 1st`;da~ of October, 1979. ~.= ~ -
. , . : - _ _ :r: CITY OF PADUCA~i, KENTUCKY `
_ -. - _
BY (Facsimile Signature)
... ~ , : ayor- . ,
- ~ - - ~' - ° - Manual signature o£ ane Mayor ~ or City Clerk
(Facsimile Signature)
,,~. , - •-City Clerk - Y .. -~ _ ;,, •..____ _. - , , ~-::.
- - -
_._.r: .. _ ,.. _ _ . s . .~ _
* (Unless the bond to which this coupon is attached shall have
<~ ~ - ' been called fog prior re-demptiori) " - = . -, _, . _ ....._ .. :. ,,, ,
t;" -.
- " -- - ~ Orr the °lst - daSr r of- - ~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ "- ,: the :City: of Paducah , Kentucky ,
will pay to bearer the amount shown hereon in lawful money of the United States
- -.crf America .out> ~f-its ~'~City=of Paducali~~"School _Building Revenue Bond arid' interest
Redemption Fund -Series of October 1, 1979", at the principal office of The Peoples
First -National-'Bank ~ & ~ Tr_ust Company; ins ~Paducali~,~ Kent~ieky, as provided in and for
interest then due on its "City of Paducah School Building Revenue Bond, Series of
October- 1,• 19:7:9", -dated~October.'1, 1979;: No. "~ ..~ - :, _ - .:,_ -` - - '~
By (Facsimile Signature )
- ..(Facsimile:- Signature).: -_ _ _ .., . - _ _ , . - - ~: ~ , ~ ;; ° Mayor , ~ . , . r . ,, .
City Clerk
., ,,, _
*(This redemption legend to appear only on coupons maturing on and after April 1,
- _
..~ __,.
.. , ..
. ,_ .
Y - ~ ~: :.. _.- _. ..~- (FORM .
_ ,. _ _
-Date of _ = :,,., _ _ - ~sln WYiose~ Name- _,, ~ ;:- ~ Signafure~=of
Registration registered City Treasurer
.... _ ,
,: _,>..
SECTION 8. That upon said City issuing bonds under the Ordinance the
_ - -
hool buildings added to, constructed _and reconstructed by said City through appli-
,. - -
cation of the' bond proceeds and located on "the sites hereinabove described shall, for
the -purposes of this Resolution and~the Ordinance, be leased, rented and occupied as
revenue=producing undertakings .for an initial period commencing'Oetober °l, 1979; and
ending the last day of September, 1980, and thereafter on a fiscal year basis- com-
mencing as of7~October-:1 of each -year and ending on each succeeding last day of
September, ~ and `-the income and revenues from -such lease ; rental and occupancy in-
- cluding~,specifically" the gross income and revenues from the-Contract of Lease and
Rent. with therBoard~ of -Education "of Paducah, Kentucky, shall be `set aside 'and held
apart from all other funds of~ aid City andshall be apportroried, ~ as follows:
-=--1: There shall be and there=is hereby created an account to" b`e known as
the'"City of" Psduca:h School Building~Reveriiie Bond and Interest `Redemption .Fund -
Series of October 1, 1979" (hereinafter referred to as the "Bond Fund")~, "into which
there shall "be paid and ~ set aside 'all" or such portion of the income and revenues from
said school building properties as will be sufficient to pay the interest on and princi-
pal of the bonds hereby authorized as the same are scheduled to become due . All sums
received as accrued interest in the issuance of the bonds shall be deposited in the
'Bond- Fund "and applied toward" the °payment of the first interest coupons next there-
after becoming due. It is hereby determined that the amount to' be`~set~'aside from
accrued interest, and annually from the gross income and revenues, as aforesaid, and
deposited into said Bond Fund during each fiscal period and year for the purpose of
paying the interest on and principal of the bonds °-shall b~e as set forth in the Bond
authorizing Ordinance, and shall not be less than such annual amounts as will be
- auffeent; to pay the--bonds': and interest coupons as they respectively become due.
...-.. .,, .. ._ 'r ... _.- .. .._.-.. _. _. .. _.. - ., i . ,. .. , T ..
The anr~usa amounts may b'e computed 'upon the assumption that when the bonds authorized
by the- ordinance are publiclysold ; the 'inter.-est rate-applicable to ~ all of the ~ b.onds will
be established at six and seven-tenths- per "cent (6.7 0) per annum; ~ "arid each annual
amount set-forth~~iri the ~Ordiriance s"halrbe the sum required to pay the interest
coupons maturing in the respective fiscal year and on October 1 in the next ensuing
fiscal year , together- with' the bonds maturing on October 1 in~- said next ensuing
fiscal year, based upon said assumed interest coupon rate. In the event that the
interest rate or rates applicable to said bonds shall be established otherwise~'than as so
assumed, or if less than the ~totai~authorized amount of bonds be sold, the respective
. - -,
annual payments into the Bond Fund as set forth in the Ordinance shall automatically
_....._.. _..__ _ _._ _ .... ..... .... .__... ~ -~.__,,._ __.___n,,.._______._.._.___....v._ _-_ ._-..---
"be adjusted to-much sums as will accomplish tYie purposes set forth in this paragraph.
The amount by which any such payment into said Bond Fund in any fiscal
year may exceed the aggregate amount of interest on and principal of the bonds shall
..,~___...__~_ _...__.._.___.._. ._....._..._...__._.__....._ ~._._____..___~__. ___- _-_._ .__.-_.__.._.r _..____._ ..___._ .._ ..
be held therein as a reserve for subsequent annual interest and principal requirements;
provided, however, that any balances in said Fund in excess of the interest and
principal requirements for f the current fiscal year and payments therefrom required
to be made on the next succeeding October 1 and April 1 shall be used to redeem and
retire bonds in advance of maturity; and provided further , that no further payments
need be made into said Bond Fund whenever and so long as the amount then held
in such Fund is equal to the entire amount required to accomplish retirement of all
of the bonds then remaining outstanding and to pay all interest to accrue thereon,
and including the amount of any premium incident to redemption , in the event it is
desired that any of said outstanding bonds be redeemed prior to stated maturities
as in said bonds provided.
If, in any year, the City shall, for any reason, fail to pay into said Bond
Fund the full amount set forth in the Bond authorizing Ordinance, then an amount
equivalent to such deficiency shall be set apart and paid into said Bond Fund from the
first available gross income and revenues of said school building properties for the
following year or years and the same shall be in addition to the amount otherwise
herein provided to be so set apart and paid during such succeeding year or years .
All moneys held in said Bond Fund as aforesaid shall be deposited in The
Peoples First National Bank & Trust Company, in Paducah, Kentucky, which is a
member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and to the extent that the
same shall cause deposits of the City in said bank to exceed the amount insured by
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the same shall be continuously secured by a
valid pledge of bonds or notes of the United States Government having an equivalent
market value, or shall, at the direction of the Board of Commissioners of the City of
Paducah, Kentucky, be invested, subject to the arbitrage covenants set forth in
Section 18 hereof (a) in bills, notes or bonds issued by the United States Treasury
Department, or (b) in certificates of time deposit of banks which are members of and
insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) , and if any such certificate
of time deposit shall be in an amount exceeding the amount insured by FDIC , the
excess shall be secured by a valid pledge of securities issued or fully guaranteed
as to principal and interest by the United States Government, which securities shall
be held, actually or constructively, in the custody of another FDIC insured bank.
The annual payments so required in each fiscal year shall be made in
semiannual installments, one on or before the 1st day of March, in a sum at least
equal to the interest coupons maturing on the ensuing April 1 in such year , and the
balance on or before the next September 1 in such fiscal year, the first such rental
payment to be made on or before April 1, 1980.
All moneys deposited in said Bond Fund as next hereinbefore provided
shall be used solely and only and is hereby pledged for the purpose of paying
interest on, redemption premiums (if any) , and principal of the bonds which in the
Ordinance will be authorized and permitted to be issued, as the same become due.
2. Out of the balance of the revenue and income remaining after the
aforesaid payments into the Bond Fund, there shall be set aside into a Maintenance
Fund whatever amount may be necessary and is not otherwise provided for the pro-
. _ _ _ ~ -_
__ _.. _
per maintenance of said school building properties and to continuously insure said
school buildings and appurtenances against loss or damage by fire, lightning, wind-
_ ...
storm , or other calamity , in the amount of its full insurable value; or , in lieu there-
. _ , _ _ .._ _
of, the lessee of said school building, if a lease thereof is then in force, may pay the
costs of maintenance and of providing and maintaining such insurance. Such
insurance shall be for the use and benefit of the holder or holders of any bond or
. ~ _ _ - ._
bonds , it being the intention of the City to provide that insurance shall be carried
which shall be at all times equal to at least the full insurable value of said school
buildings .
SECTION 9. Said City hereby covenants and agrees with the holder or
-, ., - - -.
holders of the bonds which in said Ordinance will be authorized and permitted to be
issued , and each of them , that it will faithfully and punctually perform all duties
~,~. _
with reference to said school building properties required by the Constitution and
laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including the making of reasonable and
sufficient rentals for services rendered thereby, and will segregate said revenues
- - _ - - -
_ . ~.. r- -.. ,_ . _ ,,, -~
and income and make application to the respective funds created by this Resolution.
It is the declared intention of the City to continue to lease said school building pro-
perties to said Board of Education for an extended period of years, as to be provided
.. _ ,.. _ ., . _ ,_. n ... _. . ,.
in a certain Resolution adopted by the Board of Education of said School District,
,~; - - - - _ ,- -- -, _- _ ;i_ ~ _~
which Resolution and the proposed Contract of Lease and Rent to be set forth therein
.~ ~ _ .. -
- : ~ ,..
shall be submitted to this Board of Commissioners of said City, as hereinabove pro-
,_ - -. '. ~r~ - , .
vided, and shall, in said Bond authorizing Ordinance, be accepted and made a part
of the City's records, and the Mayor shall be authorized to execute and acknowledge
said "Contract of Lease and Rent" for and on behalf of said City, and the City Clerk
shall be authorized to attest the same and affix the corporate seal of the City thereto .
The City further binds and obligates itself not to sell, mortgage, or in any manner
-_-- _ ~ .,
- ~ - _ ...
encumber or dispose of said school buildings and appurtenant facilities, including
_.. ~ - -
additions and extensions, and the revenues derived therefrom, except as specifically
permitted and provided herein, until all the bonds issued under the Bond authorizing
Ordinance shall have been paid in full, as to both principal and interest. The City
further covenants and agrees with the holder of said bonds to maintain said school
.. ~ ...:.
.. _ ._. ,.
buildings and appurtenant facilities in good condition and to charge and collect such
.. _ _ - ,.
rents for services rendered thereby so that the gross revenues will be sufficient at
all times to provide for the payment of the interest on and the principal of the bonds
which in said Ordinance will be authorized and permitted to be issued , as and when
they mature , and to pay the maintenance cost thereof , including the cost of insurance ,
as hereinabove provided; or to cause any ~ lessee of said properties to pay all such costs .
Said "Contract of Lease and Rent" when tendered to the City ~by said Board
of Education and 'accepted and approved; shall' reserve to said Board of Education the
right and option at any time on or after October 1, 1989, to prepay rent and thereby
purchase and acquire the said school buildings and appurtenances , together with the
sites thereof, free and clear of the statutory mortgage lien which is provided by KRS
162.200 and herein recognized, upon payment to the City of a sum sufficient to redeem
and retire all the bonds then outstanding, in accordance with their terms.
It has further been agreed that in said "Contract of Lease and Rent" it
will be provided that said Board of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, shall have the
right and option at any time on or after October 1, 1989, and from time to time, to
prepay rent and thereby purchase and acquire either or both of the said school
buildings and appurtenances, together with the portions of the site or sites physi-
cally occupied thereby, and adequate easements for ingress , egress , and the rendering
of necessary services thereto, and obtain a reconveyance thereof from said City free
and clear of the statutory mortgage lien which is provided by KRS 162.200 as a part
of the security for the School Building Revenue Borids which said City i about to
issue , upon the following -conditions and' liy 'paying to the City the ~ follo~tring
respective, option :prices in cash: "
OPTION~-'PRLCES ,.., . ~ _ _- .- -,, -:. ;. .,_ ..
- ~ Padueahr Tilghman Senior High' School Site: A sum-equal tor'the. nearest.
multiple of ~$5 ,'000 . Ufl at or immediately above -a sum computed- by ~multipYyng the
principal amount of the ~maximurn number of School Building -Revenue Bonds ~ issued'
by said "-City fors ~.tlefinancing .of they :over=ally construction p~co~gram a'ffec`ting alrl of
the school ~bnildings-herein described by 520; such percentage being a'n- agreed ~~~'
estimate of the propostion of the total expenditure `which will xse made. ~fr'.am bond ""-
proceeds upon the properties -her.ein--described asp the Paducah Tilghman Senior High
School Site...,
Brazelton Eiementary.-::(1Vhddie)" School" S-te:- A --sum; . similarly computed; and
using- as- the percentage factor.:.- ;48;0.., -~ __,~. .... . ___ ,..._.T - ... ....
In the event any of the above=mentioned options shall' be exercised by ~ said'
Board of Education at a': time . when a porfio`ri' `of sardSchool Building `=Revenue Bonds
issued. by: theCity `have been-paid. by the~~Cty.:-from-~the annual rentals received by it
from~~ said `Board ~ of Education,.__the applicable~~ option prices shalh`be reduced by- an
amount'.. which shalX bo:-eomputed;-by -applying the r~esp~ective. percentage ~fact+ors: to~~the "
aggregate prncpah~amount -of-;-all :,bonds ~ so- paid--andretired : It: is expressly under=. -
stood and agreed, however, that the exercising by said Board of Education of any of
its option"s to purchase and :acquire any of -the school sites shalt not reduce the option
prices otherwise applcable° to the .remaining sites .- --
The parties recognize the possibility that any of the school buildings herein
referred to may be damaged or destroyed by fire or other natural hazards, resulting
in the collection of insurance proceeds which are inadequate to provide all of the costs
of repairing or reconstructing such premises so that the same will be acceptable for
use and occupancy by said Board of Education for school purposes , and it is agreed
that this is one of the controlling reasons for establishing option rights in favor of
said Board of Education. In the event of such circumstances, it is agreed that the
option price applicable to the property in question shall first be computed and adjusted
as hereinbefore set forth and shall then be credited with the amount of the insurance
proceeds actually collected as a result of such damages or destruction; and such
collected insurance proceeds shall immediately be deposited by the City in its Bond
and Interest Redemption Fund .
in- the- event said Board of ~ Education shall, `from time -totime --exercise any of
its purchase options as herein set forth, it is agreed that the City shall apply; the ,funds
received from the Board of Education and/or insurance proceeds "fo_ tihe-:redemption of
an equal principal ~amount-:of t=he City's said' ScYiool Building Revenue Bonds then out-
standing : - Said`-Board ~:of, Education- fully understands that the CityTs sad'School: ' r -:
Building -Revenue Bonds will b`e-°subject~~o~ redemption only by the payment of a~"-premium
over and above nthe -principal- amount,of such-bonds; said premium being 3% of the
principal- amount of peach°"bond-,for a period"including and immediately- following"
October--;; -1989, and gradually diminishng~for- successive periods thereafter. Accord-
ingly; arid;'in .order- to enabie-~the 'said City° to-redeem andr_etire-bonds as herein
provided, said Board of Education agrees that in the event it exercises any :of said
options;--it -will pay to the: .:City, in -addition "toile- specified option price _°as hereinabove
set forth, a sum equal to the premium which the City will be obliged to pay in order.
to redeem the pr~'scribed.-portion- of- ifs`- outstanding ~~ScliooT -Btzildirig Revenue Bonds,
and ~ alsa the - cost- of publishing 'the: redemption notice . ~ -
It is understood -and agreed` that- the::annual. rentals herein°_provded_:are .for
the use--and occupancy `by said'-Board_of~ Education of all of `the -school`buildings`eon=
structed:,• reconstructed. and financed through -the issuance -of said School- ~Bxildirig' "
Revenue Bonds; and- *fis therefore' agreed that if and when ~ said""Board" of Education `
exercises any of its options to purchase and acquire a property or properties as
herein set forth, there should be an adjustment as to the amount of rentals applicable
to future years when said Board of Education will not be using and occupying the
premises so acquired, under the terms of the lease . In this connection, 'the parties
agree , as follows:
(a) ^There shall be no reduction in the rentals specified for the fiscal year
- -
in which an option is exercised .
(b) For all fiscal years after the fiscal year in which any of such options
may be exercised, the annual rentals payable by said Board of Education to the City,
as herein set forth, may be reduced by agreement of the parties,- but not below such
amount as may be necessary in order to provide to the City from such rental payments
a sum sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on its remaining outstanding
School Building Revenue Bonds as and when the bonds and interest coupons severally
become due .
SECTION 10: That for the further protection of the holders of the bonds
which in the Bond authorizing Ordinance will be authorized and permitted to be issued,
and the coupons appurtenant thereto, a statutory mortgage lien upon said school build-
ings and appurtenant `facilities , and upon any additions , extensions and improvements
thereto, is granted and created by KR.S 162.200, which said statutory mortgage lien
is hereby recognized and declared to be valid and binding upon the delivery of any
bonds authorized to be issued under the provisions of said Ordinance, and said
--. ,: ~~. ,. r, -, ,. .. ,
statutory mortgage lien shall remain in full force and effect until payment in full of
all bonds issued pursuant to said Ordinance , including parity bonds if any be
_ _ .. .
issued; provided, however, that said statutory mortgage lien is and shall be restricted
in its application to the school buildings and appurtenant facilities , the costs of con-
struction and reconstruction of, and additio ,
ns to , which are defrayed from the proceeds
of the bonds issued or permitted to be issued under the provisions of said Ordinance,
together with appurtenances, equipment therein, those portions of the respective
school sites physically occupied thereby, and such easements and rights-of-way for
ingress, egress and the rendering of services thereto as may be necessary for the
proper use and maintenance of the same; the right being hereby~-reserved to erect or
construct upon unoccupied portions of the school sites herein described other structures
and improvements for school purposes free and clear of said statutory mortgage lien,
even /though the same are connected by using as party walls one or more walls or
structures which are subject to said statutory mortgage lien, providing the same are
:; , ..
capable of use as separate entities in themselves and have their own outside entrances ,
no part of the costs of said additional structures and improvements are paid from the
proceeds of such bonds , and providing there shall be no obstruction or interference
with ingress, egress and the rendering of necessary services to the school buildings
herein referred to .
The City reserves the right, (at. .the ,request of the Board) to release and/or
conve ,with or, without consideration, .free of the statutor mortgage lien herein
Y ., y_
created securing the bonds, such easements, rights-of-way, licenses or, other rights
over , upon,. or beneath the surface of the land _ herein described as may .reasonably
be required for roads, utilities, drainage or other public purposes,., provided (a) no
such release„ or conveyances shall interfere with the ownership and efficient operation
of the :school buildings and appurtenances ,(and the actual land on which the same are
located) , .added to , constructed, or reconstructed from the proceeds of the bonds , (b )
ingress. to and egress from scuh school buildings- shall not .thereby be_impaired, and
(c) there shall be no reduction of the rentals otherwise required under. the afore-
mentioned Contract of Lease and Rent between. the City and the Board . , ,
Any holder of said bonds or of any of the coupons , either at law. or in
equity, by suit, action,
-• mandamus, or other proceedings,_
_ may enforce and compel the
erformance of all duties q
. re _ uired, b
Y, ion and
the Constrtut _ y . Statutes. of, the Commonwealth
of .Kentucky,, including the charging and collection of sufficient rents, the segregation
of revenues and income , and the, application thereof , and .,may , by ,such ,action , compel
the, performance of all duties imposed in the operation of an adequate school system. as
provided by, _ law , but only insofar. as the failure to perform. such duties would or
could affect the interests of any holder _or_holders, of any bond, or bonds.
. If there is any default in the payment of the principal, of or interest on any
of said bonds,,. then, .upon the filing of suit by. anyr holder of „said bonds or of any. of
the ,,coupons , any court ha g j .diction , of the action may appoint a receiver to
vin uris
' 'd school _buildin ro erties on behalf of the City and/or the, Board of
administer sai _ g. -p--..p ; - .. ,- _
Education of Paducah, ,.Kentucky , with power to charge and. _ collect rents sufficient to
_ ~ r,
provide .for, the payment of any bonds or obligations.. outstanding, and for the. payment
p _ g _ex enses , includin insurance , and to a 1 _ the income an reven
of the o eratin. p _ _~_. ->g .t; ..,__ ,~, ~f~- .,.._. PP Y.,- ~ ,,,- .._... ues
in conformity herewith, and in conformity with the, provisions of said laws of Kentucky
aforesaid .
SECTION 11. Bonds which in the Bond authorizing Ordinance are authorized
p to be issued and from time to time outstanding shall not be ,,entitled to
or ermitted
priority 'one over the other in the application. of the revenues of said school building
properties or with respect to the statutory mortgage lien securing their payment, re-
gardless of the time or times of their issuance, it being the intention that there shall
be no priority among such bonds regardless of the fact. that they may be actually
issued and delivered at different times .
.-. -
_ .... _ ,v. _ _ ,.. ~ ... - _ _ .
3 . .. ~ ..
SECTION 12. While any of the bonds which in the Bond authorizing Ordi-
nance are authorized or permitted to be issued are outstanding, the City shall not
. ._
issue any additional bonds or "'incur any other obligations payable from the revenues
of said school buildings , unless the lien and secu'r`ity of"such `bonds ~ or `fother
obligations on tiie revenues and on the said school buildings is` made~~Juriior and sub-
ordinate in all respects to the lien and security of the bonds; provided, however,
_ .._ .. _
said City hereby reserves the right and privilege of issuing additional bonds from
time to time, "payable from the income'and revenues of said school buildings and
_ ,. _
ranking on a-parity with the bonds authorized by the Ordinance, but only if and to
,. . ,
the extent 'the issuance of such additional parity bonds may be necessary to pay the
costs, not otlierwise available,` of` completing the additions, construction and recon-
- _ . r.. -
struction of said school buildings and appurtenant facilities in accordance with the plans
and specifeatioiis~ which -are 'initially completed, 'approved by the- Superintendent
_ . _ _ _
of Public Instruction af' Kentucky and by said Board of Education, "-arid filed in the
office of the PCity' Clerk; but =before any such additional bonds ranking on a parity as
aforesaid are issued, ~ the issuance^ thereof shall be approvecY`by''the proper agents of
the State Board for• Elementary 'and Secondary Education, as required ~y` law, and a
_ __
Supplemental Contract of Lease -and Rent shall have been entered into , whereunder
the respective annualrental' payments -during- the life of such additional` bonds are
increased ` by the amount of the 'annualinterest ~ and principal requirements of such
additional bonds; and the interest -payment dates for such additional bonds shall be
April =3~ and° October 1 of each year, ~ and 'the principal maturity dates shall be on
October ' 1. Any ~additians; extensions or p '''
im rovements" made to sand school building
grope"sties shall likewise=be' subject to said statutory mortgage lien provided in
Section a10 hereof', ~ : ` , .. ' . ~ ~ _ _ _ _
'~ '' SECTION X13.' ~So~ long as any of said °bonds are -outstanding, the~~Ctyshall
keep proper books of 'r"ecords-"'and accounts (separate from all other records ~ and ~ -
accounts) in which complete and correct entries shall be 'made''of' all 'transactions re=
- _ - .
lating` to said school building properfies =~ Th"e City will furnish` on~ "written request of
any Polder of said bonds`; witYiin' thirty` '(30) days after the- close of each six months'
fiscal period,'complete`'operatrng arid" "in'come statements in 'reasonable detail covering
such six' montY~s'~-period- arid, within sixty (60) days after the close of each fiscal
year-, complete' fnancal~~ statements ~ of "said` project ~in reasonable detail covering such
fiscal year . " ~ = - , ::, , .. :. - _ - _ -
- - SE-CZ'IO1V 14. If anq'-seeton, paragraph; clause or provision of this '
Resol-ztion shaaa beheld}"invalid; fYe invalidity'of' sucYi section,'-paragraph; clause or
. ..
provision ~ shall not -affect any of the remaining-provisions`. ~ -
SECTION 15. The Mayor is authorized to execute and to cause to be published
(a) in The Paducah Sung-which, is a daily newspaper published in the City of Paducah,
Kentucky, (b) in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, a newspaper. of general
circulation -throughout -Kentucky,.,. and (c) in The- Daily Bond Buyer;• New York, New
York,- afinancial -newspaper- or journal- of .nationwide circulation among bondA buyers,
an appropriate form of "Notice of Sale... of Bonds!' , soliciting sealed., competitive bids. for
the purchase of all• the bonds. which in the .Bond authorizing Ordinance- are- authorized,
the same to be- •received in the office .of the ~ City Clerk until, a itime= at <;~' prior to the
occasion of,a regular, ,.adjourned,. ,or. special meeting of the Board Hof Cea~missioners, as
the Mayor .may determine; ...upon. which.--occasion the. -sealed, competitive bids theretofore
received in the office..: of ,the City-.Clerk-,,; after. ;public< opening by the City Clerk and
tabulation. and comparison by the :Fiscal Agent, shall be referred to the Board of
Commissioners for.-consideration. .Such public notice shall be published as-•provided
in KRS Chapter- 424, . as amended, -not less than 7 nor. more than 21 • days in advance
of the date stated •therein for- the opening and consideration of purchase ~bids . Such
notice shall require-bidders to offer not_less than~98o of the face amount of the. bonds
so offered, .together with accrued interest from the date.-. of the bonds to the- date of
delivery,,,,, and shall- require bidders. to• stipulate. one or more interest coupon- rates of
their own choosing, •pr-oviding each• rate is <a multiple- of one-eighth., •one-tenth; or
one-twentieth, of one.-.per cent (1/.8,- 1/10 or ;1/.20. of3r]~),,,a.nd.-is,_._~g higher han 7-3/4%
per .annum, and ,-only- one .coupon .rate may be- specified. for• bonds~,matu~;ng on the -
same .,date, -Coupon rates ,shall be.~on~ an .ascending scale in that- no .rate- may belower
than -any.-earlier, rate. ,-;.Bidders shall be ..further advised that the•City-will not
entertain any. proposal: that. .interest becoming due as to-:any -bond= on -any °interest -
payment date be represented by more than one coupon . Each bond shall -bear interest
at a single..rate from; date to maturity-. - --The: right to. reject ,bids and fio-wave any in-
formalities or ..irregularities deemed -by...the Board. of Commissioners to-be immaterial
shall ,-expressly .be-.reserved.. - - -.. • -; - - -
SECTION 16 .- _If, at the .time ,the bonds. are .caused,.to be printed or.,other-
wise manufactured, it .s,hall be .apparent: that on;e or. more- inter-est. coupons wi11~ -be ---_ ;
past due by the tune ,of delivery.. thereof , the ,-manufacturer may ,b:e~ instructed .not- to
manufacture such past-due coupons.,. in-which- event,,a>-4certifi-cateror~-le~t~r; of the
printer or manufacturer .of. tile, bonds ;shall. be..furnished- to the,-.C~t~.Treasurer, and.. --
may be accepted by the City Treasurer as evidence thereof; otherwise the City-
Treasurer -shall.; detach .and cancel such .overdue coupons prior to -delivery <-of the bonds .
SECTION.. 17. .When. any bonds: =of -the; series authorized by -said- Ordnance•
are sold and delivered, the amount r.e.ceived• from the purchaser asrepresenting
accrued interest thereon, shall immediately be deposited in the Bond Fund, and shall
be applied toward payment of the first interest coupons next thereafter becoming due .
The remaining proceeds shall be deposited in the "Construction Fund", as herein-
after provided . From such deposits in the "Construction Fund" there shall be paid
all expenses incident to the authorization, sale and delivery of the bonds, including
the fee of the Fiscal Agent as contracted, and the charges made by Rating Agencies
for rating the bonds, if any such charges are incurred; and thereafter the entire
balance shall be devoted exclusively to the payment of costs of the school building
;. , ~ _ ~ .
construction and reconstruction projects upon the sites described, and according to the
plans and specifications duly approved and filed as provided by KRS 162.160 and
162.170; provided, however, that if, prior to the time when the bonds have been
delivered to the purchaser thereof and the proceeds are available, the Board of Education
of Paducah shall have found it necessary to advance from its own funds various sums
for architectural fees, amounts due to the contractors, and other proper costs of said
projects, the aggregate of all such advancements may be reimbursed to said Board of
Education upon presentation by said Board of Education to the Construction Fund
Treasurer (hereinafter designated) of written certificates of the Architects with regard
thereto, in such reasonable detail and authenticated in such manner as the Construction
Fund Treasurer may reasonably require , showing (a) that the amount or amounts for
which reimbursement is requested are proper charges against the cost of said school
building projects, and (b) that after such requested reimbursement, the funds re-
maining in the "Construction Fund" , hereinafter created , will be sufficient to defray
all remaining costs of the projects. No reimbursement shall be made to said Board of
Education if the effect thereof shall be to reduce the balance in said "Construction Fund"
below the amount shown by the certificate to be necessary to pay all remaining costs .
The proceeds of the sale of said bonds, as aforesaid, shall be deposited in
cash in a bank or trust company (hereinafter referred to as the "Depository Bank") ,
which shall be a bank or trust company in Paducah, Kentucky, which is a member of
and insured by FDIC, the same to be designated in the Ordinance authorizing issuance
of the bonds, in a separate account designated "City of Paducah School Building
Revenue Bonds , Series of October 1, 1979 , Construction Fund" , (hereinafter for con-
venience referred to as the "Construction Fund") , provided that simultaneously with
the making of said deposit, such Depository Bank shall give security for said deposit
(to the extent of the excess over the amount insured by FDIC) by making a pledge to
the City Treasurer, the said Board of Education and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, of
obligations of the United States Government having a market value, exclusive of
accrued interest, at least equal to the amount so deposited. The securities pledged
by the Depository Bank need not be of a market value exceeding the balances re-
maining in said account from time to time and as payments are made out of said account,
the Depository Bank shall be permitted to withdraw a portion of the pledged securities,
provided, however, there shall remain pledged at all times securities having a market
value, exclusive of accrued interest, equal to the balance remaining in said account
to the extent not insured by FDIC .
If the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah , Kentucky , shall
determine at any time that the amount of bond proceeds being held for construction
costs is in excess of the amount necessary to be disbursed therefrom for the authorized
purposes during the ensuing calendar month, it may (subject to the arbitrage covenants
hereinafter set forth) direct the Depository Bank to:
(a) make time deposits thereof on an interest-bearing basis in a bank or
banks which are insured by FDIC , evidenced by certificates of time deposit (issued in
the name of said Construction Fund and delivered into the custody of the Depository
Bank) , secured at all times by a valid pledge , on the part of each issuer of a
certificate of time deposit, of United States Government securities having at all times
during the continuance of the certificate a current market value (exclusive of accrued
interest) at least equal to the amount not insured by FDIC; the custody of such pledged
United States Government securities , whether actual or constructive , to be in a financial
institution other than the issuer of the certificate of time deposit in question, or
(b) invest such excess in obligations of the United States Government or
obligations the principal and interest of which are fully guaranteed by the United
States Government , having maturity dates or being subject to retirement at the option
of the holder not later than the date upon which it is anticipated the proceeds thereof
will be required for proper purposes of the Construction Fund .
Provided, however, that such securities and/or certificates of time deposit
shall be reconverted into cash and deposited in said Construction Fund, as and when
additional cash is required to pay construction costs; such conversion into cash to be
made by the Depository Bank, when necessary, without further authority. All such
certificates of time deposit and securities shall be carried to the credit of such Con-
struction Fund; and all income therefrom shall be deposited, as received, in said
Construction Fund and constitute apart thereof. Any expense necessarily incurred and
_ _.,., _ .. .. _.. , , - - y. ,.,..., ._ .
reasonable as to amount in connection with the making of such time deposits and in-
vestments and the safekeeping thereof shall be paid out of the Construction Fund .
Inasmuch as the School Building Revenue Bonds, Series of October 1, 1979,
herein referred to, will be authorized and issued by the City at the request of the
Board of Education of Paducah, for the purpose of paying the costs of adding to, con-
structing and reconstructing school buildings to be leased, rented and occupied by
_ - - ,. .. ~. -, .. .. r
said Board of Education under the "Contract of Lease and Rent" conforming to KRS
162.140, it is directed that payments from the cash funds from time to time so de-
posited in said Construction Fund shall be made to defray the costs of the school
building projects referred to herein by checks drawn upon said. fund by the Treasurer
of the Board., of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, hereby., designated
r. -~ ~ the "Construction
Treasurer" , .
rather than by the City Treasurer; _- ..,
provided, . however., _
Treasurer.. shall fur-nish a fidelity bond .in the penal sum of at least $200, 000 , con-
ditioned upon faithful performance of 'the responsibilities incident to making disburse-
meats from the .Construction Fund and the making of a true. accounting therefor , such
bond to be separate-,and. distinct from any. and all .bonds given. for the administration.
of other moneys , and , to have good _ corporate surety , ,provided by a surety, company
qualified to do business, in Kentucky. Each disbursement check shall be supported
and accompanied by a voucher signed by or on behalf of the Architects. having charge
of the supervision of the project for which such payment is made, to ,the, effect that the
amount of said check has .been earned by the payee thereof under the. terms of one of
the construction contracts.; provided ,_ however , that with .respect .to the. project
appurtenances, .,and other items required otherwise than as an incident ,to the, con-
struction .contracts..which are under the. supervision of one of the firms..of .Architects,
e supporting . voucher may be signed : by the Superintendent of .Schools of said Board
of Education or other person. thereunto,. authorized by said ,Board.. of. Education .
. After all payments from, the Construction Fund have been made for the
additions,, construction, reconstruction and coinpLetion of the school buildings .projects
on the sites described herein, according to the plans and specifications filed in the
office of the City Clerk, approved by the Board of Education of said ,School District
and by the .State Supeintendent of Public Instruction , any balance remaining in said
Construction Fund shall be, transferred to the "City of Paducah .School Building
Revenue Bond and Interest Redemption Eund, Series .of Octpber 1, 1979", and may, at
the request of said Board of Education., be credited. -upon .the__rentals for. the then .
current or any future, rental year under the. terms. .and conditions of the said ."Con-
tract of . Lease__ and. Rent" , hereinbefore .referred to;_ or may, at the request of „said
Board of Education be held and used in said .Bond -.Fund pursuant to the .:provisions of
Section 8 . hereof. .. .. ,
SECTION .18.. (A) In this Section. unless a different meaning .clearly
appears from the context:
(i) "Code" means' the Internal Revenue Code of _1954 of; the
United States of America, Title 26 rof fhe .United States Code as
amended to the ,date of adpption of this. Resolution or as .hereafter
amended, including. valid Regulations of the Department of the , ..
Treasury thereunder; .
(ii) References to a provision of the Code by number or
letter include reference to any law hereafter enacted as amendment
to or substitute for such provision;
(iii) Words which are used herein and in Section 103 of the
Code shall have the meaning given to such words in or pursuant
to said Section;
(iv) "Bonds" means the "City of `Paducah School Building
_ Revenue Bonds, Series of October 1, 1979!!, the sale of which Bonds
will' 'be authorized' iri and by the Bond` authorizing Ordinance; ~ "
f~(v) "'"Board of rCommissioners" "means the Board of Commissioners
of the City of ,Paducah,. Kentucky, acting accordin.g_ to KRS .162.120 to
.., ;. _
" ~ 162.290, inclusive. ~ .' ~ ~ -- -- _ .
"~~- ~ The City of Paducah aiid the Board of "Commissioners shall at all
times do and perform a1T acts `arid" things required or permitted -by law ~ and neces-
sary or desirable in `order to assure that interest paid by the City~on the Bonds
shall, for the purpose of"Federal income taxation, be exempt from income taxation
_ _ ~ ,..,...,::.lid'. _ :-
under an va
provision of law
' ~ (C) ~ The City of Paducah and the ~ Board of Commissioners shall not permit
at any time or times any of the proceeds of the Bonds or other funds of the City to
be useddirectly or indirectly to acquire any securities or' obligations the acquisition
of which would -cause ~ any such Bond to be ~ an "arbitrage bond"~ asdefined in Section
. ., o ..
10.3 of the Code as then in effect and' to be subject to `treatment under said Section
as an obhgatiori n
got described in subsection (a) (1)" of said Section, unless; under any
valid provision 'of 1"aw hereafter enacted; the interest paid by the-City on the Bonds
shall be excludable from the gross income'of' a recipient thereof for Federal income
_. .
tax purposes without 'regard to compliance with the provisions of`~~Section~ 103 `of the
. .. ., .,
Code. .. ..;~,- ..
(D') In order to assure compliance with this Section,- thereby better se-
curing and protecting the ~ holders of ~ the fonds ~ and the ~ City , the City of Paducah
... ~ , ;
from the .date of adoption of ~ this Resolution covenants that it will not invest in any
obligation, or invest or direct the Board of` Commissioners or any financial
institution having custody of any' moneys related to the Bonds to invest (and said
,: -.
Board of Commissioners and financial institutioris -shall `riot invest) tYe proceeds of
said Bonds 'n~ any obligations that produce a yield in± excess of such applicable
maximum yield' as may be permitted by the Code . -
(E) More specifically, at the time of the adoption of this Resolution and on
the basis` of~ the facts, estimates and ci"rcumstances presently existing:
(1) It is not expected that the proceeds of tie ~Bonds-~~'
available_,~or the school buildings pro7'ects herein referred.,to
will exceed the actual _amounf necessary to `be -expended, for
such purpose by as much as _5 0, because the size of .the bond _
A.. . _
issue _ will be ;determnedA' on the .basis, 'of actual contracts, .and __,
the provision for possible change orders and unforeseen ,con-
tingencies will be small;
(2) At least 85 0 of the spendable proceeds of the Bonds
will be, expended- for .the school building projects within three
years from and after the date of delivery of the Bonds;
(3) Money received from the purchasers of the Bonds ~as
-representing accrued .interest .;earned~_ at the time-of delivery of the -.
Bonds will be applied to the payment of the first interest coupons
thereafter maturing, .inasmuch as it . is specifically provided. in. this-
Resolution that such shall be done;
(4) Contracts for the services of the Architects have been
-entered into .,and .contracts for. construction of -the projects will, .have
been entered into prior to the issuance of the Bonds , since this is
required -by .the. statutes .pursuant •to which the .Bonds-. will be
issued; and the amounts of such contracts will vastly exceed the
sum of $100, 0. 00 and. vastly~.~exceed_ .2-1/ 2%. of the ..amount. of the bond
(5) The school buildings projects will not be sold prior to the
final maturity of the, Bonds, except that the "Contract of Lease and
Rent" herein authorized between the City and the Board of Education
grants to the Board of .Education the right to purchase and reacquire
one or more or all of the properties upon payment of specified sums
which will be applied to the redemption and payment of Bonds .
(F) The City of Paducah and the Board of Commissioners further covenant
that prior to ..the issuance :of said Bonds and as a condition precedent to such issu-
ance the City shall certify by issuance of a certificate, supplemental to this Resolution,
of a City Officer having responsibility for the issuance of the Bonds and investment
of funds , and by the Construction Treasurer herein given authority for disbursement
of the proceeds of the Bonds, that on the basis of the facts, estimates and circum-
stances in existence on the date of issue., of said Bonds, including the matters
specifically stated in the foregoing paragraph (E) , if they are still true at that time,
it is not expected that the proceeds of said issue of Bonds will be used in a manner
that would cause such obligations to be arbitrage bonds , such certificate to be made
in accordance- with the provisions of Internal Revenue Service proposed Regulations
.... „ .,
,: ,
1.103-13 (aj (2) (ii) adopted by the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue
Service , pursuant to Section 103 (c) of the Code .
*'~'~'~ ~ In numbering, Section 19 omitted by inadvertence ------
SECTION 20. The provisions of this Resolution are intended to be incor-
porated by reference as a part of the Bond-authorizing Ordinance, to~ be,-adopted at
a later time, and if so incorporated by reference they will, together with the pro-
visions of said Ordinance,__constitute- acontract between the City of Paducah and the
-~ . -" -,.
holders of any bonds and interest coupons from time to time outstanding pursuant
to the provisions of said Ordinance and after the sale of any such bonds or coupons,
no change in the provisions hereof shall be permitted while any of said bonds and
coupons remain outstanding and unpaid, except as expressly authorized herein, or
in the Bond-authorizing Ordinance .
SECTION 21. All Resolutions , or part thereof , in conflict with the pro-
visions of this Resolution are , to the extent of such conflict , hereby repealed .