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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for Sodium ChlorideA RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ,THE.,PURC.HASE -OF SODIUM CHLgRIDE FOR USE BY THE CiTY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY,,.. AND .-PRE.SCRIBI-NG THE .G;ONDI:TIONS- UPON. ~. WHICH SUCH PURCHASE - - SHALL ..BE .MADE. _ _ _ .- . _. _ ; __- , _ ,, _.-. __ _ . ., ___ _ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF GOMMLSSIONERS- OF -THE CITY OF - PADUCAH., . KENTUCKY:.., _ _. . , ,. ;.-, . SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby,, -authorized-to a vertise _ or bids., for., the purchase of. approximately ,80.0, tons- of sodiu-m-:-chloride for use: , by the .City of Paducah , .the, ,period , of, March.. _3:1,,,,19.80 ,~ -in accordance with the following specifications: • : ;- -,:-~ „SQdium chloride for highway use only to conform,,to_,,AASHTO. M1.43~ Type 1, Grade 1, as described in the State of Kentucky Highway ,specifications., This ..salt. shall. be ;safety treated and,, untreat-ed~ - , -highway salt, delivery FOB Paducah, in truck load lots:~~~-Arifici= " pated quantity: r 8,00, tons, . -~ :, , •-• SECTION 2 The City Manager .shall .advertise; for .bids, by: a notice posted on the bulletin board at, City, Hall anal by inserting . notice cf the- reque t for .bids -~ in the Paducah,.- Sun to be-_ pubhshed, as ,required _by„law... _ All bids shall be- sealed- ,. ~~ ; and no bid shall be received after.,. the. hour.. flied in, the,_,notice .for the•-.opening of r- -: _ ~~ same . All bids received by .the City,. Manager up . to ;, the ~ hme- fixed for ,the opening - of same shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners , who may let a. contract ,to: the best responsible, bidder, _ and the Board, ,of Commissianers~, shall- reserve-Tt~he right to reject, any.,; and all bids,;: and the City-; shall. not..beeome 1ega~l-y.< ©b=ligated to- purchase said sodium chloride until the final adoption of an authorizing ordinance-- and the execution of, a contract . _ .. ;. .; ....-;, ; :, SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force. and=.effect •~from>,and after the date of its adoption . Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners July 24, 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, July 24, 1979. 283 v'