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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for Construction of Phillips Park Subdivision Sanitary Sewers194 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR .CONSTRUCT.ION OF THE PHILLIPS PARK SUBDIVISION SANITARY. SEWERS, -AND PRE,S-CR.IBING THE .CONDITLONS UPON -WHICH,: SUCH CONSTRUCTION SHALL. BE MADE - - . BE-~IT -RESOLVED BY -THE BOARD.,OF COIVIMISSIONERS OF THE .CITY OF- PADUCAH , KENTUCKY:. - _.... -. : .. .. - .. - ;- SECTION L. That ,the. City- Manager,. b;e , and he is -hereby , authorized to advertise for bids for construction of the Phillips Park Subdivision:-Sanitary Sewers; - said construction to be done according to the, Invitation. for. Bids attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein . - , - - . SECTION. -2. The City, Manager shall- advertise..;_for. bids by -notice,-posted; at the .City Hall. door .and• by .inserting .notice of the. request for bids in The. -Paducah Sun. to be, published_as required_by law. All-.bids hall .he sealed..-and no bid- shall- be received after the hour fixed in the notice .for -opening- of. ame . .All. bids received by the _ City Manager up to the tim-e. fixedf for the opening of same -shall be .filed with the Board , of. Commissioners .:wlao .nr~ay. let a contract to .the best. responsible - bidder , - and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve. the right to ...reject. any and all :.bids - , - and the City .shall ,not become. legally obligated to authorize said sewer. construction until .the- final adoption . of.. an_ authorizng,,ordinance .and .the execution of a--contract . ~_. ; , ,_ SECTION 3. •.. This resolution. .shall be_ in full, force.. and a€fect .from ,.,and ~ . after he ,date.- of . its.. adoption,,. - _ _, . ,. . _.. - - _ - Mayor Protem Commissioner Passed by the Board of Commissioners June 12, 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney , City Clerk , June 12 , 1979 .