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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBids for "Jaws-of-Life"1 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF "JAWS=OF=LTFE"~ EQUIPMENT, TO BE 'USED BY THE PADUCAH FIRE DEPARTMENT , WAND PRES`CR.IBING "THE' CONDITIONS~`UPON~ WHICH 5U:CH PURCHASE- SHALL BE MADE " " BE ~IT -RESOLVED' BY THE BOARD ~ OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; KENTUCKY: " "SECTION 1~.," That the "City Manager be; and he is hereby, authorized to advert%se for the ": pu"rchase of "Jaws"=of-Life" equipment ; to- .be used by the Paducah Fire Department, said equiprent to have the following specifications: One (1) "Jaws-of=life", or` equivalent, with gas power unit; complete with chain shackles , automotive jaws , aircraft cutting jaws , and connecting hoses . -" ~' Two {2) extra automotive jaws: - One (1) 16 foot section extension hose with quick connect coupling. r. One (1) set power 'shears ,. - "One (1) case gist-n=Tube . SECTION 2. The City Manager shall advertise for bids` by a "notice posted- on' the bulletin "board at City Hall and by `inse'rting notice'- of the request 'for bids in the Paducah Sun- to be" published as required by Taw . All -bids shall be sealed and no bid shall' be received after 'the hour fixed in the. 'notice. for opening of same . All bids received by' the City'-Manager up to 'the time -fixed for the opening of same- . shall" be filed with"the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract" to the best responsible bidder`; and "the °,Board .of Commissioners shall reserve the right 'to reject any and all bids and the City shall not' become-' legally obligated to purchase said equipm`ent~ until the adoption 'of "an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract . _ _ .., _ .. _ . _ SECTION 3. .'This -resolution shall be in full force and effect-.from and ._ . ' ter the date o 'ifs .adoption Mayor Passed by the- Board of Commissioners January" "9.; 1979 Recorded by Louise McKinney ; City -Clerk , January 9 , .1979 . ~~. .I ~``~- . Y