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.. ~ } .~~: ,~xy F ~ ~,,, n ~ .. it ., r4, t. ..~ ;, 7 • N COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY• OF PADUCAH- ~ ~~ ' ~.~..~ ~-,I ~ 1,~...:1; 307 :' , . ~ -- .... • . . I - ~. At a regular peeing of tbs Allard of Courrnilnsn, heid in the Counoil,Chan`er, - ~ ~, f; in the City Hall, in the Cit Of Paduoah Jams ( • i Y , Ky ~ ary 5th 1914 upon Dail of the roil the ,: ;i ~ ,,. ;~ lollowinB answered to their Hanes;- Butler ~ • Farley, . Forennn, Goodman, ftanrrin, Harlon, Jaoor , ~•I• •,~~: ,. ~bs~ Lenhard~ itoore~ Roo! aHd Watts. (12) ~! The Clerk tulnounosd the first 9hing in orders was nominations for President ~' °- of this Board ~ and noninatione, were in order, btembsr ftannin~ planed msnn,er Fors~u-nr in Woad atio ' 4 f. , i n n~ and Mr Forsmrn, was declared eleoted, without opposition, upon Dell o! the roll i ~; ; • ' .. '° the following answered Foresar; when their Hanes were oalla,d, Butler, Farley' (ioodnan, ' .i I~ ; Rennin, ftarton~ Jnoobe, lsnhard, 1Roors, Roof, Smith aM Watts. (7;L) ~,'~ '~ On notion Dy nenber ftat-nin, a oaarnination iron A. Fra}oke, was referred to ~ I ~---- ` ' ;; the Finahob Cgm~ittss. „~. ~ E ' ~~+~^~'~ ti On notion by the abore, Oliver Jones, wee allowed ~i.00 for two days xork .{ _.._. ; as ?tarket Master. ; /~ _ • JJ~ T ~ On notion by the above, a RESOLUTION providing t}-at the fteaith Offioer~ be authorized to employ an extra Sanitary Otfioer when needed, was given first pescage, upon; j~.~ ~; '; oa11 og the roll by the following vote;-Fare man, fariey, poodnnn, ftannin,•ftarton, Jaooba~ i'. , ' Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Sn1th and Watts. (L1.) i. `, • i~ On i+otion the rules mere euapencied, on the above, upon Dell of the roll by j 1 •~ . p ~'ths follor~ing vote;-Yoga Fore:r~ut, Farley, Ooodmen, Rennin, harton, Jeoobn, }.ioore, Lenhard~'; Roofs 8:aithAnd Watts. (la) ii On notion by the above the above Resolution was I , given asoond aryl final, ti ~; pnsaage~ upon Dell of the roll. by the following vote; Yeas Foreman, Farley, Ooodnan, Herr ~; > . ^, ~,' nine ftarton~ Jacobs, Lsnhnrd, 1[oore, Raol, Smith and Watts. (]2)• • . f . ~ , _ ~ . e~~ '~•4~1~ ~ On motion by the above, ,d Ryaoiution in re;~r-rd to the City Judge's Stsno~r- I ~,.kf+•~+apher, wee referred to the Flnanoe Committee. f0~1/1.~~/ aD ' n- r 9 On notion by, the above, Yancey k Johnson was allowed w1~i55.11 to be paid ; ' # ~ . ' out of the Special Street Fuel, for work done, on }tadiaon Street from }[arrihan Blvd to ~. . ~ ,;Fonntaln Avenue, for the construction of aiclewalka, upon Ball of the roll by the follow- f ' -cS~ ;,ing vote; Yeaa Foreman, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, }carton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Roof, i Smith and rafts. (12) ~ ~ ', , yy~ ~qj '. On notion by the above, the annual report of the ttayor wa& reoeived and ~ G~ y~ ~ V . ~J~~~ i2filsd srrl ordered printed, in book Porn. ~ ~~ On motion by the above, the City national bank was allowed X1571.51 out of. i.. ~` ~ ~~ hs Spenisl Street Fund as interest for Aonds and Interest o0 Street Boru}s, upon Dell of I the. roll by the following vote; Yeas Foreman, Farley, Goadnen, }tannin, }}arLon, Jacobs, y ~ - ~~ Lsnhord, Moors, Roof, Smith arul Watts. (12) i. ? +fl~ ~~.,~ L,~ On motion by the above, G.W.Katt erJohn was allowed :~a1y.24 'nut of the ~ i.~ ~ ~rSpeoial Street I•lrnct, for work done on herriaon street from Fountain Ave to Sixteenth etreeE ~ ~~ ~ ,~• by oonstructing sidewalks, etc.,upon call of the roll by the foZlowin~- vote;-Yeas Foreman,', .' V. ~ ', Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Barton, Jaoobs, Lenherd, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) ~~•~~"'"'~ On motion by the above, the Equitable Surety Co was released off of the y~,K ..~ ,f~ -r, ~~.%'%/""•"""''"BOnds o! T.B.Wiiiarw arid. R.R.Misenheimer as patrolmen. • ~ '' _ ~ ~?.. t O ~ ~• [~I,~e~g~~.. On motion >ty the above, a oorunioation from City Solioitor A.Y.Martin, in ± ~• regsrd to J.A.Onburg's suit, against the City, was referred to Lhe Finanoe Connittes.`•. FOR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAI-L 191- ~`~ ~ On notion by the above the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditory ~. GZ.s-~.~a-~-r ~! was reoeived and filed. 7y ~~ On notion by the above~,a request iron the Board of Supervisors for two eery i ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ to go over the City and assess all personal property .not asaeuaed~ wee granted wad the ' •{" Cit Assessor ~ y given power to appoint the two men needed.same was granted. I odd-..-~ On notion by the abovey the reeport of the Sohool Board .presented by X.A. 6k~-.~.. ' ~. ~"`~ ~~ Pateraon~ was received and filed. F On notlori by the abover V/.H.Patteraon was granted x"50.00 for auditing the ;. l Sohool Board's booker upon call of the roll by the !bllowing vote; Yeaa Foremanr Farley _~ ~!. Ooodmart' hannin~ Aarton~ Jaoobsr Lenhardr S'Aoorer Roofs Smith and Watts. (12} _._ ~ ~~j~~f On notion by the a~over the above notion in re~rct to W.A:Pattarson being ~ ,emu-a.-~+.`•..L allowed X50.00 for auditing Lhe Sohool Aooks~same.wsa-r0o6~psideredr upon oall of the !s '. ~, ~~ !I roll by the following rote;-Yeas Forenan~ BarLey~ Ooodaan~ Hanninr Rertony Jacobar _r ~, i I; Lenhsrdr Moores Snith~ Roof ar-~ stts. (12) ~~ On notion by the above r Lhs above olain was referre.~ to the Finance ComRit- ; k ~ - f $ ~'fJ~'~'~ On notion by member Roofr the monthly roport of Chief of Polioe hsnley Fran- '~, GAG ; ' ~~~c • ~~ ~ 9 ,, •I klinr wes reoeived and filed. j -~0: ~ G~ On motion by nenq~er Hannin~ the annual reports of the several Departne~a of ` t ~ " y ~ the City wne received arrt filed and ordered printed in book fora. i fiat G'-..~-- s f R = . ~I On notion by member J~.aobs~ that all saloon lioense be read slut where their ~. ~; . i ,. ii Se a remove*•ranoe agtiinet ary ealoon~ that sane be laid aside r and .aotect on eeperatsly-i `I ~ i, sane carried. 1! e ,~~:.~~ On notion by member Sndth~ that all boating Co~anies be required to furnish their ~`~I ,,,,~~.,y.~~~f-+~.~~agerrte~ with Power O! Attorney aa! that sane be on file either in the City Clerk's E ~'~ H i. ~{ Oft~oe or reoorede in the County Court Clerk's Office sane carried. • ~; c, ~ On notion by.neAber Jacobei the following Retail Coffsu Rouaeo were granted - ~ .+S? ~ lioense arrt bolls aooeptsd sepasetely sat collective ~ ;- ! 1.1 i ~ ~ llt9an Aalvin { ~.~ ~ 934 South 5th. street Bond EquitAls Surety Co g ,. -• Jl;. Thee Boyle .. 900 North Sth street " ~, G.W.Kel]y 119 Aroadwey N e . Vineye,rd Aros li7 North 4th street " L , ,~~~~ J.T.Dunn 107 North 4th strret ~ " " ~~ C,R.Miller 1167 North 12th sttrrs " ~ Jonh Ward 132 tCy Ave " ~ =r ; ; B.A.Turner 922 Finley Street ~ ~ ". r, ~ ~I W.F.Haa 936 North 10th street •. " ;` ?' ~~ O.A.Willow 113 South 4th etbeet " ' 11 a t.,~;,Frank Wagner 110 South 2nd street " ~ . i Henry Oeuae 432 Sotith 7th etbeet " , " ~~ J.L.Potter £s02 Harris street e • ~ ~' ii Den ?d. Allen ' ` ~ . Rirat k Aroadway ~ _" ~ ~ ~ ; ° , !~ Soon Furgerson 701 Triablewtreet ~ " . • ~~ R.R.L.Moahell 109 Borth 4th street `' ` ~ J.It.Qlendenon 11,E South 2nd street " l'; H.8.KileY 1039 Ky Ave " - {~ Davis Bros 233 North 13th street " ` " r ~~ J.T.nuarlee East side I.C.Passanger bepot " ,~:, ~ ~~ :Merry 6e btitohell 900 Washington street ~ " . ~ z {; Peter Aolger 1615 South 4th street " .1~: Alfred Strauss . , : ~ 114 Ky Ave " t , Ef Tuek Lowe ~ 825 Washington street " r f ,;, ~ Nicsy R'hon4-ilQ~t ~ .: ~ ~•,,, - 116 Ky Avs " ' S.H.(3ott ~ 119 Borth 4th street " ' ~ ~; - 1 1{ F.M.Jdatlook • :, „ , 3132 South 10th street " • ~ ~'" I' Aki k C ~ . n onpsry 300 South 3rd street " ,' ~ ~• Il T.J,F,ley f4; ,~ "- 111South 2nd street « ~ ,!~ ' ~ I~ W.C,Stanford 129 South 2td.~treet " E11i ot h W ~' ~f th '~ -- ,. ~ , ; ; . t , a en ,,,, , 134 ,.South 4th atrsyt . •:• , Fidelity de Deposit . Co 0f ~E. ,, , ,:. `' .~:.~ ., -:~i,3' , µ , .~. F . ,., ,. .. ,; ,. ... . ::.COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;' Cl'~'Y OF PADUCAH_. '' •: _ .° . ' ~ ` 191 ~ : '~Dy ~, P r. i Chas Danker 901 Washington atreet Bond Pidelity de Dspoait (`o~ of ` planes Ward 1100 South 11th st ~ " Z.ft.Wi111ane 10.5 Broadway • o-. Ban Bryant 31p Ry A6s " , f .. ' ~ ° W.L.Catea ].2~ South 2nd atreet " lt.H.ttitchsll 908 Aoyd atreet " ~ rt W.M.~titohell 1000 North 10th atreet " ; i ' • ftol 131111ngaley 833 Caldwell atreet " + ' J.B.Schulte 701 Ohio Street • ,, I J.B.Rothrook ~ 121 South 2nd Street " f ' (}.W.Shapard 200 Ky Ave " ' ~ ~ i (i.W.F.chrariis F.etate 117 South 3rd atreet ~ s . ~ •? Oeorge Schulte 701 Jackson Street " • ; , ' '~ A. }dareoftal~ 134 South 2nd street " ~ ~ Rehkopf Diet Coapa~ 10$ ~ 105 South 2M atreet " ~" i ~ - J.ft.Flrod 125 South 2nd atreet ' " , -~ ~ , O De ~ ruiick Sou 1 5 th 4th atreet ~ , ~ , .. I ... ~ J.ft.Petter t: Co 116 South 4th atreet " z tt:ft.0alla~er 829 Triable Street " ~ ~~ C.T.Orahan• 135 South 9th atreet " ', t Kinnie Fturay 115 North 4th atreet ~ " ~ ' ~, .' ;' L.L.Nelaon 407 South 3rd street " ~: t , R.L.Peacher de Co 101 South 2Y1d atreet " ' F.111ott & Cannbell . 100 Hroertway " i ' ~ San C. Smith 120 South 2M atreet ~ " ' • ~ L.Ii.RK~,:n 115 South 4th street ~ ~ " -;.~.; Claude Porter 106 South 3rd atreet " ~ ! b.Lsahlee 402 North 12th atreet " • •' R.ft.Peli 737 North fSth atreet " - I ` Johh R.Dye 1']29 South 4th atreet ". " i ,' . W.C.Oray 1J7 South 4th atreet ~~ " • ' Janes Boiden ~ 7,M lutane etroet - " ~ F.S.Joluzaon 1034 South 10th street " • _ , Janes LtoAu;~s,n• 1134 Jones atreet " i J.J.L~.ily 1501 Soutli 4th atreet National Sutery Co.o! NAY ' I ' ! Clan FrKnceola 212 Ry Ave " ~ ' ~ Oacer DenLer 432 North 12th atreet " !; ' ; •A.T.Rohannon ill South 3rd atreet - " ~ i' ! Palmer Itousa bar 5th Je Broadway " ~ ,. ~~ Hotel i3elvedere 201 Aroeulway gutls " r ~' u o ll f th F ll b th i t -Y ll ~A i p n ca o e ro o ow eFS y e ng vo e; orer.~an~~ rleyo 0oodnan~ Itarinini IJurtot '. . .. a ~ ' Jncoba~ Lenhard~ Ltoo~eo Rool~ Smith anrt Watts. (12) • i /~ On motion by member Jaoobs~ the following I?uart Idquor Lioenae~ were granterl aM bonAa Cam.-: accepted;-ft.Weil & Bon 113 North 2nd street boruJ Rquitable Surety Co ~ L.~t.Stephone i '~~~~• Bridge at Ptill & Tipple Traeh Rquitable Surety Coy F.nQ lent de Bryant 119 South 2nd atreet' i BoM !•.John'A.:•Yout~erJ&;.Johh.e..Surt}}~ Riedermnn Diet Coy 111 North 3rd atreet bond r' A.J.Priestar de Jeke Biederr.~n~ A. Sid Terreli 417 Jer,:eraon atreet boM J.A.terrell lk F,d ¢~ ' + terrellr IS.Livin;~ton de Co lig to 121 Nort3i let street RoM ~anea and Ben Waillee upon Dell ! of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremsn~ Iiutlerr Farle~•~ Qoodnanr Henninf Narton~ ~ ~ i Jccoba, Etoore, Lenhwrdr Roofs Smith and Watts. {12) ~~ U 7a,, On notion by member Iianninr atattil Rf.*inger & Roth were refuMed X4.00 over paid on ,.~Q~ U ~ bttlial perr-it. n ~ O ti H t th t W "! ~~~ o n on by member ar ong e repor of the harf nrtiater~ waa.receired and filed. ~ • ~ ~ . :...1 . ~ On notion by the above, the action of the upper Board. was concursd int in regard t'a.~ ~"= ~~, ;.' ~~lrrft. r~ a Committee being sent to Frankfort to represerrt the City of Padueah~ on Conuisaion Forn • '~i-~ t L•--r~ - ~ +~ of bovernent~ '~ ~' n O ti t J ~~u 6 , , oCS n o on by he above ohn .Doherty was refunded ?48. - 0 on property owned by 1Jarv7le ~ ~/ o/d!.L~GL(, ~, ~~('".° "`"`~ `~errell Astate,.ovsr ohargedt upon Dell of the roll by the roll by the following vote;-Yeas 0 Forenan~ nutler~ Frrley~ ~JOOdnan~ Hannin~ Hr.rton~ Jaooba~ Moores Lenhard~ Roofs Smith earl c: ~ ' --------------°----------On motion Lhs Board ad~ourned----------------------------------r- .. °° .. + .anoP::~~ JAN 1 JAN 19 i ~~ -~ i ~~ ~ E ~ ~ .A.P(P~R/,~,O1V n i ' `"/ / 'CL6G1 t ~L%.l ,~ h•~L'YV11 ~` Q~ ~~ ~^ :~:~ . .. ..... . . `; is PrMld~ Board o/ Cm,nnil"w. f -. k ~lr~' -_ . i i i. ~. i I •~'v ?:'i ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I .. , .. ~I ~. .y• _ . .. .. ~ ;COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY QF. PADUCAH ~~ ~ 1.91 -- _ ~'qF„` ` At s regular meeting oP the Board of Councilnen~ held in the Council Chamber in • ~. ~ ; • ~. ~ +~ ~ ' '~ '"~ '' r t> '{ . i '~ h y H 5 ' ~ /, ~+ , _ ~ City a1 ., in the 91ty of Paducah~ Kq,,~ Jern~ary 19th 1914 upon. e -call of the roll tB , t .. : ' i ~ tL. V ' i ~I~1 if ty. f •~ ~~~ ~F ~ " 'r ' . ..~ 1 ' 11 I i . 4; ' " ~ ~ i. •: ~~"' ; ; ~ ,, ~ ~ the following answered to their nactea;-Forerun, Butler' ferley~ doodmen' $eanin~ Harton , is ~ ! ~;. ,,. ~ r' , ~ r.;, ~ ~soobs~ Lehnard~ Moores .roofs Smith eiid Wafts. (7.2) ~ ~." '~ I i ~ +~' d ~~ ~ ~ , ,,, _ On motion the minutes of th prd rioue meetings were a opted as read, . ~~;,«,~,,; per. i„ On motion by member Hanniny t2fe Finance Committeeos allowance for asleries etc.y ~ i ~~r~ ` ~ ~ s allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer, for the• ~~ „ ' - i r~ „ ", ~ ' respective amou~rts~.•vpon call, of the roil bV the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman Hutler~-~" ~' ; ~ ~, ~ .. , ~ Farle!>> hannin, Herton~ Jacoba~ (ioodman~ Lenhard.~ Moores Roofs Smith and Watts,. (12) .' ~~,~~,, ' i ' .i. ;,~y`~/ On motion bS~ the above, a.W.Katter3ohn was allowed X994.34 out of the Special s ` ~~ . ~ ~ G~~''"`~ ~ Street Fundy for work done.on Harrison eL.reet between Fountain Avenue and Harrihen Hlvd ~ ~ ~' ;Upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley Qoodman~ ~ ~' '' ~ :, r i ~' i i Harinin~ Hart.on~ Jacoba~, Lenhard~ oore~ Roofs Smithy and' Watts. (12j ! ', i a ~ i~ } p-, .i i i On motion bV the above Yancey ~: Jo}maon was allowed 997.02.OOovt of the Special . ~""'~ ~ I i Street F1~nd for work done on Madison street between Harrihan Hlvd to F.ovntain Avem~e a. . f ,~.,~, ~/-aF~ ~7~h upon oall of the roll by the followinf; vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley Ooodman~ Hannin, Hartong Jacobs Lenhard~ Moores Roofs Smith and Watts..(12) ~, I ~~ ~ ~N ~ On motion by the above W.L.Yancey was refunded $2.62 over assessment. ~ ~ ` ~, i ~; e -~, iu'~' f On motion by the above C.Fritz wea refunded X2.79 for over assessment. . I ~.- ere .+~~ On motion by the above~Reso~ve~ That the salary of the Police Court Stenographer II ' ii i ~g ~" i~ be made Fort Dollars 0'40.00) per month; Provided it shall be optionary with the Judge ~ ~ " ij ~ ~ of the Paducah Police Court to appoint a stenographer or render such services himself ~ y. ~ s 'II <"°' i; . . j' in the latter events such compensation for such stenographer to bo paid to said Judge . I' '` ~" " ' ~ of the Paducah Police Courts was given first passa~e~ upon call oP the roll by the :1 I ~~ . + `" `~ ~ f . 1 i~ following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlet~ Farlev~ Ooodmany.Hannin~ Hartong Jacobe~ Lenhard~_ ~, ft Moores Roof~.Smith and Watts. (12) ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~i,' ' II~ ~ On"motion by the above the rules were suspended on the above upon call of the ~ ? ~.~" S " -.1• . _ roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Fsr1eY~ t3oodman~ Hannin~ Harton~• ' ~, Jaooba~ Lenhard~ldoore~ RooP~ Smith and. Watts. (12j On motion by the abo~e~ the above Hedmlution was given its second and finals pass- ~'• • ~! agei upon call of the roll by the followinf; vote;-Yens Foreman Hutler~ Farley Good ',% :. i ii . ~ ' ~ mangy Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Roofs Smith and Watts. (].2) { 1 O «-^'~~ On motion b th ~' ~ b v th C ' ~ y a e a e o e ontract made vrith Jsa Chambers. Col.~t.o run the City ~~ - ~ i , ~ ~J-''- ~ Farms recomri"ended.by the Finance Committee' was concured-in. - ' _: C On motion by the above the Paducah Hosiery CompaeLy was exempted from taxation s-~.~.~'~ li" . '••, for o period of five years' conditions set out. ~ ~ .`w-<<•• G .' On motion by the abovey the construction of #3 Sewreage system was referred to '~ j c./ ~ the, Joint Finance ~ Ho~pital.Sewer & Sanitary Commltteee~ ~ ~~J ~ ;' .-~_~~ ~C~...GL--~ On motion by the above; the wood work and painting the interior and exterior~/L%ty ~ ` , "~ was referred to the Public improvement Committee to~get bids sigo be giveri power to ' ~ ~ , V ~ • ' ' purohase floor covering. for the City Halle" ~I i ' . ~ ~ '. ~ ~~ ~- -"r On motion by the shover the City Jailer was instructed to furnish the City lisrket ~. ~s ~ ;~j gjJ,r.«.~-_ • i{ idaeter.rvith two priaioners each day to clean the Market House. ~ ~ .~.: . _ _ .; ' . ;' .... . . __._ _. . , ~•ij ~ ~~ ~ I' On motion by the ahove~ AN ORDINANCE FIXIN4~THE APPORTIONMENT OF TFIF'PUHLIG',FUND3{ ,~ . v..,..~OF .THE. CITY OF PADUCAH~ KENTUCKY FOR THE.YF.AR 1914 was given first' passages upon Dail oP r E ~y'~ ~ ~ 't he .roll b the follows ~ } ' y ng vote:-Yeas Fgreman~ Butlor~ Farley t#oodman~ Hannln~ Hartong Jso~- ; •' ! , ~, ., _. obe~.lenhard~ Moore,. Roofs Smith and Watts. (12)• i 1 /~ QwK~~ ~/ _'= On motion by member RooP~ the astter of oloaing'tho Market.House'on the North srulf :i ,~,. " " South enda~ where same ie now unprotected Prom the bad westher~ same wss referred to .the ~ {{! Ii r .-.1 ..~ Board oP Public Works to get bids arul report backs to the [ieneral Council. ~ ` •~ ~ ~~ On motion by the above that three mules OP the Street Depertment~ now unfit fore k •~.t~.~ • • G J,~%~,w .. services and the purchase oP these more for the same departments was referred to the Finan+ ~ ~, Ce Committee. ,,)._,~-,~.,•; On motion by the above s RESOLUTION for the lmprocemant of Brunson Avenues by (~~'ti`~""'°-° ~ grading and graveling same from 10th to 11th streets under the ten yssr payment plans wao • iris,-t/, /O ~ // . • given first pasaege•~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Ferley~ ' '•5 B+atier~ Hannin~ Ooodman~ Hsrton~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Roofs Smith and Watts. (12) On motion the rules were suspended on the ebove~ upon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foremen Butlers farley~ Ooodmen~ hannin~ Hsrton~ d.aooba~,Lenhard~ • Moores RooP~ Smith and watts. (12) ~` ~ On motion by the above the above resolution wsa given its second and finals pass ~, ~age~ upon call of the roll by tho following vote;-Yeas Foreman B•atler~ Fsrley~ Ooodman~ ~' . . ~ ~,~~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs Lenhard~ Moores Roofs 5mith~ enD Watts. (12) ' d' ~ On motion b the above a "l~y,.~t~-uc,~; y ~ petition from Market House prc~ticera~ was referred to ~~~~~ the Ordinance Committees to ,bring in sn amended ordinance. ~~ '~ . 1 Ort.motion b3~ aember Herton~ s petition from the Pittsburg Coal Co.~for over eae~ ,~/ ~ i •~ ~~• •'esament wee referred to the Board oP Supervisors. • I ~ On motion by member Jacoba~ s teanaPer of a saloon license oP Vineyard Brothers t-~>" ~, ~~ 'to Oeorge Kodisnaky at 11~ North 4th street,end offered as his bond the Equitable Surety Co~,;,, ,:`14~ ~~of St Louia~ was ordered to take its usual course. . • ~~~~~~. G2~=~^-'. On motion by the above the F.quiteble Surety Co was released off of the bond of Ben TS.A21en and the Fidelity de Deposit of M.D.wsa substituted instead. • ~ , .:jam ~~~. On motion by the above a petition from Huchatera was referred to the license' r ~.,. • Committee. . '"•~~~- On motion•by member Moores several petitions Por a Viaduct at the Illinois centrg~.,y ~.~.-.-~-~~~racksst Tennessee street crossings was referred to the Railroads Telephone de Telegraph Committee.. • ~.~izs-~ On motion b~~ member Lenhard~ s comunication Prom Sewer Inspector Ffianlte~ in re- , '; .~y ~.~ ~ E Bard to the condition of s leaky Fire Plugs was referred to the Peduo star Company. ~.. r y'.,. /~ ~~ ~~._' On motion by member Hannin~ a deed was Granted to J.W.Obrian to a lot in Oak ,. ~'- ic,~yw",'r !! , , drove Cemetery. f ~ ~~ ~~--- ~ On motion by member Fsrley~ the Fire & Police Committees waa given power to sot ` ~' r! ;# '`„~ •in reeeiving bide and letting contract for painting the several Fire S6tLioris~ upon oa1L ~ ~• ~a ~ , of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers arley~ Ooodmen~ Hannin~ Hartong '~;~,' ~! Jacobs Lenhard~ Hoore~ Smith and watts. (12) !" " " ... .l " ~ _..'sy' ~ ' .. . . ~ "~~: ~~ r.iio n 312 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH ~ ~ . I9~._ i .. ~ y?k,. l; ~ 7. k } s 1 i~//~ ~! On motion by member Farley that the. triple combination motor firuck for the Fire j _.. ./tit .e Ear/ 1: i ~ ~ bepartment~ De referred to the Police & Fire and the Finance Conxiittee~ po war to aot~ f~i [ ~ etT~ta I. ~ .I , din getting bids and the purchase .of sameywee grented~ upon call oP. the roll by the fo1T~ ~~ . ' +~ Ping vote;-Yeas Foremen Butlers Farl,ey~ goodman~ Hannin~,Hartony Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moore +tl ` ~ ~ ~ { ' 'RooP~ Smith and Watts. (12) ~. S 1 On motion by member Smithy the obdinanoe Committees was instructed to bring in ;~ ' , ~• ~} ~ i e~en Ordinance probhibiting roller skating on the S+,resta~ but~not inoluding the pavementa~ F~~, ~ m ~ ~ y On motion by member Hannin~ a Resolution alloa-ing the Mayor to appolnt.Wiliiam 'll!~ !' !, //~G~/~,,~Wheelie keeper of the Peat House at tt salary.' of Sixty Do2lara per month payable semi- ~ ~ j . 1 v~~~~%- '~ ~monthly~ was given first passages upon pall of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas ~ III ' f~ '; i Foreman Dutl F l r •g d H H i t l ~ , , e ~ ar ey~ oo man~ ann ar n~ ong Jaooba;.Lenhard~ tioore~ Smithy Roof E i ' }:and Watts. (12) • i.', ~~ ';ii ,.. , • On motion the rules arere suspended on the above resolutions upon call of the rol ~ ~ ~! • Eby the following vote;-Yeas Foreman' Butlers Farley Hannin~ Hartong goodman~ Jaoobe' i~l ~Lioore~.Smith~ Roof and Watts. (12) '' { . ~ i . ' • . ~ On motion by the above the above ResoluU~on was given second and final passaE:e ~~~ ;upon Doll of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlei-~ Ferley~ Boodmanj j'I • it ti i. ,__ i,Hcmnin~ Hartong Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Moores Roofs Smith end Watts. (12) I .' '~ ; I ~~ On motion by tyre above a reoolution granting the ~~x~tier permission to.ea- ~ ~ ..-~~ Jo~-~ . Y ploy -s ,janitor for the City Halls was placed on its first passages end wea killed upon ~~ 4 ~ioe11 of tho roll by the i'ollowir-g vote;-Yeas Foreman Far],ey~ Hannin~ Lenhard and Jaoobo~ ~.I •, ,' , ';Nays Butler' goodman~ Hartong Moores Roofs Smith and Wetta. ('7) ~` /~ ~-~" o On motion b the above that the residents nrut n y - property owners be notified thro-e , ~~~~/ ~ . t !'t~gh the Newa-Papers beginning February lot 1914 for 15th days by notices to petition ~ ' (/ ;the (3energl Council for all improvements in the-way of sidewalks etc. same carried• 6 • •i On motion by member goodmati~ the matter of testing, cows for Tuberculoais~ was O" ~ -: ~ ~ ~;,~ ~ ~; rePerredto the Health Officer and Meat ~ RQilk inepeotor. /--- A /~,,/... On motion by member Ferley~ a petition from Fred Kameleiter:in regQrd too lot on -tI.G/-t~f7e/ ~ r b . I e e s.,..i rCeldwell Streets was referred to the Street Commit+ee. ~ ~' P ~ , e "«''~~' On motion b member Sm ~ ~ y ith~ that the Mayor hear the Committee from the Commission ' ~ , ""'"' ~~'Form gover t L a e n ~ men gu e d before sen~ti g reoomeridationA to Frarilcfort~ .same carried. -51~`..-°------------------On motion the Board ad,~ourned-- --~---°-------------~~....-__~ ~; ; j r ~ il . 6 - i a~ 1 E ,; i. ` , ~iOPZ"7fJ~ ~T'"''~'" f~ ~; ~ , u i ~ AP `R `.. ~ ' O p y, I ~/ ~ ~ p,~, ~ ~ ,,, ~ ~ ~~ `~~ P 'Its ~Yy"-' .; ~ City ~ Qra+d of QornNi~s.. '; ;,, ,. m ,._ ~~'~~~~~~~ ~ f~~ ;~. r. ,, ~~`. ~• ; t .,:k,,, *Y..:.. ~, • ,~' _ - ' ~> ' ~~ - - .~ ,.,.. :. _. „~ . ,. ,. M. - ,.. ~-~ :.~,. r:~ _a,>~xe," ..aa~-FY.. r„ »>35~+v:4T>Y:.;~r/i!axrx,~.w...,.. `_> >~ r. -'~: { `- ~'' -- ~~ i ' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 191 ' ~' " 37 ' ~- t '. ~ ! At a call meeting of the Board of Councilmen held ~t1 the Counoil Cha mber~ in ~ p - ' • !the City Half in the Ci+y of Paducah Ky. ~ January 19th 1914 upon oall of the roll by th4 E ~ . ` ;-.following answered to their names;-Foreman Butlers Farley Goodr~an, Hannin~ Hartong Jacob f ~ Lenhard ~ moore~ Roofs Smith and•Watts. (12) ! o-n.r..~;..t ~On motion by member Hr~r-nin~ AN APPORTIONLtF.NT ORDIHANCN FIXING THE APPORTIONl.4F.NT ~ tOP THE. PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY FOR THR YEAR 1914 be pla4ed'on its °!- i ~/ ~~ ~ ~ passage ~ ember Sm1th offer d d t f l ~ . ~ e an amen men as ol ows;-That a New ordinance be drownf ~ , ' ~~reduoing Street Fund to :000.00 adding X8000.00 for Pumping Station Adding $15000.00 to • ~ c ont ent fund reduci ingu ~ ng Hospital Rind to ~16~500.00 and Jail Kitchen elimated a ~ ~ ame was ~7"' I ,lost u on call of the roll by tho followi v - ~ P i>s ote; Yoas Goodman' Hnrton~ atoore~ Roofs SmiLk~ ~ ` 4 '(5) Against the Amendment Foreman Butlar~ Farley Hannin' Jaooba~ Lenhard~ ane Watts. (7)i I On motion b member Hannin the Ori inal A ort o 1 ' ,, y ~ g PP 1 nsent ordinances was placed. on ,~ i 'itc drat paaaage~ and was loat~ upon call of tho roll by the follotiving vote;-Yeas Foromnn; , ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,~Butler~ Farley Hannin~ Jacobs, and Lenhard.r~b Naya Goodman' harton~ Moores Roof ~Smith~G' ' a, i ~ ~ ~ , , ~ On motion the Board adjourned----------- -------^.+..--- -' ---------------- i. I ~` r I ~~ .e.ry~;v v-T; F E [3 2 1 ~ ' L L' ' ' ~• .AI)OP'2'.F]D ..... . G ~-~ . .. . i P resicloa t~ oa rd 0 r. ~~3: '; ~~ City Llerb. ~ . ' ~ ~.- .. ~~ li !' , + - ~. ~ , - . j `~ ~- ! `I~, ~'! At a CA11 meeting of the Board of Coun oilaenr held in the Counoil Chamber. in ~: ', !Ithe City Halls in the city of Paducah Ky.~ Upon call of the roll the following answered " ~ •. - 'to their nev~ea;-Foreman Butlers Farloy~ Good~aen~ Haruiin~ Hartong Jaooba~ Lenhard~ moore~ ~ ' ' ~ •° ''Roofs Smithy and Watts. (12) On motion by k~T..BER GOgDFlAN~ the. grevioua action taken in .regard to.the apportion', : ordinance~ was reconaidered~ upon call of tl l by the following vote;-Yeas Forema ~~ ~~ n / y ~ ~ ~Farley~ Goodmnn~ Hannin~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ and Roof ^(9) Naye Hartong Moores Smith. '(3) On motion by member Hannin; AN APPORTIOIdI:tF:I1T ORDItlAt1CE FIXING THE. APPORTIONMENT. ~. .~ ~ .., ~OF THE. PUBLIC FUNDS OF T1IF. CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY FOR THE. YEAR 1914' was given its sec~y, ~`"" ~~~§ ' ~ , - and and final paeea~e~ upon call of the ro31 by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Bvtler~>~' }~`;,.. , - ~ Farley' Boodman~ Hannin~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Roof and Watts. (9) nays Hartong Moore ~Smith~3,}! ~ ' • -----°------°-------------On motion the Board ad,~ourned--- r----°---------------------T r, FEa2 ~~,~ :A1701~`..C'~71~ (t. J n -ci_t •: C.,-''~r r~~.a.. 1- J _ ~ D 0 ~ sG~ Y ~ i!2 t / ~ . - ~G ~ • ~ ~ 4xtnelGmnn. ~ - 11 o iOff'' 1 ~1 i. ' ~ ~ ~,' ~ I ~, ~ ~ ~ 1 • .. k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - f' - ~,_, 4I -3~_4 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH._ . • . 191 i >: . ,t At a regular meeting Of the Hoard of Councilmens held in the Council Chambers in .. ~ ! ": ithe City Balls in the City of Pad[ucahs Ky.s February 2nd 1914s upon call of the roll by f • ". } .the following anAs8r8d_tp their names;-Foramens Butlers Farleys (toodmans Hannins Hanoi} ~ l jJacobss Lenhards Moores Roofs Smith and.Watta. (12) ~ ~`~ On notion the minutes of the previous meetiriga were adopted ea read" ~-~""""` 4" ~ On motion by member Hannins the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries etc.y Kass allowed and the Clerk was authorized to dram a warrant on the Treasurer for the re- ~ r • •~peetive amountss upon call of the roll by the fohowatg vote;-Yeas Foremans BOltlers ~+ Farl Goodman F}antiin }}anon locos L 8Ys s , ~ b ~ enhard ~ Lloore ~ Roof ~ Smith and Watts, 12 ( ) 1 p q~,.. On motion. by the aboves the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditory was ! ~~'`"`'~"'~'~' rroceiyed and. filod. ~~y~..~ ~ On motion by member xannins the Woman's Club was allowed $SOO.OOto be spent in '. providing play grounds for children and beautifying the Citys all extienditures to. be ' .. j, mode upon the advice of the.}elsayor and Fine.nce Committee' upon call. of the roll by the ?,~followiii~ vote>-Yeas Foremans Butlers Farleys Rannins Hartons Jacobss Lenhards Moores i ;,Roofs Smi±.h and watts. (11) Nays Goodman. (1) • ~~a~ ".~.u:` ~G2~ On motion bV the aboves Mrs Henrietta Jackson ass refunded $10.00 over asses~- pf t ~ ~ ; meat on tax bill ~t1753. On motion by the aboves.the Valley Farm Creamery was allowed ~i255.00 !or gravel i ~ ~ - r ~,A~/~.~+plaeed on the different streeta~ of the City upon call of the roll by the following ~, ~'"~` j,voLe;-Yeas Foremans Butlers Farleys Goodman' Hannins Harton' Jacobss Lenhards idoores i ~~~ ~~Roof~ Smith and ntts. (12) e-~' ~ "~° On motion bV the aboves s bill from the Home telepkone Comperiy for extra tolep-. ~.Ge~.• _ ~ hones s amounting; to x"15.00 was allowed. ~~*-~-~'~~~"~ On motion by the aboves the action of the Finance Committ9es was concuredins in ---~r ~..- ~i•. ' ~reE;a;d to the Eureka Coal Company furnishing the City coal for the .Year 19146 aiul the {f Manor wno authorized to sign lames upon call of the roll by the following uo+,e;-Yeas • ~~ ~ ' ° } •' ••~ Fbrmyans butlers farleyy Goodmans Hannins F'.artons Jacobss Lenhard, Roof and lYatta': (10) ~~~ +~ '•` tl Nays ~koore and Smith. (2) oB'• ~.t ~~ .. _ •~ On motion b!i tho aboves. the ordinance creatiril; a Deputy Clerks be amended raisin; . ! f ~/ ~ I; i ~ ` G the enlary from :~"s40.00 to X0.00. per months carried. ~. , i~,~ ~',~ ~,,~ ~ On motion bV' th®, above s a Resolution for .the improvemer~ of 14th street. from , ~~ ~~"""" `;;.Monroe to C7.ay otroet by grads end laoi j s nF> p nB stone thereons raider the tars year pay- • ~-~: ~•: ~finent plans •rao given its first passages upon call of the roll by the following vote;- • ~ R'Yena Foremans I;vtlers. farloys Goodmany tannins }Tartons Jacobs Lenhards }toores Roofs • 1~ z«~ .. ~; Smith ani3 Watts. (12) .Y ii ~~ •On motion the rttlea were ouspended on t he aboves upon call of the .roll_by +•he h following vat,e',-Yeas Foremans Butler. - nrleys Roadac.n, eoodmi+ns Harming Hartong Jaooba g ', • '~Lenhardy Moores Roofs 8mitl:.and Wattsg (12) I I~ Qn motion by tha aboves the above Resolution wao Qiven ito eooond and finol paao~ 1a~9g upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Butlers Ooodmnng Han_- • i ,I • ~~nins Hatton' Jaoobss lenhards }Roores Roofs Smith and Watts. (12) ;~~..~`. On motion by the aboves a Rosolution lor.the improvement of Dookmsn atrest~from j J, `off ~' . . ~ . I' , ~ • i ~ ? ~ ' s rf` • ~,; .. + I 1' ~! ' f ~. ~•f '~ a ... ~ j. ~I ~. t~.. . ~ ^-.`_. ~~ ~, t;t• . • f f./, . ~~1;. ~~: {. 1 /tJ` ~. W y ~'... ~ s r: y _ ., G'JC~NCIL PROCEEDINGS, ~ClTY OF PADtfCAhl - ~ ~ w ,~ ~ ` ~ _ 191 ~`'`~'~Eight to Tenth streets by grads and lees ' ~ ~o ~ ~; nG p ng atone thereont under the Len year payment •! .~ ~;plan~ was given 1ta list passages upon call oP the roll. by the following vote;-Yeao 1 Foreman, Butlers Goodman, hannin,.harton, Jacoba,.Lenhard, Moores Roof, Smith amd watta.(l~ t On motion the rules were:auspended on the ebope~ upon call of the roll by the ~, ~~Pollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Goodman' Rennin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard~ Moores ;;Roofs Smith and Watts: (12) ~ i j On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its aeconA and final • p9asr sage, upon cell off! the roll by the Yollowinf; voF~e;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers Goodman, Hannin~ j _ `~ I . harton~ Jacobs, Lenhard~ t4ocre, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) -~ p !' On motion by the above the Ordinance Regulating the Market Houae~ was referred ~~ "'l ~/ '~ . jc.lq~+-~~ hback~ to tho Ordinance Comc~ittee. p~~~,,~~ ' / _ On mo* ion by monber Smith, Section 22 oP the 2.Sarket House ~ wee ordered striksn . 1 . ~.~.~ . j; out . I _ ~. ~ I On motion by member Parley, the monthly report of the Chief oP Police, wee ~~ ~y~ w , racel4ed and filed. ~ I _r i . On motion by the above, a recomendation from the Firo de Police Commiasionera~_ •_ ~o.~~. . in regard to the purchase of'e Automobile for the Chief of Polices to ~+ae in the Police °Department,not to exceed~i.50.00 same carried upon call of the roll by the Following voter / Yeas Foreman, Butler, Goodman Rennin, Harton, Jacobs lenhard, Hoare RooP~ Smith b. Watts(/3.) ,.,...G ~rv/. On motion by member Jacobs, a transfer was granted from vineyard Brothers. to pp~ ~:lio .O~r--~-'~^~ eorge Kodinsky oP their saloon licenao at 117 North 4th street and bond secs tad the ~ ~ P ~ Fidelity de Deposit Co of St Louis Mo, upon cell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Autler~ Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhard, ltoore~ RooP~ Rmith and Watts. (~1) i ~:fi On motion by the above, a transfer wns E;ranted to George Kodinaky oP his saloon ~~ f ~~~licenae,from 117 North 4th street to 211 South .2nd Streets upon call of the roll by the ~-~ f . • following vote;-Yeas Foreman Autler, Goodman, Aannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, tdoore~ Roof j Smith and Watts. (12) • ~~4.r.t~t. L ~~ On motion by the above, a petition from Hucksters and,hmakers Por a reduction in`, ~~ their license, the Ordihace Committee, was instructed to bring in an ordinance reduoing .~..Z~-e--.--.. ' ~ same to ^t,25.00 per year. „~ p-~-e~C~ On motion by the above, An Ordinance Amending the number of Retail Coffee Houses'',:' ~is->- /j1r'w~ ~Yn the City, was received and filed. _--~ ' AA C,r-+c~'L . On motion by member Butler, the action oP the Bobbd oP'SUpervieors, was concured' ~I'~ in b not awards ~ C/ , y r-Q at~y refund to the Pittsburg Coal Comgany~ on theiF taxss•: ::. - i ~,~r.,..~i On motion by member tiannin, the City Treasurer was authorized to .pay the Mayfield j~~G~~~~ wand Paducah Gravel Road Aond issued ~•enuary 10th 1694 and due ~nnuary 10th 1914, which is ' Ly .t~-G~ now grit dues same was ordered paid(fout of the Sinking Fundy upon call oP the roll by Lhe ~. L~ i following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Dutler, Goodman, hannin, Harton, Jacobs Lenhard= ldoore,RooPJ. ;Smith and watts.. (12~ i ~~~~' ~ ~,{ ~ On motion by member 1.toore, the monthly report of the Duilding inspector waa re- ' n -~--~~ o ceived and filed. ~~~~~ ,~~~y On motion by the sbove~ the.Rulea were adogted as printed in book Form governing,. ~„,-Gt~v~r~~the general Council. 1,; ~~ a ~-~-~' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,~CiTY OF PADUCAH . _.. ,. .. .. --.,,1:91 _~ ~~~~ m-.-•L~~ On motion by member Butler, an Amendment to the Milk Ordiman os, wee reoeived and ' ~' filed. /~Q,,~,f On aotion by the above, the inoloaurer of both ends of the Market 8wee, was r ,Gs: e~-~-~-~+~• ~ referred to the Public Improvement Committee, to get bids. - .. ~~,~ f- On aotion by member rarley, the Paducah Water Company was instructed to repair ~© (the Moin or Fire Plug on Meyers street, Weer the Bridge. yY,C~c;• C.~. ~"'l On motion by the above, the Paducah Traction Companv was instructed to run the ~~ ~~~~a ,y ~~Rowland Town Car around the loop.. ~-~~~ !~ On motion by member Jacobs, that the Mayor appoimt a Janitor for the City Hall, ~~ ~.-l~I~~ salary to be 540.00 per month, payable semi-monthly, same carried, upon call of the rol ~~s-7+-a~vti • ~ iby the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler,,Farley, Goodman, Jacobs, Lenhard, Roof ~; ' _ ;,snd Watts, (9~ Nays Hart on, 1Roore and smith. (31 u. ~ :~ ~(~,vr.~~•/Ti r~~ On motion by member Smith, that the previous action take~in awarding the C6a1 ~~• ~'~~ontract to the Eureka Coal Coapnny and that Lhe representives of the Weat Ke~ucky Coal Company be heard on the aub~eot, be reconsidered, same wee lost upon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Moore and Smith. (2) Nays Foreman, Butler, Goodman, __~. 1~Hennin, Hartor., Jacobs, Lenhard, Roof, and Watts. (10) iI ~fc~-~--~Z IiIi On motion by the above, that Trading Stamp Compar~,tea be required to pay a ~'!'"'% X100.00 license, same was referred to the Lioe~ise Commit+,ee. ' ~- ii ~~~~ - ,Y,r ~' On mo4lon by member Hennin, a petition from the Western Industrial College to ~' obtoin an evdinanoe with 1Rr Andrew Carnegie, in regard their college, same was ordered indorsed. On motion by the above, the ordihanoe Committee, was instructed to bring in an f ~ pp ~ _ } Ordinance creating the offi4e of Bu!lding inspector, who shall be ex-oPfioo City Eleot- Tian. -.-~ On motion by the above, the action of the 1Rayor, was ooncured-in in regard to ~,,D~~""'y'' hie Veto to the City Judge's Stenographer. ;, . ~~ " On mo*ion by the above, A Resolution in regard to the City Juq~ge's Stenographer was given its first passage, upon .call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, ~,. Butler, bondman, Farley, Hannan, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhr;rd, E!nore, Roof, Smith de Watta.(11) j On mo+,ion by the above,.the rules were suspended on tea= ~:bove, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Hannan, Goodman, Harton,~Jaow• j', oba, Lenhard, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) p On aotion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final p~as- ;' age, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman ___, ; Hannan, Barton, Jacobs, lAoore, Lenhard, Roof, Smith and Watts. (12) ~~-~~~~ On motion by the shave, the oomunication from the Hoard of Police and Fire Co- ~~~.,~,. ''/~j`y,J mmiasionara, in regard to the purchase of a Bertillion Systea and Finger Print System c~ [i (i be purchased and oharged to the Apportionment of the Police Department, upon call of th the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley Goodman, Hannan, Hartong "~ Jeoobay Lenherd, Moore, Roof, Smith and Watt a. (12) ' ~! ------. - ..... _- ---On motion tho Hoard AdJourned--------------=---------- ~~~ ~-~e~~ ~ AU02'T~;:zJ F ~ iu 1 U s ~ ~ ~ :APQ / ia~~ • j' ~ GL~~'J~~ ~ , Pnafiderct I;~dret op u~tn~.~ ~, a ~~~ f~ ~ A/~' f~ (~ ~~<.. ~ is ~~ ,% .. C.~:, , n .. . . r ': _ - • .. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH. `'~ ~ -:. ~ ~. ~ ~~ `"= ~ `. ' Ig lr... ,; ..317 At a regular meeting~oP the Board of Councilmen held in the Council Chamber, ir} ~ , ~ the City Rall, in the City of Paducah+ Ky., February 16th 1914, upon call oP the roll the'. i' ~% followinl± answered to their~namea;-Foreman, Rutler~ Farle~+~At~a~u•-in, Hartoa, Jaoobs~ Lehnw • I' hardy Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) • . ' i4 On notion the minutes oP the previous meeting; was adopted as read. ~~'''' ~w„„r.~.~. ~, On motion by member Hannan, the Finance Committee's allowance Por ealaries.eto.l ~~ ~ ~ i ~•^''•-^'~-I was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw c~ we,rrent on the Treasurer Por the re- ,i ~; spective amounts, upon call of the roll by the followinE; vo+.e;-Yesa Foreman, Butler, Far19y • ~~ Hai~nin, Horton, Jacobs, Lehnard, Hoores Smith and Watts. (llj ~~ On moti m by the above, J.L.Rudolph was allovrad "475.00 Por a pair of mules Lo ~',~,,~~- ~ 'j be used by the Street Department, recommended by the Board oP.Publio Works, upon call of I ~~I~"' ' li the roll by the Pollarring votei Yeas Foreman, Butlor~ Farlay~ Goodman, liannin, Hartong ~; Jac obi ~ Lenhard ~ lioore, SL11th and Watts . (11) . 4 I . ~~ On motion by the above, that J.A.Omberg Jr be allowed a ,~udpement from tho Circpt . ~~I~~/Court Por X1654.80 with interest from January 1st, 1814 aril the coat oP the proceedinga~ for work claimed done, on the Concrete Bridge over Inland Creek on 4th streot. On motiorl~. u~ by member Smith, that the abQv ^ smend•~ and the City Solieltor appeal the above caae.tp ~' i the higher Court, samo lost, upon call of the roll by the followinE; vote;-Yeas Butlor~ ;; Horton, Moore stag Smith. (4) ]Jaya Foreman' Farley, Goodman' hannin, Jaoobs, Lehnard, r and Watts. (11) ~ , _-.. ' On motion by member Hannin+ that the above case be paid as above stated in the is ! ,.original motions same carried, upon call of the roll by the Pollovrinpr, vote;-Yana Foreman ;, 'Butlers Farley, Goodmen~ Hannan, HsM on, Jucoba, Lehnard and Watts. (9) Nays Mooro h Smith,(; i ..~--. Un motion by tho above, a recomondatlon from the Board oP Supervisoro~ that Dr ~~ . , ~, . .D.G.Ihurrell be roP+mded ~9.j6 for over assessment on acerage on property on Goebel Ave,.Ppr i. ', the veers 1911 k 1913, sane carried, upon call oP the roll by the following vote;-Yeas ~ __._ !Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodrpan~ Hannan, Hart on, Jacobs, Lehnartl, Aloore, Smith de Wstta. (1). „(~/ On motion by the above the Treasurer was authorized to burn bofore the Board oP wv ~- .~ . ,Aldermen this date ~ Paducah LiayPiold Gravel Road Donda ~F00.00 each numberti ~-~-9 de10 . demount±ng to v~1600.00. ~~ .,l.GG,'•-+Lr~.N+^' On mo~.lon by the above, J.T.Anderaoa and Jesse Neebel were refunded "x].6.60 on { i~~rover assessment. /~ On motion by the above, the annual report oP the Boord of Suporvieors~ was (( referred to the Finance Committee. o On motion by the abovo, a 'station from J.W.IDittie in regard to aasessmen~ of I Q~ hie property, same was referred to the Board of Supervioora. ~ tom'""-' ,Pln• motion by member Lehnarcl, Ali ORDIIJANCF• PROfIIDITIPIG ROLLER SKATING ON T1'.F. :I1tPRIYF~3 STItfiRTS'OF TIiR CITY OF PADUCAH KY,. was given Pirat passage, upon call oP the '011;, ~~ ' - ~L~~L~~c~'• by the following vote; Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farleyr Goodman Hannan, Hart on, Jacobs, Len-~ i hardy moors, Smith and Watts. (11) {. On notion the rules were suspended on the ebobe, upon Dell oP the roll by the i.' .following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Hatton, Jacobs, &enhard, ~ '?rioore oral Smith. (11) ~ ~ ~' 1 ,. ' t :~1_~ , COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH . ~ 9 ~ _ • U ~. On motion by the eboveg the above Ordinance was riven its second and Pinal, pass- r ' I~ ayes by its ti+,les upon Dell of the loll by the Yellowing vote;~Yeas Foramens Antlers r Farley, Goodmans banning Harlon, Jecobag Lenherclg Moore' Smi+,$ sect We+,ta. (11) (~a~s~i !' On motion by the aboves AN ORDIIJAIJCF A1di~IDING AN ORDIiJA-JCF.s F.PtTIT1~Ds "AN ORDIN- ~' ~ ~ ~ ANCE Rt~ATING TO F1AWIiER5 AND FNCKST112S A1JD RF.GULATINO TIiF. AUISNFSS THF.RI;OF;PRF.SCRIII- e-•~~'~'Y" " "vNG THE LICENSI; TAX FOR TP1E CONDUCT OF SUCH tiUIS1JFS5 AND FIXENt3 THE PF.tiALTIFS FOR ANY VIOLATION tiF;RFAFs eras riven Pirat paseaEgeg upon call oP the roll vy the Following ` „ u ~~ vote;-Yeas Foromans Butlers Parleys doodmans Hanttins bartahg Jacobas Lenhards Moore ' {~ Smith and Wetta. (11) { , On motion the rules ware euspendod on the aboves upon call of the roll by the ~ ~ - r Pollou~inr vo+e; Yeas Foramens Hutlerg Ooodmang arleyg penning Hartong Jacobs, Len- harctg Moores Smith and Watts. (11} a E ~ ~ On motion b~~ the aboveg the ebove0rdinanoe was riven its second end Final pass- 4 ' ~ are by its titles upon Dell oP the roll by the following vo* s;-Yeas Foramens Du+,lers ~' ___., ~ ~ Parleys Ooodmang Nanning Hartong Jacobs lenhardg Moores Smith and Watts. (11) 9 ~s.-sti , f On mo*•ion by the above AN ORDINANCE AP'~1JDINO " A-J ORDINAN g Cf RI:LATINO TO APJD RF:GIi~ ,~ t .tA ~ LATINn Tit[: PdARK[;T FtOUSE OF THE. CITY OF PADUCAH KY AND PRFSCRIAYNO R;JLFS FOR TP?Ei COtJ- I ' I ~ ; DUCT TPiERF:Ots~ AND PENALTIES TttERRUNDRR APPR0I~EQ JULYlot1909s was given first pasaago il, s { i 1 a on Dell oP the roll b the Followi ~ P y ng vote;-Yeas Foramens Antlers Parleys Goodmang ', I ~ G Nanning Nertong Jaoohsg Lenhards Pdoores Smith and Watts. {11) f !I ~ ~ ' On motion the rules wero ouspended pn the aboveg upon call oP the roll by tho • ~ I Pollowir-g vote;-Yeas Foramens Hutlerg Ferlsyg Goodmang Henning Itartong JacobsgLenhard I • j• Moores Smith anc- Watts. (11) { j ~! On motion by the aboveg the above Ordin~noe wee riven its second and Pi~al pass- jj ayes 41y its titles upon cell of the roll by the following vote;~Yeas Foramens Duelers j _ ~ farloy, noodmang Henning Hartong Jacobag Lenhardg Moores 5t~ith scat Watts. (11) j ////`~'~~ ~ ~t l!/'' On motion by the aboveg AN ORDINANCP'•, NrtENDIN6 AN ORDINANCE ENTYTt.Rb "AN ORDINANCE CREATIPJC. TilE OFFICE OF DF,PUTY CITY CLERK FIXIIJA HIS TRRbi OF OFFICR AND COiRPEAJSATION f ,~ z j; AND PRESC:RIAING HIS DUTIE~a TNRRi•:UNDF~s AI'PTtOVED PdARCIt 20th 1~12g was riven first paeb ~ r ~ - ' ! ! ~~ ages upon call ~P the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens Butlers Parleys Oood- ~ j; • '' riarig itanning 1Jarton, Jaoobag lenhorcls P4ooro and Smiths and Watts. (11) ~ .. +~ On motion the rillea were auopended on the aboves upon call oP tho roil by'the it j Following vote;-Yeas Fore:as~a, Butlers ~arlevg doodman, "rnntn, Hwr+en, ,jocobas LeA- ~' bards P:Jooreg Smith and Watts. (ll) . ~ On motion by +,he aboveg the above Ordinance was riven its second a:rl Final para- ages by its titles upon call of +,he roll by the follor~ir-g vote;-Yeas Foramens Butler Parleys goodmang banning Hartong Jaoobog Lenhercls Poore and Smith and Watts. {1T) ~~~' ` ' . On motion b member Smith the real p y y Y g (;nation of Joe Wood ea•'De ut Cit Clerk was t g reoeivocl aYUI Piled. ' ~~~ ~~~ On mo+.ion by member.Butlorg the reoo:~enddtion of Ehe Street Committee in regard ~ ~/.__.., 1 s ;' to purchasing a City lot from Fred Kameleiter Por x.500.00 leoated on aldwell atrootg ;' ~' same wao oonoured-ins upon call oP the roll by the following vote;-Yeos Foromans Hut- ~ ,~ j tars Parleys Ooodmans Hannin~ Hartong Jacobsg lenhards Ltooreg Smith and Watts. F31} ji o ; , ,+ . ., -.~ ~= ~~ ,1r'• /f"' 1 ~J,~ ,- ,• ~ •J. _ ~a_ S{{ ~'~ i ~, i ~,.. ~' O J._- I' ~. (~i i .•1.. ~!•~. ~~. /L.; . .~- s,~~` -''' ''~„ • ., .. _ . ~- ~~"'''~'`'~ On motlon.by member WaVte~ the recomendation oP the Public Improvament.Committeat. f ,t~r..~' 'wan ooncured-ln~ in regard ~o_defAr~ing notion on enoiDoainQ the ,Market House until Aug-. • , A ,~...~ On motion by member Watta~ a Reaolutlon for.'the improvement of Monroe Street ~r.m ty ,~' ~; t'rom 12th toi~th street with ootlorete aidears,lks eta. i under tits tan year payment piano, ' / ~ ~0 ~7~~~i was Given its first paeaaLre, upon oall of tho roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman L ~, ~: Hutler~ Farley Boodraen~ Iiannin~ Herton~ Jacoba~ Lenhardi DRoore~ Smith and Watto. (11) II ~~ On motion the rules vrere suspended on tho above u on call• oT the oil tt r b to ~ P Y i f' ~~~ Y; ~ ,, following vote;-Yeas Foraman~ Butlor~ arley~ Ooodmen~ Hehnin~ Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard~,i • ~' ~ Moores Smith ar~d Watts. (11) . p j• ~~ On mo*.ion by the above the above Resolution w~,s !!ivan its aeoond attd final ~ '~ . i ~; passat;e~ upon anll oP the roll by the follov~ing vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farloy,,Oood-? i f ~ Aten~ hannin~ Hartong ~coba~ lenhard~ 1.toore~ Smith and Watts. (11) '~ 1 -"-' ~ 1 ~~~," On motion by member Farley the Fire Ee Pollee Committe9 was instructed to aeli ~ .;I /~ ~' •,/~I'~'t2t } ~a ,the horse and bng~~ Pormly used by tho Chief oP Police. . • ', .._.. ~ I /y~ ~~.,, ,~e~ ~ On motion by member Jaaoba~ a t'ranaPer oA a Saloon license from td. Allen to I; ~ _, (I' G~ ~ F.rneat Ysrbro at lib-11S Kentucky Ave'and yarbro orfered as hie bondsr.~en the Eq~itiabla .~ ~ •~.~. ' ~ ~ ' ~ ' Surety Company wan ordarect to take its usual course. I` 1 /n~~~ 1 On motion by the above, an amendment to the Licenaa Ordinance in ret5erd to Sel- C/oi 9`' •-n.G~oon lieenae Girl Deer Agenta~ wee rei'errerl to the b#eeaeer-ems Ordinance Committee. ~ j On motion by member u,enhard~ a oor.~utiication from the Boarrl of Health in regard testing ; f .- Cowan was received ant filed. ' ~~ ~i/~s+vv On motion b~~ tho above, a oomdniaation from the Valley Farm Creamorv Company, j ~_o ~ G~' was referract to the I[ospital Sourer and sanitary Comr:~ittee. ,. 1 ~~~ ~ ~~~~ •„~ On motion by member >Lenhard, a petition from Sam C. SrtitYt in rogard to over i ~ ~,w,~,~„~/ aaaeaat^.ent was reforred to tho Board oP Supervisors. ~ ~ ..r- ~ ~t~ u ~.z,. •On motion by member I[annin, the openinP of Tully Ave was referred to the Comet,- ~_ ery Committee. ' On motion by the above a Resolution for the improvement of. 5th street from ~ ~ ,~~ii.u~. Jefferson to Clay street with.cometere sidewalks etc. under the ten vraar payment, plena ' wee given its !'iraL.:paasal=e, upon cell of the roll by the followin!! vote;-Yeas Fore an, n' ~ 1 ~~ ` ~ Butlers Farley aoorlman, Hannan' Hart on, Jacobs Lenhard,T:toore~ Smith and Watts. (11) nn motion the rules were suspended on the above upon nail of the roll by the i. ~. followii~; vote;-Yeas Fpremen~ Butlor~ Farley (:oodnu-n~ T?arinin~ tfarton~ JaeoUa~ Lenltarciy ' 1 Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ~, On motion by the above the above Resolution wan gluon ito aoaoncl and final ~ 1 passage, upon oall of the roll by the followinf+, v ae;-Yeas Foreman, Iiutlei~, fnri.oy~ Aoor~-, - man, H~nnin~ Hart on, Jacobs, Lanhard~ Idoore~ Smith and Watts. (11) ' ~ I ~ .~I ~~- On motion by member Sniith, the Official News papor be instructed to publish the ~'; ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' '' Yeae and Nays on all question ta]con before tho ~enaral Counail~ same carriod~ upom oa21 ', Tr oP the roll by the followinf; vote;-Yeoe Butlers Ooodman~ [fart on, Jacoba~ llooro ~ Smith,(6) r..... tiaya Foremen Farley, Henning Lenliartl and Watts. (5) j ~ri.,..,~.-7a.-„t" On motion by member Sraith that the Urdinance Committee aubstltutb gravel instead, G I ~~• oP Stone on all Street ordinances, same was amended, and orderccd laid on the table, upon - ~-~-... ~ _ i ' r n~" . , . .. .,.~..r.... . ', ~ a COUNCIL PROCEEDING, CITE' OF PADUCAH'` .`: ; ~_~,~ . ~ ,', .'' ~ !:.~~.191;'~.:° ~ 3'?1 j; At a regular meeting of the iioarct of Councilmen, held in the Council Chatit]sr in i. the City Hall, in the City of Paducah, Ky., ataroh 2nd 1914 upon Dell of the roll the Po11e !ing answered to their names;-Foreman, Hutler, farley~ Goodman, Hannan, Harton, Jaoobs, Len- jhard, Moore, 9mit'h and Watts. (11) ~~ ~ ' On motion the minutes of the previous maetin~, was adpoted ea reed. i ~ ~' ' ~,~.rss.~w ' t; 0n motion by member Hannan, the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries eto., ' ~~ was allowed and the Clerk was authorized ,to @raw a warrant on the Treasurer i'or the re- ~ ~• 'apective amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley ~ t ~I 'Goodman, Hannan, Hart on, Jacobs, lenhnrd, Moore, Smith arut Watts. (11) , ..~" ~1..~.L.~.-ta On mot ion b the ~~ ___ 0 y above, a request from the Audiror for an Adding machine, was i~ v~~_/rtereferred to the Firnnce Committee. ~~~~ ~ On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, was ~~"'f`~O~' 'received and filed. /~/.G.-w~-.,-at-- On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCP FIXING THf: LRVY OR TAX RATR OF TAXATION ON _ ~`7"~j`'~~ , PROPF.TRY IN TrIF. CITY OF PADUCpH FOR TJiE YEAR ]:914 AND THE RATR OF PBLL TAX WITH THt: FUR- , POSF. OF THF. SAID LF,~'Y THF.RFAINDF.R DRFINT9, was given first passage, upon call of the roll Dy the followint; vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Parley, Goodman, Rennin, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhardt: Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) • On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by tho ,.Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Parley, Goodman, Aannln, Hart nn, Jaoobo, Lenhard, ;!foots, Smith arul Watts. (11) - On motlon by the above, the above Ordinance was p;iven its second arnl final pass+ r ~ ;age, by its title, upon call oP the roil by the followinP vote;-Yeas Foreriari, Duller, Farlp Goodman, Hannan, Barton, Jacobs, Lenhard, !Boors, Smith and Wotte. (11) ~, v.~+~-~ On motion by the above, Lang Brothers wns refunded X15.00 over paid on licenoe r-- for 1914. -• - On motion by the above, the Diamond Stamp Co was allowed X63.30 for tags Lo De • .`used by the City for the year 1914, upon call of the roll by the followiri~; vote;-Yeas Fore- `man, Hutler, Farle,~, hannin, Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, itoore, Smith and Watts. (11) ~~ ~~~ On, motion by the above, Chas i[itchell was' reilinded .f4'/Cta on over assessment. ""~ On motion by member Hutler , A RF~SOLU7:IOf1 FoR TTIR IA4PRO1F.ttFNT OF CALDWI3,L STRRI;T ~ '~ p~ ~~ FROld FOURTH TO FIFTR STRRI;T BY GRAnING AtdD PLACING STONH TIiT:RF.ON, UNDi:R THI: TF.~1 YtiAR PAY- ~c.-~- ~- yL'~•~ :~ l~F.NT PLAN, was given first,. passage' upon enll of the roll by the foTlowirig vote;-YeasFore- ,man, Butler, Farley, Hannan, Hart on, Jaoobs, lenhard, Hoore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the above; upon call oP the roll by the following; vote;-Yeas Foreman, Hutler, Parley, Goodmnn, Hannan, Harlon, Jncoba, Lenhard, { , Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by tine above, the above Resolution was gi:ten ils aecorui and finely ' :; pasoage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremr~ri, Butler, Farley, ~rGrrt- man, ~annin, Hart on, Jaoobs, LasnIIard, Hoore, Smith any! Watts. (11) K,., ; On motion by the above, A RESOLUTION FOR TIIF I1~[PROYrAtFdJT OF CALDWILL STRRTT . "~'~'~~+- FROM 9th to 12th street, with concrete sidewalks etc., urnaTer the tom year payment paln, wno. y~~'~Z given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers y,: kr_ a:; ~ ~;f; r k ~~~ .. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 Farley, Goodmans Hannins Ha~•tons Jaoobes l4enhard, ldoores Hannan, Hartom. JaoobssMoores '~; . ~3mith and Wetta. (11) I,{ ' ,~ On aotion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the Is ,; ii . ;~folowing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Ru*letr,farley, Goodman, Hannan, Hartom,.~asoba, Lenhardy ~', i'A4oor®, Smith and Watts. (il) ~ ,; ~ ' ~ On motion by the nboves the above Resolution was given its second atld finelspas- ii; ~ i i. ' jsages upon call o? the roll by the following votes-Yeas Foreman, Antler, Rennin, Farley fGoodmans Hartons Jacobas Lenltards t~4oores Smith and Wette. (11) ! j l On motion by the shoves A RESOLUTION FOR TFit: IMPROVEI'BNT OF SOUTH 6th S'1'RF.ET FRI~~- j I i ,, ~''°~-+~~" BRdAD STREET TO TENNESSEE. STRF.F.T IIE Il1PROVRD PlITH CONCRETE SODFGVALKS ETC. sexception of _ !. i ~ ~ Ii ~~the Pallas all dirt, from excavations to be dumped on West side thereons all to be done • ~~~~ tu-aer the ten ear a ant lan was seen first ease u on call of the roll b the. Y P Ym P s g P ge s P Y i ~. following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Parley, Goodman, Hannan, Harlon, Jacobs, Lenhard I :, ;; I: ~!~idoores Smith and Watts.. (11) ~F On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the. roll by the ~i~ . 4!follovring vote;-Yens Foreman, Antler, Hannan, Barleys Goodman, Hartons Jacobs, LeNtard i; ; ~'~lleore-s ,Smith anB Watts. (11) '' " II' On motion the above Resolution was given its second and fitsal passages upon call ii iaf the roll by the following,vote;-Yeas Foramens Butler, Farley. C€oodmans Hannan, Hann L • jJaoobs s .tenhard s Moore, Smitt- and Watts.. (11). • ~~~' ©.r~.~ On motion by member Farley, the monthly report of the Chief of Police was recei- ~'--~~--,//99 1i,Ived and filed. !: On motion by member Watts, the Public Improvement Committee' was given power to -~~c~~, ,,set in receaving bids for the construction of.the City Kitchen atxl letting the contract !;upon oall•of•the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens Butlers Hannins Farley (rood. ~, tmans Hart on, Jacobs, Lenherds 1[oores Smith and. YYatts. (11) •Gl~-+^- ~ On motion by member Jacobs, a eallon license was granted Prom N.Allen to Ernes! ~ ': ~.,°~ IYarbro at 116-11F4 Ky Avenue and the Equitable Surety co of St Loiua was accepted ea ~~ ' . !',his bondamens upon call of the roll by the PollowinR vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers Farley ' j' Goldman' Hannin's ltartons Jacobs' lenharcl s ldoore s Smith and WaLT,s. (11) (bcceT~ f~ Ii; On motion by member Smith' the pending case of the Eset Tennessee Tel Cps and L~ ~~~~ ~~ . the City of Paduoahs vrasrreferred to the Railroads telephone & telegraph Committee. f~ ~i On motion by member eNtards A RFSOLtiTION FOR THE YMPROVFISF.EIT OF 11th to 12th STREET ON JONES STREET AND 12th STRF.FT FROM JACKSON TO CADDWF.LL STREET ON THE EAST SIDE. ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ - / ~, ~: BF IMPROVrD WITH CONCRETE: SIDFWAI,KS F.TC i s under the ten year payment plans was given ~'z~ ;first passages upon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foramens Butlers Far- ii;leys Goodmens Hannins Hertons Jacobas lenhards Moores Smith and Warta. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the shoves upon call of the roll by the ~; !'following vote;-Yeas Foramens Butlers Parleys Goodman, Hannins Hartong Jacobas letihard , ;,Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ' ." On aotion by the shoves the above Resolution was given second and final passage 'upon Deli of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens Butlers Farlef~ Goodmans .~ ~:Haeuiins•Rartons Jeoobas lenhards.Moores. Smith and Watts. (il)• ~: ~~._-, V '~ ~r~ ,. / :- ~- ~`; ~~ ~~;;. Y~ ~-~ i %~ ~~ /. - ~~/... ~, ..._.~J ~, i ~: } ,.a ~ ~. d" ~. ~V_ k R (. ~r t COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CT~'Y OF PADUCAH. ' •~ ' ` ~ ~ ` ' ~~~ '~ ~ 9 ~ 3?,~ , On motion by the abover a Resolution for the bmprovement of kentucky Avenue Prom a•,it/ :!19th to 20th street with oonorete ai:Tewalka eto.~ under tho ten year payment plans was {}N• ~ ~ ~ '~-•~~givea firsa paasage~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yoga Foreman Butlers 'Farleyr Goodman e,nnin, Hartong Jaeobs~ Lenhard~ poorer Smith and Watts. (il) i On motion the rules were ausperuled on the abover upon call of the roll by the.• ~, l,fi3Lewinp, vote;-Yana Foreman Butlers Farleyr Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Ja,coba~ Lenhard~ ~' '~ iMoore~ Smith and Watts. (11) c ,_ ~ On motion by the abover Rhe Above Resolution waR given second aryl final peeasge.' t II upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlerr farlayr Hannin~ Goodman , 'i ~; !~ Hartong Jacobs ~ LeNrard ~ T[oore ~ Smith and Watts . (11) ~ ~ '~ On motion by the abover 8 comunication from the Board of Publio Works in regnrd ' '~' ~:to Plumbers being forced by ordinance to give bond' was referred to the Ordinanoe Committee ~'i-- f On notion by the abover the adoption op office hours by A. Franke Sewer Inapsots ' i,~fD_:~µ` ~..,,,~,~,,~ x.30 to 9.00 A.T~I- and 1.30 to 3.00 P.Ti. waa concured-in. ~^' ~ ' ~v8~.- On motion by member Hannin, a deed was granted to F.B.Troutman to lot l.bloolc i.~ i in the New Addition in Oak Grove cemetery. ~~~„"Cfp~G~.~.2{~""_i___ " Or. motion by the above r a transfer was granted from TSrs Allice Simpson. the 9outh~ ~~ a.Zu-~µof lot 14 block 46 to ura Sudie Barker. _~ I ~~ ~,.y~/ On motion by the abover the action of the Cemetery Committee waa ooncured-ln' •~ ~,,,,"~°'~ That all lots in Oak Grove cemetery sold on partial payment planr not paid Por by Apri1.•• - 1st 1914 be turned in Public Ground. On motion by member ldoore~ a Rt;aolution for the improvement of Tennessee from ~ y' ~~ c/%j-~r~""`'`~`' 16th to iSth atreot with conotere sidewalks eto. r under the ton year payment plarir waa:. ~~. given first paasa(;er upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremnnr Butlers Farleyr Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jacobar lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) On motion the•rulea were suspended on the abover upon Ball of the roll by the fi;' ;following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers arley~ Goodman Hannin~ Harton, Jaeobs~ Lenhard~ Moore ~ Smith and Watts . (11) On motion by the abover the above Resolution was Ttiven second and final passage ~ . upon call of the roll by tho Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers fariey~ hannin~ Good- . i Mangy Hartong Jacobar lenhard, TSoore, Smith and Watts. (11) I - ~~ ~r`"fr'~' On motion by member ldoore, that the Rowland Town car go around the loop nt 4th. -~oait/. ~~,,,~ ~.~+r.~gand Broadwayr same carried. • ~ `_ . ~~-~~ ~ On motion by member Farleyr a Resolution for the improvement of Sowell otreet "~.w~c,l~ a~" from the Fill to Thurman ats pachraft Avenue from Sowell to Powellr Thurman at from Powell'. Qti ~ .y-~ ~-, ~, to Sowell and i;uaah st Prom Thurman to I.C.Tipple Track allbe improved by gradinP and ~r , f ~f~Q,„~ .d~. ' gr-azul rock placed thereonr under the ten year payment planr was given flrst peas- i ege~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman TTUtler, farley~ Goodman Hanninr ITarton~ Jacobar >Venhardq Moorer :~m1th and Watts. (11) On motion the rules were suspended on the abover upon call of the roll by the ,following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Dutlorr Farleyr Goodmanr Hanninr Hartonr Jacobar Lenhardr` Moores Smith end Watts. (11) ' On motion by the abover the above Resolution waa given oeoond and final paeaape• ;.upon call of the roll by the followdng vote;-Yeas'Foreman~ Dutler~ Farleyr bondman, Hanni~, t ;~.,.. • //J~ ~: 1 ~~ ~. ry. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 ~~ ~ ; .„ ~ Hartons Jacobs, lenhards }doors, Smith and Watts. (11) ~ ~ On motion by the aboves~A Resolution for the improvement of South 4th street on > - ~ " ~~~~~ ;both aides from the South line of Broad s+,rAet to the North end of Lhe Concrete bridge- III ~a.R" f.~•-o-+~-•~'~.~~,,~~ !~~,, itindtfrom~the South crag of said bridge to the Nortb line to Farley Placer said conatruo~- 4 ion to be made of oonarete with granite ourba atxt ooncrete sidewalks ate., to be from i j~ four t,o six feet, wide aorording t,o the reoomemdation of the City Engineers all the I~ shrove to be done under the ten year payment plans was Qine first peasaE;es upon oall oP ~. li the roll by the following vote;-Yens Foremans Bu*lers Farleys Qoodmans liannins Hartons J aooba s Lenltard s •ldoors s ilmith and watts . (li) .. ~f On motion the rules were suspended~on the shoves upon Dell of the roll by the ~~ following vote;-Yeas Foremans Butlers Parleys Goodman, Rennin, Harlon, Jacobs, Lenhard ii Moors, Smith and Watts ~ (11) ~~ On motion by the above, the Rvobe Resolution was given second and final passages ~~ j upon Ball of Ohs roll by the following, vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, p'srleys i~oodmans IF I~ ~+ Hannins Barton' Jaeobas lenhards Moose, Smith and Watts. (11) I', ,i • ~,~. ~~ On motion by member Jacobs, the Mayor was instructed to have the Board of Pbblio ~ _ C.eG~w~®i' qE ~ ~ Works to try rook Por an example sa follows;-South 5th street one block North 5th sus ~'° .~ ~,,u. -c...Gti, it ~LR~„~,, ;, street one bloogs by tearing; up the ~±ravel. "'-' ~ ~ On motion by member Smiths a petition frog the propritora of Saloons in regard b I~ ~~-~'-°w ~ ~~ ~ ~; to licenses was referred to the License Committee. _.~~u- __.r ~'. 0n mo*ion by the shoves that the PaBucah water Co be notified that the City will i' .~ ~~~ „ ~~. oonatruct pavements on lleyera street and will hold the taster Compsny responsible Por d~f%f~~.~; any damago their defeotive pipeb pause to seed pavement ctrl curbing. - U `_ r~; On motion by member Smiths that the general Council adopt a rosolution adopted ~,,n, ,~ by the Commission Form of Goverment League against the Scott end Mvera bills now peed- ~~ : ing be9'ore llte 8tat,e Legis7~nttsres same was loot, aAd the Clerk was authorized to pond '•. the entlorcement of the general Councils to the Scott bill and petition agoinat the Z~=y a ,` M,rera bill. `~ On motion by member Hennins the City Solicitor was instructed to bring, in en h Ordinanoe requiring o-mera of Automobiles to register their State license numbers with ~~ ' ^--- the City Clerk. • ^~ ~~`' On motion by the shoves a bill from Joe Wood and J Wes Troutman for services with the Board oP 8upervisorss wsa referred to the Finnnoe Committee. i! ----------------- ----On motion the Board Ari3atraed-~-------------------------------- i . ~ .ev~a:~T~ Fr~i~e 16 's~I4 "• .~.PP o D~9A o 1~ l7' ~'~GZ2LC ~ c 1 y ., +°, A+eaidest BoonL of ConnetSineR~~ . i ~ , + ~; .. .411 (f~ sc 4'•~ ~~ <~ >; ~I ~~. ~~ '~ .., r ` - . .. : . 4 ~, l t i', ..~. .. .. ~+ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CITY OF FADUCAH' " ~ ~~°~ ; ,; , ; , ; ~ ~ 1~q1~ . 3.25 . • ~ ~; . `~ At a regular maeting•of the Hoard of Counoilmen~ held in Lhe'Oounoil Ch~pabsr~ 1>1 ~ i ' 'the City Hall. in the City of Paducah Ky.~Maroh 16th 19141 upon Dell of the roll the fol-• ! . ~' ~ ~~ 'lowing answered to their names;-Foreman~ils~ie*y boodman~ Farley hannin~ Hatton t Jaooba~ • ' Letlhard. Hoore. and Wa+.ta. (91'• • ~ ( On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted•ua read. r !~7 s.•~x.'~ ~` O ti b • n mo on y member Hannan. a recormndatlon from the Hinsnoe Committee of a bill •~ w !of the Board of Supervisors. sa Yollowa;~eo Emery ~90.00~ J.K.Aondurent X90.00 and S.N. ~~ ~•~-+•~+ ~ ~Dodda X90.00 amounting to s~2?0.00 was allowed and the clerk was authorized to draw war- `i . ~ ' ~.-~~ rent dA the Treasurer for the amount. upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas ; . ~Fore~yan. iisi~iia. Farley. Goodman. Hannan. Hatton. Jaoobs. Lephard. Moore and Watts. (9~ . ~d'i~'.' ~` `~ On motion by the above. the Nananoe Committee's allowance for salaries eto.. j ~'""''"""`"''IwaB allowed and •the Clerk was authorized t.o draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the tee- ~ s Ipeotive amounts. upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman. iir~ledr~ Good- R~, ' ,man, Farley. He~nnin. Hatton, Jacobs. Lenhard. Moore and Watts. (9), ! ' - yf,..,~('., ' 'On motion by the above. a bill from Joe Wood and J.Wea Troutman for $90.00 arul ~ ~ . ,jyw o/,r,.-~•~~36.00 respectfully. reoomended by the Finance Committee. was allowed. upon Dell of the roi~ I~ • • i by the following vote;-Yeas Foremen. A~bliw. Farley. Goodman. Hannan. Hart on. Jacobs. Len+!' ~ I hard. Moore and Watts. (9)' ~' On motion by the above. an invitation Prom the Home of the Friendless Committee~.'• was read. and accepted to the General Council. i C~ ry~~~ On motion by member Lenhard. AN ORDINANCF. for the improvement of Hookmen street!, , _ _ was referred to the City 8olioitor. ? i .~(~ ~ On motion b!~ the above. AN ORDIAIANCF. PROVIDING FOR THE. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE. , 4 , ~~~ 11 ~ Z ~ SIDEWALKS ETC.. ON HOTH SIDF~ OF KEITUCKY AVENUE FROIi 19th to loth STRF.i:T IN THE. CITY OF £ .o iU° o / i PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. was given first passage. upon call of the roll by the following vote;- i :Yeas Foromnn. Farley. (I•oodmen. llannin. Hart on. Jacobs. lenherd. Moore and watts. (9) ' On motion by the above. the rules were suspended on the above. upon Dell of Lhei ~, roll by the following vote; ;Yeas Foreman. 1'aeley. Goodman. Hannan. Hatton. ~ecoba. Lenhard~ Moore amd Watts, (y) ~, On motion by the above. the above Ordinance was given second arul 1'itial pact+.i.(;e. ~ . ~,by its title. upon call of the roll by the followir-!; vote;-Yeas Foreman- Farley. Goodmen~ j Rennin. Hatton. Jacobs. Lenhard. lioore and Watts. (9) ~ '~ ~.w~--w~ `~ _ "" On motion by the above. AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING AN ORDINANCE F.NTITLf:D" AN ORDINANQ ~ DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIRS OF THF. CHIRF OF THE. FIRE. DEPARTMENT AND MAKING HIM F.X-OFFICIO ~ ~ • BUILDING IN^PF.CTOR. AND MAKING THE. CITY F.I,F.CTRICAL INSPECTOR ASSISTANT BUILDIN4 INSPECTOR ETC..wes given first passage. upon call of the tall by the following vote:-Yeas Foreman' Farley' Goodman. Rennin' Hartou. Jacoba~ Lenhard. Moore and Watts. (9) , n On motion the rules were suspended on the above. upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremen. Farley. Goodman' Rennin' Hart on. Jacobs. Lenhard. Moore and ~~ k, watts. (9) On motion by the above' the above Ordinance was given second end final passage 'by its title' upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman. Farley' Goodmnn~ ,. L! Rennin. Hatton' Jacobs' Lenhard. LSoore and Watts. (9) , G ~. ,_ ~7,f, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH . 191 ~~~~ On•motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE !j'~/ ~SYDEWALKS ETC ON BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STRF,ET BETY7EEN MWI~Y,FTR AND SE4ENTF.F1dTH STRF.F.TS' ~' i. ~~ ry ~,~_' ~~~/ SIN THR CYTY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, was given first passage' upon call of the roll by the ~'6L%~" ~jfolToaing vote;-Yeas Foreman, !'aley, Goodman, Aannin; Hartong Jacobay Benhard, Moore etf ~;~uyd watts. (9) ,.; On motion the rules were auapendect on the above, upon Dell of the roll by the , iifpllowing vote;-Y~as Fofemany Parley, Ooodmany Hanniny Harlon, Jacobs, Lenhsrdy Moors :, Band watts. f9) -~•~- ...-~..e.~.~.-....,G ~-°.~-•-----0~"'~'"`~"-. ~y 'tom'-~. ,~ ~ ~: +; o . ii On motion by the abovey An Ordinance for the improvement for Potelly Sowelly Eui 'eoto.y was referred to the City Solicitor. • ~~ Q Z!))u On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE. Por the improvement of Tennessee street ~~/ `aT from 16th to ISth ~treety was laid over until the next meeting. / ~ ~, ••vf~ On motion by member Jacobay the action of the Board of Public works was concured •. ~.'in in awarding Yenoey & Johnson the contrac*. to furnish the City with gravel at .~ c! T" i' jiper oubio yard sgb~ect to conditions set out in the contractyalso S.A.aholsony S.D. ,;.Brooke and J.Blandford, for gravel at .S4 cta conditions set out in the contract. ,df ~, ~~..-~~r fln motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE. PROVIDINe FOR THE. CONSTRUCTION ~OF CONCRETE ~~ j`SIDEWALKS F.TC ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH FOURTH STRT:FT FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF BROAD STREET ~~,,~,_,LITO THE NORTH F.ND OF ISLAND CREEK CONCRF.TR BRIDGE qND FROM[ THE SOUTH END OF SAYD BRIDGE ~"' ~ IINTO THE NORTH LINE OF FARLEIC PLACE, IN THE CYTY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY' was given first pas. ~~`" ~j'eagey upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremany farleyy boodmany Hanna ' ' ~. ~ ~: i(iIHarton, Jacobay lenhgrdy Moore and watts. (9) II ~, 4n motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the ;following, vat,e;-Yeas Foreman, Farleyy Qoodmany Hannin, Hart on, aecobay lenhardy tdoore nand watts. (9) . i. '' On motion by the above' the above Ordinance was given its second and final pgas~ •Y j,agey by its title, upon call oP t;~e roll by tn3.Yollo.~ing vo+.~:;-Yeas Foreman' Farleyy _ ~doodmany Rennin, Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and watts. (9) i; '..y,e..t On motion member Hart on was excused for the balance of the meeting. ~~~,,,..,~!..G On motion by the abovey AN ORDINANCE. PROVIDING FOR THE. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ~. 3IDFwAJ,KS FTC.; ON AOTH SaD~ OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROM BROAD STREET TO TENN$SSF.F. STR@' ~~~ ,i! ET (ECFPT THE FILLED PORTION THFftEOF) IN THR CITY OF PADUCAH Kb3JTUCKYy was given first ~; ~`peasegey upon call of the ,oil by the following vote;-Yoga Foremany Earley' Ooodmany .. r! Hanniny Jacobay T,enhardy ?doors and watts. (S) -- . • On motion by the abovey the rules were suspended on the abovey upon call of the i. I•roll by the following vot®;-Yegs Foremen,.farleyy Goodmany Rennin, Jacobs, yent~ardy ",Moore and watts.(8) ' On motion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its second amd final pass- ;, , egey by its titles upon cell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremany Farleyy r Ooodmany Hanniny Jacobay lenhardy Moore and watts. (S) ~~~(,,~~~ On motion by member Jacobay a deed from Fred kametoiter for a piece of properly • beginning at the west Side of Fifth Streets 3~3 feet above Norton Streets amounting $o ;$500.00 same was ordered paid stx3 recorded in the County Court Clerk's offices upon (~osll of the roll by $he following 'vote;-Yeas Foremany lsrleyy soodmsny Hanniny Jaoobey `. ~ ~~ y f ~~ '~ ~~ f /G L j (~~ I sit d ~s /.Ij-c ~~ (l ~- i~ .. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CPI'Y OF PADUCAH ~ '' ~ ~ = ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~9 j:T: 327 ~ _. . Lenhard~ Moore and Watts. (8) - On motion by member benhard~ AN ORDINANCE. ~80VIDING FOR THf; CONSTRUCTION OF CON 1 / 'CRETE 3IDF:WALKS F.TC.~ ON BOTH SIDES OF,CALDWELL STR~:RT FROM 9th to 12th STRFETRIN THE CITYi -COQ ~ , 9 ~.~ /.2. OF PADUCAH KYwas given Pirat passage' upon Ball oP the roll by Lhe following voted-Yeas ' , ~, ''Poreman~ Farley Goodman, Rannin~ Jaooba~ Lenhard, Moore atri Wstte.•(8) ' ;' On motion the rules were suspended on the above upo}- call oP the roll by the : !following vote;-Yeas Foreman, farley~ Goodman, Rennin, Jaeoba~ Lenhard, Moore and Watts. ~~ `~ On mor.ion by the above the above Ordinance was given its second and final peas- ( I jage~ by its title, upon call oP the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Per18y, 6ooe}' j' ;menu Rennin, Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moore and Watts. (8) j ...-- ~,~('~ ~~~ On motion by the•above, action wsa deferred on att ORDINANCE. for the improvement I, ~ 11 ' i ~i ii +¢.~ • j of 14th street from Monree to Clay street. • On mot ion by the above, An Ordinance Por the improvement of Brunson Avenue Prom ~. r'~~ : ~o ~ ,~-./~ ~~ 10th to 11th street by grading and graveling, was referred to the City Solieitor~ also /an ordinance for the improvement oP Bockmen street Prom Sth to 10th street. ~. ~~~ On motion by the above AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE. REGISTRATION IN THE OFFICE ~... ~ . .... c.~ OF THE CITY CLF.F•lC OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ~ KENTUCKY OF THE STATE. LICENSE. NUMBER OF ANY MOTOR VEHICLE OPF~iT~:D IN THE. CITY OF PADUCAH' KFNTUCKY~ AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR ANY; ~'~ ~~~ VIOLATION HEREOF, was given Pitts passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;- , . ~ . Yeas Foremen Farley Hannin~ Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Moore and Wstta. (H) On motion the rules were auapended on the above upon oall of the roll by.the following vote;-Yeas Foremen, Farley, hannin, Jacobs, lenhard~ Moore anc} watts. (8) On motioh by the above the above Ordinance was given its aeoond and Final pace-! ages by its titles upon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman Farley Hat--- i ~~ ', nine Jaeoba~ Lenhard~ Moore .and Watts. (B) ,~ i f ~ ,~.....,..e..~ ~ On motion by the above AN ORDINANCE DECLARING IT TO AR UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE TO !~" ~'"' ;SOLICIT OR RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER THI}iG OF VAIdtE UPON THE RF:pRF.SFNTATION OR AGREF.bff:NT THF1~~ RRAFTER TO PRRFOR}t LABOR OR OTHER F.MPLOYNiF~JT~ WITIi01tT FULFILLING SUCH AGRF.EMENT~ AND PRF.S•~ ~'...c~!... j . CRIBING A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF was given Pirat z~aseape~ upon oall oY the ~ roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, farley~ Goodmen~ Hannin~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~}!toore ' ,and Hatt a. (B) i !, ~~ On motion the rules were auapended on the above upon oall oP the roll by the i ~,~ ", following vote;-Yeas Foreman Farley Goodman Hannin~ Jaooba~ Lenhard, Moore end Watta.(B~.' . ' On motion 'by the above the above Ordinance was given its eeoond snd final pass-~ '', ages Dy its titles upon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yesa Foreman Farley Gooey • ~ i .'man, Rennin, Jacoba~ Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (8) ,1-s~~^ ~' On motion by the above, AN ORDINANCE. RF.GULATIN<< THE. SELLING OF TRADING STAMFS , i ~~ IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY FIXING A LICFd7SF. FF.F, THFRF.FOR, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY 'FOR ANY VIOLATION HF.RF~F~ was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following , ', ;, vote;-Yeas Foremmen, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Jacobae Lenhard, btoore and Watts. (f3) On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon Ball oP the roll by the- ' .' cl ! Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Farley, Goodman, hannin, Jacobs, Lenhard~ Moore and Watts. ~ ' ~~ f On motion by the above the-above Ordinance wee given its second and final pasea' I. ~ ge by its titles upon oell of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Farley, Hannir>, -:. ~~~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH - I g I Goodman' Jacobs' Lenherd~ Moore and Watts. (8) On motion by the above a Garbage Franc3lae was referred until the nett meeting. On motion by the above a request from the Tubercloale Association for a new ~~""• jiward at the Tuberclosis Sanitarium ~ was referred to the Hospital Sewer and Sanitary /3ra,.. ~+-~.~-. i Comoittee. . ~ ~ ,n ^ D +; On motion by the above an opinion Prom dity Solioitar on the question of llhole- ~..• , ~ a~ale and Retail Liquor dealers ~ was reoeiv 9d ar;d filed. :. • ~ ~ ;~r,,s,. On motion by member Jaoobas a oomunication from the Board oP Publio llorks Por j'~more paved streeta~ was referred to the Street Committee. ~,,~,,,.~I' On motion by member Watta~ a complaint from Bhbert Kreutzer in regard to the else ~~' O ~I /y~~_. ~of his lot' wee referred to the Cemetery Committee. ' l•~ ! On-motion by member J acoba, tY}e Equitable Surety Company was relreaed off of the ~~_ k bond of N. Allen at 116-118 Kexitucky Aaenue as she ii out of b~isneas. ~~'a;'1 On motion by the above, a transfer from J.H.Elrod from 125 South 2nd street to ~, ~lll South 2nd street of his Saloon licenso was ordered to take its usual course. ~''~''"~ 0n motion by the above a transfer of s Saloon license Prom Sam Bryant to Q.N. _~~ __ PBhepard at ,310 kentuoky Avenues wee ordered to take its usual Course. ''. ~~ :%~• On motion by the above a transfer of a Saloon license from T.J.Eley 111 South ~ ~'~f~ . „~_.,_,_ + 2nd street to C.E.Miller at 301 South 7th street was ordered to take its usual Courae~ Mr Miller offered as his bond the Equitable Suriety Company of St Loius Mo. ,~/~~°~''~°°• On motion by member Hannin'. deeds were granted to iota in Oak Grove Cemetery to ,: - . ,'~s~,.,.~-t , Dr 8.I{.Oeorge lot 35 block 3 New A~~dition and Fannie Siegel lot 65 bloct 1. ~. ~'j:~~~•,+,-.~w On mof,ion by the above a transfer of a lot in Ask prove Cemetery Prom John '~~~'~ ~ ' I~RoCune to Mrs Mary A. Cleiek lot 4lblock A. ~; On mot,ien by member Ooodman~ a Reooiut,ion for the improvement of Powell street ,6't.w•~~ r .~ from Clements otreet to i.C.Tippls Track and Powell street Prom I.C.Tipple Traok to 'N111 street b~`(;rading and placing gruahed atone thereon. was given Pirat passege~ upn ;Dail of the roil by the +'ollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman Fariey~ Ooodman~ Hannin~ Jacobe~ Lenharcl~ Moore and Watts. (8) On motion the rules were suspended on the above upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremeny Farley' doodman' Hannin, Jacobs, Lenhard~ Moore & Watts~g~ On motion by the above the above Resolution was given second and Pindl psssagey • ij upon Deli of the roll by the following vote;-Yeao Foreman Farleyy f3oodman~ Hannin~ /~ '!Jaeobe~ Lenhard~ tdoore and Watts. (S) ' ~''!''^' ~i6'''~'~' On motion by member Hannin~ the City Sbllcitor was instructed to brinK in an ~~~ ~rdinanoe regulating the Loan Sharks that will atat~d. '~ On motion by the above the building, ordinance was referred to the Ordinance ~~~~d '! Conm-ittee. ~-~~-~~-~-ss.------~--On motion the Board adjourned----------------- ------ ,AvoP~~r.~ A P ~ 31 ~l 4. ~ APR 81 J1 ~ ' -~~~ P tM~' ;,;. ~ ~ City ler ° . ~ Awllwd ~isrL 'ii .' -. ~'1'~~- ~. vim' ~~ 7~ . ~v- ~~. ~. i . _ ~ ~ ~j:._ ~ ,. t CO~IVCIL PROCEEDINGS; Cl'hY'O'F ~PADUCAH ~ " ' ~ `` . ~ ° . ~' ~'~ 1 ~'1 `_.° ~~~` . _ y ht a regular meetirig~of the Board" of Cogncilmen~ held in the Councii.Chauber in i. ~ ~~:fhe Cit Hall in the Cit of Peklucah '~~ p' Y ~ Y ~ ky:~ April 6th 1914" u on~;cpll of the roil the fol-! t .; ~ lowing in:,wered to their names- Foreman Autler Earle 'Qoodman Rennin Harton Jaooba ~Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) • ` y On notion the minutes of the previous meetings was adopted as rend. j i /~ ~1' ~w~r~C~. {; On motion by member Henning the Finance Committee's allowance- Por salaries etc. it Q.Gte-w~..+~u.~wBa allrn-ed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrens on the Treasurer for the reapeoi~- ~I eve amounta~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Xeae Foremen' Autler' Farley ~boodman~ Ha.nnin~ liarton~ Jacobs Lenhard~ Moores Smith aryl Watts. (11) 1 ut,:• . ,I On motion by the above the report of the Treasuror and Auditory was reoeivecl ar}d ~ /~ II~L U ~" ~• ' 1 j. :.filed. ' l j, On motion by the above H.B.(irimmer was allowed X10.00 for painting the City ~~ !Ji~, ~.~~.,ar.. .•!Hall~ inside aril out sides upon call oP the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman But- . k ~ !!!! ~-C~ ~,'ler~ Farley (ioodman~ Hannin~ Hartonr Jaooha~ Lenhard~ Moore, Smith and Warts. (11) ! . I I ,,,~ y' ! On motion by the abore~ a request from the Women's Club Por 56150.00 as psrL 'I ? L° _ 'paye~ent of the Ru800.00 apportioned then in the 1914 apportinmenL~ was deferred until the ~. .~ ~~ ~ ' next meeting. ~,~, 9..-~. On motion by the abova~ the Mayor and Auditory was ordered to borrow x"/000.00 ' I ~ - 'to run the expense of the City upon Dell of the roll by the follo~~~ing vote;-Yens Foreman' ~ '` ; Butler~ Farley doodman~ Hannin~ Harton Jacoba~ Lenhard~ lloore~ Smith and Watts. (11) s~-r! ~~ v~ j ti ; O th b n mo on y e above a recomendation from the Finanoe Comr~itte9~ for the j ~- i 'puregBae of Adding }Sachine for the City Auditor's offices at a coat of 5275.00 wss concurod. /~ 'in upon tail oP the roll by the poll acing vote;-Yeas For.emanr Autler Farley aoodman~ ~/ , Y 1 ~ ~ `Hannan Hnrl:on~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ~ i. ' ' • j n/ I ''y,,. On motion b t~ above, recom endation from the Finance Committees in•regarct to( m Doctor bills amoiuiti~fil; to X195.00 was allowedr upon call of the roll by the follooing vote~• Yeas Foreman Butlers Farloy~ Goodmaxi, Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moors, Smith and 1 nJ~___ ,Watts. (11) ~ ~Oa-.~,.~~. On motion by the ahove~ a bill Prom Jea Campbell Jr for X50.00' in the telephone ~~'""~' ~ ^_~ oases was deferred until the nest meeting. ~'~~~` CL~ On motion by the above Yancey de Johnson wee allowed X55.83 in settlement for • ~~'~,~BroVni st,rest and t9.G.0 Brein~ inoluding the aoat~ upon Dell of the roll by the following ail _~, vote;-Yeaa Foreman Autier~ Hoodman~ Hannin~ Harton Jaoobo~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts { ~p~us__,``~~/ , On motion by the above that Cirauaea ooh be permitted to Show in the City dur- ' ~.cH-~/~ .ing the Fair weeks was reoeived and filed. ! . Z. ~ ~- On motion by the above the usual allowance for the Paducah Anse Ball Aaanr.wa$! ~. i 1' referred to the Fiharice Committee. i /J~..~ (%' ~ On 'motion by the above the ~mtter of widdening Hinkleville Roarl (or Trimble ' ~. ,. I ~!~ ~ Streets was referred to the Cemetery Committee. ' (, ~~~ On motion by member Lenhard~ A1J ORDINANCE FOR THP: INPROYEb[FNT OF Bck`K14A1J STREET ~, FP.0~ EIGHT TO TRNTII STREF,T~WITH CRllSHED STONF.~ was killed on its Pirat passaged upon sell.-; . t the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers Farley Jaooba~ and Lenharcl. (5) '; ~, Nays fioodman~ Hannan, IIarton Moores Smith and Watts. (6) ~ .! ,,. 'til COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF I'ADUCAI i 191_ CG2,~/~•,~,,,,~e,;; On motion by member Lenhardg ,Ald ORDINANCR FOR THE. IMPR01FtdF.NT OF SOWE[,i, STREET Cx~'r-t.~' ~'i FROM THE FILL TO TdiUR1U1}d STRFFTy ASHCRAFT AVE FROM SOWELL TO POWFd,T,' THURidAN STREET ~~Y~_ /~~FROM POWF,I,L TO SONIII,L~ AND EULAH STREET FR i+I THURFIIAN T0. I.C.TIPPLF. TRACKS IN TILE CITY f~ ,R/,i OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY BY dRADYN(s AND PLACING THFRFOti CRUSHED RoE:ICs was given first pase~ „ ., , r ,, ~f ~ ~p ~~o //,;" e ages upon Dell of•the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Foreman' Butlers Farleyg dood- mang Banning Hartons Jacobss lenhards Moores Smith and Watts. (11) On motion t}ce rules were suspended on the aboves upon Dell of the roll by .the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Autlerg }tanning (~oodruing hartong Jacobas Lenhardg Noore Smith ar¢i WatLa. (11) On .motion by the eboveg the above' ordinance wns given ~ second p~ its titles upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foremans Antler's Hanniris coop- • mans Farleys Hartong Jacobss Lenhards M'ooreg Smith and Watt a. (11) On notion by the aboveg AN ORDINANCE: PROVYDIN(i FOR TFTF CONSTRUCTION OF BRUNSON ~VF11dTF FROM TF•NTH TO F.LE;VFldTIi STRf:E:T IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY AY ORADIN(i AND (iRAVF•LINAg wee given its first ppssageg upon call of the roll by the following vote;- yeae Foremans'Fauleyg Ooodmang Banning Hartong Jacobag Lenhardg Moores Smith and Watta.~J On motion the rules were eytspehcled on the abpveg upon call bf the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Butlers Farleyg Ooodmang Henning Hartong Jaeobas Lenhardg Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ' ~ On motion by the aboves the aboves Ordinance wee given its first and second peas- • ~iageg by its titles upon pall of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Fore.~ans Autlerg ~: i Farleyg Ooodmang Manning Hartong Jaoobas Moores Smith and Wetta. (11) -, ~ ~,~,e.-+« c-~ On motion by .the aboveg AN ORAIId1u1C?. Y.RAHOBITINO•~~F:At;ZSt~ily&S.OR ,000~iPJlTZAN.OIT~- ! ~~ " LOAt1TN0 .}IONEY .IN .TTiR' CTTX OT; PAnUCAt2 K]C: IN .AMOUNTS' LLr3S': TIt6T'ONE HUNDRED DOLTiARB'AT';IW i~ ';'.iLF.GAL:RATE..OF INTEREST ETC:•.y: .lt.s was given first passages upon call of the roll by `the Pollowinp, vote;-Yeas Foremang Dutlerg.Farle~-s Ooodmans Henning Hartong Jscobog ~. ~; Lenhard s }Aoore g Smith aaxt Watts. (11) On motion the n~lea averse suapencled on tho aboves upon call of the' X11 by the i following voto;-Yeas Foremang Au4,lerg Farleys (3oodmans Banning Hartons Jacoba.g Lenhard IiMooreg Smith and Watts. (11) . ;, On motion by the aboves the above Ordinance was given its second and final passes _by Eta titles upon call of the roll by the folmowin~ vote;-Yeas Foremang Parleys Butle; lioodemng Henning liartons Jcaobeg Lenharclg }toores SaitHg and Watts. (11) ~J,..' .~,e~.,.~.. On mofiion by the aboveg for the comatruction of sidewalks ete.g on Tennessee ~G ~~~- treat from 16th to 1Sth was referred back to the City Solicitor. i1~~i/~!~, j ^ ~; On motion by the aboves that tho rum be suspended on furnishing copies three ~daye in advances of the possess of the aura ordinanceas carreids upon call of the roll !i ;; by the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers Farley; Ooodmang Banning Hdrtons Jacobeg !Lenhards Moores Smith and Watts: (11) '~ ~ On motion by the aboves AN ORDINANCE FOR THE I}dPI?OVEMENT OP SOUTH 5th STRF,RT PR01+1 ~-~,~~~ ~JEFFF.itSOIJ TO CLAY 8TRF.ET WITH SIDENiALKS F,TG.g was given first passages upon call of N f~- ~ „ Zo Mthe roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers Farleyg 8o.odmang Henning Hartons, ~;J aeobes Lenhardg MoorAg Sicith end Watts. (il) ~ K ~•- i~ ?" ~~' On motion by the above the rules wao suaperuled on the above Ordinanos~ upon aali of t+ho i Droll by the following vote;-Class Foreman Butlers Farley Goodman Hannin~ Harton~•Jaoobs~i ~Lenhard ~ ?doore, Smith aril Watts. ~ (il) ~, • ~ on motion by the above the above Ordinance was given•~ita aeoond and final ~ a i i I; psseage~ by its t1Ele~ upon oall.of tho roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butler ~~ jl ' • ...-~ • Fariey~ Goodman Iiannin~ }tartonr Jacobs, Leril~arrl~ Moore, Smith and Watte. • (il) ~, I Reaolution~ I • f' On motion by beb Hutler~ATY,at the City of Paduoah have built a Plnnk Walk ~,~.:. ,~ i ~ „L~~over the Weat aide oP 6th street between Norton street and Hroad street in ognneotion with •I , ~r G ~ k:~u.[I ,/ the sidewalk to be built ion South 6th at rest ~ sae given first passage ~ upon pall of the ! ~, i :, ~' ~ ~ roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foremanr Butlerr Farley, tloodnanr Ilanninr Tiartonr Jsoobai ~', 4-- , I', ~ I+enhard~ Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) I~ On motion the rules were auapenderi on the above. upon call oP the roil by the {: ~ following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlers Fsrley~ c3oodmanr Hanninr Hart'+n~ JacoOar ianhoxd~ 1 ~; ~~~~ }.{Dore, Smith and Watts. (ll). ~ ~~ I~ !t I' On motion by the sblve~ the above Reaoiutlon was Piven its aeoonct arui flnal pasai i • ages upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butlerr Farley* 6oodman~ '; iI Heru-in~ Hsrton~ Jscoba ~ Lenhsrd ~ tdoore ~ 6mith and Wstta. (11) I i I ~~ I' /~~ On motion .by the sbove~ s petition from the Board of Public Worka~ to build •~ (/~;~~' Briok Streets etc. on different Stroeta~ in thq City of Paducah. was reoelved and filed. ~, ~ ~ On motion by the above that Broadway be paved with Creosote Dlocka~wAa reParred j; ~ to the A~uiltor~ to see if there .is enough money a+/sileble in the Street Fundy to take Dare . Q~~~ . I ~ Of eame• i :I; ~ . `-- ~~ On notion by member Jecoba~•the above wao smended~ and if there ie enough money in the Street Fund same is ordered; A Reaolntion~ for the loriatr~iotion of Broadway street i~ ~~~,~~~- from 5th dtreet from 11th to lath ats and 5th at from Kentucky Ave to Norton street arul dth'~ i; ~ ~7 ~ street from Je7ferson to Trimble street in the City of Paducah with bricks bituletio or I .~.-c. .` a creosote bloeka~under the ten year payment plans was given first paaaage~ upon call of the. ~ roll by Lhe following vote;-Yeas Foraman~ Butlers farley~ lroodmen~ Iiannin~Narton~ Jaooba~ • +~ Lenhsrd ~ Moore andWE;ttu':.. (10) Nays Smith. (1) 1 ~~tih z~ i ~'~ On motion the rules were suspended om the ebove~ upon oall of the roll by the j! ~+*~ °"''~ •following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley, Goodman, Henrtinr Jecoba~•Lenhard and Watts. (~ ~- ~e. Nays Iiartonr idoore and Smith(3) 1, On motion by the above, the above Resolution waa given seoon~l and final paseage~; 1! upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers farley~ Goodman, tieinnin,~ Jacobe~ Lenhard~ and Watts. (6) Nays Hart on, lloore and Smith. (3) __^ , .On motion by mer~ber Birtler, A RF.SOLIITION for the improvement oPK9Aliueky:~AVenve. ~' Q~yL~ from thw Weat aide of 9th street to the Fast side of Murrell Blved. with concrete side watk$ ~1 ~ etc. under the ten ear s ant len wee iven first ssa ~e u o ca oP he `%~,(!'/~,~ ~Q Y P Ym P > g Pa t. ~ P n 11 t roll by tho ~ ~/~N`„'-"' t following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Hutler~.Farley~ Goodman Henning Horton, Jaoobs~ henhard~ ', ~, , Hoore~ Smith and Watts. (11) ~~ On motion the rules were suspended on the sbove~ upon Dell of the roll by the ~ . following vote;-Yeas Faremen~ Butlers Parley, Goodmen~ Hannin~ Hartong Jevoba~ Lenhardr .i 1[oore~ Smith and Watts. (11) • ~ ~ j ! ~ ~. e .. 332, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CI'T'Y OF PADUCAH ~ ~~ ' , • + ~~': ~• • • ''• 191.E Oh motion by t2te above, the above Resolution was given its second and final pa~e- ;age, upon Dell of the~roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremen, Butler,~arley, Goodman, li ~;Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, !.Boors, Smith ezul Watts. (11) ~ On motion by member Autler~ A Resolution for the improvement of North 6th street G " ~ Ifroa Hadieon to Trimble Streets, wlth concrete aidewalks•etc., under the ten year pay- ~~ ~ ment plan, was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa • ~~iForeman, Butlers Forley, Goodman, Hanniny Harton, Jaooba, Lenhard, 1[oore, p~Yh and Watts. (1~ Nays Smith. (1) " On motion the rules were suspended on the sbovey upon call of. the roll by the ,following vote;-Yeas Foreman' Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard ~IMoore and Watts. (10) Nays Smith. (1) 1 ~ On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its second and final pas- ;age, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Antler, Parley, Goodman, ~;Hannin, Harton, Jacobs, lenhard, Moore, Hnd:~[atts. (10) Nays Smith. (1) ,,,'~~~~ On motion by the above, a Resolution for the improvement of Lturrell Alvd from ~"~-~ Orton to Husbenda streets with concrete sidewalks etc., was given first passage, upon 1~; /, ~ hoall of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, cI7~ c~~a-..-.ids, ,~~~~,~..~-~~,~ iiHarton, Jacobs, Lehnard~ Moore and We;ta. (IO) Nays Smith. (1) I ~ On motion by the above, the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the ~~roll by the follawing vote;-Neas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Hnrton~ Jao- `~" ~~~oba, Lenhard, Moore and Batts. (10) Nays Smith. (1) - 71 ~i On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given second and final passage T 1l upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Antler, Farley, Goodman, i j'Hannin, Harton' Jacobs, Lenharci, tdoore snd Watts. (1) sa~~'-~-F-~ 11- On motion by the above a request from the Board oP Publia Works foe four mules '~ '~~c-ti "to be pnrchaaed f. or the Street Department, was referred to the Street Committee, with power to soft, upon Dell of the roll by the fo1loTM~ing voto;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, t' Goodman, Hannan, Harton, Jaooba, Lanhard, 24oore, Smith attd Watts. (11) a On motion by the above, a petition for the improveme~ of an Alley between 17th and 18th streets and Madlaon and Monroe street, a Resolution was orciere<t Drought in. ~,L1~~0+'~~!! On motion by member Watts, the monthly report of the Building Ynspector, was reoy :'and filed. On motion by member Farley, the monthly report oP the Chief of Police, was recei- t, ~' e!_ed and filed. ~'~ On motion by member Jecoba, a transfer of a Saloon lieenae from G.a.Shepard to /~l ~~~ • ~~'~ aF.S.Aurton at 310 Kentucky Ave was ordered to take its usual aourae. v~ . ~; r- % ~, I~ On motion by the above, a transfer of a Saloon lieenae from Aiken ~e CQ from 300 _ i~8outh 3rd street to 125 South 2nd atree4,, same was ordered to take its ueuel Course. ~%~!yT.v~?l' On mot4oa-by the above, a transfer of a Saloon lieenae from Davis Brothers to ~2 Sloan Brothers at 233 North 13th street, same was ordered to take ita•usdal Conroe. • fl ~~~ On motion by the above, a tre-nafer of a Saloon license Prom C.E.Miller at 301 /v r^~~• ~, South 7th street to G.W.Taylor ,•bam~:a+as ordered to t~-ice~ita~usual oourse. ~,.,,,;~„~(~ G; On motion Dy member LenY-ard, a request for two room ~ at the River Side Hospital Z ~~e~.-• ~~was referred to the Hospital, Sewer and Sanitary Committee. ~:. "~ - f _•. ..... ~:: .. , . ~ - ,. ~ ~ CAUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF'•.PADGiCAI-l- . .. .. -__-.... }~g~~~~•," ~ 3~3 i ;- On motion by member Smith, that Jas Campbell Jfr be retained to Attorney for the ~, " ~`"r"~'-amity in the oase of the City of Paducah va the East Tennessee Telephone Company the „ ~ Y,~~ ~~~ _ above wa8 concured in in concuring in the notion of the Comcrdttee. { i y„_„ ~ ~.. ~~-~-~~~~~~~~" G• On motion by member llannin, the following deeds to lots in fla;C Orove Cemetery • ~~ was granted; l~Ira Fannie Seigel lot 65 block 1 Wm Burch lot .Ii block 47~ltrs Martha J. ' +~~~ ~ I. ' - ~ Thompson anL 35 block 3 and Dr S.H.Georpe lot 35 block 3. - '~,,} /` On motion by the above, a transfer was granted from Mra hizzle,Z:,,,Tandy~snd ~s/'Jas Segenfelter the South ~ of lot 274 block 1S to Mrs C.F..Richardaon. lot in Oak 3rove. a '~ _ :Cemetery. ~ i n',,~~, 7•y!'1~,.a.....c- On motion by the above a transfer of a lot in Oak Grove Cemetery from John M. Qj ~~'"""~+icCtuie to Mra Glary A. Clark lot 41 block a. ~I~,~c•~1~, On motion by the abova~ a request from Geo Oehlechlaeger Sr.,in regard. to conneo~- ~ ' ing a sewer on Jackson street, same was referred to the Hospital Sewer anti Sanitary Com• i mittee. ~~''""' On motion by member Moores a petition for water on the idayfield Road' same was :ordered and the F3ta::Pluga ordered placed on the Rental Liat. j ~ ~ -. On motion by member Farley, the Mayor was authorized to sign the Contracts wlth ; ~°~ ~ "'t - 'the-Marine Hospital Services for the care of patients at River Side Hospital. i ~ ~~thn-LC,e. t . On motion by the above' a Franchise for the disposal of Garbage eta. was refer-± cY~~ Fred to the Board of Health and the Hospital Sewer and Sanitary Committees. ~ +- 6~ ~ ' Ff ~ `'- ~ C~~ ~ -n •: On motion by the above a petition from the Retail Dterohanta Asan.~ in regard to.; ' :e~~-," .}- fins otion of all local SL ores eto .for the roventive pf fire same was referred to the ~r~~ ~. Pe s P ~ ~ -,Fire Chief. On motion by member Butlers a Resolution for the improvement of ari Ailey bet- ' / ~ wean Fouptain Ave anti 18th street and Madison, and Monroe streets by grading and graveling) ~ T~ i _ .iY,N.-.~~,,y.. t- .'was given its first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremani ... i i m~'tr~• Butler' Farley' Goodman Hannln, Hart on, Jacoba~ lenhards 1Roore' Smith and Watte. (1.1) ~ ' • ~On motion the rules were suspended on the, above, upon oall of the roll by the following ~' i • vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley 6oodman~ Hannnin, Hartong Jacobe~ Lenhard~ ldoore~ Smith' ' and Watts. (11) i ~ i On motion by the above the above Resolution was given mts second and final pass? i. '~ V rage, aipon call of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley Goodman, i. ~~ .a ~ •~ i 'Hannin~ J{arton, Jacotia~ Moore, Lenhard~ Smith oral Watts. (11) ~! - I I~~';j'La'"' On motion by member Lenhard~ a Resolution for the improvemen* of Harrison street~• a GGr~rv c~~ ~` 'from 15th to 16th street with concrete sidewalks etic.,tiruter the ten year payment plan, ~~ ~ ~ "1. r, ~i~, was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Foreman, Butlers -Farley Goodman, Hanninr Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard~ tdoore, Smith and Watts. (11) On motlon the rules were suspended on the abover upon Dell of tho roll by thA. ; !. • i a ';following vote;-Yeas F.oaeman, Butlers Farley Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jacobo~ Lenhard~ I' 1 Moore, Smith a~ui Watt a. (11) ' ~, On motion by the above, the above Resolutiion was given its second oral final.paaa,. e u on call of the roll b the follows vote'-Yaes For non Butler Farle (;oodman !! ' ,Hannin~ Horton, Jacoba~ Lenhard, Moore and Smith. (11) - n. +, • ,. ..., , . f ':`~ a . i" , s • "~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY Off'. PADUCAH 191- ~ i ~ J L/ .~.. ~ '~On motion by memnsr Lenherdg.e Resolution for the improvement of South 4th street from I ' ~ ~ d i , ^~,iu~ J 7 !Jefferson atreeet to Clay streets with sidewalks etc.gwss given first passege~ upon ~icell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers Parleys Goodmens Hennins ~' Hartong Jacobag Lenhardg Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ~ ' ' • ~ On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon Ball of the roll by the ~ t . ' p following vote;-Yeas Foremeng Autlerg Farle~~g•Goodmeng Handing Hartong Jacobay Lenhards ~ " ~ ~`* '" ~"" iMow~e~ Smith and Watts. (11) 9 I I ~ ~ • ~ On•motion by the eboveg the above Resolution was given itsaecond and final passes f ' by its titles upon Ball of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foremany Butlers Farley y ~ i 1 ~ . I ~i0oodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jaoobay Lehnard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (il) i j '" ~; , ~ ~ C~~'~" ~jl On motion by the shoves a comunication in regard to•the Paducah Traction 8o:g }~ ~~ ~rwr• d ! I i ~j i /,J ~ gunning 4ts care around the Loops same wee reYerred to the Railroad Telephone and ~ 'l ~ ` ~ f ~~j-rrr7 L ~~% ~ Telegraph Commit+,ee. ~ ~ ~ ( l ~, I ~ ± i, I On motion by the abovey~ a request presented by A.Y.Martin for ert assistant to ~ ~ . ~ t rt/ ; ; '1 i 1 ~-* ~ 'the present City 5tenographerg wee received and filed. ~ ~ , Lit, I 7 ~~ ~ On motion by member Henning the City Solicitor was instructed to bring in ad ~ ~ { ~ i; . ~~~J ~/,_ jrArdinance in regard to asaeaelnE; the City property for the next four years. ~~ ~" y. i I ~ a ~ On motion by member Banning a Resolution Por the improvement of South ']th street .9 ~ '" s ~ - J ~,u 4 ' ^~'~"' ""'" " ;i Yrom Jackson to Jones street be improved with concrete sidewalks etc. g under the ten ~ D rfAC 1s / !7. • i ? .~ jJyear payment plans was given Qirat peasages upon tali of the roll by the following vot+ ~ , R. ; ..'•--- ~ "Yeas Foremen BAtler Ferley Goodr~an Hennin Harton Jaoobs Lenhard and Moore . g g s s g g g g s +. ~ + .~ ~, f ''~~Watts. (10)"Nays smith. (1) i i ~ ; II On motion the raise were suspended do the shoves upon Dell of. the roll by the' - ~ i, ll ~ f i t •-Y F ` ow I o n , vo e eas oreman Butler F~irl Goodman Hetuiin Harton Jacobs Lenherd P ~ s y eNg s s g s ~ j : ~ ~, !Moore and Watts. (10) Naya Smith. (1) ~ ~j. k? ~ On motion bar the above the above was liven o,econd and final psseageg upon call ', a ~ • {I OP the roll by the following voto;-Yeae Foremnns Autlery Farleyg Goodmeng Henning Hart- 1 ~~ ~ • // . ~ •fi~ i ii ;, ony Jaoobay Lenhardg A4ooregand lfatta. (1A) Neya Smith. (1) i .~ '! ~U ~f~: On motion by the shoves a Resolution for the improvement of North 9th from triad- / ,,, ~rf ~'?`• ~~(~ur±=to Trimble street 411th ooncrete aide walks etc. g under the ten year payment, plen w~a ~ •' , ` a ~ '' 1 ,~ ~~1 given first passages upon cell of the roll•by the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers "%, i y Farl Goodman Hannin Hart on Jacobs Lenherd Moore Smith and Watts. (11) ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~• f f f 9 f g f I } ° ~ i On motion the rules were suspended on the shoves upon call of the roll by the ~~y ~ II f~ ~y 'ifollowing vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers Farleyg Goodmang Henning Hartong Jaoobay Lenhard i ', Moores Smith and Watts. (•11) i ~.: ~! On motion by the shoves that above Resolution was given its second and final pea- ~ ~",~~ r ~ eagef upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Foremeng Butlers Farleys Goodmn k + Hannirig Nartons Jaoobay henhard~ 1looreg Smith and Watts. (llj ~~ V" .•!{ Gs ~c..~ On motion by the shoves the resignation of Dr W.H.Peraona as City Phyaicianywaa" ? ~ '~~, ~~~ _... reoeided and filed. j. ~. ~//~~~`'`,~"' On motion by member Smithy a petition from the Weat Ky Infiiatrial Coiiegeg iras r. 6~ received end file d : • ~ ~. . ~~ a n °~'n ? 0 ADOY`.Ls'' ~~r n-'~"~'~-""On motion the board adjourned ~ ~i . ii ~ o ~ . .- ........ ~~ ,~~.c.• .. , d of uiin ?r~dt~ Soar lJow .-..I ~, ,.~::~ +'. ` COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, Cl'fY OF PADUCAH. 191._..: 33.E ~ .. s- f r n .~~. i~"~'• AL a regular maetinR oP the Roard of Counollmen~ held in the council Chamber, in ' . ;the City Halls in the City of Paducah Ky.~ April 20th 1914, upon call of the roll the; ,following answered to their names;-Foremen, Butlers Farley f#oodmari, Hortrtin~ Harton~,Jacob:~ ,~ ' iLenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) i i~ i ''. On motion the minutes oP W1e previous meeting was adopted as read. I' ~w.•..w. I; On motlon.by member )tannin, the Finance Comnittae's allowance fpr I-elariea etc. ~ i ~~e~9e .. • I. G~-+~wu.•~:was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer Por the res^ ~• !; ~ ~? }peetive emounts~ upon call of the roll by the folio°•ittg vote;-Yeas Foreaian~ Rutlar~ Ferleyi ~, 'jGOOdmen, Hennln, Tiarton, ~aeobs, I+ett}~ard~ Moores Smith end Watts. (11) ~ ~~_r_ _ _ ~.,,,t(, On motion by tits sbove~ the bill of the Austin Road mnahine Co amounting to ''' ~y~,1~,~'„, ~~ ~~. $370.00 for a Street 3prittkler, wee referred to the Boars} of Pubiio Works ani Finance Rom- 'mittee. ~ i . ~ 'i On motion by the above the Mayor and Treasurer was authorized to borrow 8E3D00.,~ . ;~ ~. Ji~ Ito meet, obligations of the City,upon Dell of the roll by the toliorrin(r, vote:-Yea9 Fore- ~ ~~i,'~d,(~v !'mangy Butler, Farley, Hannin, Gooaman~ Hart on, Jaeobs~ Lenhara~ Moores Smith atx} Watts. (lij fi•-o-~/t~'rl~ On motion by the above, A-;C:Nanny wee refunded $1'.50 over charge on Milk DeAlera /~J 'i ~~~' `~t~ :license. ' • ~ d On motion by the above, a•bill of the News-Democrat Pub Co was allowed amounting) to X33.79 for printing for the month of April 1914, upon Dail of the roll by the follow- j ing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Antler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin' Hart oh, Jacobs, Lenhard~ }Snore ~ _ smith and Watts. (11) , ~L_i~,~~,~~~, On motion by the above Jae Campbell Jr was allowed x.50.00 for services render- ~y~f w I ed in the telephone Cane, upon call of the roll by the following vote,-Yeas Foremen, Antler Farley Goodman, Hannin, Hart on, Jacoba~ Lenhard, }doors, Smith and Watts. (11) ~~ `~ On motion by the abo~e~ a petition from the Women's Club was received and filed.i, • ,J~~ ~ On motion by the above, a cotmtnication from the Woatern Kentucky Industrial Col- r'r~~ ~ lege~ was received and filed. ~~ On motion by the above, the monthly report Andltor_in regard to Finohoee~oP City, ~~'~.a r t~Ll~ ~ 4 referred to the Finance Committee. '~~¢, On motion by the attove, the Rooster's Club was granted permission to use the ~!~ Streets for Carnival purposes, provided they leave Lhe Streets in ae good condition ea they ~~ ~ p ;fitu} themt also grant ad tho usual courtseioe froo licensee. o~ On motion by member Lerthnrd, An Ordinance for the improvement of Aookman Street g.."~~ from 8th to 9th atreet~ was tables. ,?">~2~ On motion Dy the above a Reaolutlon for the Improvement of 2nd atreeL from JefPr ...- ~ ~ ~,y,,~.-;~ f1/ ,arson to Monroe ~treet~ was Tabled. • ~^ On motion by member Watts, thAt the President of the Upper and Lower Bosrda of. j ; ~I' . ~ i •~~~ the general Connell appoint a member from each board together with the City Asseeaor; to~ ,-, , go to Frankfort Ky to petition against the pro:poead raises on City property, sarrled. ~ On motion by the above the F1dellty k Deposit L`ompany o! Maryland was relaaaed' ~~~~~ "~~ ~~~~~aff'oP Lhe.bane} of M.H.Gallapher'a Saloon license at 9th de Trimble Street. ~.~ i~~~ On motion by member Jacobs, a transfer of a Saloon license wan arartted Prom C.F+„~~ 1, ~o • , I . ~~ ~ Miller at 301 South 7th street to G.W.Tsylor and the F.quitalbe Surety Co of 8t Louis was ;' sww~i ~' '~ '~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH ~ 191_. i acoepted ae his bondamens upon Gail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Bti ' ~ Hullers Farleys Goodmens Hannins Hartong Jacobas Lenharris 14oores Smith aM Watts. (11) ~~~"'''~"'~" ~ On motion by the shoves a transfer was granteA from Davis Srothera at r ~- r 233 North ~~~"'"'~`~13th street to Sloan Arothera at the same number srd Sloan Brothers offered as ibt-etr i~ bonA the Fidelity k Deposit Co of ?Sd and same waa aooepeteds upon Dell oP the roll by '4 i ? the following vote;-Yeas Foremang Antlers Farieys Goodmang~Hanning Hartons Jacobas •'~ I Lenherds Moores Smith arxi Watts. (11) ~' ~J~. ~ ~-•^ 1~1 On motion by the above a transfer was granted Prom Saa.Hryant, oP a Saloon licen- I'~ I~ i; . ~~ ~1~ea et 310 Kentveky Ave to G.W.Shephard Shepherd ePfered as his bond the Fidelity k De- '~ . posit Co oP 14d anr~ awns waa aoopteds at the same munberg upon oall of the roll by the j following vote;-Yeas Foremong Butlers Farley Aoodmong Hannins Hartons Jaoobag Lenhard ~~p~ ; Moore g Smith and Watts. (il) ~•' ii On motion by the shoves a transfer waa granted to Akin k Company of their Saloon ~! ~ , lioenae Prom.3n0 South 3rd atreot to 125 South 2nd streets upon Dail of the roll by the ~I ~~ ~ ~~ following vote;-Yeas Foremang Antlers Barleys doodmans Henning Harlon' Jaoobeg Lenharcis ;~~ i; Moore ~ Smith and Wet,ta. (11) i. ,*.,. ~i On motion bar the shoves a transfer was granted from T.J.Fley at 111 South 2m1 i ,~~ ,' street to C.R.Miiler at, 301 South '7th street' 1dr,ldiller offers as his•bondg the Rquita- .? ble Surety Co of St Louie Mos spore was acoeptedgupon Dell of the roll by the following i~~ vote;-Yeas Fore~mans Autlerg Ferle~s Qoodmang Harmins Hartong Jacobag Lenhards Moores ' i' Smith aril Watts. (11) i ,o ~ l ,.-~ ~~~~~~ ~~ On motion by the~aboves a transfer waa granted Prom G.W.Shephard to F.s.Burton J f °"'~u'~`'~~ of a Saloon license at 310 Kentucky Ave.g Aurton offered as hie bond Fidelity k Deposit ' II ~ i Co of Mdsehd same was aceeptedg upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Fore- t - o ,f! mans Autlerg Farleys Qoodmans Henning Hartong Jecobas Lenhards Moores Smith erxi Watts. NA •~ ~'~'''"'~'' On motion by the shoves a transfer was granted from J.H.Rlrod from 125 to 111 ' ~. ~ South 2nd street of hie Saloon licenses upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote;-.~, ~, Yeas Foremsns Butlers Parleys Henning Hartong dood~ams Jacobsg Lemherds Moores Smith p ~ end Wett a. (11) ~ i ~~1~'~ On mot inn by member Lenhards a petition from G.M.Oehlaehlaeger in regard to rurr Wing a sewer pipe to connect two houaess wlth the sewerages same was not granted in ~~ .~ ;; I . ~---- ! concuring in the action oP the Committee. n'(J~,~-!~ On motion by member Hannins deeds was granted the following, J.B.Bartee lot 30 ~ I, ! ~~" "~~~~~blook 4'J Jennie Aurne lot 45 block 3 and~alton vosier lot 17 block 1 in Oak Grove { ~~~ ;! j .~ ; . -- Cemetery. i ' ~ ~ g~'''~ On motion by the shoves a teanafer~wae granted to pert of Alice Simpaon'e lot in s . ~~ Oak Grove Cemetery to Sudie Aarker~ also part, of a lot from J.C.Frogge to J.GarPield ~' ° ~ '~f ~; Frogge was granted in Oak Grove Cemetery. , ~ ~ ~; On motion by the shoves the screening oP the Sextonga House and buiading oP a j 6~'^- ! Tense around the Cemeteryg was referred to the Cemetery Committees with power to aet~ !~ upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foremang Butlers Parleys Ooodmeng ;; i Hannins Hartong Jaeobag Lenhards Moores Smith and Watts. (11j • ~ On motion by member Lenhardy the Ordinance Committee was instructed to bring in ~~'°"- i' an ordinance r egulating the Ferry Compatyr~(known sa the Illinois F'srry Compatp-j ~. ~~: ~- i i t ~~ i i ~t~ c~G/a ~i i I /G . • .i '~ ~~, i i 4 . ~, 1 ~. .! J,. /~ ~j .. '~, ,. • COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH • •~~ - • : ~ . I91 ~ ` 33? I ~ On mot~,on,by member Farley a Resolution fop the improvement'of 4th street from; ~: ~ ,` Broadway to Jefferson street (except those who have alraedy•built ooncrete sidewalks)was I ~,'~ 4 ~ ~" give Pipet passage, upon Dell of_the roll by the following.vot e;-Yeas Foreman,Butler~ Far± i "y: ~ 1e>> Goodman, Hannan, Harton, Jacobs, T.enhard, Moore, Smith etxl Watts. (li) ~ I ~i " j On motion the rules were suspended on. the above, upon Dell of the roll by the i1 followl ~ ~~. ~r ~ ng vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butletr, Goodman, Hannin~ Hartong Jaooha, Lenhard, Moore, j Smith and Watts. (11), ~ li r ~ ;; ~, ~ ~ ~, On motion by the above, the above, Resolution was given aeoond and final pasaalra, .. ~. I !. •~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yea Foreman, Au*•ler, Goodman, Farley, Hannan V ~: ~ ~. ~ I Herton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ~ a'~Z~^ On motion by.~member Barley, that a Street light be placed at .6th de Elizabeth st.,.-. , ~~ ~ ~~ same was ordered to be erected by the Aoard of Public Worksa ~. ~~~ ~ ~ On notion by :ember Autler, a petition from Sam C. Smith for over assessment, A wee referred to the Board of Supervisors. j ~"~ ~~~~ On motion by member Lenhard, that the Ordinance Committee bring in a:new~'B'rsn-o r i i bhlse•-~~tr_---r~ regulating the Illinois Ferry Boat.('.;i_ ;...~ . /G!,`~ On motion by member Lenharci, A Resolution for the improvement of 'Penneesee street c (or Old Mayfield Road) and Goebel Aev (Still Old Mayfield Road) be improved of[ both sides with concrete sidewalks etc., from the West curb line of Wort en Ave (Known as 16th street); to the East curb line of Guthrie Ave in Wheelers Addition, was given first pesaege, upon ~. Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, j `Harton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) i On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call oP the roll by the ?~ , 'following vote;-Yeas Forer.~an, Autler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Harlon, Jeoobo, Lenhard, Idoq Moore, Smith arut Watts. (11) ~ ~ i ',i On motion b~ the above, the above Resolution was given aeoond and final passage j ~ bpon Dell o'' the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Goodman, Farley, Hannin~ H art,on, Jecoba, LeNiard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ', ,~~ On motion by the above, A Resolution for the improvement of Cley etreeL from lath ~T ~ to 19th street by placing ooncrete sidewalks and gutters eto., iuuler the Len year payment j ,~- ~ ~,~ ;plan, was given first passage, upon call of the roll by the following vote,-Yeas Foreman, '• ,'Butler Farlo Goodman Rennin Hart on Jacobs Lenhard Moore and Watts. 10 N va 8mithl, ~ y> > > ~ ~ r ( ) ~ On motion the rules were auspenEted on the above, upon oBll of the roll by the ; 'following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Autler, Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Hartong Jacobs, Lenhard, ~~• ' ,` ! Ltoore, and Watts. (30) Nays Smith. (1) .i ~: ~~ On motion by the above, the above Resolution was given its eeoiiul and final ;'passage, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Gor ;~~ i ~i ,_ "man, Hannan, Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and Watts. (10) Nays Smith. (1) ~ .. ! R ~(/,~„~, On motion by msmber Lenharci,thet the ordinencesgoverning the 61ty Jailer De in• ~j . ~~ , ;'.forced and ell ordinances in conflict with same be repealed and ell offices orented that conflict with Dame be aboliahed~ carried. ~,` + On motion by member Iisnnin, a Resolution for the improvement of 11th street lrom~ . /~~~ ~n~"~'ry Monroe to Madison street be improved with ooncrete aidewalksetc., wee given first pasoage'' upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Nannint ~ . 338 •~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH " ~ ~ j g ~ _ ;'~ ~Harton~ Jaoobs, Lenhard~ rtoore and Watts. (10) Nays Smith:(~j Y 9 `! On motion the rules were suapen~ied~ on the above, upon Cali of the roll by the ~~ollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Autler~ Farley 6oodman~ ftannixl~ Barton Jacoba~ Lenhard~ ~.--, i ;Moore airs Watts. (iQ) Nays Smith. (1) ' ~ On motion by'~the above, the Above Resolution was given tecond and final passage (J'`-- i ~ ~~r ' `~iupon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreunsn~ Butlers Fariey~ Ooodman~ iNannin, Hartong Jacobs Lenhard~ Moore.~:~~b)_:ffiA~ts $mith.• (1) On motion by member Butlers that matter n! laying otf Broad street according to 26w~.:~I ' ;the. ordinance ae to width etc. r-se refereed to the Street Committee and City Engineer ~ f with power to sot ~ same carried." . ~ i'~ /~/ ` ~ 4J1 ~ • ' ~ ..~__~--..__-.._~.~---__--On motion the Board ad,Mourneds--------------------------- ~ . . ' .e.PP ovE P•? ~iY ~ ~ '~ .e.nQ A~r~~ ~ ~ p ~, ~ ~ . 1914 ~a % , . a ~~ GC. P lreeJd~wt lewd o1 Gbwweilmera. fj ~ (~ " ., ~ ~ I e ~ f ~~ o f ! . ~ ,. . - "' ~: f ~, ' ~ r ~ 'I~ " i 'W ~.. ~~ ,; ~ , q .- i ".. i Y' ~~ (I • ` , ~ r ~. " `~.- ~, ii ' . ! 1 :~. ~ • i ~ tir i " _ i ,1- ij ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ~ ~ ' / ~ s ~ ~ ~ .. ~ , 4' ~~ . V ,: ,., -. .. ~ ; „, . _,. .. j~. . ~ ` X° ' r' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY O~ PADUCAH , ~ , , rqi_,: ~ 3Jy . ` '~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Crn~ncilrten~ held in the Counoil Chambers in ;~ I ;;, the City Hails in the City of PaducaYt, Ky. ~ Msy 4th 1~14~ upon Dail of the roil. t3te loin i "; . ~ ' ~ . ii :. f~ lowing answered to their names;-Foremen Btxtler~~ Ferley~ Hannin~ RnMon~ Jaoobe~ Lenherd ~ y I {;Moores Smith and Watts. (10) ~, ~~ • !.v !' On motion th6 minutes of the r vious ti d t ~ p e mee ng, was a op ed as read. i ~~ On motion by member Hq~nnin~ the Finanoe Committea'a allowagoe•for salaries eto.~' F: .~ .. ~~~wea allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the reap= j ~ • +eotive amounts upon call of the roll by the following vote;;Ydae Foreman Butlers Farlay~! ~' ~;Hennin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (lO) j • ~ ~ A,Q~,H( 9-°~ On motion by the above the monthly rQport of the Treasurer and Auditory wee ~; reoeived and filed. _ .i ~~ ~~ j'; On motion by the above the bill of Jack Cole for building the City Kitohen~ t ~ ~~~.Z.cru..,~ amounting to x'736.50 was sllowed~ upon pall of the roll by the following Vote;-Yeas Foreman ~ ~' Btttler~ Farley' fiannin~ Hartong Jacobs Lenherd~ idoore' Smith and Watts. (10) E III ~~) D (/C;~ ~m~ m`~`'r' On motion by the above the bill of R.C.MeMahen for soreening the 8eotori~s Houae1 ~ `~ ~moving a chiclaen house ettd.bu11d1ng a fenae around the Cemetery lots amounting to $210.00 , ~~~ ~ ^was allowed a on call of the roll b t f '. ~ p y ha ollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman Bu~ler~ Fsrley~~. ' i j !IHannin~ Hartong Jacobs' Lenhard' Moores Smith andWatta,(10) ~ „ i s. ~~ r./ On motion by the ebove~•the ~4ayor Treasurer and Auditor were authorized to bor- ~ . ~'~~ j row $13500.00 to run the expense on the City, upon call of the roll by the following vote; ~ . ~ I~~~• !,Yeas Foremen Butler~•Ferley~ Henning Hartong Jacobs Lenherd~ Moores Smith and Watts. (10~ ,;: ' I ; v/'/ On motion by the above the Doctor bill of Tom King amounting to ~2A.00 was al- ! "` ~~.~,~;, ,` lowed upon pall of the roll by the following rote;-Yeas Foreman, Rutler~ Farley~.Hatinin~ Hartong Jacobs' Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (1A) ~ ~ ` ~' '~ A~~~~ On motion by the above J.A.F.dwarda was refunded ~L.25 on over easeeanent. ~ b ! ~ , ~~ On mot ion by the above ~ the sale of delinquent tax bills for 1913 ~ was received -~ ~ ' • ~~ ~j~=~~-u" : and filed . ~ ~ ~ ' '. ~~~ ~,.,~~~o On motion by the above the bill of the Home Telephone Company amounting to ~ ~t~~~.' a-w x"154.00 for extra Phonea~ was allowed upon call of the roll by the following vote';-YeRS ~ ' Foreman Butler, Barley, Hannin~ Hart on' Jacobs, Lenhard' Moores Smith anti Watts. (10) `' ~j~`~i~~-Q-~-~•-~ On motion by the above the Equitable Surety Co was released off of the bond. of i /• i .•!~ ~ "~' ex-City Physician W.R.Paraona. ~. $. On motion by the above e, petition for a Plumbing Ordinano;+ was referred to the.; ~.~'•" ~~,,.~,-,..' Ordinance Committee. ! ~s . h~ ~~ ~~,,,,u On motion. by member Lemhard' AN ORDINANCR FOR THE. IMPROVEMENT OF SIXTH STRRF:T ~~ • ~`w~- FROtd D(ADISON TO TRI?•BLE STREET WITH SIDEWALKS F.TC., was billed, upon pall of the roll by ~~ -.- - _ the following vote;-Yeas None Nays Foreman Atttler~ Farley Hannint Harton, Jacobet Len- •t ~ ? /~ , herds ldoore, Smith end Watts. (10) r .. ~. ' / ,,¢ On motion by the ebove~ AN ORDINANCE. FOR THF,•IMPROVF,AdFdJT OF FOURTH STRF.r.T FROM i ~~, ~ /lt,~~~,•, JEFFERSON TO CLAY STREET WITH SIDEWALKS F.TC. ~ was given its first passage' upon call of ~ ' ~ ~ the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley, Herton~ Jacobs Lenhard~ i ~. ',~ Moore~Smith and Watts. (9) Nays Rennin. (1) ~ 3 r. On•motion the rules were suspended on the above upon cell of the roll by the `r i ' ~ i z ` ' ....orb ~r - ,.,,.,.,., - COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH ` ~ ~ I ~ I _ 1~followin$~vote;-Yeas Foremang Butlers Farleyg Henning Hartong Jacobs, Lenhsrdg Moores ,~ ., .- .~ Smith-and Watts. (10) i , ~~ ~ On mof,ion by the aboveg the above ordinance was given second std final passage, .., ~ - ,F ~ b its title u on Dell oP the roll b the followi vote;-Yeas Foreman Antler Earle !i Y ' ~ P Y ~ r s ]f , ~ , o , P ~ ~ J' Ftanning Hartong Jacobsg lenhardg t~tooreg Smith andWatta. (10)• .. - ~ I ~,s q , ~ S ~' On motion by the shoves the ordinance Committee was instructed to tiring in sn ~~`~ "~~ /Z ~•~,f~rdlnence requiring the property owners on Monroe between 12th h 17th streets t-~ oonr f , , ; ; ..,i. ,:f; 'j, }scot with and pay their prorate of a sewer to be constructed . on said street. } ~~ On motion-by the shoves AN ORDINANCE. FOR THE IMPROVE;t:~NT OF HARRISON STREET FROM ~ '~ ~• ~`~ FIFTEENTH TO SIXTF.F.NTII STRF.F.T WITH SIDEWALKSETC. ~ be tabledg same loaf ~ upon Dell of th ~ ~ ~~ the roll by the Following vote;-Yeae Moore. (1) Nays Foremgng Autlerg Farleyg Nanning r .,• ~ Hartong Jaoobag Lenhardg Moores Smith and Watts. (y) ii i # •.~~ On motion by the shoves the above Ordinance wee given first paaaegeg upon veil of ..., ~. ~ ~j • ~I the roll•by the following vote;-Yeas Foremeng Butlers Farleyg Nanning Hartong Jacobas ~ 1 (.~ ~ i , + .~.ji Lenhardg Moores Smith and Watts. (10) ~ ~• , . • + i. ~;' ~!~ On motion the raise were suspended on the shoves upon call of the roll by the '~' followi a•, ;~j_ nt; vote;-Yeas Foremang Autlerg Farleyg Nanning Hartong Jecoba. Lenherdg Moores ~ , ~, (~ Smith ar:dWatts. (10) ~ ~ ~~ ' , o ~~ On motion by the shoves the above Ordinance was given second and final passages ' ~ ' ! ~i by its },isles upon call of the roll by'the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, AKtlerg Farley ~ ~~. r ! i ~~ ~~ Nanning Hartong•Jacobag Lenhc-rdg Moores Smith and Watts. (10) ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ ~ -~~~-~" u On motion by the above g AN ORDINANCE. FOR -THE IMPRdl~F.l~[ENT OF HUBBELL ALVD FROM sJ~~~ruCl~~ °~ ~ ' ` „ _ ~ NORTON TO HUSAANDS 5TRF:F.T.WITH SIDFWALK.S F.TC.' was Killedg upon call of the roll by the ~ , ;, ~ ~ ~' Followi vote'-Yeas A8t1 r.:~ arle ~~a~ ng , q g 8 yg.-Iir~tong Jacobag Lenhardg Moore. (6) Neya Foremang R ~; ~';' Gi ? Nanning Smith and Watts. (4) r !. ~y ~N~-.+ ~~ On mot ion by the above g AN ORDINANCR FOR .IMFROVEI~NT OF CALDWRLT, STREET FRO1R 4th r f' ~pc~,G.~v-t~ 0 5th STREF,T BY (~RADIN(~ AND BRAVELIN(3g was given first passages upon cell of the roll ~ ~ ~ ! . ~ ' -P.-~- ~ by the folirnginp, vote;-Yeas Foremang Autlerg,Farleyg Henning Hartong Jacobag Lenhardg ,_.,r.~ ~~~LU~L' i ~ %'~- . ! ' • t r.Roore g Smith and Watts. (10) - ` ~ ~ ~ r ' ~, On motion the rtglea were suspended on the shoves upon Ball of the roll by the ~ ~ ~~ followi ~, ng vote;-Yeas Foremang Bnt•lerg.Farleyg•Nanning Hartong Jaoobag Lenhardg Hooreg ~ ~. ~ ,!.fimith and Watts. (l0) ' ~' ,i On motion by the shoves the above Ordinance was given aeoond and final pwsaeReg i '~by its tif,leg upon tali of the roll by the following vote}-Yeas Foremang Butlers Farley is '~~ ~ ~'. ' ~ j Hatusin g Hartong Jacobs g Lenhard g Moore g • Smith and Watts. (10) ,,. r t ~-. ~Qc~y-"~"`pL`~~ On motion by the shoves AN ORDINANCE FOR THE IMPROVFttBNT OF IQ~:NTUCRY AYF.fIIJE FROM ...e ~ ~ ~ ~F,¢ ~-~ ~;9th LO 10th street! WIT}} SIDEWALKS.ETC.g was given first passaEeg upon call 6f the roll M ~ Y l j by the _*ollowing vote;-Yeas Forea<ang Biitilerg Farleyg He~nr-ing Hartong JaCObag Lenherdg ` ~. '; Moore g Smith and Wafts. (10) . ; j On motion the rules were suspended on the shoves upon call o! the roll by the -, 'f ' ~, i !following vote;-Yeas Fpremang Butlers Farleyg.Nenning Hartong Jaoobsg Lenhards Moores j y , i(Smith and Watt e. (10) {,, ~J On motion the above Ordinanoe wee given second and final gessages by its titles ': ,, ~; ,. ~~ ~; ,% ;.upon call of the roll by the following vote;-'Yeas Forsman~ Autler~ Farley Hannin~ Hsrton~ 'J aeoba~ Lanhsrd~ Moore, Smith and Watts. (10)'" _ .. ~, 'r` On mo+.ion by the abbve~ AN ORDINANCE RFQUIRIN(+ Aid, AUTOMOAILF.S AND MOTF.R VRHICLF.S ~, `~ ~ '~?0 REbISTFdt IN THE OFFICE. OF THR CIS'! CLERKS was give yirat passages upon call of tie roil, .IF'osT.~h'If.-lY4La! b the tOllow y ing vote; Yeas Foreman Autler~ Fariey~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs~_LenhsrdT j., ~Moorey Smith and Watts. (10) i ~' On motion the rules wereesusperuied on the above upon call of the roll by the ~ ~, r.,:, ~follawinp, vote; Yeas Foreman Butlers Farley Hannln~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhardi Moores Smit~r II f!and Watts. (iD) ~ ~ On motion by the above the above ordinance was given second and final pas$age~. ~ by its titles upon .o all of the roll by the following vote;Yeas Foreman Aut h t~ Farlay~~ ~' i. I ,, . Hannin~ Hartong 8!aboba~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watt~.'(10)' ~ '~ i On motion by the above AN ORDINANCE AtAKIN(i ADDITIONAL DUTIES F.TC FOR THR CHIEF ~. i / j•, 1 F THE. R EAR ~ 1 ~ ~• FI F. A P 1R .IT AND AUILDINQ INSPF.CTOR~ was placed on 1ta THIRD peaoage~ over,the i ,: ~. ', ;;l~ayorca VETO and was killed upon call of the roll by the following vet®;-Yeas.Fo~eman~. y ' ~ ;'Farley Hannin~ Herton~ Lenhard~ tdoore and Watts. (~) Nays Autler~ Jacoba~ and Smith. (3) ~.~~~ ~~,cv/ On motion by the above a.pstition in regard the Salary of the Health Offioer . ,1 - Q' `I, i 9/~a"`~"",{-' being raiaed~ same waa received and filed. ~ i _._(.~'"'~'~~' ~ ., On motion by aembar Dutler~ the action of the Street Committee waa censured-in ~'~~~ ~~ in regard widdening Bored street. 1 ~~'y ~ On motion by the above petition Prom Residents and property owners on Tenn- ~ ~. I J _ ~ ~y ~,~~, i . `'~G~~ eases street from }6th 'to 16tri atreet~~waa granted , ~. ~~ (~~ On motion by member Watta~ the monthly report of the Auilding Inapeotor~ was. ` (~.Ii ~.~~~ ~~• ~ received aryl filed. ~~c~~ ~ elu-e,~, On motion by member Lenhard the City 3olioitor was inatruoted to sot in the easel ~ I ~ of the Ferry Franchise alai bond. ~~~~` ~~ 2vaJ On motion by member Watta~ the Maryland Casualty Co was released off of the bo»d1!! , 1 got Sloan Brothers and the Ecjuitab~.e Sutery Co was aub~ectituted on their saloon Iioenae ati II ~~~ ii-- ~' 't'~'~~~e~z~ North 1 th street. __.___ 33 3 ,. ~ • ~ ~ On motion by the above the 'City Scilioitor wes inatruoted to` bring in a Nmr ,•' , i' fie. ~•~ss~ Garbage eontraet or Farnehiae. ~~~- ~ ~ ' /f ~~ ~ • On motion by member Farley the monthly retort o! the Chief. of Polioe was rece~i ; . ;' Pift4 t l ~- ed arul filed. ' ~ , . i ~~--~ On motion by member Lenhard~ the F.aat Tennessee Tel ease that waa referred Lo the. ~,.-ti`' Railroad Tel & Tel Committee and Finsnoe Committees was tabled= . L.*-~-rr+-«•~.~~ On motion by member Autlerr a petition from the Colored Masbni6 Btook Companyr ~, , '~0~ • ~~ in`regard to over assessment on their building at 7th k Adams atreetr was referred to the r lief Committee and City Assessor payer to oot. On motion by member ttannin~ a transfer waa granted to a lot in Oak firove oemetery from Mrs Sudie Aarker to Mra S. Vwndenville of the West.hQl! bf the South halt of lot 14~ ~,YJ,1~/,c9 G~.~l~.-~t-• On motion by the above a deed was grouted to Mra D.A.Silla lot b2 blook 1. in .i .. the New Addition in Oak drove Cemetery. ( y:, __ -,: i } ~, n .'} ~. COUNCIL ~'ROCEEDING3, CITY OF PADUCAH I.g I t i~ `~`~`-""~ On motion by member Farleys"a petition in regard to testing Cowa for Tuberoulor -~.~•~o-•~ Ce-~..r~.trouble~ was received and filed. ~ ' `/ ~ ~i (~.r.u~,,~ rL-rv On motion by the above the opening of Yeiaer Avenue to 4th streets wss referred _~ ~~ 'k to,the Street Committee and City Eggeerner with power to sot. _____ ~; On motion by the aboves A RF.30LtJTION for the improvement of Sowell street. from < f ~``'~'~'`'~_ ill to Thurman at Thurman a+reet from Sowell to Powell ats and Fltlah street from ~`~'~'"~%~ (; Thurman et to Y.C.Ti le traok was iven first ~~I~~p ~~~ pP ~ B paaaage~ upon call of the roll by the ~ ~ k2i-c.u-ct~lollowi vote' Yeea Foreman Butler. Farle Rennin Harton Jaeoba Lenhard 14oore ,~,.rrw ~, y-g. r~ f Ys ~ t.. ~ f i : ;; Smith atxl wat4,a • (10) ~ ; / tuy.,,,,..,., ~ On motion the rules were suspended on. the aboves ttpcn Dell of the roll by the F ~ ~.~ .G~. ~I f ~•.~' following vote;-Yens Foreman' Butlers Farleys Hannins Harton' Jaoobss Lenhards 1~toores i~ Smith and Watts. (1A) t I ' ~~ On motion by the aboves the above Resolution was given second and final.passags • ~ ~ . ~' ~, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Antlers Barleys Hannins ' '' ' ! i~ . Hart on' Jac oba ~ Lenhard ~ r~oore ~ Smith and watts . (lo) } -~ f'. ~! ~~)t,~' Q.,~ 1~ On motion by the shoves b~petition from the Board of Publio works to have X1000.00 ~ ~ ,..t~ -~v 11 set aoide o~it of 'the Continguent Fund to purchase 011 for the Streetas was reo & Filed ~ ! ~L~~r-~' ( On motion by the shoves the Board of P~iblic"works were instructed to not buy oil , i -~~~T', ~ nor allow same to be used on the streets of- the City. 1 ,Gl, -+,~,~, ,~1~~~,j On motion by inember Smithy City Jailer Jaa Clark was instructed to remove all of ' !%i{ ~u~'j the City's property into the ne~- Kitchen. t --- (?~.t~e.-r.~- !~ On motion by the shoves a petition from H.R.Anderaon to connect his mother's clC~vl. Lt~iz'li'k.l"' ii premises with the Sanitary Sewers wc-e referred to the Hospital Sewer and Sanitary Com- R -~--~ ;; mitten. n Dn motion by member Hannin~ the City Engineer was empowered to make long driveway ~ l .. c ~``''~r"~`~"~,f~in Pront of the building owned by J.A~Robinaon at 5th de Clay atreet~ need as Tobacco ~r~a.e,e,o ~~~~~ warehouse s upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Foremaris Butlers Farleys _ Hennins Hartons Jaeobe> Lenhard' tdoores Smith and Watts. (10) ~s.a.t.a•.~-~ i{ d,.-z.,~ ~~ On motion by member Butler' the report of the Street Committees in regard to , ~, • ~~ Brunson streets was,aonotlred Sn. .~.::..;~." ..~__.._M-__---~-.,___--On motion the Hoard ad,Mourned-----~'~=--------------- 'e ~ , 14 • ' ~ .~o~nc~r~ P/IAY 18 1914 .APP ~,ov "~ ~r~,~ `~' ? ~' 1 ~ ,1 =1 ~ ~ ;, 1 Y ~i erk, PrearrLM! BnM1rd of Gbnnaiimrn. II I~ ~ i .. ~.. u r , . ~e G ~ •~' ~y',. /t~~ r~/ai d/~ /,J'! G~.~j ~~ C~ %. ," !>~ ~~ll /}f ~• ~ 't ,~ . ., . • . • ~. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF:FADUCAH ~ ' ~ g ~:_:_.; . ,. ~4~: i AL a regular meeting of the Board o! Counallmen~ held in the•dounoil Chambers in: ;the CitS- Hail, in the City of Paduoah~ Ky„ Hay 18ttT 1914 upon oall of the roil the Pollow- king answered to their names;-Foreman Butlers Farley Hatuiin+ Jaooba~ Lenhard~ TSoore' and , ,~ i ~ •• . (. i ;Watts. (8) .~ . ~;- e On motion the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as road. .~• • ~-I•`''t'~"~'... On motion by member Farley, the Finance Cor~mitteera allowance for anlaries eto.~, ~~,lLo-t.~,~.~. t,4~ ' j:wae allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the .Treasurer for the reapect- i '',ive amounts, upon oail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Autler, Farley, ~ . '~ Goodrian, Hannin, 7acoba, Lenhard, Moore and Wntts. F8) ti.oodman, and Harton,seme in. • (. ~Ii On motion b the above the bill rendered the Ae Y , by tna F sari Eureau for 'nE nFi ~~ ~~~" ~. suxweying ,amounting to X20.32 was allowed, upon call of the roll by the Pollov~ing vote;~~- `', Yeas Foreman, Butler, Farley, Gooebsnn, Hannin, hart on, Jacobs, lenhard, 1.{oore, de Watts. (10) IL~~ i. On motion by the above, the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor, wsa '; • ~`'~'`'~'~ ~' received and Yiled. Smith came 3n. ?"ate,. _ ~ /~ ~ On motion by member Lenhard, the FERRY FRANCHISF. was E;iv en its first passage, `T , "upon call of the roll by the followinE vote;-Yeas Foreman, Autler, Barley, Goodman, Hannin, • Hart on, Jacobs, Lenharrl, t,{oore, Smith and Watts. (11) • On motion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the • ;,following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Autler, Fnrley, Hannin, Goodman, Hart on, Jacob:,, Lenhnrd, i i ', Tdoore, Smith and Watts. (11) ~! ' ~ On motion by the above, the above Franchise was given its sebond aicd finnl paaa I ;age, by its title, upon call of the roll b~- the following veto;-Yee Foreman, Rutlor~ Far- ley, C+oodman~ Hannin~ Hart on, Jacobs, lenHand, Moore, Smith and Watts. (11) ~ I ~ ~ ~~~ti~ ~~~~~~~ On motrinn by member Autler, the City Engineer and the street Committee was given ~ ~' powre to act•ti buy annd, gravel, cement and use the Chain ring to repair the Smith street', Culverts upon sail of the roll by the follop~ing veto;-Yeas Foreman! BUtler~ A'arley~ Hnnniny -- Hartoh~ ooodmsn~ Jacobs, Lenhard~ !{oore, Smith and Watts. (11) • I '3'171a~t.f.~. i ~~ l On motion by member Watts, a petition from Charles del{able Rieke in regard to ~~~'`" ` ~ a private Cemetery, was referred to the Cemetery Committee. ~ . i^ ~~~~ ~~, On motion by the above, ;`14.10 dus Hank and Davis from Walter Pe11 for mnterial • ~~/ ~ f..Qs,+s~to paint RIver Side Hospitals was ordered paid to Hunk & Aavia and the balance ao.per, oontraat 18 belt up pending judgement of Court by Garnishment amounting to $$20.81 upon ' oall of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butler, Fnr1e,V, Goodmnn~ Hannin, Hann ".'?,: • Jaoobe, Lenhard, D{oore, Smithriand Watts. (11) /~~-'~~/"'""~ ~ On motion by the above a tesnsfer of a lot 1n Oak Grove Cemetery Pror-ldra Lens: 1i-~~- '' ,j~i~~ j~~je,,.;0. Feaon to W.W.wilkerson was granted, lot 49 block 4. t / . On motion by member Farley an ordinance was ordered brought in regulating C`' ' Sirens horns on Automobiles in the City of Paducah. ~ _ _ /~~~ On motion by the above, a comunication from the Bonrd of thabiia Works, in regard .~ I ~' ~ u d e C t ale was calved and filed ____ _ o tai ere using th i y St b , re ~~~,e,cva-rL ~ On motion by the above, a comunication Prom the Western Kentucky Industrial ~"~~ t• ' ~i~ ~~"'"-- College, was received and filed. ~ ~. ~1./ On motion by member Butler, a petition from H.W.Ranktn for over assessment,was ' rei~ered to the Treasurer, Auditor and Assessor. ~ ! ~• + .-~ 44. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 -f ~ t On motion by momber~ LenYiard~ the Public 2mprovement Committee was inetrueted to (~• 1'. _ ~ +' _ ~ihste the clock at the Baptist Church remoded. ~. '`,~' 'C/f/!~ ~ On~moirion by member Hartong the Peulucah Water Company a-ae instructed to lsy Water ~i f ~; ~ c~~-•+-rv ~u . iM ltaiiui on ]3th street between Jaokoon and Te~nneanee streete~ snd the Water Plugo were jj1 ordered to be~lieted on the Real List,. I~I~. ..=rjo r.: ~7.h~ Il - .... ~ . .. -- `i --~--------------------On motion the Board sd~ourned~---------~°_ --~ ~~ !, ~. ~ c:.<.: ~ . ~ ._ ~ . - .APP O JJ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T c ~ ~ /~~ _.....,.,. t ;~ Ammon ~t!~,, ~ . X14 j! _ 29rolidi~t Board of Gbnxeilmra. ~ ~ t.~, a~, Cite Clerk. ,. f ~ 4~ . 'i, ~~ J~J i i ~ ., Y - i i 1 II ~~ , . ' . _ c .. ~ ~ I ~ Ali ~~ ' ~I . . . r. ' i1 I' ~ ~~ , .. .. ~ - '1 ~ 2 ,.. ', ~~ , t. ~~ ~~//.. x. lI"` ~, p~~J ' // ~~/~yt' %/ C!'t ~.. <,~ ~1` . !7 C4 ~. 4 <..,y it _u~ i~ '.. ~~~ ~~ r •_. ~ 1 _ t COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. C~'I'Y_ OF PADUCAH °• ' j' 1 q l i I _"' srEy. ~j/~w. On notion by the abov y the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow f-.tic-~-y.• .512500.00 payable out of the June half of eolleotiona of taxse~ upon Dell of the roll by th 0 the following .vote;-Yeas Foreman Dutler~ Farlsy~ Ooodman~ Rennin' Hartong Jaooba' Lenhard~ ~ 'i Moores Smith end Wetta. (11) ~~ On motion by the above a bill from the F,ureka Coa1.Co was referred to the ~' ~~~ • ~, ~O~'"~~ ~ Finenos Committee. _ ~,•~ On motion by the above /e petition from R.Aoksrman for over asassamerht~ was re-' tarred to the Tresaurer~ Auditor and City Solicitor. ~iu/t/ QG~in•. On motion by the above a petition from the P,sduoeh Fair Aeeoeiation for the ' usual^•allowanoe of 5?50.00 was referred to the Finance Committee. _ _ ~- I~<.~ ~,e,~<- On motion by the above s rsoomendation from the Finance Committee wsa oonoureq in whereby the Psfiioah Bsae Ball Aaan~ wen allowed 5300.00 out of the Cohltingueiit Fund~$]5. payable June 1st 1y14~ upon Ball of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Forsmsn~ Butler.', • ~~ Parleys Goodmen~ Rannin~ Rarton~ Jeoobe~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith end Watts. (11) :~ u On motion ~s by member Lenhard~ the rules were suspended on the interlination On ', .!_ ' • .. ~ ~ , ~ --~ ~ AN ORDINANCF. CREATING .ANI) PROVIDING FOR THR 8ALF OF A FRANCHISF. OR PRIVELEOE TO ESTABLISH .~;, . _ . 1 ~~ ~ _ YAINTANIN AND OPRRATF. A STEAM OR GASOLINE. FF12RY DFD`WF;F~1 THE CITY OF PADItCAH AND THE STATR OF f~-•~ .ILLINOIS AND LIVINGSTON COUNTY HY~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Foremay - • '~, Butlers Farley~.Goodman~ Rennin Hartong Jacobe~ Lenherd~ Moores Smith and Wstta. (11) ' ~ On motion by the above the sbDVS wee~givsp_SIls~tipstr.pgs8ag6~ upon call of the±• • I roll by the folLnring vote;-Yeea Foreman. Butler Farley Goodman Hgnnia~ Hartong J eooba~i LwNhard~ Moors, Smith end Watts. (lij I • . On motion by the above, therti2ss~ers'suapsndad oi;.'.the Abovey•.to:givs seoond !, paaeage by its titles upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Foreman Ifutlar Far . ~', ~ ley Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jaoobs~ LeMard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ~!, On motion by the above. the abovs~ was given its oeoond athd final psascy;s~ by ' its titles upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Foremans Butler' Farley, Qood~ •~men' Rannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lsnhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) _:.~. }.- • 1 : ~ -n / b m h f h B f 1l~ On motion y ember Butlers t a lotion o t e oard of Publio Works was rata Sed v in awarding the following bide;-Yanoey ~ Johnson 5th street from Jefferson to Clay etrsett .'~ ' . 345 ",~ ~' At s regular meeting o! the Board o! Counailmen~ held iri the' Co>i>toil Chea~ber~, ~ i ;.~ In the City Rsli~ in the City of Paducah ICy.~ June let 1914 upon oa~l of the roll the .:following anawsred to their names;-Fa>reman~ Butlers Farley Goodmant h~snnin~ HarEon~ Jaoobe~ ;. ,Lenhsrd~ Yoors~ Smith and Watts. (il) 1 On motion the minutes of the previous meeting wen adopted sa react. ..a-tac,.C. r On motion by member Hannin~ the Finance Committesce allowanoe for eslariea eto..~ v^"''•"r"'`~~`~'wae allowed end the Clerk wen authorised to drew a warrant on the Treasurer for the rsepsot• ~ ct- i ~. give emouuts~ upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman' Butler' Farisy~ 6oodmsn~ Aannin~ Herton, Jacoba~ Lsnhard~ Moores Smith etxh Wetta. (11) ~~ On motion by the abova~ the monthly reporE of the Traasuner and Auditory wee. ' -~ rsosived and filed. ;°J.`~~2~~ On motion by the above W.T.Greves wen refunded $4.20 on over asaeaament on prop . ~: F ~-~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, C1TY OF PADUCAH ~ 191 _ .-~~~/~~~7~~ with oonorets sidewalks eto.~ 6.w.Ketter~ohn being the lowest end best bidder on the ~~~ ~oilowing atreete~ was awarded the following oontraota; Ksutuelq Ave from 19th to 20th ~'~"~~strsst~ Sixth streeti ~trom Tsnnssaee to Broad atrsst~ Rerrieon street 15th to 16th st.f C /~~~~ Monroe from 12th to lath street end Caldwell street from 9th to 12th streets all of-~ *'' ~~~ ~•y~ y ~ ~ ~ the above is oonorets sidewalks sto.~ was ratified. ~~ ,"' ~! On motion by the above the sotioa of the Board of Public works was ratified is awarding the following oorrbrsote for grading and graveling o! streets;-Bookman from ~_ ~C~eJ n.~-~/~~8th to 10th streats~ Bronson Ave 10th to 11th atr~~~+ta sM (+rading a~ Meoadevniziag a~°~i,Caldwsii street from 4th to 5th streets msosdem k crushed rook to be 31 feet wide~sll ~'oP the above oomraota awards! to•Ysnoey and Johnson they being the only bidders. i! On motion by member Rennin' the matter of a driveway for the Moselieum asst the i; . ';Oak Grove C4metery~ wsa referred to the Cemetery Committee. ~~ / I! On motion by msiaber Rarton~ a reporE from the Paducah water Compat~y.in regard to ,`. ~!lsying mainq, eto.~ on 6th street Broad to Bridgs~ was reoeived and filed.. ' ~~ l _ ~ On motions by member watte~_s oomunioation from R.C.Bafage in regard to repairing -- !the City aiook~.was reterred~to the Publio improvement Committee. ~1~ On motion by member Feriey~ the mo~hly report of.ths Chist of Polios' was reor p /~ ~ ~'ivsd and filed. ,J ~'~'~'N"~ On motion bP member .laooba ~ a transfer of s saloon iiosnss o! Z.R.wiilie~aa from v ~~ 105 Broadway to 1100 Routh 10th streets wee graisted~ upon sell of the roil`by the fol- .. lian-ing vote;-Yeas Poreman~ 9utler~ Farley' 6oodman~ Rsnntn' Rsrton~ Jsoobs~ Leahsrdy ~' ~~~n - I~oore~ 8mithsad watts. (11j ~;~ On motion by member Butier~ s oorrsotion wsa ordered made is the aaaesamsnt of ~Ssm C. Smith and s refund grasated on X2000.00 the assessment to bs X1000.00 instead o! • ,000.00 upon oail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Foreman Autlsr' Farisy, __ ~ ~ ~!eoodman~ Resusin~ Rerton~ Jaoobs~ Lenherd~ Moores Smith and walla. (il) t='~'~'~'~ ; ~ 4n motion by the above s petition from the Colored Maaonio Lodge for over esaes- v .~, ;,ament} was received and tiled. . !~ On motion by member Rannin~ a deed was granted.B.0.drubbs to lot 19 biook 1 in 6~ :the New Addition in Osk Oro~e oemetery. ;; On oration by member Smithy the City Solioitor wss ordered to bring is opinion an . _ •_~suthority of Cemetery Committee to sot oa Yoalsum end driveway. '•~ On motion by member Rennin oopiss were ordered sent out of the Priests Cemetery ;. _ ~,ordinanos. ~~~ On motion by the abovs~ the matter of pisoing water mains oII wail Avenue in Oat °°~Orove Cemetary~ was referred to the Cemetery Committee power to sot. ~-.D' , ; C.~~ ~i~l~di, On notion. by the sbove~'p petition from the Fsir Assn for X250.00 was_retsrred 0 ~~~~ ~to the Finanoe Committee'power to sots upon Deli of the roll by the lo9.lowing vote; >; ~. Yeas Foresusn~ Butlers Farley' 8oodman~ Rsnnitt~ Rarton~ Jsoobs' lenhsrd~ Moors Smith •,. ~~ r .., ~, ~ ~'. ~l • 'stul 1lrtte. (llj •~~~"' On motion meslbsr Rennin was oppoiated s member of s Committee to investigate the ~'~~~~ ',.1leetern keatuoky industrial Coiiege. ` ~~---~~ t On motion by member Rartony thi monthiy.riport oC the Bniidiag Ynepeetor~ wse ~~ 'reosived aad..fiidd. _. - , a f ' ,' .. -: ' ,,;:." ,... r ~: .p, • .:, ~,~.~ , - ,..., ~,~~r, .,. a ..,~ . . - ~ . ~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CITY OF PADUCAH .:`:' ~191~ - ' ~ ~' :347 On notion by aembsr Ferlsy~ a petition lroa residents aM propsrEy owners on ' ,Powell street for wexsr~ ease was referred to the Paducah Batsr'Company to lay Heine aM i~ ~• `the Batsr Piuge wets ordered placed on the Rental lief. '• ,~ ~ On motion by the abova~ the natter of repairing the 6th street oalvertto,Yaeuer'~. G -..~,{. °,~j4,,~irr~w . 'Arenue was referred to the Street Comsittea power to sots upon osli of the roil by the i .i. !following vote; Yeas Foraman~ Butier~ Parleys 0oodman~ Rennin, Hartong Jaoobe~ Lanhsrd~ ;~ Yoors~ Smith and Bette. (il) i, i f ,~ ~ On motion by member Lenhard~ A FraNce Sewerage Iriapeotor was inatruoted not to ~~~ !repair the Fountain at 10th k,-ReKt ; /~r~~A~ On notion by member Aannin~ the Band for Concerto this eummsr~ was referred to ' """"" -- ~~~the Finance Committee. ~I ~~~-------------------On motion the Board Adjourned ~ ------~---------------------~' i ;: APPRO ~~'R~ ~ 51~14~ .. ;: uulultlll717N(: ! \ ~ ~ ht+lldar46 1Lnli.U•~U~ /4dl lli~l~lli6H . ~ ~, Clty CI $y I ' .~, ... li ~4 ~ _ I ~ ~ . i' ' . f• ~ + li- .. , • t'. ... e ~, ~ ,; .. ,, -{' ',r' f. a .. ~. .. ' ~ '.:, i ~ 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ,. ' q i I i 7- s , I ~'r ,rt°. ~ ' Y ~~ #' I! ', . Y ~ ,' ~ C, a, , _ ' E I I! !EI ~ ~~~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 v ; ~c.~ '~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Cbunaiimsny held in the Oounoil Chsmber~ in :-. ~~ ; ~- f~ths City Rsii~,in the City o! Paducah' Ky.~ June 15th i91a, upon oo~il o! the roil the `; ~ifoilowing onswered to their Homes;-Foremeay Buttery Fariey~ Ooodmany Ranniny Rartony ,.~~Jaoobey henhardy Moorsy stfd Wstta. (10) ~~ ~ On motion the mimibes of the.previous meeting was adopted as read. ~i On motion by member Rennin, the Finano• Committee's Ailowanoe for salaries eto.y ~~ j~ was allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw s warrant on the Treasurer for the ~ reapeotive amountey upon °sil of the roil by the following •ote;-Yeas Foremany Butler / 'Farley' f~oodmany Ranniny Ramon, Jaoobsy Lenhardy Moore,drd watts. (l0) ~~ G•~ On motion by the abovey a refund was granted on an error in the saeeasment of i; j Sam C. Amith of X2000.00 amounting to X35.00 end same ordered oorrscted on the Tax .__._.. .~f Hook from X3000..00 to..~2000.00y upon Dell of the roil by the following vote; Yeas ~; ; ; ~i; Foramens Butlers tioodmany RBnniny Hartong Jsaobsy Lenherdy Moors end Watts. (10) ' D ~~~'*- On motion by the sbovey a bill of seorge Richstein for damages olaimedy Sor him ~ ~l~e ~ • ~; falling through an excavation made by 8aa oonneotion with the Amerioan Chili Parlor ~ i' , • !amounting to X99.00 was referred to the Finanoe Committee with power to acts upon Dal ' ~~ ~ ~' of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremany Buttery Farlsyy Qoodmany Banning tl j ~j Rarton~ Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore and wefts.. (10) • , i p,~~ ~; On motion by the ebovey the Bate of the Padveah end Ililnois Ferry Franchlae to (; ~`-'~"? 2c-/' ii John B. Arritzen wsa ratified etx] Bond scoepted. .. ~~i!" I; i ~~'~ On motion by the above, s petition from the Coiorsd l[wonic Stack Co.y Sor over ~. ~;, "~O•%. asasammenty wsa received and tiled. j ,~ .ae-.v On motion by member Buttery the opinion from A.Y.Martin City Solieitory in regal ' to repQira on sedewalke on Harrison street from 8th to 12th street and Madison atraet ~ I ". /~,~~~~ ~ Srom 11th to 12th street being done by OyRara And bake before June 29th 1914y them i ~?"_Q ~G ~ the City is to repair same end dea-and the reimbursement of the ooata of same from the ! oontractors and surety oompatp-y same was conoured-in. 1~~ On motion by member Hsrtony the Psduoah Water Company was instructed to levy macs ~~~!~""~-' on 13th street from Jecyeon to Tennessee Street and the Water pitlgs ordered plseed an ~~~ /l _:_~„_ ;! the Resntal Idat. ~~ .tf~~~-~!y On motion by member Wattsy the action of the Public Improvement Committees wee ~~ ,.,,G- ~ ooncured-ins in ordar~ng Awnings plaoed et the windows of the Tressursrss O~fics. j yr/~ +{ On motion by member Rartony the Paduosh Water Company wsa instructed to lay Maio ~~~ ~'~ ~' ,~,,,, ! 'of Power street from Haye Ave to a point near the Tipple traok of the iliinois Cant-1 ~: ~ ~C ! rsl R.R. and Thurman from Powell to Eulah and Euiah from Thurman south about one Alook ~' etx9 Ashoraft from 8owa11 to Powell straetss and the water plugs ordered plaoed on the i' Restsl list. ~~ ~ ~ On motion by member Autisrs that the City purohwe the dirt Srom~Yance~-~eJohneon GJ s~ , ~~~c~t~ that is taken from Boolmu~n street and Brunson Avs for 20cents per yard delivered on ~ "` ~ Ruabanda strest~ oarriedy upon Ball oS the roil by the following vote; Yew Forsmany ''' Buttery Farieys Ooodmsns Banning Hartong Jacobs Lenhards )[Dora and Watts. (10) -~,~:~~~ On motion by member Butlers the City Solicitor was instrnoted`to asoartaia i! there is a 8treeE between 1ti11 street and Woodward Avenne. f. f, l ~I f, .9t I ~~~~ '~ i J i .~ , ~IJ ~. ,~•A . CCI -~ , /tfl,~ ~ ^~ -. i ///~/y a ~/ 1 Win-, . ~., , U~ ~{ i ~~; p.. ,rl.~ 1 ~ `l~; . ~s i // (~ 1 '~ ~ '( i ~'~~, • ~ ~.~ `., ... n ,~~ .,. : ... "1:r!i"]>~. .. ,. ^„~, Cr?*l:x.i`~. ..#~.xS,: umxt.:Tfr ~v4t.~_',;~Y~ . ' ,',, ., j rr ' ~QUNCIL.: PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUC,~H , . ~. ~ .. .. .. ,191 t :> I, ~~•' ! Oa motion by the above the Women~s Ciub was exempted from munioipal Taxation ;'. , in-eliding the settlement House on Third street. r ,~ i ,• ~~ , On motion by the above ~ e;`petition tor- over asaeesaient lrom the Eureka Coei Co. ~~ was referred to the Trsaaursr~ Auditor, end Aasseaor. ~,I__-- !' On motion by the above a petition from A. Kirk for ovs~ asbeaement~ wa8 rsoeivad and Med. ' ~. - DQ'_.~ On motion by the above a petition ,from T.N.Leteher for over aaeeasment~ was recd ~m ~~Y,' I, +~end tiled. _ K. On motion by member ftannin~ p transfer was granted from A.L R e ~ ~, /~~~r~",~ ob neon t o Frank ,~~s-+z'~' .Neat the ~ _ South ~ of lot 4']2 block 32 in Oak (irovs Cemetery. 1 ~;b.'~ ,(~~¢J, On motion by the above a deed was granted to Alioa Dsvis is lot 47 blook 1 in J ,Oak brovs Cemetery. --I ~ %'/ On motion by the sbove~ a transfer wsa granted frpm Oeo P. Weiler to Mra Katie ~~ ~~ Smith a lot in Oak Orovs Cemetery lot 18 blook 41.. ~' / D,~ ~ On motion by member Hannins the oontraQy for the laying of water pipe on Weii ~ iH'~'~/ Avenue and porteoua Avenue in Oak (irova Gsmetery to lt.H.Coulson amountit~t to jj4:85~upon ~~ .,Dell of the roil py the t'oilowinp, vote;-Yeas Foreman Butler , s s Parleys Boodman~ Hannins Flartn Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Moore and Watts. (10) ~. ~~ On motion by the above the opinion of the City 8olioitor of the opening of a •I ~ 8treet•leadinf; to the Moaelieum in Oak Grove Cemetery was conoured-in and received and i filede C~ ~~~ On motion by the above a petition against a Private Cemetery being made of the Rieke Farms was received snd filed. ± ;"- ~ On motion by the above the reporE of the Treasurer and Auditory was received 1 ~~ ~ and !lied. ~~ ..... ~ /,Y~,.,~,~,~,c,, On motion by member Fariey~ the Mayor was inatruoted to soil the House reoently ~/ ~~'" purohaaed from Henry.Kameieiter to the beat biddBi'.with inatruotiona to remove seine within. } ,Thirty Days. ~,~~ ~/1/-~~ ~~ On motion by the above the Hoard of Publio Works were inatruoted to odrer the D Ailey running from South 4th street on the West aide of the property belonging to C.H.Bhsrn. i -, ~ ill de others near the Sherrill Ring Co milk open up at onoe~ said Alley having reoently, t -- .fin tenesd up by Sherrill King Lumber Company. ~,, On motion b member Hannin the Build ~~~'`j~' ~ D- y ~ ing Inapeetor wsa inatruated to grant per- . z [~f., i mission to the Presbyterian Churoh~ by approving the plans of said buildings 1t the-acme i ~ Dome within the provieiona of the amendmont. i t ~ ~ ~~~ On motion by the above the Wharf Maat~er was inatruoted to notify the ownsre o! I 1 the old Ferry Dock to remove dams at onoe~ to provide !or the nee ewner of the Fraaohias. j . _-..--------------------On notion the Roaril adjourned ------°------°------- • .. '~ '.l~Os'T:~L~ t~~'+._ ~: . ';~'? n~ ~!~_1-P:ROV + T~ vi~i_ ~ - 1~ 1 .. I'rcSl+itr6.'iouwl of !'~nn,rilmre j , ti • ~. + • ' ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~~~~~-~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH ~1 g1 _ P. i 3 9 Y ~~ . r ' Ii At s regular meeting of the Board of Counoilmen~ held in the Counoil Chambers in: ~, ~tha City Ralis Sn the City ot•Paducahs Ky. ,July 6th 1914s upon Dell of the roll the ~',_ ..., ' ~itollowi answered to their names;-Foremcut~;"Butler Fsrle 8oodmsn Rennin Harlon . , , h ~ • ~ Ys ~ s r • ''Jaoobss Lenhards Moores Smith stxl Watts. (il) ~~DDep ~, z•~~ !i•' The rAeignetiori of IIember L.L.Roo! of t•he Fourth Wards ae Counoilmans was read CIi, ~,tg,.,.-~s~e . ~I ~~~nd acoapted. and The appointment of A.'~.Budde from the same ward/ by the ltsyors was I: • '' `' r }. •p sooepteds to take affeot• at onoe. • ~£..~.~-.•. ems. i! On mof,ion by member Rennin' the Finance Committees allowance for salaries eto.s ~~"~p~"~~'4~was allowed atxi the Clerk wNs authorised to dPaw a warrant on the Treasurer !or the lk~~ ;respective amounta~•upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Poremans Huddas • P ~Hutlsrs Parleys doodmens Rannins Hatton' Jacobs, Lenhards Moores Smith s~ Watts. (12j ~ On motion by the aboves the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditor' was ~~~ ~~' ~2t-~~ is received and tiled. - b k`~ ~pp On motion by the ebove~ the Ruiea were suspended on a Resolution fo~'improvsment. ~~ ~ 40! North 2nd street from Jefferson to Monroe streets with concrete sidewalks eto.~ ups ~,~~?,~ '~~~on Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens Huddes Hutlers Farlsys good- , liman~ Rannins Hsrtons Jaoobas Lenhards Moores Smith and Watts. (12) i! ~ On motion by the aboves the abo`es Resolution was given its first passages upon ~~ " " ~I'oaii of the roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens Huddss Hutlers 6oodmans Hannins ;. • !!Parlays Rsrtons Jseobss Lerihards Moores Smith m•-d Watts. (12) • ~I On motion by the shoves the rules were suspended on the shoves upon Dell of the ` !roil byv the lollowing vote;-Yeas Foramens Huddes Butlers Ferieys (ioodmans Rarstins Ra~- tohs Jacobs Lenhards Moorass3mith and Watts. (12~ •' ~ On motion by the above the above Resolution was given second and final passage .. .,'by its titie~ upon aaii of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Forenan~ Auddss 8ntier~ . • :Parleys doodmans Raruiins Rartons Jaoobas Len2-srds Moores Smith an8 Wstte.. (12) ~~A2~6~^-N' On motion b the above a refund was Y s granted to :T.C.de Carrie Tapp on over asasss- . `~"~~• i~ msnt on propertys $3'.50. ' ~~~`~-~'~ ~ On motion b the above s refund amount ~~ .~~ t-e ~ Y s sng to #3.50 to J.a.Rall for over sasess- //.. ''went on property. ~lj~J~~~~; On motion by the shoves a bill of K.F.Wheslar for opening and oloaing sewer eon- ,neotione at different loastions~ was referred to the Finanos Committse~ with power to /,,'~~_.,..__..~_< :~ sat. ~^~`~`~~~r~~f"• On mot ion by the above s Chsries Robertson at 5th atW Monroe streets was grs~ed "~"~`"~~ ~ permission to oonatruot oonorets sidewalks st.o.s under the supervialon of the Hoard o! Publio Works end City Engineer. On motion by the shoves a petition from Pro~/Roas to coimect with the sewer at ~-cMGY C~r....<t~ . ~~ ,~ or near 14th de Monroe atreetss wee granted. ~--D.O On motion by the eboves the Southern Textile Compatp- was granted exemption from (lc"fir./ :-)t c',~t ,~'~r~•~^~~ K~• ' municipal taxations oonditiona set outs for five years. e`~'«. ,~- On motion by the shoves the Arc Light on Caldwell etraet near 4tn atredt~ was ordered moved to the intersection of 4th ~e Caldwell streets. '-.,DSO:~~ e~.,-,+.~e..~. On motion by the shoves the. City employees at the City Els~etrie Light pleud~t were • (~',~ C ~,,.. . _~. _ _.. , _ ... , granted, a wsske vaostion frith •PRY• _ .,._.- . .., ~R_ G` (~t` r;~, Q,~,r. (fj? , ~: r i;y I i II ~/: ~~ ~y'n /.. .i, f ,.~ i . /~, t (p i. P,a<` IF ~T-,.,q ~~~ I ,; r~' ii ~ ~r !f ii ~. i ~i 1' ~' ~ • '1 ~ yGGGi ~ (~(~~, j; Erl,aw ,,~+I ', ~!, ~f'y ~, i' ,. ' .; ,. ~,~~r ~7 'r ~. . a ~~ r~i - ~;~ On motion by member Lenhard~ the proposition made by Chsa & Mabie Risloe in regard ~~ D o~~""~-r to a private Cemetery same was tabled. w„~ ~j. '~.~. ,~', Oa motion by the above the Building Ordinanos was referred to the City 8olioitor is ,j ~ ;u to as~l out copies. .. ' 1. v~ On moyi.oa by member Budder a warrant was ordered dream 'in favor Of'Yanoey and ~. I ~ " ~ i,Johnaon for work done on 5th street between Jefferson & Clay etreetae amounting to X259.25 .~!' n ~--~ . j; ~, /'~ ;upon Dell of the roll by the following •ote; Yeaa Foreman Auddee Butlers Farleye Qo.odman~ n. 'I j~ !, `~. ~ Rsnnin~ Barton Jaooba~ Lenhardy Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) ( ~' 01I -- '~ On motion by the abovee a warrant wee ordered dream Sn favor of (i.W.Kstter~ohn I ' for work done on Harrison e4reet bet 15th de 16th streets am unt Q7~, , Q ing~ta ('3x316.16 upon sell of ,I ~~~ '~~~~ the roll b the followi , , ~ ~ y~'(ioodman+ Hannin~ Ftsr- / Y ng vote'-Yeaa Foreman Audde Autler Farle ;, ~I~ Lone •Jscobs, Lenhard~ Itoore~ Smith and Watts. (12) , ~~ ~ I t1 ~w Ori motion by the abovex a warrerit waa ordered drawn iri favor of O.W.Hatter~ohn ' for work done on Kexttuc Avenue bet 19th de 20th atreeteeamouriting to X306.25 upon call ;~ f~l/f ~l of the roll by the following vote;Yeaa Foreman Autler~ Budder Farlsy~ fioodmatt~ Hannine ~„ Barton, Jaooba~ Lanhard~ 1Sooree Smith and Watts. (12) '~ ~~ On of on by member Jacobee the mat+.er of removing the dirt on South 6th street Bc~ ~~ ~~~ ~ 9 ~.eo-i ~ .L~ I'~ ~~"~~.0~~• Atha Street~Departuent~ same was referred to the City Engineer, to get bidet for same. ~ On motion b member Budde a Resolution mak ~~~~: Y ~ ing a Street 30 feet wide from`Bridge' "'`" !~ ,' `'' ~~~ street to Palmer Street and to the property recently oonveyed by John Iieraog to Paducah !t ~~ ~~ 'Board of Trades sa shown by deed of .record in deed book 104 page 467 in~County Court Clerk j j,( Oar -.•-~~~~ offiae~ herein a atrip'.of ground thirty feet in width lying along said I11e:0.entral Rail- i o /` ,road Company right-of-wayr is oleo dediootsd .lox street purpoaea'be.~ and 'they are hereby soaepted for the use and benifit of the Traveling Publio and the ed~aoent property owneree ~' ~/ was iven first ';, g passages upon call of the roll by the following rote;-Yeas Foremanx Budded. j: ;; '~ Butlers Farleye Woodman, Rennin, Harton, Jacobs Lenhard~ Moorex Smith and Watts. (12) .• I~ Oa motion the rules were suspended on the above~p upon sell of the roll by the ', ;,following vote;-Yeaa Foreman, Audde~ Butlers Farleye Ooodmany Rennin' Rarton~ Lenhards ~i I Jacoba+ Hoore Smith and Watts. (12) i ~~ I~! ~ 'On motion by the above+ the above Resoution wee given its aeaond and final peas-. {~4 ages upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Forexian~ Budde~x Butlers Farleye 'j ~ ~ ~ 6oodman~ Rannin~ Hartonx Jacoba~ Lenhardx Moores Smith and Watts. (12) t .. j • ~~~~~~~~~~,,.. ~ On motion by member Farioye the monthly reporE oP the ~easu~swr-eae9 .auditor' web !; {ctdcGe-~. received wnd filed. ~, _ D ~~ ~p•~ctc On motion by the above a aominlaation in regard to the Autoaobils'of the Chiof j, i _ of Polioe, was reoeived and filed. ~~ ~~'~"" r~~ ' On motion by member Jaapbe~ a transfer of a Saloon license wee granted from W.C.I~! ~~, ~~~ ¢~ ., ,; ~fi ~ ~ :bray to Ceoil Read Amre at 107 South 4th atreetd was granted and bond saceptedi upon as11~, ~ !•~~'u ~~~*- of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreasanx Budder Butler' Farleye bondman' Henninf i It ' Bsrton~ Jacobe~ Lenhard, Moores Smith and Watt a. (12) is ~~/is.xa i - On motion by the above a transfer of a Saloon liaenae wsa granted from beorge (; (`lees,.. s~tr»ti~ Hod gt 213 ~ouLh'2nd':atraet to YLie and Arothera So 434 Norton atreet~ and bond X40 4=~~ ~~ Y ~y~/,' ~a°,,~~t! socepted~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Foreman Budde, Autler~ Farley ~: 6oodmsn~ Hannin~ Rarton~ Jaaoba~ Le~aharde Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ; _ -~~1 352 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,CITY OF P,4DUCAH •; : '. , .; ~ ;, ~ ..~ . ' ~' 19 k_, ' ~ On motion by the above tha4 all Retail Coffee House applications for License bs v ~;readr aru} if there is not"any ob~eotioi~sy that the following be gramsd and bonds acoepfr . ,. :f~ed~ ae follows;- " ~'J.J.Lally 1501 South 4th Bond Rational Surety Co~of St L • ~Palaor ~iotol Co " ' 5+.,h to Rroar*~~af ~ ~'A.T.Bohannan ' ` ~ ~ ~ 111 South 3rd . Oscar Danker'. ~ ~~ ' ` ~ ~ 432 North, 12th jHotel belvedere 201 Broadway Clem Franoeola 212 Kerituol:y Avenue ~ •' (~ Elliott de Wathen ~ r ~.. ~ 134 South ~tth Fidelity de Deposit Ccapany " E1roA 8e Hite 111 South 2nd • i.Kennie ISurray • •. 115 North 4th ,; James Bolden " 704 Adema ~ i ,, .il0aoar Dewmick 17$5 South 4th • W.td.Iditohell 1000 North 10th street W.}.4.}4lthoell ~ ~ .906 Boyd" atroet Sam C. Smith ~i 120 South 2nd street " - I J.A.Soh#lts ,; ;, ,, , 701 South 7th street ,J.IL Patter & Co 116 South 4th street • IG.W;,Edwards Eat 117 South 3rd street J amen J . L{CAu4-,han 1134 Jones ' ° •.i.James Ward • 1100 South 11th street _ ~h.h.Nelson 407 South .3rd street • j,J".B.Rothrock .121 South 2nd street Ati.9 Marcoffeky ~ ~ 134 Sou+.,h 2nd street • iTheo Peter ~ 1045 Ky Ave " :F`;$.Durton 310 Ky Ave .,;,,, ~G.W.Shepherd 200 Ky AVe ,John Dye 1729 South 4th " :, i-2.H.Williams ,, 1100 North 10th street _. F.S.Johnson 1034 South 10th , ~ W.L.Catea 126 South 2nd street . BiateBehB~ier . ;Chao Danker 90~. Washi'ngton ~ L.N.Rattan `' 115 South 4th.street Hol Billingsley .,, 633 Caldwell ~ ~E.H.Pell • 737 North 6t#~ street ,Ben t{.ASlen 100 }forth het atroet R.L.Pesoher & Co 101 South 2nd street ;C.T.Graham ~ 135 South 9th attest". J ~ L4.1t:OQTlaPher " ~ 629 Trimble BQuitabis Sui~eUy Co R.E.L.}.4oehe1l 109 North 4th C.E.!{iller 1167 IJorth 12th J.T.Dunn ,. 107. North 4th street _ 'Alfred Strauss 114 Ky Ave ,J.L.Potter 600 Rarris street W.E.ttam 936 North 10th • . ,S.B.Gott 119 North 4th Merry k }ditohell ~ 900 Washington street" ' ,G.A.Willow ~ 113 South 4th 'YI.C.Gray 10'7 South 4th .` Tuck Lorne 625 Washington _: ~_'`;`~ 6 Frarilc Wagner 110 South 2nd - John Ward 134 Ky Ave Geo W. Taylor 301 South 7th ~ ' F.M.}datlock 1732 South 10th ' tt.S.Keiley 1039 Ky Ave . E.Ynrbro 116 Ky Avs Pete Holgor 1615 South 4th Vineyard Brothers \ 434 Nortbn ` t}.Lashlee ~ 402 North 12th • J.H.Clendenon 11,3South 2nd G.W.Kelly 119 Aroadway Elliott h Campbell 100 Broadway Aiken Ik Co 125 Routh 2nd D.A.Turner 922 Finley Jsa T. Quarles Fast of I,C.Pasaenger Depot Soott Furgoraon •701 Trimble W.C.Stantord 129 South grid ' Dan Galvin 934 South 5th ttenry Gavse 432 South 7th, -~ Sloan Brothers 13th h Monroe Claude Porter 106 South 3rd ~ Fidelity ~ Deposit Co • Geo Sohulte 70i Jaokson some was grentedr upon•eall of the roll by the following emote; Ysas Foreman Budde~Butl~ ~/t;.,w-w~+'.~u Farleyr Goodmanr Hanninr HarE oar Jacobar Lenhardr Moores Smith and ilatts. (12j t) ~~ i On motion by member Harminr a remonstrance was read against the Riskep! Dist Co, ~~~+~~'~~.~f~'° On motion b member ~; y JaooDa that Reiko f Dist C r p am~pat~y bs .grae-ted a Retail Coffee ;House lioe~nae and bond aceeptedr same csrriedr upon call o! the roll by the foll'orring r , •, wote;•Y~se Foreman Budde~ s,. , ;, ,. .Butler~•'Z•'sriey~ Henning Hartong Jaoober Lenhardi Yoore~Sedth ~, . , << o. ,_ 41 I ~~„ . ~µ . ~ -. f ~r i ~~1, y .-. , ~ ~~ f C~ 1 t• /, Vii. ,~~. i f~ l~. `',~. `~/ i i .„ ~, , i fl.. ~. ~ . i i'/ ` ~ . } ~ T' i+ ' , i ~~ i T r ~ ~1~,1. c rt ~~~ ,t~ .. ,'. i i f" .~.~>, t L,' , „ a ~~ ' t t ,e~ 4 j .. ' and Watts. (11) Neya t3oodman..(1') ~ - } ~ i~ On motion by mer~ber Jaooba~ a t~enafer was granted o! a Saloon 1loonse from J.T.' 1 ~ i.. ~. ~i~-~~'` • .~~"'"T- Dunn at 10~ 8ort#~ 4th street to B.A.Womble at the saws looetton~ and bgnd saoaptsd~ upon ~.~.~. ', ~ l ,; Dell of the roll by the follcnrit~ vote;-Yeas Foreman, Hudde~ Hutler~ Fariey~ Ooodman~ ~~ I Hannin~ Hartong Jaooba~ Lenhard~ lioore~ Smith and Watto. (12), ~_ i! ~ i ~. 0 ~~ On motion by the above a transfer was granted J.L.Potter of•`his Saloon lioenae ,~•. i /' ~ from 800 Harris street to 8th ~: Hoyd street.upon aril of the roll by the following vote;. d ~~`~ ~ ' Yeas Fore~ian~ Dutier~ Dudde~ Farley 4oodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenharrl~ Moores ~ • ~~ y~wy0~.. '' ~ ~~ Smith and Watts. (12) ~~ ~' On motion by the above a transfer oi' a Salooa liaenoe was granted from Aiken ~ j II •~ ~ (~"' ` I! Company to J.F..Bnles at 125 South 2nd street and bond acoepted~ upon Dell of the roll by !, ~ t; Q~t~.~~~' the following vote; Yeas Forea~aY-~ Dudde~ Dutler~ Fprley~ Ooodman~ Hannin~ Harton, Jaooba.~! ~/ •I ~ a" !C Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ' ~ - p~~ ! On motion by member Hutlar~ a refund was grtu~ted the Masonio de Odd Fellowp Hui1d~ ~ ~-,uc~ ~' ~j ing Com parry on a double assessment on the Regioter building amounting to $159.95 upon Dell ,! of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremnni Dudde~ Hutler~ Farley annin~ 1tarEon~,'~•. f' Jaoobs~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (l2) ' ~i Oa motion by the ebove~ a petition for over assessment from W.R.Nagie was referrj ' ~. ,R~ ~ to the Hoard of Superv.lsors. ~ ~~ e~.~C~-# On motion by member Haruiin~ a transfer of half of lot 66 biook 5 in Oak Orovs ,' ~~ ~o ~~ ~,ti, ~~~Q.,.,tg,, Ceavtery from Jae C. Soott to lira s.K.Bonda. j it I ~~ "` ~~ i " ~,-~. On motion by the above deeds were granted to B.A.Lever lot 50 biook 1 New Add '` 1/n.. ~•'"' "` ~ and lire Maude 8ulliven to lot 58 block 1 New Addition. ,w~"-a-,-..~ i k _. ,.~. ~. On motion by the above a petition for water in the Nsw Addition of tho Oak ~~,,-~ ` stove Csmetery~ was referred to the Cemetery Committees power to sot. j ~~~~. ? . ~. ~fi _~ _ . On agtion by member Hartong a petition Por water on Kentuoky Avs from 12th Lo 3,5h ~ ,• s ~~:: r. i ~~,yi.~H. ~~ street~wao referred to the .Paduoah Water Company to iay Maine and the Firs Plugs ordered ,~ ` a ,+~ ~s- ~. ~J-~ .~us.~ pisoed on the Rental list. i { ~/f .E~~~~"~ On motion by the ebove~ Henry E. Sohroto wsa granted permission to oonatruot '~, `~~~ oonorete oidewalka eta., at 13th and Monroe streets under the supervision of the City ' ~ ~ Engineer. I . ` On motion b member Farl /(~~~.Z.,rcan~ Y .y~ the Publio Ymprovsment Committee was inetruotecl to i ,C y . ~ ~ <<,,.~~ !~ gat bids for the Saeeening of the Third floor of the City Hails and to purohass two 16 i. ~ C lnoh F.leotrio Fana for the Counoil Chambers same oarried~ upon Dail of the roil by the j '' CZ !~ t tt ~ s .+~ following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Hutler~ Auddes Forley~ aoodrian~ Hannin~ Ttattono Jsoobs~.Len~ ~t n ; ~ ~ hardy ltoore~ Smith s:ul Watts. (12) Td'~~'~""~'e ' ~ On ~ tion by member Smithy that the Chair appoint a eommitteo to take up ohargee;" ~' ~~J ~"u~of Mr Boswell Jones regarding Dairiee~ The Chair appointed Member 3mith~ butler ~ Moore.. ,~ (/ ~~-~~ ~ q•tion by member Hudde~ the license oomr-ittee was lnatructad to take up peter ' " <•~--L in regard lioenae License for August 8th ~• ~y=~Y r,../ On mo?ion by member Lenhard~ the Paducah Water Company was inotri~cted to ldy (~~,r~,~-.~iQ.~' Water .mains on Arown street as previouaiy ordered. Oa tption Dy member Smithy a Resolution granting permission to the West tCsntuoky'. 1 .~ ~. ~ ~ _ ., ~_ -~ - ~ '~'~'~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; .CITY OF PADUCAH 191 T..e _ ~ .. __~-= P`~`~'^'' lisuaolsm Co the right to make two openings through the hedge tense.that separates the ~?~~ j ~ j. ', ~~rax~1~~s~oemetery property from that of the West Kentucky Ysueeleum Coy eaoh to be about ten feet. ~ .' ~~y~~~ . : ~ ,~ wide apse Sven first B y y on-ing • ~e ~ y C passe a upon oall.ot the roll b the !'0l1 vote°-Yeas Hu1t1s ~i _. i i ~Farieyg ~oodmang Hartong Jaoobeg 1[oore end Smith. (~) Nays Foremang Budder Henning Len- ~ 4 ' herd and Watts. (8) ~ ~ ~~ ', ~{' . ~I On abtion by the•eboveg that the rinse be suependsdy same loety upon Dail of the roil by ~ ~' ~~` . ~. ~~ C the loiia+ing vote;-Yesa Butlers •Farleyy Boodmeng Hartong Jaoobeg moorey end Smith. (7). I~ ~~1Pays Foremeng Budded Henning Lsnhard•end,wstte. (5) I j a~,tiaa the Board adjourned-------- °' -~ ~ , 01914 ~ ;;;N, -! Ll~'jr ~IIBILC,~ " 1'reSiTkKEttoard o/[;ot~,ccil~ieeiw j ' rs"`, ' I ~~ ~ a: ~~ .. ~ it ~~ _ - # ~ . it .. - IS R ~~. - ., 4 • ~ i i 4 1 >~~ 111 _ , f .. ~ ~ 4s '~ i r \ 1 I ~ +`t i r ~~~ !~, ~ t ~ •/' 1' 4 ' ' ii f s l~ • - ~~ 1 ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ 6 1! j ~`, ~! ~ t i ... ~~ ~ - i ~-, ~ ~ ~ •. . iR,; ~ .. :.. ~ i. ~, .. - _ ` . {, 1, . k r • ~ ~... ,. 'y I t .. p. ... -~ ,.~, .... .,. ~ ~ 7 ., d ^i? .. ~a,~n~.«m~+xx~m•:. .. ~~ra~~~S;xc;:: .:>:".mM~,.x.«~F.o. rr.. ,~.._,: ,"... ,... r +. • COUNCll. PROCEEDINGS, CITY_OF PADUCAH_• ~ ` ' " ' 191 ~ ; :355 ~. ~ ~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Counollmen, head in the Council Chamber, in' ~' , . ~; the Oity Reil~ in the City of Paduceh,• Ky. ,July 20th 191x, Upon Deli of the roil the- poi- i ~ ~~ lowing answered to their names;-Foreman, Budde, Butler, ~erlsy, Goodman, Rennin, Lenhsrd, ~. ;~ i t. ~ +i N[ooree Smith atxl Watts. (10) ~ j 1 ,, ~j~~~ i' On motion the mirwtea of the previous meeting wsa adopted as read. JI j G(,Leo-~-~-~+~u-~; On motion by member Rennin, the Finance Committee's alloa-anoe .for salaries eto., ~. ~ .. i •~! wee allowed end the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Tressusre for the re- ~ ~ i jj ';! speotive amounts, upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Dudde, But- 1` ~I ler, Farbey Goodman Rennin Barton Lenhard B[ r S R..~.•--1, s a s a ee e, math an! Watts. (11) ~, ~~~'~~~" `f On motion by the above, J.R.Rall was refunded X2.97 over saseasme~. On motion by the above' the Sewer Department inoluding A.Franke a weeko veoation'• ~ ~~~~"°---'!. with P4Ya wee grained. ~ . I - !. ~ T On motion by the above' a reoomendation from the Street Co~amittee that dirt be is ~. purohased from Geo W.Retter~ohn at 20 oerrte per yard, rims to bs put on the West aide of j ~~~" !' big Fill on 6th street, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramen, Budde, ~ j' Butler, Farley, Goodman, Borman, Lenhard, Moore, Smith and Watts. (10) j .- ,.! I .. i~ On motion by the above, the raising of the iieaith Offioer's salary, was referred! j ~' ' !' ~~~+ ?! to the Finenos end Ordinance Committees, to bring in ett Ordinanoe. ;t{ ~ ~~~-- ~' On motion b the above An osdinanca was ordered br u h Y s o g t in authorizing the ~;~,~, i Police Department to Photograph and take meesuremsnta of all suspeota and known oriminals~ '~!' On motion by the abovea s bill of the Eureka Coal Co, was referred to the Fin- ~ 1 I 6 en44 ~. ~u ~r~Ld' •anos Corsaittee. ~ i ~• On motion by the above, that the-Sewer Inepeotor's offios be removed to iueice ~~ ~. ~„~-room for the Bertillian System for the Police Department, was referred to the Fire & Polio' ? ~i__~-~ , Comnittge. - Barton and Jaoobe oae-e in. A I • ~,,,[~~~-' On motion by member Lenher~a'AN ORDINANCF. A1•tENDINO. AN ORDiNANCI; F.N~ITLED AN may,..-v ORDIHAtJCE DEFINING ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF TTiE CRIEF OF THE FIRR.DFPART!{F.NT AND MAKING RIIt ~ . ' d ~•EXOFFICEO BUILDING INSPECTOR /4ND BAKING THR DITY ELF~CTRICIAI, INSPECTOR ASSISTANT BUILDIN4'; ~-- `~I ~j INSPECTOR AND ESTABLISBING RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCURNING THE. ERECTION AND COIJSTRUCTION ~`~~ ~~ OF BUILDINGS IN Tf~ CITY OF PADUCARa ETC.,"wee given first passage, upon Dail of the roll) • by the following vote;-Yeas Foremona Buddea Rutlora Farley, Goodmena'Hennina Hartorif Jdo-~ .. i obsa Lenharda idoorsa Smith and Watts. (12) 1, On motion by the above, the rules veers suspended on the abovea ordinanoe~ upon ~~ Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Auddea Rutlera Farley, Goodman' Hannina Barton, Jaoobaa Lsnharda Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) 111 ~ 1'. 41 motion by the above' the above, Ordinance was given aeoond end final passage i' ~~ by its title, upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremona Auddea Butler,. ~, 'Farley, Goodrum, Hannan, Hartong Jacobs' Lenharda Moore, Smith and Watt e. (12) j. ~" On motion by the above, AN ORDIANCF. PRCfiIBITIIIC THE E7QiIBITION OF ANY CIRCUS :. i DURItiG THE WEEK ItJ YVHICR THE. }teCRACREt7 COUNTY FAIR IS HELD AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR 1l ~~~ ' ', ~~ AtJY VIOLATION HEREOF, wss~given first passage' upon Dell of the roll by the following votL ', j Yeas Fpremana IIuddea Butler, Farley, Goodman' Rennin' Barton, Jaoobea Lenharda Tdoorea Rmih . ' and Watts. (12) ,~~ ~,^ ~" n '~'~~' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,~C~TY OF PADUCAH ~ ~- ..- y ~ On ~ tion by the abovey the rules were suapended~ on the sbove~ upon call of the Droll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Butlers ~arley~ doodman, fiannin~ Har- Mont Jaooba; Lenhsrd' Moores Smith end Watts. {12) i ' ~~ On motion by the nbove~ the above Ordinanoe wsa given aeoond and final passage' ~I ~y.its title' upon onll of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budder Butier~ '~G^~}'~ ;Farley doodmen~ Ranniny Herton~ Jaooba~ Lenhard~ btoore~ Smith star Wstte. (12j (/~~/J 'r'-_ On motion by the abovey The Lonoaater Parquet Flooring Co.y of Brooklyt- N.Y. was J ~ ~~ ~~ 'exempted from municipal taxation for FIVE YEARS provided the factory la operated oon- ~¢s °~Z~`~ tinuoll. and the re uiaite number of men a to ed ae ~'`"' y q mp y per our Charter end 614y Ordinance. Q-~~~-~"""'~ I~. On motion by member Budder the action .of the Board of Publio Workst in accepting -(lj .+~ ~ the work done by Ynnoey 14 Johnson on Caldwell street between 4th k 5th streets stud the ~~~j. work done on Aookman street between Bth &lOth by grading and maoadamizing aamsy was • j' .. ~/~.~~;.ratified. ii On motion by the ebove~ estimates furnished by the .City Engineer on work dons _ ~, ,: oa Caldwell street between 4th & 5th streets and Bookman street between Sth & 10th eta /f'~~- rl "-~ jl ~.rL,..~.-•-r~sleo the report o! eame~ done by Ysboey & Johnaont was received and filed. ~~ ~ /D„ r ///~ / i' On motion by the above~~perm~aelon was granted Fred stxt Pauline Roth to eonatru- et oonerete sidewalks eto.~ in front of their property 83 feet fronting Monroe atreet~ ' ~ ~~~ ~a11 of the work to be done under the aupertriaion of thr Board of Publio Works and City ~___ .-.-. ;Engineer. ~~;~-kt f~ On motion by the sbovey permission was gret-ted H.C.Overby to oonstruot oonorste 9a~-'4'`~""'~a~ aidewnika Cott one hnlf biook on Monroe street from 17th running the lenght o! his ~;~ 'property toward iFith atreet~ all of the work to be done under the auperriaion of the ,J • .• ~'goard of Pt+blio Works, and City Engineer. f~`,'~ On motion by member Watts' the monthly. report of the Buildittg ~napeo~ora was ' ' a~;.c~~ ~'r k ~reoeivq d and filed. -~.e.u'.~"~~ On motion by member Jacobat s transfer of a Saloon license from Cecil Reed to ~~""~"-""~ .J¢.o_hn Sinnott st 107 South 4th street was ordered to take its usual oourss. ~,~ ~ 9'°`( On motion by the abovet the Fidelity & Dspoait Caanpsny o! Maryland was released (~Q ,~ ~I•of.! of the Saloon Dond of Sloan Brothers end the Eq~titsbls.3ursty Company was subatit- ~/~ ,f~'t, C.~J'~~I laded instead. at 233 North ~°jth street. .-_,_" ~~,y~ ~i~p ~ p On motion by member Herutin~ a transfer of one third of lot 4 biook 48 in Oak o e emetery from Berry Cole to C.C.Wslker. ___ f„t',n ~n,~ ~ On motion 4~y the above Deeds were granted to Emms Lucas lot 62 block 3 exid }~ ~~_ Joe Crane lot 55 biook 1 both is new Addition in Oak (3r~ve Cemetery. ~1~~~ t On motion by member Smith a Resolution granting the Weat Kentucky Mausoleum per- /(~~u~'...~~7imission or the right to make two openings through the hedge fense that separates the ~~- G' ~! oemetsry property trom that of the Weat Ky Msuaoletsa Co esoh to be about 10feet, wiAe " 'starting sboutTfifty feet from esoh end of the Hsusoleum Co property was paloed on its tseeond and final paesage~ and wee KILLED Upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote; jYeaa~l9r, ~-~'s~r}9yf ~0oOd~~ ~iseoba j Moere and Smith. (6j, Naya Forman~~ SudQe~ Rannia~ 1' ~iartont Lsnhard~ and Watts. (6j , -# On motion by member Budded aeorgs Sohults wens granted to Conatruot his own aide :1 l /~• ~Il.: { lV" i {- :~'~,: ;~ . 1 r ~at1C ~., i2~ I d';~ ., a • ' .. - COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY 'OF PADUCAH ~ •~ ` ~ ' I~g l ~~ ~ ~ 357 ~ ~' - . ~ ~, walk at 10th De Caldwell etreet~.eame to Ds eonerete materiai~ under the supervision o! the ~, "~ `Board o! Publio Works aM City Engineer.. ,t~~~'~`° 0~ motion by member Rennin, an ordinance was ordered brought in mending the 1 4 pressnt ordinanoa so ss to Hake the epeoial registeration provided by the City only ons week alter the general registration provided by the state. ~ ' On motion by member Jaaoba~ that the Board of Publio Works and City Engineer j . ' ~' ~~~tits=L investigate if the hedge fence betweea Cemetery and West Ky Mausoleum ie loootsd, in a ~ P i ~ ~ I . ' ', publio Alley, i! so then they are empowered to remove aame~ same was k111ed, upon Dail of i s i i the roll-by the following.vote;-Yeas Hutler~ Jaooba snl Moore. (3) Nays Foreman, Hudde~ i ~ Qoodman, Aannin, Aarton, Lenhard, &aith and Watts. (S) ~ ~ .n ~~~IL-~~v,'~Q -w^U~- v On abtion by member Lenhard, AN ORDIt1AIdCF, PR 4rIDIN(~ Fo14 TftR IMPR4VEMF.NT OF. SdpF~ • ~ "~' ~ ~ i~ STR$F.T FROIA T)tE FILL TO TFdUR1tAtJ TRUR1dA17 STREET FROM SOVPF.LL STREET TO POWF,LL STRRRT ASIICRAFT 0~~ ~~ ~J'~AVENUF. FROM POYIFd~I, STRF.FT TO SOWQd, STRF•FT AND RULAIi STREET FR ~M TFiURMAN STRIsRT T(~ I.C. ~oClrc-L{'~o~i-~1rt.~~. ,r /J ~ ~1~ ~~, PROPERTY LIt1E IN TIIE CITY (~F PADUCAH KF:NTUCK.Y HY GRADING AND IiRACEI,INb SAME,, •was given i t~ #~~ first passages upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-YeAS Foreman, Dudde, Hutler, !• ~} ,~~~~ Fariey~ Ooodman~ Hannin~ Harton, Jaooba, Lenhard~ Moors, 8mithl.atld Watts. (12y ~: q GL D. ~4~ motion the rules were suspended on the above upon call ot.the roll by the °~~• following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Hudde, Hutler, Farley, cloodman, Ftsnnin, llart-~n, Jaooba, Lenh4 I 'srd~ Moore, :math and Watts. (12) .,. _. Ch lotion by the above, the above Ordinance was given its aeoond~arul final paea• ~! age by its titles upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Audde, Hutler~ Farley c~oodman, Hannin~ Hartong Jaooba, Lenhard, ldoore~ Smith and Watts. (12) ..M_~_..__~M---------~~_---_--On gOtion the Hoard ed~ourned-~_..M---------------..~.~ I ~~ :~:~c~r-•t•.rl~.r:~ .,~ ~~~ ~ n.~~Ta~~v- A~I~ ~ I~J1,~ ~. _... "I i • .i . ` I, .. i ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ti i w r`:; ~ ~ ~ .. .. i, fl ~. i • c ,: ,. i ~ ,. ~ , .. n j' i :lM ~ ~ - i i ~ ~ ~' ' ., x. ~ ~ .. ., .. ' i 777iii~ :~~5~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF FADUCAH,G~`~.;, - . ~ ~ • 19 t ~ • ~. At a regular meeting of the Aoard of Councilmen held in the Council Chambers lri ' • "~ ~ -- ~~ . '• the City Hall, in the City of Paduoah,.Ky.~ August 3rd 1914 upon Dell of the roll the I ~ ~-" I '1TOllowi answered to their names= Foreman, Budde Butler Farla . nB . ~ _ y. yy'1~oodman~ Hanrsin' I f /~~ v `7aabLgP. Lenhard~ ~[oore, Smith and Watts. (11) ~' , ,.~ On motion ths.minutea o! the previous meeting was ndop*.ed as read. ~•^'`c '`' ' ~' ~ •~I%t - On motion by momber Itannin~ the Finance Committee o •allowanoe Ter salaries eto.y I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' Iwae showed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the re- j ~ '+ ~speotive amounta~ upon on11 of the roll by the ?'oilowin(t vo+.e;-Yeao Foreman Audds~ BuR• ' i°i I. ~ lsr~ Farlsy~ Ooodman~}Tannin~ Jaeoba, Lenhard~ ~Ioors~ Smith and Watts. (11) ~ D +~I ~ 0!t motion by the abovs~ the report o! the aollsotion of X930.00 from properly { ~ _ ) I ~~ ~,.~~:.~,iowners for road oil placed upon the streets abutting their property by S.J.Snook Pres., ~ f ~ ~' ~ I~of the Aoard of Publio Works, was received and filed. ^~-- ~ °~ ~ ~ ~ (E On motion by tie above a P.T.& A.R.R. bond X83 gn~rohased by the City of Pachioah ~tJ I~amour~ting to i1~000.00 was ordered burned !~ofore the Aoard of Aldermen on~thia date. 1. /~j~ ~ •~ On motion by the above, the Paduooh Rase Aali Asan., was allowed $'75.00 on their ~~ , ,, , i• apportionments upon Dell of the roll by the follo~+ing vote;-Yeas Foreman' Audde, Autler • -~ ~ ~~~ ~Farlsys Aoodmans Hannins Jacobas Lenhards Moored Smith and Watts. (11) (( ~-~ ~, v'"'"^~~ '( On motion by the aboves the monthly.. report, of the Treasurer and Auditors was c~J ~~ ~~ (,~ reoeived atul flied. - ""~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ '~ _ r) On ~ tion by the aboves Yanoey ~:Johnaon pga allowed ~72.A8 for work done on // ~ °: ~?uc~inasv~9' i Bookman ntreet betweon EiDe9 atreetas upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas C,~ 9 , (~/~ '':Foramens Auddes Antlers Farleys Ooodmans Hannan, Jaeobas Lenhards }.toorss Smith and ;7attr,(// ie. ' y~t,'~u.~ On mot ion by the above, Yanoey 14 Johnson was allowed '~^j?..(i5 for work done on Ca3 n~L~IM-,[~?~ ,~dwe11 street between 4th h 5th etreete~~upon Ball of the roll by the following vote;-Ym . •.;~~Yeas Forenans Auddss Autler~ Parleys Roodman, Hannan, Jaeobss Lenhards ldoores Smith aM ' ._._._ :.____ ,Watts. (11) ~ ~ ~ n~ q ~~~~ ~~~ ~ On x~tion by the above, Yancey & Johnson sae allowed `•','J3.12 for work done on 1~ Gi~f~~xua~. ~y~,+-~~ (,Bookman street between .9th & 10th atreetss upon Dell of the roll by the following vMe; ~ ~ /~~ ~ 9'~~G ; Yeaa Foramens Auddes Autlers Farleys doodmans Hannit~s Jacobas Lenhards 1Roores Smith end ~ ~ .• Watts. (11) D a Yi- in motion by the abovey Yanoey & Johnson was alloyed x.53.00 for work done on .Bockman street be}wean Soh de 10th streets, upon gall of the roll by the followir~ votet f j Yeas Foreman, Audde, Auflers Farley, Goodman, Hannan, Jacobs, Lenhards ?doores Smith aM ~~. . Watf.e. (11) Hart on came in. ~~~~ i On mo~ion by the above, the action of +he Finance Committee was ooncured ins in !regard to the City F.pgineer being instructed to have extension made tc the Culvert oa ~~ I8outh 6th street between Nortn ~: Huabenda street at a cost of ~125.00~ upon Dell of the Droll by the following vote; Yens Foramens IIuddes butlers Farieys (tannins Hartons Jaoobe ~_ ~',Lenhards.ltoores Snd.l~att.A.:+(.11~.tJ~ys~Smith (1) r- /~/ '9~~~~'d`~ fps motion by the above, the Hsyors Auditor and Treasurer w~.authoriasd to boy- :~. ~~1 ~ `~ ,!!row P~8500.00 to meet the expenses on the Gitys payable out oT the December half bf the ~Jrle''-P~-~~ ' ~ ~ .'Tax oolleotionss tipon Deli of the roll by. the following vot6;-Yeas Foramens Budde' But• "~ ,., j'lers Farieys Ooodmans ltsnnins Hartons Jaoobas Lenherdi Smith atu~,Watts. (11) Ny-s ltoore.(IS ~ .~. ' ~~ •?/;{ _, I _,' ' . •• ,_ ,. ,. R h^",CNd£ME'+•"~. ... d;.".A ~x:maner .ya,.;ty~.rv: .s..-rraa~Anra:. r'yKr3:.:,e!,kn ":•..S;Yt, !wwrY.~,;~.y..lw .H,.,„,.:. ~. ~.. re.< ~,, ..... ~, ~r... .. a•^.s... ~+~ . ~ ,, CO~IVCIL PROCEEDINGS,'C11Y Ol: PA©UCAH-'_.~' ' ` ,..~._..~ 191 _~ 3~ r ~~ '' On motiot- Dy the abover the Ordinsnce Comnittes wss instruoted to bring in an. ': iordinanoe granting permission to,*.he i.C.R.R.Comperyr the right to entered their traok aorooa ~•Palmer etreet in order that the rca reach the 4 ~ ~rt~ Y Y property of~the Lanoastar Par uet Floori r„_ ~Company'e plant. ~; • b~~r-yam ' On motion by the above., s petition :in•»regard to testing Cows woe rs!'srred to ~ ~'' • .the City Solicitor, Ordinance Co:amittae artd Roapital Sewer excd.Sanitary Committaear to /,y r 'bring in an amended ordinance or ordinarce repealing same. ~ i ,~ i ~ On motion by member Lanherdr the Garbage Franchiser wss given its first passage{ ~,;~,~,, ~~ll ae ~ upon call of the roil b3- the following vote;-Yeas Forae~any budder Rutlerr Farleyr Qoodmany! /?..~~oi.a~-~-y~. (((U/JJ Rennlnr Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, Itoorar Smith arut Watts. (12) ;. i' 41 motion the ruloa were suspended, upon call of t?+e roil by the follarring vote ' ~~ • ' Yeas Foreman, Aud~er Autlery.Farleyy Goodmanr Rnnninr Hartonr Jaooba, Lenhardy Idooreys8lth~ ', sand Watts. (12) j ~ i yi motion by the above, the above was given 1ta eeoond andfinal passagar by ita• • I~titlsr upon Dell of the roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audde Autlar Fa ~~ ~ III ~ i • r r rle„ ~ ' 'Goodmany Ranniny Harlon, Jacobt+, Lenhardy Itoorer Smith and Watt.e. (12/, ~ ~ . ~+,,,`G On motion by the abover AN ~ftDINANCE Pt?OVIDIIJO F !~ T"E AD ~F'1'IOIJ OF THE. AF.RTILLIB i 3YSTF~u[ AY THE PObICF. DF.PARTItF~I! OF THE. CITY O+F PADUCAH AND PRESCRIAING A PANALTY FOR ANY 44 ~' C~ ~~~ VIOLATI N REREdF ON THE FART OF SUSPECTED CRII~iNALB UIJDI:A ARRf`STr wee given first ass 9 I i ~ I'a R ~ y upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Audde, Autlerr Farleyr 6oodmanr'. ~ Rennin, Itsrtony Jacobs, henhnrdr Moorer Smith and Watts. (12) •4) m, lion Lhe rules vrere auaponded on the abover upon call of the roil by the • lo13a-ir-g vote;-Yeas Forer+any Dudde, Autlerr Farleyr Goodmany Ranninr Ilartonr Jacobay Lan-` 'hardy Hoorer Smith and Watts, (12) '!' • !i CA'i motion by the above, the above ordinance was given second 'and final pnesafey ', by its title, upon ce-11 of the roll by t+~.e following vote;-Yeas YeBa Foremenr Audde, Autle~ Goodman, IIanniny Hart on, Jaooba, Lenhardy Itoore, Smith and Watts. (12j ' ' dri motion by the above, AN dRDIttAIJCR FR bIDI1JCi F N AN ADDITIONAL R~OISTF.RATION ., ~ ;DAY SUBJECQIIFwIT Td~THR FIRST TUESDAY IN ONTOBER IN EACR YEAR PROVIDED AY GEIIERAL ELECTION i . LAY IN THE STATE OF !C.~:NTUCKYy was given first passeger upon call of the roll by the follow-,' ~~ 'irtg vote;-Yeas Foreman, Audde, Autlar, Farleyr Goodman, fIanniny Hart on, Jacoba~ Lenhardy ' 'i • ~ 'Moorer Smith end Watts. (12) ~. "' ~ ~ motion the rules were ausperuied on the abover upon Dail of the roll by the• ~, 'following vote;-Yeas Forenany Audder' Autlerr Farleyr taanninr Aood:nanr Hartonr Jacobay Len• ` •• j ~ hardy Moorer Smith and Nlatta. (12) . k motion by the abover the above ordinance was 61ven its second and final pass- ' • 'sE;ey by_ its titler upon call of the roll by the followln(S vote;-Vase T'oremtcn, A++dder Autl•e~ ~I i Poo~many Farleyr Ranninr Hart on, Jocoba, Lenhardy Itoore, Smith and Watts, (12~ ~• ~~f~~-~ ~ motion byemei2ber Rudder G.W.KatterJohn was allowed s~2.50 for work done on ~ • ~~~ Caldwellatreet between 9th. de 12th atreeL on improvement warranty upon call of the roll by ~~~~ • ~~~ ~ the lollowi tiote• Yaes Foreman Audde Autlar Earle (soodman Hannin Marton Jaooba nEi •- r r i Yr r r r ~ ' Lenhe,rdy Moorer Smith end Watts. (12) ,/ ~o r ~,~',r t`~~"`~ (/n Q9tion by the abover a warrant xaa oadererl drawn in favor of fi.W.Katter~ohn '~~l~r~r~/~ ~ ~J or work done on Monroe etreet between 12th & 17th otreet on improvement warranty upon call; I -._----_-_ - ----------------_._._-_ i.~ : _ . ~f~(.1 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH . * 1,91_. 'of the roll by the following.vote~-Yeas Foramens ~3uddes Butlers Parleys 6oodmansRarnins Iiartons Jaoobas Lenhards tdoores Smith and Watts. (12) ~. ~~~ ~~ ~Pn ay Lion by the aboves a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of 6.W.Kntter~ohn . 6 ~ ..k~+-W~r~L i~~ ~for•work done on Gth street between Tennessee and Broad attester on improvement warrant I~amounting to ~1~14.55 upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Forsmans Sudden ,. IButlers Parleys Ooodmans Hannins Hartons Jacobas Lenhards 1.Koores Smith and Watt e. (12) C~"~f"~ 4-~v On ~n tion b~ the above the estimate fArnished b the Cit ~n_~ / s y y Engineer of the work ` iI:,done on Brunson eve by grading and graveling s was received and filed. ', I' ~,rae-nom 1 en ~ Lion by the cbova s the report from the Board or Public Works in re(~urd to ~~ !the acceptance of Brunson eve s was aoncured in. ~ < ec, i t O~n ~gotion by the aboves the estimate furnished by the Ci+y Engineer on work doh . ion Fif*.h street. between Jef4eraon and Clsy attester was received and filed. ~Ce-~~ ~; Qt motion by the aboves the report of the acceptwnoe of the work done on the :'_.. ~ .above street by the Board of Rihlio Fiorkss wsa concured in. Pn m Lion by member Parleys a petition for water on Mayfield Road from 40o feet if-,`~ South of Guthrie Avenue to Ceder Ave thence on Cedar Ave to Lincoln Ave and thence on y~--~`' , Y" SLincoln Ave to Cose was referred to the Paducah Water Co to la ~__~~~';• ys y mains anti the Fire '~~~~ Plugs were'oredered piAaed on the Rental list. a>,f,~, ~ v '~. ~~.~~ ~:,' i; On notion by the above s the report of the laying on water mains on Kentusky Ave ~~C~f.~~~P.~ ;;between 12th & 15th streets came was received and Tiled. On motion by the aboves that the rules be suspended on the previous e0tion Laken ~~~~ ti ,frl~zN~,~~ in regard to cetera and ingress being granted through the Hedge fences at Oak Grove Cemo ~O~ P O"" "eterys the Chair announced that in case of a tie votes after the motion being metier Thy ~~~ ~~ !'as folloMa;-to-vrit;=That the rules be suspended on the previous sotions taken in r~;ard ii `;granting a driveway to and from the Tdauselsums the vote stood as followsg•Yeas Butier~s i; 'Forleys (3oodnans Jaoobss Moores and Smith. (6) Nays Foramens Budder Hannins Nartons ' ~~ iLenhard and Watts. (6) 0n motion by member Smiths that an appeal ba taken from the Chairs in regard to . i' ,,the above motion being 1oat;-Upon tail of the roll the vote atoaS as folirnrs;-Yeas S3ud- des ~jannins Hartons L,nhard end Watts. (5) Nays Butlers Parleys (ioodmans Jaoobss arnl Moore. (5) -~tu~!/~~ ~ On motion b member Jacobs a taanafer of a Saloon license was ~~ y s granted from ~ ~~u,Cecil Reed Assignee of W.C.aray to~John Sinnott at 107 South 4th street and the Equity, . .able Suits Co of 3t Louis Mo.s was accepted as his bonds upon Dell of the roll by the ' followir~ vo`e;-Yens Foramens Auddes Duffers Parleys 8oodmsn Hannan Rsrh~ns Jaaobas Lea /~y~j....:__._ shards Moores Smith and Watts. (l2) /~/~G~li',~rtr~e ~~ud On aption by member Hannins the following deeds were granted to iota in Oak h ,'(,~,..„~Orove Cemetery;-Mrs Maude Haness lot 59 block 1 Mrs 0. Niahola lot 29 bioak 47 and Stirs .~y~-~,L, . I~8uaen Bennett lot 34 block 47. ~,~,,~~ `~,,6(.~,,, ;' On motion by the abare~ ti1u nor-thiy" heporG of the Buliding_inspectors was rscai~ `~~`0 ~~ '`;ed and filed. , ,,L~.~~-.~ .l ~~~1 ~ On ry.tion by the abovss a aonut-ioation from the West SCy+`~Ynduatrial Colleges wsa ~~. ~;reodived and filed.. ~ ~_ 9 i f I r i . ~~ r ~~ ~r a( QV, lx t i , , `Y . ..; .. .. ' _ vl.~ __ _.. ~ . OF PADUCAH. ~ ~ ' ` ~ - , ; ., ' .. 191_..._ ~ • ~~1 . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CTTY_ . ~~ ~. !~ On motion by the above the monthly report o! the Treasurer snd Auditory was p ;, ' I I~ I ~,~ {; raoeived and flied. { . ~~- ~ Y; On motion by melabar Parleys the monthly report of the Chief pf Polioe was reoei- ;i ~ ved and tiled. ~~` d""""'"'1'" On ~q lion by the above the Equitable Surety Co was released ot! of the Dond of Csoil Reed as Asai ' gnee of N.C.4ray s Saloon license at 107 South 4th street. ~~, .± • - h On rption by the above the $quitabie Surety Co vms re'.eaesd o!f of the bons! ,~"""'^J_o! C.D.41111am ex-Polioe 4'licer. On ~ lion by member Butlers the matter of opening 11th street from Burnett to ' ~y'~ {~~~ ~ `, F.llie streets snr~e was reooived snd filed. ! i ~y~~~ • ~ -Z '~"'"'"`'!" On m ton by member Lanhard~ that the Traffio drdinanos be refarreQ to the City; ._._ , . { ~~~ ~ Soliotor and (~rdinanoe Committee to bring in an ordinanoe to oonform with the nez State .i . ~ {' I p inw' same carried. r f 04~ r~tlon by member Sm1th~ the monthly report of the Auditory reportii~ the f, -~°'-/ '~ linanoial condition of eaoh department o! the City was received and filed. j' i i. ~ ~ ~: -~.._.._---.._...______ ....On ~ution the Board ad~ourned------^-__-----.w___•----------------+ I ~,. i `. ~ LG~~`~!~, I'rraidcnc /4ror'~G u/ f.'~n~nnl6m~R, ,. . ~, ! . ~i ~' I - ~ . '~ ~ ~ . ~i f! t ~ ! r f„ ' ~ ~j .. - { ' 1~ ~ '. ~' ,' ~ ~ ~~~ , y ~, ~ • a . I - ~ , . ~ i i .~ i ... v ~ ~ - s 1I i i ~ ~ . 1' i+ i . I ~; y ~, '~ .. a. ~ ~ ' ' ~ _ ~ t - • J i ,, ~ ., ,. ' .. c! , _ ,~ ~+ ~ ,.:Y~ .. ~~~ • COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY'. OIL PADUCAH ~ ~ ~ • - 191 ' ~ At a°regulsr seetinp of the Board of Covneilmen, held in the Council Chambers ~ ". jin the City Rali, in +he Ci+.y of Paduoah, Ky., August 17th 1914, upon Dell of the roll ._~the following answered to their names;-Foreman, Audde~ Butler+ Farleyy (~oodman~ Rennin ~~ ' !Ler4h~rd, Moore, and watts. (9) ~ (L ~I On motion the minutes of the previous me9+,ipi(; was adopted as reado i ~~~ -~~,,,~.,~ w On mo4,ion by member Rennin, the Finance Allowance for salaries etc. ~ was allowed ~~ ~ ~ ~r ~"`'`""""'`'-" ~" i and the Clerk was authorized to drar- s. warrant on the Treasurer for the reepeotiv• ~I ''~ ~lamounts} upon call of the roll by the followinE vote;-Yeaa Foreman' Budde, Butler' r 4 .1~ ~~Farley' Ooodman~ Rennin, Lenhard~ Moores and•Watts. (9) ,; ram it 0n motion by the aboves the Mayor and Ciby Treasurer were authorized to borrow ~ ii ~~~ ~' x',$1500.00 for immediate demander upon Dell of the roll by the, following vote;-Yeas Fores ~~~~'~'~~' ~msn~ Audda~ Duller, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Lenherd~ Moore and Watts. (9) •. ' p/~ On motion by the above Yancey & Johnson was allowed $179.80 for collections fora L 1 •~+~+~ +property vwnere for work done on Bockman street bet 8th & 10th streeta~ Speoisi Street Ifundi upon call of the roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Butlers Farley. ~-__. ~ doodman, Rannin~ Lenhnrd+ Moore sad watt a. (9) w On motion. by the above Yancey ~ Johnson was allowed out of the Special Street L- ij rl~~ Ga funds $211.99 amount oolleoted for work done on North 5th street bet Jefferson do Clsy ~~' ~ ' t. c. ':atreeta~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas ForemRn~ Bidder Butlers j; _ . ;% c~ ' _ Farley aoodman~ Hannin~ Lenhexd~ Moore and Watts. (9) - ~~~' ~~` ~`'~` 1 On motion by the above Yancey & Johnson was allowed X6.62 from the City for work ~' ~ :~ ~~ : done on North 5th street bet Jefferson ~: Clay a+.reets. (1~. - (J~,~j! 2 On motion by the above Yanray t~ Johnson was allowed X18.27 amo~mt sollsoted from I ~- ~~ ~ ~ a ~ ~' property owners on Bronaton Avs bet 10th ~ it streets. ,: F // ~ ~ ~ ' ~ r ~ -%~ /e . ,. 0: _ On motion by the above' Yancey k Johnson was alioasd ~24oA8 from the City for ~ ~ '/ ~~,,.,~(~ / ~ work elne on Bronaton Are bet 10th & 11Rh a4reete. d, I~ i~ On motion by the above+ the eost of extending the Cuivert on 6th,etreet between ~~ ~ '~l • ~DD iNorton k Ruabands streets amounting to abou+. $125.00 by 6.W.Kattsr,ohn~ was referred to ~~ib1GG i ~ ,~ C~tt.l~.+-r~; ~i the Finnnoe Committee. ~ ~ p_..~~ On motion by the abovey the report of the Treasurer on the FinanciAi oondition of ~ F~ l ` '~~ ~~saoh Aepartment of the City, was received anA filed. ~~ ~ (~ ~ , ~, On notion by the above, a report from the Auditor of the condi+,ion of the City -~~v _.- 9 Treasurer°s oolleotions~ was received and filed. ~~ ` ~ .~~„y On motion by the above, the Finance P,onmittee was instructed to gurchaas 4 oftiee ~f~ ohaire Por the City Judge°a o*fics. ~ : r ._ ... -rr c ,~/yn+~tt-e; On motion by member Lenhard~ AN ORDItIN1tCE PROHIiIITINa TFtF. USE OF SIRF•NE RORN3 ON '` ~ ' Q ~u~/,~'.~,t. ~ ~` AUTOMOBILRS OR OTHER VIIiICLF.S F,XCF.PT TRF CAR qR VEHICLES USED BY TRR CRIEF OF TiIE FIRE AA// c3~'~~w' ! DEPARTl4FJ1T IH TRB CITY OF PAIIUCAR KY !ND PRESCRIBINR A PRNALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION TTtiREdf' ` ~~ i c~ ''.was given first paesaQe~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, i. ~ .~.~. `'Buddsi Butlsr~ Fariey~ Ooodman~ Rannin~ Lenhard~ Moore snd Nat+.s. 19) ~~ ~' On ma+,ion the rules ware suspended on tie above upon call of the ro•11 by the ' ;. j' following vote;-Yssa Foreman Budde, Butler, ~'arleyy Ranniny Qoodman, Lsnhard~ Moore, t~ ':' end Watts. ~9) ( ~ ,: ~;• Oa motion by the abovy the above Ordinenc• iris given.its~eecond and final pass- ~, ~:~ '~ Wage by.ita titles upon oali ot.the roll by the following •ota;-Yssa Foreman RuAds~ Antler' '• Fariey~ Goodman Hsnhin~ Leahard~ 2loors aM 9-atta. (9) ,~ . ~ On motioa by the sbove~`AN ORDINANCF. GRANTING.'1R!P: CHI~CAG0.8T LPlUS L NFW ORLF,ANS ~ ~ RAII,ROAD Cb}dPANY ZTS SUCCF~4SORS OR ASSIGNS TiiF. RIGtIT Td~ CdNSTRUCT AND t.1AINTAItt A SPUR TRACK FR 4S TItR PROPERTY ~ COhIINGTC)ti EROS GROCERY CO SITUATRD ON THE CORNER OF TIiIRD AND JEFFFi(~T -~o~ ' '' SON STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH ICY ACR ~S TRIRD STREET HET JEFFERSON de MOtiR~ STREETS SO ' ~I -.-t~,~~ ~ ~ A3 TQ~ CONNECT V1ITH TRF WARF~t kISF. OF CO~,F~dAN CLARK RF.AI,TY CO LOCATED ON TH!• 1NF.ST CORNER OW j (f TRIRD A12D JF•FFERSON STREETS OPPOSI'"E THE SAID COVZNOTON AROTItER3 GROCERY CO IN THE CITY ',, `'OF PADUCAN RYA wao given first peasage~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;- Yeaa ~i Poremen~ Hudde~ Hutler~ Farley 6oodmen~ Rennin, LenharA~ Moore and Watts. (9) On motion the rules were suspended on the above ordirwncs~ upon oall of the roll 'i + ~u i ' by the following vote;-Yeas Foremon, Budder Butler,.Farley~ doodman~ Hannin~ Lenhard~l~toore and Watts. (~) . ~ On motion by the above the above Ordinance was given its aeoond and final psass ages by its titles upon call of the roll Dy the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Antler 1 Ferley~ Goodman Hannin~ LenharA~ Moore and Watts. ('9) „"'~..- , do mob~.on by msmber i;udder the action of the Board of .Publio Works, in awarding F.-~ ~`~~~~ the oontraot, for the grading and grav sling of Sowell street frog the A'ill to Thurman street ,Thurman street from Sowell to Powell atraet~ Ashcratt Ave from Powell to Sowell street anA ' .r ~ ~µ~"'6~ $uiah street from'Thurmenstreet to I.C.Property line 'to S.A.Gohison. ~v, _ Cln ~gotion by the ebove~ the action of the Board of Public Works was oonoursd-in'~ ~`~ in regard to awarding the contracts Ldr the construction of South 4th street from the ~yt ~ ~ 1 s~ ,o-t ~'.r.~.~a South line of Broad street to the North end of Iaeiand Creek Aridge~ and iron the South ~ ~, ~_ ~Z ©~ erul of *.he Bridge Lo the North 11ne of Farley Place also On Kentucky Ave from .the Weat aide J~~/Xv~"`do/D~ of 9th street to the East aide of ASurrsll Boulevard to Yancey & Johnson. ~ ,' QJ~-~~~~ On motion by the above the acceptance of the work done by b.W.Katter~ohn on . . r~.- `,~~~-ate Rsntuvky Ave bet 19th k 20th streets; also Rarriaon street bet 15th de 16th atreets~ bgrthe Wosrd.~bf"8QD11o Works same was ratified. 1 ,, .~ Oft motion by the above the followin7; petition from Henry F.Kolb in regwrA to ,~. ~ ~((~ Broad street property line;-was ordered received and tiled and recorded;-as follows;- . Ssvdral years ago Z came in po$aession of this stip of ground and ea.aame is no use to the ' ~ ' City without waiving any right that I may have in se.1A property by reason of adverse ho7<d~ ,i ', ing~ T would 11ke for you to consider ae111ng any right or titlethet the City may claim in such property and would buy aarae in order to quiet title thereto provided you would be tilling to take reasonable amount for any and all title the City mny claim in or to said property. ~~ J (p~_' On motion by~nember Rarton~ a petition for water on NayfielA Rond from CsAar ', r I~N "y ~ ~ S ,~~ ~ ~ ! Lfsnue to or near the City Limits was referred to the Paducah Wa+.er Co to lay mains and, '~''I`7 "~'~~ '~ the Water plauga were ordered placed on the rnntsl 11at. ( ~~ Zo On mot ion by the above a report from the PaAuoah 1-atsr Co in retard to iayinpt i ~, ~,~~ ~r-~~'"'', meina on 13th street from Jackson at to Tennessee st, was received and tiled. r/`~"""~ ~' ~ On motion by meatier Farlsy~ the report of the Fire Department, in~ regnrd~to ='.~! 7 aeevsral of the Fire wogons eto., needing pain*.inq~ was referred to the Finsnoe Commltt.s• . , ! , <`' p~ ~,: - ,-~ I_ i ._. _. __..~ e • ~ I ~ ` 'y ~~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,~CITY OF PADUCAH ~ g l V ~~ -~! ~i' On motion by member Hsnnin~ a transfer was granted from J.J.Aleich >f0:Clamsms ~ ~'1t.. ~. ~~- and beo d. Bleioh lot 45B block 31 1n Qak Orove cemetery. ..~ ~ 4- motion by member Farley the opening of a S*reet through the Lumber Nill im `; Heohanioeburg be referred to the Finanoe Committees to report baok. c:/ ~ .._ ~~'~` ,• Eh motion by the above the Board of Publio Works were instructed to have the i k property owners on Bridge street between Hays de City Limits to ramous their fences baok "~ Boswell J•oneM)to property 31ne.On motion by member Butlers the SpeoiR]. Committee to tr3s Boswell ~ • I ~i„ ~ Jonee in regard to the ~dilk.teat aotion was oonoured ins by receiving and filing esid i (,t . oharges and diar~iseing same for the laok of epeoifio ohargea. q ~ { `--~------~--------°-----On motion the Board sd~ourned---------------------- ---- PIMf~1/~} ~OlL1Ylt~ O~ ~ 1N~LZghR. • ~ ftY C1e~P. . I~ 1. 4; . ~~. . I Tha regular meeting night of the Board o! Counoil being rS,gptt ']th 3914 a Legal _ ~IHolliday~ The Board met•':aM ad~ournedr until 7.30 O~olook p.N[.~ep~l~-S 8th 1914. ~; . I• ~!.~.;.~~~~~:~~ ~E~ ~ r~i~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, r~ SEA ~ ant ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ • ~i ~ 1'lbRLdwME l;<rirari. of Urtnrilm.•n. ~1 y1G•y ~1~I k _.L* s E ~ ~~ ~ " J~ t ~, ' ,, ` i • ' F ' 9 ~ J ~~i, ~~ " I~ f ci?:, • - ` i ' ~ ' \ ~, < _ ' 4 ,ri .. ~ f ' ~ , ~ ~ ~; ( ~T~ F.~/~ ~. ~~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I a 11 .'~ """ y ~ .y ~ .. `' .. ~ i ~i i ~.:; ..~ , III ti.... ~! l j "~ IY ! G t . v , i ~`,~~. . Y ~ ~ . _ ~ / c~ ~' .~ ' "`~ .~ r At a~i~sdJou;stid: meeting o! the Board of.Counoilmsn~ held, in the.Cour~cil Chambers ~, in the City Ball, in the City of Paducah, Ry., BepL 8th 1914 upon Doll of the roll the • 'following answered to their names-Foreman, Rudde, Autler~ Rennin, Lsnhnrd, Moores Rmith • 'and V-atte. (8) _ On motion the minutes of the previous fleeting wee adopted ee reed.' - ' On motion by member Rennin, that,the Finance Co~aittee'a allowance for ealariee~ ~. ;J'~j~}I^nt~Y~~'~~~etc., be allowed , •Same d-aa amend ad by member Smith, ao ao to read that all acoounta be , I~~r_ • ~ allowed provided that the amount apportioned for Chia year woo not over drawn acid woo lof •~ ( ~ upon call of the roll by the toliowing,vote;-Yeas Autler, !.toots and Smith. (3) Naya Forer~ I II i Dudde, Farley Goodman, tannin, Lenhard and Wattc.(7) ; - ; •! . ! On motion trat:.Ohs'^original motion be granted by eliowing salaries eto.,same •~. tsar allowed and the was authorized to drax a warrent,on Lhe Troacurar for the reapeotive • 1anounta, upon Doll of +.he roll by the loll owing voto;-Yeas Foreman, Audde~ Autier~ Farley~i • I ;Qoodman~ Bannin,.Lenhard, axut Watta..(t3) Naya.btoore and Smith. (2) • ~~^ Hartnri-and Jaaoba~ came in. E I~ On motion by member Banning the Mayor ana Treasurer were authorized to borrow ! $9500.00 to be deducted from the collection of the Der.ember half of taxes eto.~ upon 0411 "~' •ot the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Dudde~ Autler~ Farley bondman, liannin, •~• ~! ~ ~ Barton, Jsaobs, Lenhard, Moore, Smith anct Watts. (10) On motion by the above rho monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditors xae ~ received and filed. j• .-Y ~L, - i ~ +, On.motion by the above, the nation of the Committee was ooncttred-in in regarA "` • G- ~,(,~E'o the Weat Y.y Induetlial College r... _ ~~~ ~ ~~ ! //~,~ ~J On motion bbt above a bill of Lhe expenses on Capt ThaQ Terrell to Eddyville ~i /- '/ in the interact of the.Aertillion 3yetem~ amounting to Q2A'.50 was nllowsd, upon Doll of tlte'; A .h.Gl!-bra i '. ~~»v, roll b the f !lows , , ~ ~ y~ ~ ~ t Y o nI; vote•-Yeas Foreman Audde Autler Farle Ooodman ftnnnin Hart on ''_ ~n Jacobs Lenhard~ Moore, Smith amd Warta. (ll) 1 ~~Ow~.-~ On motion by the above Mattill Ettinger 8e Co was allowed ~y}.00 ac a rehutd far ! .i ~ ~a•. _ a burial in Oak grove Ceaetery. .~ !. ~ On motion by member Smith, the report of the Finanailli Condition o! eaoh Depeirt•= ~ __._._,_ ment of the City was reoeived and filed. { . i ~,d.. On motion by the above a petition for water for the Lanoaoter Parquet Flooring ~,. ,."'- - i. ~o Coy was referred to the Paduoah Water Co to ley mains and. the fire plugs ordered ploded on i 1 ~ the Rental List. { + r -~~ On motion by the above the. Paducah Fair AsaoalaLiori was allowsd X250.00 the • amount apportioned eaoh year, upon call of the roll by the following rote;-Yeas Foreman i ,~',_/ _~ Hudde~ Butter, Farley, c~oodman~ Tiannin~ HaMon~ Jaoobs~ Lenhard~ Tdoore~ Smith and Wotta. (1~ On motion by the above Dr Solon bilian8e bill !or ~aediaine t<trniehed the Fire ~-e~~~ • Department amounting to ~a`j.00 xae•alloxed. ~ ~~ ~ On motion by the above C.R.fteorge was allowed X4.00 for painting o banner for tb _,_;~ the Fire Deportment. ~jl _L~ ~f ~/~,~. ~~~"" On notion by the above b.W.Xatter~ohn xae allowed ti"~295.5~ for colleotione from :~ ~~f-•~~~Q~ property owner» on Harrison ct bet 15th de 16th etc for sidewalks eto.,upon Doll of the roll ` b th9 follo~•i rote•-Yeac Foreman Dudde Autler Forte bondman Hannin Hart•on Jaoobe~ y nB ~ s ~ . y~ i > > :, •• `~~~ ~~~~ -~~~~~;~ ~~~ ~~. ~ ~o ...a COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191 ~. Lombards Moore, Smith and Wotta. (1'~) On motion by the above G.W.Ratter~ohn was allowed c7.07.33tor work done on YYar- rison st bet 15th & 16th etes to be paid by the Citys ~ Ripon Dell of the roll by the fol' lowing vote;- Yeas Forerwns Budder Bvtlery parleys (~oodmsny Fannin, Yiartons Jaoobae Len- hardy 1!Ioores Smith and Watts. (12) On motion by the abovey O.W.Ratter,~ohn wee allowed ~26.G7 for work done on Ry Avenue between 19th & 20th• 'e4reets amount to be paid by the•Citys upon eall~of•the roll by the following vote;-Yeas For~any Budder }3utlers Farleyy noodmany Hannins Y{artony Jaoobay Lombards Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ~ On motion by the aboves Yahoos & Johnson•wsa allowed ~2660.s7 oollectiona from Il ,• ( ~I~property owners on North 5th atroet bet Jefferson and Clay attester upon Doll of the rol / I ~~TT '~iby the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budde' Butlers Farley' 8oodman' Fanning P[artony .i 'i J aoobe y lenhartl ~ Ydoore y Smith and Watts. (12) On motion•by the abovey fs.W.Katter,ohn urea allowed •"a''90.7g oollectiona from properr ~~~ ~ ~ LC.~~~~ ;;ty ownero on Ry Avenue bet 19th &t 20th atreetas upon Dell of the roil by the following L~?, ~~ ~~~;vote;-Yeae Foremans Auddes Butlers Farleys (toodman, Nannins Bottoms Jacobas Lombards Moores Smith sad Watts. (12) __----- /~~u ~ ~iF- On rot•ion by the•sboves Ysneey b Johnson was allowe~~ m173.22 oollectiona from ~'""~,property owners on Backman street bet 8th & 10th s+.reeta by grading and grsvslings upon , ~~•~ ~ i',oall of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas~Foremany Budder Farlsys Butlers doodmans Rennin' Ytartony Jaooba s Lombard s rtaore s Smith and Watts. (12) On motion by the abovey Yancoy & Jolu-son was allowed x,185.51 oollec4lond from '- 'G'?'" property owners on Brunaton Ave het 10th ~ 11th streets by gsariing and gravelingy upon ~-~~~~. ~S ~!oall of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foremany Budder Butlers Fnrleyy Ooodmsns _ I' YYsnnins Yisrtons Jacobay Lenhsr~Yy Moores Smith sad Watt a. (12) ~~~ , ~,•wy. On mot•lon by the abovay Yancey & Johnson was allowed •^x,124.58 oollectiona from ~~.~, ~ie.l:~^~ 'property owners on Caldwell street bet•4th ~e 5th attest by grading and gravelinRs upon ~ ~ I~ ~~ ~;oall of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas•Foremans Budd-~ey Butlers Farleys Ooodmans ,, ~______ r TYsnnin s IYart on, Jacob a s Lenhard y t~toore s Smith and watts. (12) ~ ~,1•~/•~.e,Q do motion by the aboves that the bond of Jas Caldwell be released for con~tru~t- ~""~ ~ ~~ ion work done on 11th street bet Jefferson and Broadway streets as reoommsndex9 by the ~~ ~~,~~ ~~ !,Board of Public Workasosrried. ~~' r. ~! On motion by 4he aboves the monthly report, of the Building Inspector wee received •..- j' j and filed. ~~Jl ~ ~;; On motion by the sbvves the Maryland C$auslty Company was rellased oft of the ~„'~~u-~~~~~I bond of the First Nstl Bsnk building and R.L.Reaves sn.d C.W.Robertaon was subJectgted !J~ ~~~ . ~~f~~~ ~' instead. _ C ~1 c' ~ ~Z'~c'~r~/o, t; On motion by the abovey an agreement between the C14y~ F.YY.Ysnryear and Mechanics Fh,~`/'-/'~~~~~~% tr,~at and Savir~ Bsnkaa mortgages ~ Whereas the City desires to extend Ruabanda street ~/. ~'~ ;~~fC! `~~ v ~~ from 4th to 6th e9reet in uniform width•~d fee*, it is necessary to obtain a strip o! ~.~ / ~ ~, ground 30 Teet in width off of the South pdrtion of lot 16 •blook 13 and beii~; a strip ~,s(,~ ~~G ,~ of ground 30 feet in width an 160.9 in depth~bslong to said E.R.Puryear. xoN in order to li save oondesmation prooeedings the parties ~ersto submit the matter to valuation~o! strip li ~'' i o~erbitratioa •and for eaoh party and,i! no agreements then third party to bs •slsoted ~, •j h~ 4~' ar YT-' f ~. ~.~. n ~s I ~. LL :~ ,1 ~, i ~~~ i `~~ P ~ ~` •: f j t yr . I I ~' ~ t,• ~. ~'" li I ~; I 1 ~~~ ",~ ~6am8 Carried. ~ i ' ';.`~ On notion by Member Lenhard~ AN O~ftDINANCT; GRANTING. T1'.E ILLINOtIB CENT?AL R.R.CO.~. .~ !'ITS SUCESS04t8 OR ASSIGNS THF, RI(tHT Td~C03TRUCT AND MAINTAIN A BPUR RAILROAD TRACK FROM TAB PROPERTY LINE OF Ttt~ MUTAL WHEEL CO1dPANY' ACROSS PALMFR 3TREF'1' 30 AS TO CONF.CT WITH TFF. ~. •PROPOSF.D EXTEI7TION OF THE. PROPERTY OF TitE LAITCASTt:ft PARgUET FLOOR COMPANY LOCATED DFT19t:1~1 •i ~~'_'+_`/~)'~~' PAL1+tER• AND S WIF~.i, STRRF.TS. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KY. ~ wsa given brat passers, upon call ry~~ 0,'of the roll b the f w - ` y olio ing vote; Yeas Foremen, I~udde, Autler~ Farley Goodma», Rennin, • Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard~ ttoore, Smith and Watte.•(12) ~ ~. !' On ~ lion the rules were suspended on the abovq~ upon Deli of the roll by the ' i • 'followit~ vote;-Yeas Foremen Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Rennin, Harlon, Jacoba, TLen j hanrd~ 1Soore~ mr-ith and Watts. (2) I in motion by the above, the above drd~.nano@ was given its seeencl amd final peas- i ~aQe~ by its ti+le~'upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman. Dudde~ Autlar` Farley ~ (TOOdman~ Hwnnin~ tisrton~ Jacoh~a lenhardy Moore, Smith and 'Matta. (12) ~ ~ motion by the above AN ORDI27AIdCE PROVIDIItA FOUR TFTE ApP0I3piTMF.NT AY TIiF. CITY. wva-.• av j ~~ ASSESS ~R TTTE SPECIAL DEPUTIES AT THE. A.SSF.SSL•'4:1TT PERIOB : PRF.SCRIDING THE, DUTIES OF SAID i DF.PUTIE3 Alm FiXITiG TitEIR C 4!IPFd~SATION IIl THE CITY Q~' PABUCAH KY' was given firs, passage ~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foram n~ Audde' Butler' Carla y' ]tannin' I ,Goodman, Ramon, Jacobs, Lenhard, ttoore, r:..'• .: and Watts. (11) Nsya Smith. (1) I On a~.tion the rules were suspended on the above, upon call of the roll by the for lowing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Nudde, Rutler~ Farley Goodman, Hannin, Hartons Jacoba' Lenherd 1 Moore, ' -'• ' ~: anct Watts. (1'l~ Nays Smith. (1) f 4i a} tion by the above, the above 4~dinance was given•ita second and final paesaR by its titles upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Fore:~ans Audde, Dutlor~ ~ ' ~Farley~ Goodman, Trannin, Barton' Jacoba, Lenhard~ Atoores '" +' .. and Wa*.ts~ (17.) Ttay Smith.(j.! ~' ~ drt ~ob~on by the above' AN ORDINAIJCR PRO1aIDING FOR THF. CONDI~RNATION OF A STRIP ` • OF GROUND THIRTY FEET IIT WIDTH F.7tTF.NDING FRffkd THE. LING QF FIFTFT STREET ONR AUI7DRF.i1 ACID ti'~"~ ~ SIXTY PETIT TO AN ALId:Y 3IXTFF.N FEET AND SIX INCHES ItT WIDTit AND THENCE FROM THR WF.^T LINT ;' OF SAID::ALT.F.Y I11 L'tJIFOR}d WIDTH ONE. HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVF. FEET TO TITF. LINK OF SIXT1t 3TREF.T c `~~ SO AS TO 1dl+KI: TIITSAAIIDB STREET SIXTY FEET WIDE WtiT~1 S iEXTF.NDI~s wsa. give' first seas e aP B ppen~cail of the roll by the followinT; vote;-Yeas Foreman, Audde, Antler, Farley' Goodman' ' Hannin~ Jaooba~ Lenhard, and Watts. (9) Naya Hart on, iRoore~ Smith. (31 . On ~ tlon the rules were auapendecl on the above, upon call o! the roll by the toll owing vota;-Yeae Foreman, Audrle, Farley, Antler, Goodman, Rennin, Jacoba, Lenhard, and • Watts. (9) 1Tays Harton,tAoore anA Smith. (3j ! ~ motion by the above, the above wsa given its second and final passage' by ital tit3es upon call of the roll by.•tha following vole;-Yana Foreman, Dudde, Butlers Farley' .~ Goodman, tannin, Jacoba, Lenhards and Watts. (~) IJeya Barton, idoore, And Smith. (3). ~ . 4- motion by the above~•a comunication from the 1Sonumsntie~ Association in regard',' ~~`'l' the moaelieum ,was referred to the cemetery Committee. ~C~~~G~r~ do motion by member IIudde~ 6.W.xatter~ohn was allowed vld2a.24 oolleotione from ~ • ~' pproperty owners on 6th street bet Tenneaeee and Aroad atreets~ upon call of the roll by the ""' _,~ (/~i~./iollowing vote;-Yeas Foremen, Rvdde~ Butler, Farley, Rennin, Heaton, Jscobs~ Lenhard, Moore•.~ • Eaith and Watts. (12) •• _ ...,,_i.:..~. ~, :~hA ~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191_ // ~ ~~~~ motion by the above, 6.W.Katter~ohn was allowed $1031.50 collections from property ~~ , y~ownera Caldwell street betvgth de 12th,atreeta, upon call of the roll by the following ~~~~ ~~~ ~~"vote;-Yeas Foremans Budges Farleyy butlers Goodman, Hnnnins Harlon, Jacobs, Lenhards ',~a,,..,,.~, ---- .Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ~' On ~- lion by the aboves the estimate furnished by the City Engineer for work done••y• , ..~ U' ~ ry /y~'~~~~~/~y" ;-by f3.w.Katter~ohn oont,~aotor on Monroe street from 12th to.l7th aLreet' was reoeived ad ,t ) filed. ~ ~~,1 I ,,~,~,I~ ~ motion by the aboves.the City Engineer was inatructed.to order s Car load of F ~~~ ~~?' ,, ~ ~~n Sewsr pipe of ctifterent aizesy upon call of tha roll by the +'oilowir-g vote;-Yeas Foreman ~j 9uddes Butlers Farleyy Goodmans Nannins Hartons Jacobs, Lenhards Moors, and Watts. (il) ~ . I' r C~~ Maya Rmith. (1) .~.' rJ - ~ i 4- motion by the above the inspection o°' the work done on Monros street bstwesn /mrH.cr , ~ r - -~ -~*~''A'~~2t and 17th street' by the Board of Public Works' was reoeived and filed. ~ ~ z ~i i~' '-' Mar Le~on~~y the shoves the agreemer-t made by the Finance Committee and Street y ~ ~ committee withAWilliam Lenhard~for a strip of ground shown on BLUF. PRINT on file amotmt~ vl/~ c.~A~~ .t1 c~ ~ ing to x'162.50 on 6th street if3 inches off of lot' same was eoncured~iny upon call of the i , roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Auddes Butlers Farleyy Goodmans Hannins Janobsy . ..__._~. ~,enharcls and Watts. (9) ~sys Hartons Smith atul lioore. (3) !; ~ I On ap:tion by the eboves the action of the Strse$ Committee wsa ooncurod-in in d " y ~ (~~ vx'v~ }~rantittg Dr Parson permission to build a wall along 4th street aide and Booad streets ~ ~~ f ~,/ j ,t7- ~!//-~ie ~~:" ~,~ ~~~~t to extend over 6 inches on City property, ~ ~ a n~~`~~~ 0n ab4lon by the shoves the action of the Street.Com~ittee wed eoncured-in in ,,. - ~ regaret to Jas P. Smith beinP, instructed mope his building from sidewalk at 6th to Norton ~~~~ ~ ~~TTj ~i~reeta. - ~ f w ~ _~_ „~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ah ~ t ion by the above s the action of the Street Committee was tonsured-in in ?- f . ~. t.~, ~yv -e~~J. r egard the Board o}` Publie Works being instructed to purchase s cgr load oP rock aereerr ~ ,~ d °`~'~ ~ ~ inga exl have suffioene anount put on Caldwell street bet 4th & 5th atreetay same carried ~'~ l' d' upom call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremans Budder Butlers Farleyy Ham-in Jecobas Lenhards Moores and Watt a. (9) Nays Har'Eon, Moore+ and Smith (3) _~- (Q o ': ~ ~ ~ ~ '- ~ 4s motion by member Rartons the reports of the Paducah water Co an the laying ~ ~ ~~~ i . jof Mains on Mayfield Road to Cedar an Cedar to Lincoln and on Lincoln ttl Coxes also one E. ~ .~ .-sl-~"G'~'6n:2dayfield Road from Cedar Avanue to Corporate limitay wes received and filed. ~ i .~~ ~ ~ ~ i' On mo+ion by the shoves a petition from residents and property ownera.on 9th '~' ~etreet bet Adams and Clark atreeteswaa referreA to the Paducah Water Co to lay mains abd ~ i _ 'the Fira Piuga were ordered piadeci on the Benta~ List. . ~~ On notion by the shoves the monthly repgrt of the Chief o! Police wns reoeived ;. E ~ .and fileA. _ i ~ ~ R ~~ ~~" On lotion by member Smiths the Committee having the Viaduct ~t the Tennessee at t ~- ~, , ~~.,, ,.,,t..a~e-e- oroaair~ in charges be dismissed in aotar ea said Viaduct is concerned. f .~t,~c-~~,~.lk~r~~ ' ' i , J ,,7~Q~--~ I On rbtion by member Butlers a petition from the Paducah Marine Waya Coy in re- ~rj~~, Bard to aver eesesamenty was referred to .the City Treasurers Assessor and Solicitor. ~~~~ ~4i motion .by member Hannins the following deeds to lots in 6ak Grove Cemetery i ;:. 1,. n,?„ti,,~,,~.,.,~rrere granted;~Y.Wes .Troutmans lot 2 block. 1. Priscilla Fletcher Iot 71 block 1 Misa Vary I wrG'~ ~O3~.t,[., ~ i -~.~J~N...,,.Townaend lot i4 bltlck 47 Hra E.E~'r8e11 lot 12 lot 47 and'John Kreatinaen lot 57 block 1. _- ,.. ,~ ?' ~' { •. ; d .b 'r I r t t' r. j.}' ~.. ~...,._ 1 ,+ ~, . 1• N I~1~,. ~ ~ option by member Farley that tho City Solioitor bring 1n condemnation pro- ~,yoeedinga against the Paduoah Cooperage Co and Robt Noble for 35 test nn the tiouth pads of • the LC.R.R.Tipple trom South 4th street to Yeisar Avenues recommerdgd by the Financo Com- mittee~ same was a :nourod-•in.. ' . ~ ,,}' On motion by member Jacoba~ that trie Roard of Publio Works inatrnct the Street '^"'u^ "" +'Inapeotor to repair Caldwell street bet 4th de 5 h ~ ~ t street ~arried. .i.• On tption by member Rudder the request of tolb to lay 17 foot aide walk abutt~ ing his prope:•ty on Aroad atreet~ was referred to the Street Committea~ City F.ry;ineer and 'City Solioitor power to sot. j~c On tbtion by member Farley the Park Commieaionere be granted permission to re- ~mofe certain sections of the aideralks and substitute therefor memorial tablete~ same wee. e 'granted provided it is done under the supervision of the City RnF;ineer. • On ~~tion by member Smithy that a~oomunioation from Mrs nary Frank in•regard to ~~ !'the Cit rasii the radeon 4th•stree a Y t ne r he Co r-f3 B t norete Bridges same was table. On ay,tion by member Smiths that the Auditor natity each Aepartment not to over ~~ ,draw their aoooimt~ same carried. ~•• ~i "r---------------------------On ny,tion the Board adjourned------------------------«.--_ j .. SEP 2~, trn ~l ~ • liPF OV i PreailCn»l Rnmrd u/ L'ounnilmen.. ~• I + ti l~ i +, } F _ ~. The regular meeting that waa to be held is the City Rally in the Council Chamber ~' ": 8sptembsr 2~sZ 1914 sod as there was'nt a Qurom preeent~ owing to the F.lsotion between • the wB~',4 ANI1 DRYS tl3e Board adjourned to meet September 22nd 1814. f ,. c i , .. t,isl ZZ ~3S A.~~.~,o/~v, ~F'~ 2? 191= + ~~~~R~'-G'i ~ _p 1 ~.i' ...... y~.atrtm~0 lJOCSr~l n( (,YKeneilm+:a.•. • ~i ~ j ~ ... ;1 ~' r- "„y 4' - + l Ir ~! • Ir Y ! Iii Y• ~ .. ~ ' << f ~, , . r ~ ~. .. { ~. 3'l~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191_,. (• " •' • The regular meeting that was to be held in the Coun 1 Ch•mber in the City Rsll ,y '~ ~ ( 1 • in the City o1~Paduoah~ Ky.~ 3eptsmber 21st 1g14~ anA there was~nt set gaerus ~ '~~~ pressnt~ the Board sd~ourned to meets Septs bar 1 4. .~ • _ { ~ ~ i ,' ~ • ~ ! ~ .. Vii, . .. ... i ~, ~./'~ ~ ~ ` ~ `t ~ ~ . ,. ~ ~ ' ~.. • y~ i~~ At an adJourned meeting of the Aoard of Councilmen held in the Counoil Chambers I ~~ (tea, ~i in the City Hall, in tho Cif:y of Paducah Ky., September 22nd 1914 upon cull of the re t~ I•~ •f` roll the following answered to their names;-Foreman Audde~ Farley Aoodman~ Rannin~ ~ , ~~ t-ri. ~~ ' ; Rarton~ Jacobs Lenhard' 1Ronre~ anti Watts. (10) +`i 1 • • -• -1`• On motion the •minutee o* the peevioua meetinPa were adopted as read. . ~ f7% ~' -,- ~,~.~+-.~-~-~ j On motion by member T*annin~ the Finance Committee`s allowance for salaries ete.~ ~' ~ , GE,~I-W~.~.ur~ ~ I, j! waa allowed and the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the ! ,~ ;I respeetive amounts upon call of th®.ro11 b, the *olloA+i.np, vo*•e;-Yeas Forenan~ Auctdey ~ ~ it Farley Goodman, TTannin, Hart on, Jacobs' Lenhard~ Tdoore, 8nd Watts. (10) ~; k ~~~,J~~ ~~ G i~"~^'~" '~ ' On motion by the above, the report of the Financial oondition of each Bepartment ~ ! ~~ ~~ ~; of the City report made by the Auditory was received and tiled. l~ }~ + ~~,,~% ~.. ~ i( ,' On motion by the above a warrant waa ordereA drawn in favor of G.W.Katter~ohn 4 ! jy I ~~.r/~f-r~~~/-1~.~~ ~~ gip /~"~RGLtGf, !! on the Special Street Fcmd, for work done on Monroe s+reet between 12th h 17th s+reeta ~ ii . f~ for aidewalY.e~ upon call of the roll by the following vo+e;-Xeas Foreman Audde~ Farley ; ~ _ ~~ r Goodman' Hamlin, Berton, Jacobe~ Lenhard~ T4oore~ and Watts. (10) + ~~ ;t ' ;; ~ Cj~.~ ~s..a~e. ~ On motion by the abovey the Paducah Aase Aall Aasn. ~ was allowed ~`j5.00 balance ~ ~' ~~~G~'~'('G due from the apportionment for this years upon call of the roll by the following voto;- ;~ ~ i ~ . ~ . Yeaa Foreman Audde~ Farleyy 8oodman~ Banning P,arton~ Jaoobs~ LenharA~ Tdoore~ and Watt ~~ ~i ~• ~~1.t~t~ motion by the above J.A.Torian was allaa~ed ~f On 3.00- for boring teat holes for ~ /5~.i~ ,~Q~~ " ~" . ~ , "" " ;;, Bawer Pis+,riot ~3,i~pon Dail of the roll by +.he following vote;-Xeas Foreman Auitde~ i. Farley Goodcaan' Bannin, Barton, Jacoba~ Lenhard; ttoore~ and WatP.s. (10) ~,~ (" ~ ~, //ri~~ On motion by the above' G.W.Kat+,er~ohn was alloweA.out of the Special Street Fund II ~ ~G-r~ X28_5.05 for work done on Harrison atraet between ~Sth & 16th atreeta~ upon Dell of the ~. roil by the following •o+e;-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Farley Goodman. T;annin~ Rarton~ Jac- ,; •'.~,,, ~ • ~ - - , , obe ~ Lenhard ~ T~oorey and Watt e. (ln) _ ;`~ ~, ~~~~ On motion by the above (~.W.Katter~ohn was allowed *~438.'j0 out o! the Speolal ~~ ;~ . p ~ ~~ ~,~ d~*~ /~ ~ ~ Street, FunA~ tor' work done on Kentuoky Avenue Aetween llth & 20th streets upon Deli of '.~ ~' ~~ a ~ i~ -~ ' 'Oi ' ~! tUe roll by the following vo+•e;-Yeaa Foreman Budds~ Fariey~ Ooodman~ Rannin~ Rarton~ ,fi i Jacobe~ LenharA~ Moore arirt Watts. (10) f.' , • ,,.~ ~ -~ '' •'~Nr J~ %~~ On motion by the above W.W.Katfer~ohn was allowed "a309.B8 for driveways ir-ter- • ~ ~ ~ . ` '! ~~yyjo. /y asetione eta. on tdonroe street between 12th & ;17th atreeta~ upoa Dail oe the moll by ~ ~,~~;~", the following vote;-Yeaa Foreman Budde, Farley 8oodman~ Hannin~ Barton Jaeoba~ Lm- • . • `s,~ ~" ~, ~.~ ff i~ ,; ~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUEAH ~` '' 191 ___,: (~~ ' ~ L' Hardy ltoors and Watts. (10) 1, ~ 1 ~ i ~.,/ ;f On motion by the above the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized Lo borrow. $3000..! ,1 ~ ' !to meat present demands to ahar~sd to the aollsctione ot~the December halt of tax ooileat~ { ! ( ~iionst upon Cali at the roll by the following vote{-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Farlsy~ Aoodman~ •t ' ~~ I ~j Hannint Hartong Jacoba~ henhard,'Moore aTU1 Watts. (10) ~~ ~~ On motion by member I,enhard, C1ty Engineer Washington was piren power to set .I ~~ ,~ ` ;;in regard La the oo:at,ruatlon or a plank Walk on 6th street between Hroad anda~ennssaee '~' ~ '~ ~' ~~ ~ ~ ji atreete~ upon call o* the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa,Foremru~~ Hudds, Fariey~ Hannin~ ;~. ~, ~ ~.'/i I,~~~~'Harton, Jaaoba, henherd~ tdoore anA wattg. (10) '' ~ ~~ f .:-._. On motion by member Audde, the inapectiort o! work lane on Caldneli street, bet;~ r c ~r~^, j! ,j /1 '~~~•q,~' ~ 9th & 7.2th et re eta by the Aoard of i'~~biic Worka~ was receivert and flied. I ,fY " ~ a~ . 9 ,~ 1' ,~/Z`# !! On motion by member Rudder the estimate furniohed by the City f:nQinear.o! the ;, ~al~ (I __ _ ~""`~~ .~ ooet of eons+r<~etion of Ca7.dwe31 street bet. 9th h l2th atreAta~ was reoeived and Filed. ' ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~ jj yry i ~' l ~~~ ~~ 4' On 1~ Rion by member Lenhard the Cit Engineer was inatruated to gdvertiee for ~ ~ Y ~t ~ 1, f fA~ ~i[.r4 c~"'"'bide and report baakt for the Construction of the 6th street Culvert South. of Huahanda at.I, 1, ~,QQ, ~D ~' On motion by member Farley the manor of ae_Llina tour horses of the Fire Dept ~ ~~ U ~' l~~ made useless by the addition of the ?Rotor-'.!'rucks was referred to the Finr+nce Conmittee~ !~ ', ,I power to ao~. ~ -- _ I ~ ~ ,~~ ! ~ On motion by member Farleys Mrs Mary Pinkard was given pormiabion to oonatruot ~ p ~~~~~ ~; ~ i . """~~lL~~-~6 ;' concrete sidewalks etc., in tron~ of her property at X121 T4onroe atreet~ the above work .~ •~ i ~~t-t lra-~ fk~. , +~ to be Aone under the supervision of the City Engineer. ;~ , ,~ ~~ ~ ~;--------------------------On motion the BoarA•adjourned---------------------------------~+~, u ~ ..-~ ~ AP~ov3T OCT '5 1914 . I v' ' • / , ' ~ °-~ I ~ P - ~ ~ ~ n r ~ I ~.l~M ltazr~l cr/ Cn im ~ 1~ros G L~. E r,n 'G ,F ,, ;~ ~; . ,; ~ ~~ ~ ,; . j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ., ~~ .. ,! i ~~ . '~ t{~ ~, . ,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~~ ~ j,, . ,~ . i ~' ,; ,; it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ~ .. n ~ _ ~ ~ . ` . .~ ~ ~ • ; ~~ i II III ~~ _ e . , ~ .. .. , . .. ~I ~ ~~ ~ u e ~ Y ~.1 I ~ ~ , .. i ,. ~ 4 i r ' i' ~ ~ . E 9 ,~ ~; - i 1 •J~~ ;~ G~~ee-~'-,r~ u COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH _191_ At a regular meeting of the Board of Counoilmen~ held in the Cou~oii Chambsr~ in the City Hall, ir.t,he Ci+y o* Paducah ICy., Ootober 5th 1914 upon oali of the roll the. following answered to their names;-Foreman Budds~ Aut~sr~ Farley Ooodman~ Bannin, Rsrt,on' Jnooba~ Lenhard, Moores Smith atnd Watts. (12) ' On motion the minntee of the previous meeting was adopted as reed. On motion by member Bannin' the Finanoe Committees allowanoe for salaries etc. was allowed and. the Clerk was authorized to draw a warren+, on the Treasurer for the ~~ reapeotive amounta~ upon Gail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budder Butler' Farley t~oodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs, Letshnrd~ ldoore~ Q~.Waltta~.'(1']~sYay(Si~~th~ ~! ;: On ~} tion by the above W.M.Marr Engineer for the Aetna Enginesrit~ 'Mureau was I' showed x'1383.00 for plans a+,c.' furnished on 3eror District ~3~c-upon call of the roil s~~ iby the following •o4e;-Yeas•Foreman~ Audde~ Butler' Fariey~ (~oodman~ Ytannin~ Barton' • ~~Jaoobsy Lenhard, Moare~ Smith and Watts. (12) On motion by the above the City Treasurer and Mayor were authorized to borrow ~~~.,~ ';~12~000.OOto meet the present demand to be deduoteP from the Dicember half of 1914 Tax ~~~K~~ ~,Colleatione, upon Dell of the roll by the followinH vote;-Yeas Foreman, Budds~ Butleb~ ~ _ __._ Farley 8oodman; Banning Barton' Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores ~ Watts. (11) Nays Smith. (1) Y~;~~R~ff~~ On motion by t~[e above 6.W.Ratter,ohn was allowed s182.0~ out of the Special ~/ ve- Street Fund' for work done on Caldwell street from 9th to 12th streets upon Dail of ya~~'the roll by the loliowinp, vote;-Yeas Foreman, Butleir~ Budder Farley f3oodmsn~ Rsnnin~ 'Hartong Jaooba~ Lenhard,.ASoors~ Smith and Watts. (l2) ~~.~_~G~Ay~~~i On motion by the nbove~ t~.W.Retter~ohn was allowed out of the Special Street %"~~~~f,/-r N~ Fund for work done on TRonroe street from 12th to 17th a*rest~ upon call of the roll by ~~~~~/ {the follows ,/ np, vots;-Yeae Foreman Audde~ Autler~ Farley+ (~oodman~ Banning Barton' Jaooba {Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (12) • ,~~~ ,; ~- Ij On motion by the sbove~ the report of the Auditor on the Apportionment for 1914' ,~r~, , i ~- 'was received and filed. , i} ~(~~".e i, On motion by the above' the report of oolleetiona on Road 011 pieced upon the ~~ ~! streetsy by the Aoard of Publio Worker was received and filed. ~, _~ ;: On motion by the above the rtonthiy report o+' the Treasurer and Atlditor~ was i 8'"''~reoeived and filed. I, ~~ On motion by'member Smithy a eomunication from the Western InAua+riai Gollsge' i~i~-.L ~:_ ; D '.wee received and fileds ~~~~~ ~ 0n motion by member Lenhard AN O~tDYNANCR 1tE0ULATINB THE STORA(~R OF OASOLII~E IN ~'~" ~ITHF. CITY ~ PADUCAHKY.i wee given first passape~ upon tali of the roil by the foliow- ~`~~: O u~. 1~i'ing votes;-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Butlers Ferley~ doodman~ Hannin~ Horton, Jaooba~ Lenhard .,~„1~,R.rv.I~~. !, ,Moors Smith and Watt, a. (12) _ On motion the rules were suepended~ on the above upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas F Sreman, Budds~ Butlers Farley Battnin~ Hartong Jaooba~ Lenhsttl~ ~Moore~ Smith and Watts. (12) .~ On ~ tion by the abovs~ the above Ordinance was given seoorat and• fined passage '~by its titlsy upon oall of the roll by the followin;*,.vote;-Yeeia Porenan. Budder Farley 'Butlers Ooodman~ Banning Barton J aeobe~ Lanhardy Moore' Smith and Watts. (12) (, , a-•^- ~'~ On ay lion Dy the above AN ~tDINANCF. ASSE88IN6 THE p1tOp(•JRTY ON AOTH SIDT,'3 OF ,~ ~ ~ BATJNSON AVFtiUE FROM ~3Qth t9~ 11th STREET IN THF. CITY ~B pADTJCAR ICY sum of ~ psr front ~, ~ ~-~-,,,.foot by grading and graveling was given its first pasaage~ upon Dail ot. the roll by the /Q fio // .. `"""~ ~fol awing vote;-Yeas Foreman DuAde~ Autler~ Farley c+oodman~ Rannin~ Rarton~ Jacoba Len-~ ;• '~. hard, Moors Smith and Matta. (12) ' ~, !~ On ta~tion the rifles wore anagsnded on the above upon sell of the roll by the + is ' following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audds~ Autler~ Fariey~ Oaodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs Len• ,,hardy Hoore, Smith and wAtta. (12) i ij ~t ~~ On motion by the above the above Ordinance was given its eeoond and final pass•I ,ags~ by its Litle~ upon call of the roll by the following vote:;-Yeas Foremnn~ Rudds~ Autle 1 ;' ~ Farley doodman~ Hannin~ Hartong J acobe~ Lerthard~ Moores Smith n17d watts. (12) ~ ~y On ~ lion by the abovs~ An tlMinance Assessing property owners on both sides of Hockman arrest from 8th to 10th streets ths.aina of 90 cents psr front foot ~ was given ita~ tl ~~ first paasage~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Rutler~ I' ' _ r ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~T ~~ Farls Qoodmen Rannin Hatton Jacobs I,enhard Moore Smith anti Watts. 12 Ys ~ ~ s ~ ~ , ( ) I' On ~ lion the rttlea were suspended on the abovs~ upon pall of the roll by the ~~ following vots;•Yees Foreman Rudder Autier Farle Ooodman Hannin Ha r Y> > t~ton Jacoba Len• ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ j hardy M o~ra~ Smith and Watts. (12) ~ ' On ~q,tion by the above the above ~dlnanoe was given seoond and final paseatTe ~. by its titles upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Fo~rsman~Audde~ Dutlar~ ~. _._ ~ II Farley Ooodman~ Rannin~ Tiarton, Jacobe~ Lanhard~ Tdoare~ Smith arul Watts. (12) i /^y i,-----~_ •~- moti ~n by the ahove~ An Ordinance Assessing the abutting property owners on (~j~~y,,, both aides o! Rarrison street from 15th to 16th street in the City o! I'actuoah Ky~ the i -lt~~~dti>~ . ;rd ,,~,~"~eum of $1.65778 per front foots was given its first paasage~ upon call o" the roll by the ~a "~6~~: Yollowing vote;-Yeas Foreaan, Bttclde~ Butlers Farley Goodman Ttennin Barton Jacabe Lsn- t > > f hardy tToore~ Smith an~T watts. (12) I . ~ !, On ~ tion the rules were suspended on the above upon call of the roll by the i following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Autler~ Farley f3oodman~ Hannin, Ttarton, Jacohs~ Len• i '~ hrad~ Hoore~ Smith and Watts. (12) I, ' On ~ lion by the abova~ the above G$~dinance was given its aeo~nd anA final pass- i sgs~ Der its titls~ upon Ball of the roll by the follo•+•ing vote;-Yeas Foremans BUddeD Blttler-: ~1 I t ~ ~ Farlsy~ (ioodman~ Rannin~ Hartong Jacoba Lenhard~ MooreD Smith and Watts, (12) ~ I • I ~ t~ ~T motion by the aboves An L~lydinance Assessing the abutt,in~r property owners on- ~ .1 o,C.e~e.~'~ Caldwell' street from 4th to 5th sLreet,a 1n the City of Faducahs Ky., the anm of '77 cents i LO _~ per front topt, by grading, and graveling was given its first passages upon Ball of~the rot' ' ~~a~~°' ~ • - i by the *ollowing vote; Yeas Fo~eman, Audde' Butlers Farley, ctoodmans Tfannin' Hwrkon' Jacoba! f Lenhard~ Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) ~ i •On 1¢ Lion the rules were suspended on the above' upon call of the roll by the ~, t following vo*e;-Yeas F roman, Au~lde' Autler~ Parlays Ooodman, Hannins Hatton' Jaoobea Lsn- r ~ i ~ hardy Hoore~ Smith and Watts. (].'~) ~ j On ~ lion by t?~s above the ebovs Ordinance was given esoond and final pasaage~~ { ~ by its titie~ upon call of the roll by the following vpts;-Yeas F rer+aTl~ Budder Autler~ .~ ~~ Farley, 8oodr~an,~Hsnnin~ Hart on, Jacobe~ Lenhard, Moors Smith end watts. (12) ~~~ i 1 ,. ,1 ~.. i__. 1 .~74 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191. ' 4 i:' Y 7~. j ~~ - _ ---- ~,r.~,...-r.~j ~ Ok motion by the abovef An Ordinanoe Assessing the abutting property owners on ' ;~ both aides of 5th street from Jefferson street to Clay street in the City o! Paducah ~ xy.f the sum of X1.55723 per front, foot was Sven !Stet n ~ f g pneoagef upon oall of the ~~ ,~r` roil b the follow! •o e• Yesa Foremen Budde Butler Farle boodmnn Rnnnin Rar- i Y r-tS ~- f f f y f f f ~, font Jaooba f Lenhard r Moore! Smith atxl Watt a. (12) i On 1~otion the rules were auapended on the abovef upon.eali of the roll by the jj ~I following vote;-Yeas Foreman! Ruddef Butler! Barlsyf Goodman! Ranninf Rartonf Jeoobef ~~ Lenhardf !utooref Smith and Watts. (12) ' !I i1 Qn 3aoLion by the abovef the above Ordinance was given second and final passage ~;by its titlsf upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas F+ roman, Audde, Butler! r, ';j Farley! doodmanf Ranninf Rnrtonf Jnoobaf Lenhardf Moors! Smith end Warta. (12) ~~~~;' do ~o+•ion by the abovef en Ordinance Assessing the abutting property owners on G~='G~f; both aides of Kentucky Acerrue from 19th to 20th atreetaf the avm of $tl.'76412 in the L~'~~,~ -~;;Gity of.Pndttcahf Ky.fwsa given first passage! upon call of the roll by the following ;~~,"Zs . /9 . i,; ~vota;'-Yeas Forer~anf !!odds f Butler! Farley! f3oodmanf Hannin~ Yiart onf Jacobs f Lenttard f ;~ !;!toots! Smith and Watts. (12) r. On ~aotion the rules were suspended on the abovef upon oall of the roll by the 1'follow •ote• Yeaa F Leman Budde Butler Farlb Goodman Hannan Harlon Jacobs !~ iTt6 f- f f f Yf f f f f ',Lenharctf Moore! Smith and Watts. (12) • it ~ ~Otion by the above, the above Ordinance mss given seconc? and final passage r by itL titlsf upon call of the roll by the following v8te; Yeea Forefnanf Budde! Butler! j~ Farley! Goodman! Hanninf RnrP,onf Jaeobaf Lenhardf !toots! Smith Rnd Wattaq (12) ~j-~~~,u` ~ matlion by the abovef An ordinance providing for the condemnation of a strip of ground thirty-five feet in width extending, from the South side of'ttyers street to ~' Ye4aer Street! between Mili arrest and Woodard Avenue in the City o! Paducah! Ky.ffor ~~ ~~0 ~~!,the purpose of eatabliahing a street! was given first passage! upon call of the roll !~~ by the loilowina vote;-Yeas Foreman! Budde! Fa#~leyf Goodman! Henninf Jaeobaf Lenhardf dyr~"'''e"e.' . fl enA WN.tte. (8) Nays Autlerf Hatton! Moore erect Smith. (4) On ~ lion the rules were auapended on Shy abovef upon call of the roll by the +i follow vote•-Yeea Foreman Budde Butler Fprle Goodman Hannan Jaooba LenharA ~B . f f f Yf f f f ~ i' ~~ Moore! and Watta._(10) Naya Harlon and Smith. (2) ~~. !R $ tion by the abovef the above Ordinance was given second arut final passage! I by its titlsf upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman! Budde! Farley! Goodr~enf RAnninf Jaeobaf Lenherdf Moore! and Watt e. (9) Nays Butler! Barton! and Smith3~ ~~~.-> ~ir~-r,.,.n~. On fq tion by the abovef An Ordinance Amending An Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance »uJ~4~;; regt~ating the aoving Travel and Trafio upon the Publi* Streets end Righweys in the ~~~~ ;, ~~; ,.'':;City of Paducah! and pmvidin~; penalties for any violation hereof! was given_firat ii passage! upon oeii of the roll by the following •ote; Yeas ForemanfAuddsf Autisrf Far- ' ;,.ley! Goodman! Ranninf Rartonf Jaooba! Lenhard;f~.Mooref Smith and Wetta. (12) ~1 On ;a Sion the rules were auapended! on the Rbovef upon Deli of•the roil by the j. following vots;-Yeaa Foreman! Budde! Butisrf Farley! Goodman! Ranninf Hatton! Jaooba! " ;, •Lenhardf Moore! Smith and Warta. (12) ~: ' 'On ~ e,ion by the abovef the above Ordinanos was given its second end find paeeag ~' by its tidy upon, Dell of the roll by tbs following vota;-YeaaForsmanf Bnddef Butisrf ~~ . . ~F ~" i• ~. ( ~% ~ 6~ t ~.: /~fi r ~'i:, G~ ~ ` ~~ ~, ~~ /~}, <,~ „~ r, -~~~' ~J- M - ~/i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ -P~;n` ~ %- f ~~•~ rte, C~ 4•L.~. ti~'• . G -. ~~ , ?c, a }£s~. ;~ /:'i (//•~ ~ . ,' ~,. ~, ~~ ~k~., _ , I ~ . ~' ` ~ i~." ~ ~ , f;: • ~ ., . ~~~ :., F., ~ .. { .. T. ' .. .. _ r ~m. b „~ ' . :. ~ " : ...... ..' .... . • ~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PAD~)C,AH ~ - 191_.. , 37~~ ;, f - `.. , i j Farlsy~ boodman~ Hannin~ Hartoni Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moorsi Smith and Watts. (12) - On lion b the above An ~c}inanos r f 1 ~ Y t egulating the 8toragp of Aostyisne Qas in j ' 't'~`~ ~ the Bity pt Paducah Ry end providing a penalty for atLy violation hereof was pivsn first • ilpaseage~ upon eall•of•the'roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audde~'Autler' Farley~~ ~j ~. - l; Ooodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jaoobs, Lenhard~ Nibore~ Smith and Watts. (12) ~' ~ ~' On ~ Lion the rules were auapenfled on the nhove~ upon oall of the roil by the j (: I ' Gfollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Autler~ Farley 8oodruut~ Henning Hartont Jaoobs~ Lsn- i t j r~hard~ v[oore~ Smith and Watts. (12) I . I ~ ~ ;', On ;n Lion by the above the above ~tdinanae was given second and final paosape ,, ~ ' ~,by its titles upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yens Foreman Audde; tiutler~' ~~ i ~. I Farley (ioodman~ ftannin~ ftarton~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ }doore~ Smith Bnc! Watts. (12j ~ i - ~' ~~ • 4- ~ lion by member Audde~ the City Engineer was instruatert to close bid with rJiri± j :b.W.Katter~ohn for the construction of 6th street culvert with brick amouunting to $],481.00 G ~~~~• ~~jvpon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreunan, Auddes Autler~ Farley Ooodman~;, ~. i ~. j ~ ~: Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs Lenhe,rd~ ltoore~ Smith a•d Watts. (12) ~,' On ~ Lion by member Fargey~ the monthly report of th3 Chief of Polioei was i ~ ~ r .~ received and filed. ~ • On ~ tin by member Jaoobs~ the following transtor of Saloon license were ordereA 1 ~~ ~ '; to take their usual .conrae; John Sinnott to Holland h Manning at 107 Soy th 4th atreeta ~ , Ziba Williams at 1100 North 10th street to Only h Frank at 105 Deasdway~ J.Is.Aalee anA an ~ ,~ ~/• ;;J.C.Aonrier to G.A.Chandler at 125 South 2nd etreet~ ail of the shove offer ae their bond ~ ~ ~ ~' the F. uitable Surat Co a Jp,~~ q y mp ny of St Louis Mo. s ;1 •i~ On ~ lion by meziber ftannin~ a deed was granted Alzadah Stewart to lot X46 block j~ ~ ~ 1 Naw Addition of Oak Q~ ve Cemetery. j ~ _ ~ On ~- Lion by the above the followln6 transtara ware granted to late in OeJc Q~ ve ( ~,~ ~ i 4 ~~/r!r~G2~~-~' ~' Ceme*ery;-the Half interest in 1~ t {/260 block 17 excepting 20X 10 feet front oC North i ~1 `D~~R ~.. ~ East oorner to Maire Vlilcox Vie Wilcox arul LDDWilaox from S.D.Patton and the above to be nz .~~~..~. ~ i ~Pi~';I:_~~r~, '! tranatered to W}[ Karnes axaept said 20X10 faet~ same aarriad. i. •. I --. - ,~ ~ lion by the abors~ A improvs,~snt wexreht was ordered drawn in favor di! ~I - ~ ,/2 ~n O.l1.Katter~ohn for work lone on Gth street between Tenrieeaee h Aroad atreeta ~unotuti t-N. t o ' C ~~ n eu j x'4416.57 upon oall of the roll by the tollowinp, vote;-Yeas Foreman 9ud~ls~ Autler~ Farley {~ L.~~f'` ~ Hannin~ Ooodmna~ Hartong Jabobs~ Lenhara~ Moores Smith and Watts. (1?~ (- ~_ ~. Q~ ~ ~~ 41 ~ Lion Dy the above A is^provement warrant was ordered drawn in favor of ;/ !~r~ Yanasy 8e Johnson for work done on South 4th street from South line of Rrid a street, to .}G,s~ ~` ,emu ~ ~~Q E { ~~~~~~~t~~'v North end of Ieeland Creek Aridge and from the South I:nct of 3+.id Aridgs to the North line !: ~~lc ~~~'~u of Farley Places amounting to X50.10 upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas ~' ~ t Forsman~ Audds~ Butlers Farley (ioodnan~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacobe~ Lenhard~ Hoors~ Smith.anA ~ ~~ '~.~~ On ~ lion by the abovs~ the action of the Aoard of Publio Worko w7~ oonoured it~• i ~~ P_ 1t~,Ly,~-~v%r in regard awarding the contract to O.W.Katter~c?u1 for the reaonstruation of }isrrieon street r~ ~'~/~ between 8th & 12th atreeta also Hadison street between 11th & 12th atreets~ wlth oonoreta t~/. ,f'/2- ~ sidewalks eta at X0.095 per Square foot. ~ ~%L On ~ Lion by the above the monthly report of the Auiiding Inepeator~ received. r [~ ,sad tiled. ~~~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 191. ~Ge.--+~ y-~"'~~"" f'4t ~ Lion by member Lsnherdi the Ci*y 8olioitor wage inatruotsd to esoertsin in " / ~i / Ilthere le sn Ordinanoe requiring Flagmen~st the Croeaing at 3rd and. Norton streets. ..-- "' On ~ Lion by~msmber Moors the 8trsst Committee was inatruotsd to look intro the ~~~'opsning up o! llaahington street Lstween 19th & 22nd streets. • 4~w-~~~----~_~--~--~_---On m t~on'the Board adjourned----------- `t., - ~' ~o:~~~ ®C~ 1 ~ ~g1~ ~ ~,~~v ~ ~16t 6 110 .~ -~ • i; it ' - ~ .. Aratds~.E eoara bJ Cbaneilrna..•_. ~j k, -i' . • ~, ki` - << .. ~ , j` I ~~ .. • - ~ . ., I e N i'; 7 ~I h ' .. ~ ~ . ,.. • .. .. ~ ~ i • _ ., , ~~ . i~ ~ ' ~ 7I .. ~' .. r ~~ ~ ~` '% ~~ +a .. • ~ .. Y • • 0~ 1., ti~ w. • e ~ ' y • ~ ~. !~ fir- ~. ~ .... «. _ -..~,(~ ~. • ' ~; . i ;. 1 . 1 +1 _,.~ ~ !. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CI'I`Y.+OF PAD~.1CAIi~~ ~ = .: ~ ~ .377 , 191..;: /~ etc., !or the•Corimisalon form of Government election, upon call of the roll by the fgllow- -Cv0 ~'~y inp, vote;-Yea$ Foreman, Audde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannln, Hart on, Jsooba, t.enharcl, ~ I, O~ ry~~~,~-,,,,c,,,,,,~Moore and Watts. (il) On motion by the sbovet G:W.Kattsr~ohn wia allowed ~'1A28.y7 !or oolleotions nn ~~~~ t~r~.~~ i I Q aldwell street gth to 12th street sidewalks ate., to be paid- out. of the Special Street ~ ~L~~~~1,'~~L.f Fund, ugori oall of the roil by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Audde, Autier~ Farle!~t Goodman itannin, Barton, Jaaoha, Lenhard, itoore and Watts. (11) ~~~-„~ I On mo+.ion•by the above, a bill from Chaa Whittemore olaimed for feeding City I. J/~ - /~' ' ~ enru- ~jK~•~~~" Prisoneret was referred to the Judge of the Police Cottrt. ~~~~ ~~ On motion by the above, the Traffic Ordinance and all amendments including Sirens. ~` ~~,~. ~~. Horn Ordinance, was orcTered printed in hook form, to be diatrubitad to the Police Fores eta L41 ,,rGr,.i r• u k motion by the above, the report of the Auditor ,on the Apportionmsnto of sao1~ r ~y,~ Cy ' ~~t ~~.~'~+~, department, was received and filed. ~ ' ~~ ~,Gt•;~*~••'~-~ On ~ Lion by r~ember Sudds., *,hs action of the Aoard of public Works by accepting ~„-r~°„ l ~ the work dons by G.W.Katter~ohn, on 6th street bet Tennessee and Aroed street, wsa oonmirect . in. ~--_ On mq+ion by the above, the action of the Board of Publio Works was eonoured-in ,. ., . 0 ~`'P'~ On motlon by the above, Paducah Printing Conpnny was allowed +?~i2.50 for ballots I .~. j ,, , , ~! At a regular meeting of the Hoard o! Cotmeilmsri+ held in the Counoil Chambart in 4 'the City Fall, in «hs @ity of Paducsh~ Ky.~ October 19th 191x, upon call of the roll by.the j ;fallowing sabegrid:.iso their Hansa;-Foremen, Audde, Antlsrt Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hartong, ,, ' 'Jacobs, Lenhard, TAoors,af:d;Wltttfu2 (11) ~ • ~': On motion the minutes of the Pretiious meeting wsa adopted,da read. t.~ ~~ On motion by member Hannin, the Finenoe Committee's allowance for salaries eto..~; •. w~ . was allowed and the Clerk woe a~•thorized to draw a warrent on the Treasurer for the reepect~. ', ,' 1ve amounts, upon call o~ the roll by the follorritig vo+.e;~Yeaa Foreman, Audde, Butlers { `. ' ~ Farlsyt Good:~an, Hannin, TIarton, Jacobs, Lsnhard, Moore, end Matta. (11) i ' - ~ ' ' On motion by the shove, the ilayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow X3000.; ~~ I t o meet present demand a, acme to be deducted from the collection of the December hdlf of • '`tax collectiond, upon tail of the roll by the following vote;-Yeaa Foreman, Audde, Autler,~. i. I',;~z •~ ;Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Aarton, Jacobs, Lenhard, Moore end Wstta. (11) ~, (' On motion by the above, G.Ft.Katter~ohn wsa allowed •"~i1.20 for 204 loads of dart . ~~ ~~~,, i ~I~ ~~~~ ''at 30 cents ,same to be chari!ed to the ContinTruent Fund, upon call of the roll by f,he ~C` ~;,, 'following vote;-Yeas Foremen, Nudds, Au+,ler, Farleyt Goodmnn, ttnnnin, Hnrton, Janobe~ Len-.~. ~', ^"'_ 'herd, doors anA Wntte. (11) .~. j On motion by the above, A.W.Katter~ohn wsa allowed 'v1i11625.13 oolleotions on grope; •~.-_° j1~'~srEy on idenroe street, from 12th to 17th a••reet, !or conore+s sidewalks eto. ~ Lo be pa1A _ out of the Sgeciai Street Fund, Upon Doll of t!~e roll by the following voLe;-Yeaa Foreman,] ____ Budde, Antler, Farley, Goodman., Hannin, Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard, iioore, and Watts. (11) { [•~~ S~ `~' _'y~ On motion by the above, W.G.SkipNOrth was ellor-ed ;37.50 salary while hs was JII~i ', p inJured, by being shot while on duty, as Patrol:aen, upon call of the roll by the lollowing~, f-~~` U vote;-Yeas Foreman; Budde, Butler, Farley, Goodman, Hannin, Hart on, Jacobs, Lenhard,iSoore~. and Watt e. (11) ' ~ - - i i __ _ ~_ .. _ , ~~~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,.CIT'Y.OF PADUCAH _19t.^ Q~%yrt~~~~.G,~-- i!in regard to acoepting the work dons by Yancey & Johnson ,concrete sidewalks etc., on !(j/ 5~,.~~sv ,Kentucky Avenue 9th to 10th streets; Coneref,a Bidevralks eto., on 4th street BroeA to ~~ ~~ c ~- ~0 ~;IaelanA Greek Bridge end Comore+,e sidewalks eto., on 4th street from Iceland Creek ;; (Bridre•~Eo Farley Place. name oarried. • /~~ !~ On motion by the above, a pe+ition from Clare Romaine in regard to her property ~''~?~~~!ifacing Broad a+.reet, was referred to the Street Committee. /~Cfi~', On mptioz! by m9mbar Jacobs, a transfer of a Saloon license tro~~E.Aales and J.C. ~~a~~,.Bonner,to (~.A.Chandler at 125 South 2nd street was granted and the E//JJquitable Surety Co liot St Lodis~Mo wsa aocepted ea Chandlers bondsmen, upon oall oP the roll by the follow ing vote;-Yeas Foreman, Rudds, Butler' Farley doodman, Rennin, Har+on~ Jacobs' Lsn- ';hard, Moore, and Watts. (11) ~/~~'~O ~n motion by the above' a transfer of a Saloon license was gran+,ed from 2.R. 9 ~~,~..~.; , Wiliieme ht X100 North 10th street to Only h Fsanka at 105 Droadway and the Equitable ' ;;Surety Co of ~t Loin Mo web acoepted as ,Only & Franks bonc?aman~ upon Dell of the roll ;,by the PHlvinp, vote;'leae Foreman' Audde' Butlers Farley, f~oodman~ Rennin' Barton' Jacob 1_ D `Lsnhard~ }Boors and Watts. (11) • ~~~ ~"''~ On notion by the abova~ a transfer of o Saloon license was granted from John c!~w~^'r'-"`" ~ 'iSinnott to S~olland and Manning at 107 South 4th. street and Hslland and lfanning offered ~~~~ j; as their bondsmen the F,quita3le Surety Co of St Loius Mop same was granted, upon call ±~ot the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Rudder Du+ler, Farley aoodman~ Rrnlriin , i __ ~;Hart,on~ Jacobs, Lenhard, Moors, and Wa*.ta. (11) ~,Uy,~ On motion} by the above, a transter,ot a saloon license from Homer and W.H.Vine- ~Z~ ! ~~~~ ',yard to R.Calliaei at 434 Nor+,on etreat+ was ordered to take its usual Course. On nbLSon by member tiennin, a deed was granted to J.B.Clark lot x{67 block ~1 in ~~~~~., the New Addition~in Oak Anbve Cemetery. ~,.. k ~ flee by the above, a transfer of one halt of lot 14 block 47 in Oak Orove ~ T_ 'Cemetery from 2(ary L. Townsend to Mra b4ozella P4111er was granted. _ ~~ --~ ~~ ~- aytion by member Lenhard+ AN ORDINANCE A.SSFSSINO TRF. ARUTTINA PROpFRTY ON AOTR ,~ 'ASIDES OF KFJ~ITUCKY AVENUE FRdK NINTH T0~ TFSiTH STREF•TS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAIi KY THE h[,~j`~~D:!/, SUIT OF ONF, ~OLI,AR AND SIXTY-FOUR CF.~ITS ($b.54)per front toots was given liret paaaape, ! ';upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremen Dudds, Duller, Ferley~ (3ooe1~ ', , r ~•man~ Rennin Barton' Jaooba, Lenhard~ Koore and Watts. (il) On 1~M1 `ion by the above' the rules were suspended on the above upon call of the it ~!ro1l by the following vote;-YsAS Foreman Rudder Butlers larley, Qoodman~ Rannin~ Rar- ~ton+ Jaoobs~ LenharA,,Moore and Wafts. (11) On ~ lion by the above the above Ordinance wen ~!iven teaond and tinalpaseaps by ;its titles upon Ball of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman, Dudde~-Butlery Farleyy Goodman, Hannin, Har*on' Jaooba~ Lenhard, PSoore' and Watt a. (11) ~ ~,~ ~~~, ~/' ~ ~ Lion by member Jacobey the City Solicitor wee inatructeA to bring iri an d~rd• ° ~~~ ~ sees 'overn the F1 ~ ing sgman at 3rd and Norton street. + ""--~- ----------'--On ~ lion the Aoard ad,ourned---------- . !:~,-r_ ~~~~r~~ca~ `~~s u ; J14 .~~~,o-v-~n I ~4'V Z 1914 . r, ~ _ ',~ vlb,Y t . 3:f1, ~ Beard of Connt~ilrrren. „ ., ~d /%/-~ ~d~-* ' ,; ~, • ; ,' _ ._~, E~ Vie.;: " ~ ~ f~: ~a~ i O~~ ~(,JP ~s /'/ Jp (~ 1' ~~r' . ~~ ~ ~. ~,a~_ , ~d r? . ~~ ~~~ ~;- ~~ ~' h ~:' ~. .. ~ At a regular msetirtg,of,the Aoard of Councilmen held. in the~Councii Ohamber~ in the City Aall~ in the City o! Peducah~ Ky.~ November 2nd 1914 upon call of the roll the • followin@ answered t.o their names;-Foreman Budds~ Hutlsr~ Farley aoodman~ itannin~ HartoA J acoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (12) , r , On motion the minutes of the previous maet?ng was adopted as read. ~~ (/L ;'. On motion by member Henning the Finance Committssca allowanoe for salaries pto.~ cT.l~~~-w 4e' ~ '. ~~ ~ was allowed and the clerk was authorised to draw a warrant on the Treasurer far the rsapeok • G~ +; ivs amounta~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Forename Audds~ Butlsr~ ~~ Farls Hannin Hart on Jacobs Lenhari ldoore and Wat*a. 11 Na Smith. 1 ~. On motion by the above Lhe Maygr arui Treasurer were outhorized to borrow'" ~~ i ~~,~ ;; $1,0400.00 to meet current sxpensea~ tQ be deducted from the December eolle6tiona of Taxes ~'~'~`~"~ . 'upon call of the roll by the ''ollowir-N vote;-Yeas Foraman~ Budder Hutler~ Farley Goodman' Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs .Lenhard~ Moore anti Wat*.s. (11) NayB fimith. (1J ~i ~ to motion by the above, Yancey 6eJohnaon were allowed 832.66 work dons for the ~~ ~ f . !' Cif•y of an Alley on Ky Avs between 9th & 10th atreeta~ to be paid otrt of the Contingusnt, ~d 1~'. ~~ y„~d9f. LL ~ huui~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audds~ Nut ler~ Farley R.Gt.. ~I i Ooodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhwrd~ Moors and Watts. (11) Naye Smith. (1) f o /I • On motion by the abovs~ G.W.Katt,srJohn was allowed ~39~.95 The School Beard I' "~1~~/" ~~ Estimate •for sidewalks etc. on South 6th at rest anti X665.03 City eltimate for Kolb Park c~ -' „ n ~~ to be paud onR of *•he Contini;uent l~nd~ upon call of the roil by the followirtK vote;-Yeae ~~/-~'-C~ Fore.^~ar-~ Budder liutler~ Farley OoodMan~ Hannin, Hartong Jacobs Lenhard~ Moore aixl Wa*ta.(~~). ~~4~ ~ ;Nays Sr-ith. (1) i y~~ ~ ~ ~ motion by the abov e~ G.W.Kattsr~ohn wBa allowed 8165.9'2 out of the Special j ~J „ i ~~Q 'Street Fund collections on property on South 6th street between Tennessee end Broid attests ~ 1 u o~ Dell of the roll b the follow ' ~- P y ing vote;-Yeas Foreman Hudc~e~ Hutler~ Farley (ioodman~ ~` ~ ~ Iiannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Hoors~arid Watts. (11) Naya Smith (1) On motion by the above G.W.Kattar~ohn was allowed out of the Special Strast ~~ .~ Fund 81504.25 from property owriera on Caldwell atreef, from 9th to 10th atreets~ for the a ` ~~a•/ a..~ conatraction of sidewalks et c.~upon call of the roll by the _*ollowing vote;-Yeas Foreawn~ Budds~ Hutler~ Farley ~-oodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jaoobs~ Lenha •d~ idoore,8mith and Watt e. (1$ ~~~~;''~- On motion by the above Lhe report of the 7Cnditor of the Apportionments for the ~~~• Year "1914 was received and filed. ' On motion by the above the Paducah Marlne Waya Company was given oredit for ~~~ . ~%'~r~ ~~. 8350.00 on ovsr~aaaeaament for the years 1911 and 1912 on their tasss for the year 1914 ' ~_,`Lv/1 upon call of the roll by the !ollowing vote;-Yeas Foreman Budds~ Bu*ler~ F~rley~ Goodman ' Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs Lenhard~ Hoore~ Smith and Watts. (12) ~~ On motion by the abovs~ the monthly report of the Treasurer and AucHtor~ was G~~~~~~---'~ received and filed. r. ~:- ~ i.~i ,:._ON"'MOTIL`~l'iB$ ItENB£E'7,EdZiAB1Y.~ AN ORDINANCE ASST SSIiJG THI: AHUTTING PR6~F.RTY O~NNRRS ~,c~-.-•b OH BOTR SIDFS OF SOUTH 4~h street !'ROII_THE.:30UTfI.LINE OF $ROAD STREET TO THE NORTH RND QF ./~~~(/~ ISFd,AND CRF.E]C CONCRFTR BRYDGF. AND FR ~U[ THE 30UTH END. OF BRIDGE TO THR N ~EtTH LINK OF FARLFY ~~/ PLACF. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY THE 3111( OF 81.64 PF.R FRONT FOOT' was given first '. l,.C sass e u n call of the roll b the follows ~,.•.1~~~ P 8 ~ Po y ng vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Butlers Farley ,•. ,~ ~~« • COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH 1`91 _ • ~Hattnins Hartons Jacobes~Lenhards Moores Smith anal Watts: (12) •4- ~ Lion ths'rules ware.suepandsd on the aboreg~upon.osll of the roll by the following rote;-Yeas Foramens Budde, Butler' Faylsyg Geodmans Henning Hartons Jaoobss i i LeNtards Moores Smith and Ws~-'~s. (12) , •~'~ 4- motion by the abor.es the aboveQ~rdinanos was siren its ssooral atxlfinal pusags it by its titi~s up6 n oali of the roll by.the following rote;-Yeas Poremans Aufldes Butler -. ~ ~ Forlsys•Qoodmans Hannins Hartons Jacobas.~enhards Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ~__.. i ' 0~ motion member 3r~ith was excuses. ales Member Hannin. ~S./~ U. i ~~~~, ~ On nation by.the abores.AN dRDINANCE A.SSF.SSYNG THE AyB~UTTING PRdQFRTY 6N BOTH ~a~~BIDF,3 OF CALDWFd,L STREET ,FROM yE'h ~0 12th STREET IN TftE CITY Okr PADUCAH KY TAE SUFI OF . '' 961.73396 per font foots concrete aids walks etc.s was given first psaaages upon tali • r ~ of the roli.by the following rote;-Yeas Foramens Budder Butlers Farleyg Ooodnang :_:.° ~ Hart on, Jacobas Lenhar~ls Moores :' .'.a and •Wa*+s. ,(10) Pli;m lion by the abores the rules wars auapended on the abores upon Dell of the ~I ~~ roll by the following rote;-Yeae Foramens Buddss Hutiers Farleyg Goodmans Hartong Jaoob .i' Lenhsrds Moore and Watts. (10) . ~ ~t spy,tion by the abores the above O'rdinanos was girsn its seq nd andfin-1 paaesgs ~ b >>its title u oa Dell of the roll b the follow ~ g P Y• ins rota;-Yeas Forsmans Huddes Butlers ~i Ferleys Ooodmang Hartong Jacobs Lenhards Moore end Watts. (10) ~~~ ~ ~~Z ~i 041 m Lion by the aborsg the eatimabea furnished by the City Engineer of the work •.. ~~ ~ ~ dons on 4th street between Aroed street and Iceland Creek Aridgs slog also 6th street ~'°F~~~`'"""/"'" ~~' Broad to Tennessee S reefer were recaired and flied. G~..~-s-~. t-T g _ {! ~ motion by the ebores AN ORDINANCE A.SS~SSING THE. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNF.R3 ON ~.,C~,..ti. e.c ~, ~ ~: BOTR'SYDFB OF nth Street, foam Broad to Tennessee streets except the fill portion thereof ~~~ O,~-.. in the City oP Paducahs Ky the sum of sa"1.57604 par front foot for oonci~eta aids walks ~,.~+~-~-`-~eto.g was given glrst passages upon call of the roll by the folianriYlg.rote;-Yeas Forr ;{ ~j mans Budder Autlers Farleyg Goodmans Hartons Jacobas Lenhards Moore and Watts. (10) ai Ut m t;ion the rules were suspended on the wborsg upon cell pf the roll by the ~ol3awitig rote;-Yeas Foremans Buddss Butlers Farleyg boodmans Hartons Jaeobo s Lsnhards `; Moore and Watts. (1A) i; 41 m Lion by the abores the shores ordinance waa girsn aeeond oral final passage {! , G by its titles upon pall of the roll by the .following •ots;-Yeas Foremans Buddss Bu*lsr {i Farlsyg Hartons Goodmans Jneobas Lenhards Moore and Watts. (10) -- i. ~~`''r"r"~"":~' li On fiotfon by the abors~ QN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OIRiERS ON ~-~ :; 11*-,~w'i 80TH SIDb~ OF lI0NR08 STREET FROM- 1?~h Eo 17th streets in the Cif,y of Paducah Ky. s the f.~`~~~~•:~'~'• i': amn of 9x`1..68614 per front foots for sidewalks e4,o.g was siren firm paasegeg upon tali j; of the roll by the following rote;-Ysaa Foremans Auddss Butlers Farleys Goodmens Harto~ f~~ Jaoobes Lenhards Moores and Watts. (10) ' ii ~, 0n mot~.Fxt- the rulaa were auapended on the shores upon call of the roll by fns roll by the following rote;-Ysaa Foremans Budder Butlers Farieys Goodsuns Hartong Jacob ' :j • '~' Lenharfls Moore and Watts. (10) ,' +;, ` ~i .Ifn aet~on by the shores the abors.ordinnnee was girsn its aeoond andfinsi passage '~ • by its titles open on~ll of the roil. by the following rots;-rias~Foreweny 8addj s Butlers F.;. ~y -~• .r` :~ laari 8oods-an ,Herf,~.'bn;.J~oo wLsuhardg Koore and l-atts. ~~.0)• ,. ,,, .. , ,~ ~r, . ~. i. ~~ ,. ~~ r. ~! ~;: ~- ~~ ~` ~.• ~.a.,,, u ~..J ~~:~ ~_ s ;~ ' 1. i .. s .,. _,., .. ,• . _... - ," .. .. .. ~ • COUNCIL PROCF.EDINGB,'Cl`I'Y OF PADUCAM_'~"~ r ~ ° ~' ~ ~ 191 •~~~ 1 ` '~' ;; (~i $-etion by the abore~ an satimwts. furnished, by the City• Fr-gineer of Ksntuoky ; t..~ • `~ ~~ ~Q~~. 7Aveyaie from 9th-to,.l0th atrset~ was recelTed and Liled.. .. •, ,.. 1 ~ .~ ;eotion by member Feslsy~ the monthly regorE,of Lhs Chief o~ Poliee~ was ~, ~14WW 4~~~ ~~~{ reoeired and filed. ~ ,I . ~--- !, do action by member Jaaobas.the Kquitabls•Surety Comgany o! St Lopis Mo wss i 6e11G~~f,~a~ z relsssed off of the following bonds J.R.Aales~e John Sinnott~a Saloon lioenssa. f ~'~~ Y; dr-•motion by member Farley the Transfer of a Saloon lioenee from Vinsysrd Aroe ...z~ ~,to R.Csllieai wan deferred unL11 the next meeting. • ~----'.-r--------r----------dn ~aetionths Board adjourned-----------------------------------~• f; II !', .,~ ~ ~ ~ APP "- -F', 1 ~~~ ~i :~~~~~F~r ~ d~~'~ . ~~ i 31-~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ _~!~ClV 1 G 19.14 ~~ ~ e ~ : ~ i ~y~a ,~ -, li ~~~ ~ President Board of ltorfrici.lm..n. I • .I 1ti ~vSAl.'.' ii . , i I~! ~ ~! ., f~• .... ~ . 1 I li i y ~... .~ i- Ij ' ,. ~ II j - .. .. . ~ , ~; • .. .. , _ .;, . , . i• i ~; . , j ~ , ~~ ~ ~ I 'r !, Is ! . .. • r . si - ~ ~ ` _ :. ~,~ . -• ~~ _ ~, ~ - ~ ~ ~I ~{ - ~. i!. ~ - ~ ~ ,_- ~ ,. . .. • , i; . , .. ~ , ~ ~, . i ~ ~ , i • ~ ~ ; ~, ?~ _ ,...z. ,. ~ ~ ... • ~~ ,~ .. ;'s • .... .• '3~? . COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,~CITY OF PADUCAH_ - ' ,I91._ • ':. ~'~~ At a regular meeEinp, oP the Hoard of Councilmen, held in.the Council Chamber, in •• ~ the City Halls in the•of Paducahs Ky.y Nmrember 16th 1914 upon call of the role the ~. ' ~~' followi ~~ r-G answered to•their namge;-Foreman, Hudde~ Butlers Farley 8oodman~ Honnin~ ~i Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Moore' Smith nrcd Wa+ta. (11) I~ jj On motion the minutes of the pPevioua meeting was adopted as reado -- ~ ~- ,- ii ~~-~^-~ w ~, On motion by member Hannin~ the Finance Conaittee's~allowance for salaries etc. ,~,P~-ur.~ «v;l , ,, was allowee~ and the Clerk was authorized to draw a rrarrent on the Treasurer for the I~ jj respective amount3~ upon call of the roll by the following vote;-iteea Foreaan~ Hudde~ al._. ~ ~ Bu$ler~ Farley doodman~ Hannin~ Jacobs LenYiard~ !•toore~ :, '.. and Watts. (10) Hay ~~ ' Smith (1) 1 ~ On motion by the above Yancey de Johnson was alloered $205.51 for colleetione on QirTi I ' sidewalks eto., on Kentucky Avenue between•9th & 10th streets ot:t of the Speoiel Strati 9 ..~ /o ~~;~ • j' .Fundy upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeae Foreman Hudde~ HuTler~ Parley boodmany Rennin' Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Floors' Smith and Watts. (11) -Z~~-_v.~_ !~ On motion by the above a statement from J.A. Miller Circuit Court Clerk ehow9.ng ~~m~-u~i ,udgement against City of Paducah in favor of Chea Whittemore County Jailer for Q Q .'%'~ ~ ~I ~A.5:35 with interest from October 2Hth 1914 ermotuiting to x9.35 total 9d54.5a Thie ~~ arose on account of the Police Court sending prisoners to the Covr-ty Jsil~ oharged only with breach•of ~rdine~ce~ ee~me was allowed upon call of the roll by the follow- i! ing vote;-Yeas Foreman Hudde~ Hutler~ Fariey~ t}oodman~ Hannin~ Jeaoba~ Lenhard~ Moors ~~ ~,/~ - ~~ - ~~ Smith and Watts. (11) `~"' - ~ f r' On motion by the abotle~ Yn.ncey !r Johnson was allowed $~71.7~ out of the Conting- ~~ ~.- ~ ~ j ~~ uestt Fiend for work done on South 4th street from Hroad street to Iceland Creek Aridge i~, alai from Iceland Creek Bridge to Farley Plece~ upon cell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremnny Budcte' Hutler~ Farley Ooodman9 Ranniny Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Moore ---- atxl Watt e. (10) Naya Smith. (1) ; y11~~,e~ic,;, On motion by the above ~ a.x.Katter,)ohn was allowed X645.33 for • aollectiona on ~~~tl ~~• property sidewalks etc. on South 6th street from Tennessee to Hroad etrpet out of ~- .i ~~" y,,_-f_„~.t.~ ' the Special St reel, Fluxt' upon sell of the roll bar the folloa~ing vote;-Yeas Foremany `!,•__ _ Huddey Autler~ Farley (ioodmen~ Hannin~ Jeeobc~ Lenhard~ btoore~ Smith and Watts. (11) On motion by the above Yeneey & Johnsen was allowed X4'73.04 out of the Special ®y~,~~~~ 'Street Ftutid~ for work done on South 4th street from Ieelana Creek Hridge from Hroad et to Farley Places with eonerete sidewalk ~ upon call o! the roll by the Poilor-ing votes -Yeas Foreaan~ Audc~s~ Hutler~ Farley poodman~ Rennin' Jaoobey Lenhard~ ltoore~ Smith f: _ and Watts. (11) .-P ~~.~/, : On motion by the above f+.W.Katter,;ohn was allowed •x^+1553.84 for the reeonetnict- ~~ :~ O~J~;,,~~,~ ion of the South 6th street Culverts upon Ball of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas /, (n , ' Foremany Hudde~ Hutler~ Farley l3oodman~ Rennin Rarton~ Jeooba~ Lenhard~ Moors Smith ~~• "'-"` '' and watt e. (12) ,~.~/(~t /'>~ On motion by the above the Hayor and Treasurer were authorized to borrow Five ~,~-L~:..~-••. •'; Thousand Doliare (~5~000.00) to meet current ezpenses~ upon Dell of•ths roll by the Oyi~-,°~ following vote;-Yeas Foremsn~ Dudde~ Butlers Parlays O'oodmatt~ Rannin~ Rarton~ Jacobs ': ~. ~,. Lenhard~ Moores StNth and Watts. (1Z) , •' ;; :., ... _, ~. .'r , E . ?. ,~~,~ •~ ~; JJJ~~~ ~~,~1'J1-l ; ~. j/ ; Nn ii J 2~. ~~ F~ ~ ~~ ~µ. ,a i (Xj f:"~ ';da ,/el, //., i~5~ 1~ i~ ~I1 . ~I ,, ~ j ~, , . ~,~ •I l!, v .` ,, .. •, .. , • ,.COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CIZY:OF PADUCAH ° `~: ~ : • '.. ,,, , • ~ .~ 191 • 383 ~ (uv ~ On notion by the abovs~ the report of the Auditor on the Apportionment of each +;.' 4 ' - Departments was reoeived anQ filed. ; ~ , ,. /1 On motion bq member Budder a report from (i.W.Kat~erJohn on work Bono on Harrison ~^'~~', street between8th & 12th streets and Madison between 11th de 12th streete~ originally done) }, ~~ is ;, ~~~'~~~~~ " D O'Hara !k Lake was referred to the Finano• Committee ' ,~ r• _.._-.-, !. On motion by member Farley the Transfer of a Saloon license from Vineyard Doos, v ~ ~~ ;, to R. Callieai~ notion wan deferred until the n~xu ~xootin;!, ~/Q ~ "~ '` On motion by member Smith That the Cit rant the am:,e riviied a to the Pod- '. ~, Wr•~''l uosh and Illinois Railroad Cempany on One Ninth of an Aore on one side and One Fifth , of ! . •• t ,~•ei•r~ ah Aore on other side of the Right-Of-lNay where same goes through the Jaekeon Hili Senitay' ~ • ~ i~ um ro art as was on inall ranted in the Ri ht-OP-W same was ranted in Concurs P P Y B y g ~. C ~+Yr B nK, -~ in the notion of the Street Commit+ee. ~ t ` z On motion by the above a recomendation to the General Counoil~ That the propoe- ~~~ (i • ~" ''I~~~•~~ I ition mnde by the I.C.Railroad in regard to placing their Danger signals at 11th street. '~[,~~~~H~!' i and Broe~lway and between Broeuiway anti Jefferson streets at Said i.C.Railroad orosair-g also ~~ ~/ it • ~ ~ . Ij 3 ~•~~ . ~ on Jefferson street between 10th k 11th streets placed at, the interseotionei as agreed~.if ,,~ .4 socepted by the General Councils oarried by the Street Committee Nov 10th 1~14~ Conoured-in , ~~ by Council November 16th 1>14. ~. ~" ~y,,,'~ ~.~~<,Y~ D-~~ On motion by member Hannin~ the Lo11ow1nR deeds ware granted to .lots in Ask • ~ ~c~i• Grove cemetery;-Nary Clark sncl Bob Williama~ 1[ra Faama Harty Mrs Lsura Gainea~ C.Harrall~Nra Ij " •~ ~ ~"`~~~ Heubschmari and A.Lawrence. { { fit. u.. u-• N• On motion by the Above a transfer of a lot was granted from W.P.{ivmmel Eo Mra ~ r ~fw,,,~-~.~ Edr-a Iioinea lot ~-30 blook A.A.in Oak Grove Cemetery. ' • ~4~ • ---- ~~ .J.~ ~ ' •.~~`~' On motion by member Lenhard~ the Street Department was instruoted to not do any' ~~ . `" ~~ more work on Lhe 3treets~ except to keep same Olean from rubbish eto.~ tmtil 1915. i, On motion by mecpber Sm1th~ the bill of G.W.Ketter~ohn for work done on Harriaon~ <~r~flGcs.~. ~~~~atreet from Sth to 12th streets and Madison street betweenlith tco 12th atreeta,for $2795.ae { ~~~~~~ ~~~" work formly done by O'Rera !k I,eke~ was reoonsidered~ upon Dell of the roll by the follow- in(! vote;-Yeao Foreman Budder llutler~ Fariey~ Goodman Han111n, Hartong Jeooba~ Lenhard~ ',. ~. r____, 3toore~ Smith a~ Watts. (12) j ~ On motion by the above the above bill amotmting to "ML'795.48 was allowed to 1;1X'-~~ .. ~ . I G.W.Katter~ohn~ for work done as above stated upon Dell of the roll by the following voto 7 Yeas Foreman Budder Dutler~ Farley, Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jooobs~ Lenhard~ Moores i Smith and Watts. (12) t . ~r ---- On motion the Board ecl ourrted- - - " ~ ~ e; I ~' 7 ~ ~ ~ .:.~:•~': ~.._, .DES 7_ J1'~ r~~:. :rte ~ I ~ = 1. ~ .r,• ~, 1 • • ..,.... i, u n 1(YvW~ .............. • • LaG ' %:~;~ ,Prtsidrnt ljoard nj Gureneiln,rn i ~-~ i ;~ j ~'~. •.j ~ ~ ~ ~ • +.. i ll I ff ` • 1! r .b. . ~~4 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; CI'I'~ OF PADUCAH ~. " .= ~ ~• 191_ ,, ~ ,~ ~ i At •a regular meeting of the Hoard of Covncilmen~ held in the Council Chamber' in f •' - the City Halls in the City of Peduoah, xy.; December 7th 1914 upon call of the roll th '4 °1 d ._. ' ~ Pollowin stews red to th es -F A i dd B tl F l R ~~ , g - ; e r nam oreman u e~ u ers ar ey ennin' Ooodmans ~ , .~ ~Jaoobs~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith anr~ Watts. (11) ~ ~ ~~.~ ~..,.:., ~..~. ~ On motion b member Rennin the Finance Committee's allowance for salaries eto.''-.'~ Y ~ ~. ~'` ~' ""~"" "" ( was allowed and Lhs Clerk was authorized do draw a warretit on the Treasurer for the ~ ` /~jj,. ~ ~respective amoun+a~ upon call of the roil by the following, vote;-Yeas Foieman~ Budder , ~ _ ,. -~•, I jButler~ Farley' Goodman' Hannin~ Jaoobe' f.eN~ard~ Moores And:WatEs. ~i0j.NayB,Smith. (~ ~ r~~ YYfuc.ul ~-_ On motion by the above the monthly report of the Treasurer and Auditory wBa ~'~`''~~`"~4"`• received arnl Piled. ~l~a/. ~-,i li On motion by~the aboye~ the Mayor and Treasurer rare authorized to borrow $4000.00 ~~ ;; to meet the current expeneea~ to be deducted from the colleotiona of the december half of the Taxea~ upon call~of the roil by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman' Budder Autler~ s ~~~ 1' iF rle G d H i J L F '` a y' oo man' __ _-_ ann n~ acobs enhard~ •lioore, srul Wa te. (10) Nays Smith. (1) ~ On motion by the above ~50.D0 was..allowod.e~ the usual allowance for RED Cross t s- CO ~ . • i ~• „~, . n~lx-.-,,. Stamps upon ogll of the roll by the following voye;-Yeas Foreman Budde,Hut~er~ Farley ~~' } J. _ ?i0oodmany Rennin' Jaeobs~ Lenhard~ and Watts. (9) Naya Moore and Smith. (2) c ~~ On motion by the above' a request from the Mayor in regard to eatabliahing a f l~ '~•~- £ ~;,looal Soup House' was referred to the Finance Committee and The Mayors with power to ~ . ~~~ aoE~ same carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeea Budde; ?'srley~ ~Hannin~ Jaaoba~ Lenharcl~ and Watts. (6) Naye Foreman eutler~ Goodman' Moare~ and Smit~is) //~~ On mo*Son by the above the McCracken County Real F.atate and Mortgage Co.~ was ~~~allowed~¢t.6Ht on property over aeseeaed~ upon Ball of the roll by the following gote;~ !' R (~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ Yeae Foreman Budcte~ Butlers Farley aoodmany Hannin~ Jaeobs~ Lenharcly Moore and Watta i1~ls • ~ ~ ' ~ ~ C/ ~ ~; iOn motion by the above the monthly report of the Building; Inapeator~ was reoeived abd ----- ''filed. is /~ ~ ~ V ~.u_ I~ On motion by the above Yancey !e Johnson wao allowed x(.47 for.sidewaika eto.~ ji '~ 'r° `~~ ~,~-;.,, ~~bo+h ends of the Iselond Creek Bridges upon Cali of the roll by the Following vote;- '.~ ~: ~ ~//Il !iYeaa Foremen' Budder Butlers Farley Goodman Hannin~ Jacobs, Lenhard' Idoore~ Smith /!~ ~ ~ " mac. x rt,~,r . 1 _ ~~ U ~, anct Watts . (11) ~~ (i~.~j~~.i'.-.Ci,~e. On motion by the nbove~ a petition from B.Ii.Wiaclom estate via Yonoey & Johaeon ~ ~~~<<.~~ ;was ra errs o he Fianance Committee. ( •C~ 'i ~~.~nt~.~vsi-.~ On motion by the above J.W.Lockwood was allowed X10.00 for raieinpj the Floor at ,~: ' . ~~~~ `~~~~;Mrs M Franks build cry inp, on Heyera street betweea Yseland Creek Bridge atrl Farle~- ~`"'~~u _ l '' 0n motion by the abrnre~ o bill from *he Rureka Coal Co.~ was allowed for $26.60 ~ry~,/ !! ~~tor oonl~ upon call of. the roll by the Yo1loRing vote;-Yeas Foremany Auddey Butler ________•___ ';~Farleyy Goodman Hatutin~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (11) ~;~ "~'~`.4~~7~,I~~/j'f";' On motion by the above' O.W.Katter~ohn was allowed $61771.21 colleotiona on work b i. ~ ;,done on 6th street Tennessee to Hoord atreeta~ to be chaffed to the Special Street A1md~ (upon Deli of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foremaa~ Budder Butlers Fsrley~ pl ~,doodman~ Hannin~ Jaoobe~ Lenhord~ Moores Smith end Natta. (11) t ~.~~/. ~(+~,~'~''fi2•"± On motion by the abovs~ o ~i8tition lros J.H.Skipworth for ?5.00 was referred to N. ~:~; '~. a:~'. LY.d•' _.. __.. _. 3 - CO~JNClL PROCEEDINGS; E~TY_ O~ •pADUCAH `' ;;, , •, ,.~ ° i ~ 1 '_ ; 385 • - 'the Finance Committee. .~ . q,~_ On motion by the above' Yancey & Johnson waa allc~-ed ~i2J.31 ibr ooileotiona on ' ~, ,.r/ ~sidewslks ete.~ on Kentucky Avenue bAtween 9th 8e 10th street to be paid out of the Special ~~ ~~•2~i~,t~, ;Street Fundy upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Butler iFarleyy boodman~ Hannin~ Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Moora~ Smith a[u} Watts. (11) ~~ ~~ ' On motion by the above h•potiLloa by Itra H4rdisori,}OP X9.00 for over assessment s-. ~ :, ~on poll taxi for Six..: yeara~ wen referred to the Finance Gommittee. i . i; ~ , ~~ ~,„~ ~ ~ On motion by t.}.e above the report of the Auditor on the Apportionments for 1914; ~~ts~'" r- Pwae received and filed. . ~L-t l~l~al~, j ~, ~If I, {~ On mo*.ion by member Smithy that the abov e~ be amended ~ and trie Auditor be in- ~ { ' G~-~~°'^• i~atructed to oorrect the account of the Street Culvert anti that each amount expended on ~ ~ 4 ~_ -;other Street work be charged to its proper accotuzt. ~~~~~ On motion by member Iiatullns the bill of County Jailer Whittemore and Ex~Tailer t 1. '~.ae-c~-; Houser was referred .to the Finance Committee. l ~-?~• ' ~ On motion by member Hannin~ the matter of raisinE; t)}a .License for'tha_year 1915 ~ ~ ~,~" ;.by chanpinG the License Orriinance~ was referred to the License Committes~ City Solicitor I ~" i ';atW incoming Commissioners. ~ ~~~~~~-~'` ~ On motion by member Budder the acceptance of the Board of Public Works of the gradlnG and Grav elinG of Sowell street from the Fill to Th~lrman street; Thurman. Prom Saw- ~~~,~ ,ell to Poarell street; Aahcraft from Sowell to Powell street ant} Eulah street Prom Thurman i _ !to I.C.R.R.propertyline~ same was received exui filed and concured-in. I~~ ~~~'~ "~" - ~/ i On mot ion by member llarley~ the report of the Chief of Police' was recaiv ed and ~• ~' ~ t ~f~` c c~ ~ filed. ~ i e _ i.' ~~ ~'~ ~~~• On motion•by member Jacobs s transfer of a Saloon license from R.Calliasi to j (/%~,~J~L~ ~^~' O.L.Bryant~ was ordered to take its usual co~irae. j 'i (- u,~,,,, On motion by meriber Butlers a petition from the Paducah.liarine Ways Company for a i ~s~"n~ ~ '' over aaseasment~ was referred to the City Solicitors Auditor and Treasurer. ~~~~~~'"~ ~ On motlon by member xannin~ the following deeds were Granted to lots in OaJt ;~ '. y r i,.-ter/;. ~ , • l ;~l/,~ ~Y~.t.2c~c. ,drove Gemetery;-T.O.Thomas and Wifelot X51 block 1 and Nrs Carrie C~utiningham lots 49-b4 ! • ~~ 'block 1 in Oak drove Cemetery. I ~' ~' -On 1ho'ion the Board ac}~ournad--- ---- i ~' ~., I', r w~ ~~~ ~~~; ,• '~ _g~r-~,~vFD DEC ?1 1~i4 . I Cztp•C~F;•r; /'L'murrihnon.. ~ r`: i,, '' ' 7, ~ ~ , i i ii . - , ~ ~. i ' ( ~• r ' ~ t ~ .. f. } ~I ~. j _ ij i _ t r~~•~ ' _ ~ ~ r ~ .. ~ r ' i ., ' :~Hfi CO~JNCIL PROCEEDINQ>~; CI'~l t7Fi'AflUCAH ~ ~ ' ~ ~ 191 _ ~ At s r lar meeE1 egu nti of the Board of Couneilmen~ held in the Council Chambers in , ,. ,. :the City Ha11~ in the City of Pnduoah~ Kg~.Dece~mber 21st 1g14~ upon Dell of the roll 1 "'! the following answered to their names;-Foremen Audde~ Butlers Farley, (3oodman~ Hnti ' ' ~• nine Hartong Jaooba' Lenhard~ 1Roore~ Smith nttd Watts. (12) ~~ fln motion the minutes of. the y. ~~ previous meeting was adopted as read,. ~~J~t.>~.~ ~~. On motion by member Hannin~ the FS.nance Committ,ee'a allowance Por salaries s*o.~ ~IGle~LOiG~GG-~, was allowed and the olerk was authorized to draw a warrant. on the Treasurer for the re• '~~ apeotiva amotmts' upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote;-Yeas Foramens Budder ~i Butlers Ferley~ (soodmnn~ Hannin~ Horton, Jaooba~ Lenhard~ Noore~ and'.Matta«„(112.N(tiy9; ___..- ~! Smith. (1) ( ..~~~~r.-/ ~!y-r--- f On motion by the above the Finance Committees Auditor arul Treasurers inatruoted / t to make out an itemized report of the Finanoea for the year 1914 aame to bs publie- ~Gf. /L ~6Y, ~i had in the Otfiolal Newspaper before January 1915. • f~~~~(~ f+n-c On motion b~- the above tht Old Telephone ass ordered remrn~ed from the Chief of r'/"/~/~~f ~~~Polioe'e Otfice~ ae SL is there in violaxion of a resolution passed by Bohh Boards. ~~- ~~ !! . On motion by the shoves J.}4.Brsrtshaw was allowed $188.73 for grading and gravel- /,y ing the Following Street e' $owell~ Powe1T~ Aahorafx' Thurman etc.y to be paid out of ~.-c !. ~.~ .ll ; ~~~,~~s~~«;the eontinguent Fundy upon Ball of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman BudAe ` ~ ~~ ~ ;i Butler Farle bondman Hannan Jacobs Lenha~kd }Soots ant} Watts. 10 N ~ Ys • s ~ s ~ ( ) ay8 Hr rt on ~'' end Smith. {2) - ~~ .`~. /J On motion by the above' a petition from the Paducah liarine Railway Company !or • /~ _ j!, refund on Over Asaesament~ was referred to the Finance Committee. ~'~~~~lBt.e' ~ On motion by fhe abwe~ a petition from }Rica Willie Temple for over asaessaent~ _ 1~~ OOH ~ ~-~aa referred t,o the City Treas~rer~ Au~}itor and Solioitor. c.s~ ~=~ ~~ ~~ ! On motion by member Lenhard~ the acceptance of the work done. on Sowell Aehcraft ~• s" ~~ Thurman etc. ~ was received and ooncured-in. ' --~2~-,+-s-yt.~r On mo4,ion by the abave~ AN ORDINANCF. A SF~SINtt TIiF. ABUTTING: PROPRRTY ON BOTH ~! e I BIDES OF SOW~,d. STRRRT FRObG FILL TO THURN[AN ST TRURltAN ST FRS}( SOWf•3,L TO POWi•~,L FTC.' r~/lh~""""' THE SIiM OF 65- cent per FRONT FOOT FOR T}II: PORTYON OF SAID STRRFT 20FF.RT IN WIDTH $0 Dame per front foot for the portion of said, street 32 FFd~T WIDEN for grading and ji ' `" °~ graveiingy was given first paesape~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas 4. Foreman RudAe~ Butlar~ Fatless Ooodman~ Hannin~ Hartong Jaooba~ Lanharcl~ Moores 4mith ` ! ~~. 8 !' On motion by the above the rules were ausp.~nded~ on the above' upon call of the . fl ~ . j! roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foramens I~udde' Butier~ Farley OoodmAny HaneUay Harts .. r +~ Jaooboe Lenharrt~ Moores Smith era} Warta. (12) On motion by the above the above was Liven its second and final paasage~ by its ', !' titled upon call of fhe roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman BneAsy Butlers Far- . ' ley Ooodman~ Hannin~ tiarton~ Jaoobe~ Lenhard~ }Ioore~ Smith aru} Warta. (12) C~ ~~/~ A On motion by member Jacobe~ a transfer of a Saloon license frAm R.Callieai to ,~~. ,4 ot. A', r~ ~ O.L.Aryant at 434 florins street, was granted and the Equitable Surety~Company of St a.' , "~~' ~, Louie 1[0. ~ _wae aooepted as his bondamen~ upon call of the roll by til~a following vots;• ~, yeas Forsman~ Budds~ Butlers Farleyi 6oodmsn~ Hannan' Hsrton~ Jaooba~ Lenharey~ Koorei k , . !~ • .. %~ 8mith and , pits. (12j .. f f's,! ._ .~ ~ ;a ~ { ~ ,.. ~~ ~- , t, ~ (,I , i/ .I ': 1 1 1 i ~. ~. .:5;. ~ .. '~• -: ,. , COti7~VC1L Pl~OCEEDING~ CITY OF Pp-DUCAH_~ `-~ ~~ -`' ~~ ° ~,~ . ` ~s7 ~ ~ ' -.-~~--:.._:_ "191=~. ____ .~~Y,[,,r On mo*ion by the abova~ a transfer was granted of,a Saloon,lioenee from G.W. ;' + { ~,,~ Q,~~ ~ Edwards estate to Frank Pinkard st 117 South 3rd ptraet~ Pinkard offered as his bondsmen.; ~, ~~- l~ ~ . the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Md ~ same was granted and the bond aoeepted~.upon. ~""~ owll of the roll by the following vo*.e;-Yeas Foreman Budd~•., Hutler~ Fariey~ 6oodman~ ji Rsnnia~ Aarton, Jaaoba, Lenhard~ Moores Smith and Warta. (12j i ~~ ,' ~~ a4~ ~,~~~;~~~ On motion~by member Harr,on, the report of the Pafluoah Water Company on the ~ ' ;, laying qt water main ~ri Lizsie street from Benton Road 725 feet and pisoin~s two firepiuga • ~ I. ~.~ l!w~~as reosiaed and filed. ~~~y~~,tP'/b~• . On motion by the above a bill of the Paducah Water Company !nr rent on Fire P1uRS s . 1 amounting to w`331.5.1e was referred to the Auditor. ~• ,/•fff ~~/~•~-lwvn On motion by member Hnnnin~ a deed was granted to Mrs Elia Raker to iot 32 blocl~ j. 1 in the New Addition in Oak Grove Cemetery. ~ ~ ~~~j~,L.-~..f ~^•~ r; On motion by member Lenhard ~ AN ORDINANCR REQUIRING THR RFd~IOVAL OF 8WOW FROM `f ~ "~~' ~- ~ BRICK AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS WITHIN TP/RNTY FOUR HOURS IN THR CITY OF PADUCAH KRNTUCKYs ' ( `~~• I . y< ,~ was given first passal;e~ upon cull oP tho roil by the Following vote;-Yeas Foreman Bixidey ~, Hutler~ Farley Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jacobs, Lenharcl~ Moores Smith and Watt,a.(12). ' •!~ On motion by the above the rules were suspended on Lhe aboye~ upon pall o! the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Audde~ Hbtier~ Fsrtey~ Goodmar-~ Hannin~ Hartong i~ Jaoobs~ Lenhard~ ldooret Smith anD Watts. (12) • ~- On motion by the abov e~ the above Ordinance was given its second nndfinal pass- ,f ~; ege~ by its tltle~ upon call o! the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreaan~ Audde~ Nut-! I I ~, ler~ Farley' Goodman, Hannin~ Hartong Jacoba~ Lenhnrd~ Moores Smith and t7atta. (12j ~ B ~' ~ ~/s cU~ ~'!L~t~/o~ On notion by member Hannin~ a oomunioation ?rom City Solicitor A.Y.Matin in regard the City together with the Paducah Traotion Company being indited for permitting j holea~ Old Tisa wnd Cess Pools to remain thereon for unreasonable timeon Hridg• atraet~ ` II .____-- `was referred to the Finanoe Committee. • ' j ~~`y On motion by member 3mith~ a photo of the last General Council be made at the (~,t ,~ /~ _ ~,. ~d.~~Cv~Ga~,~ ezpenae of the City to inolufts all Offioisls. ; . • 0! ! ; • ,? ---------------------On motion the Roard ad~ourded.~--°----~-----°------------------- i ~ ~ I i' .......... e'~ ta~v ~~n ' " ~'"~'~ - E?r,rr,.rn~ .l v rcl J' f,4~r ,nilmew. ! ~ ...Gy~tp r'lsrl. (' ~ i ~ 1 I ; , ~ ,~ ~ .~ ;: ~' ~. . :, ~ ~ .• ~ . ~ ~ e. ~ ~ ,Q ,. ~• ~; 1; t; ~ - ;`~" ., • ;. • `. i; t 1 )(l~ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH _ 19 ~ __ y'e,'. `.~ At a onll meeting of the Board of Councilmen held in the Council Chambers in the ,~ Ci•y Hall, in'the C14y of Poducah~ Ky.~ December 31st 1914 upon oBll of the roll the ' ~ following answered to their names; Fbreman, Budder Butlers Fariey~ Goodmany Hanniny i "~ War*•on, dacoba~ Lenhard~ Moore, Smith and Watts. (12) . On motion the riinubea of the,preyioue meeting was adopted ae redA. ~,~rw,....~.,.,Q On motion by member Hannin~ the Finance Comffittee~e sllowance for salaries etc.y ~f'""""`" •'; was allowed and the Clerk wee authoriped to ~dravl a warrant on the Treasurer for the jj respeotive amounte~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budde. Hutler~ Farley Goodman' Hannin~ Hatton' Jacoba~ Lenhard~ Dtoore and Watts. (11) Hays Smith. (1) i..c..< q~' j' On motion by the sbovey a Judgement against the City in the odes o! Yanoey and ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~-^•• j, Johnson Via B.H.Wiedom for $82.99 upon ogil of the roll by the following •ote;-Yeas ~. s/, ~....~Lr.~v i! li Foremen, Budder Autler~ Farley Goodman Hannin~ Hartong Jacohe~ Lenhard~ Moors Smith ,~ and Watt e. (12) • ~:~~~ ~ °"~•-y On motion by the abova~ a aomunication from J.H.Bardieon for or air aeaeaement u ~• ~ on Poll Tax' for $9.00 was raceiv ed and Puled. ~, ~~~~~"~'~"~! On motion by the abova~ J.M.Bradehan- was allowed SE581.50 out of the Special Stret Fundy ~ii~sed l03~ i-brk.done oa_So~rell~ Aehoreft Thurrae~n eto~.upon Dell of the roll ~ by the following vo+.e;-Yeas Foreman,'Budde~ Butlar~ Farley Goodman' Haruiin~ Hartong r. J~ooba. Letthard~ Moores Smith and Watts. (12) ~'~' '`'"'~^-~'• On motion by the above a oompromiee was acoepted Paducah Traotion Company and `the City of Poducah~ for $'52.50 to be pelt to the Common Wealthy Attorneys upon Deli i. • ;; of the roll by the following vote;-Yeas Foreman Budder Autler~ Farley Goodman Hannit~ ,~ '~ Hatton, Jacobs, Lenhnrd~ P3oorey Smith and Watts. (12) ('p~,~~~~, ~ ~I On motion Dy the above' a oompromiee beEween Yancey & Johneon~ Ed Wood and J.H. r' N ~`~`~ i Switzery for ~'l.50 enure wae• allowed. ~k«.......0 ~~ On motion by the above a bill from the Juvinal Court was received and filed. (~~~ ?11wn:,ce. ~~ On motion by the abolsa~ e' eomunication from the Paducah Marine Ways Co was laid. ~; ~; on the Table. ~,•,/ G~ ,~ 7 ij Dn motion by member Fe~rley~ the report o! the Chief of Police was received and " -" ~~ f clad. ., .,~~1..,©,., :. v f--- - . ~~ ~~~~. On motion by the abave~ the report of Ehe Auilding Inapeetor was received acid filed. ~:~ z • ,.J, t r ~ . I T•._ c _. f i s ' i r ii ~ %j { A ~. i i { ~I LL~ i ,t j S e• t 1 g • i`` ~f . ~. a ~. } ~~_. 6 jj On motion by the abova~ a petition from Steve F.tter for over aaeesargnt~ was Ej. received ahd filed. ~' On motion by the above a petition from JohnJ4(erzog in regard to Sowell street ii wee received and filed. r G~~w`.~1:.,,/li.., ': on motion byt member Jaoobe~ a transfer of a Saloon lioenee from, Chas Danker to George 8snker at 901 Washington Streets was granted and the Equitable Surety Company of ;: °'"'"1' ~' ST Dome Mo wsa accepted as his bondsmen, upon call of the roll by the foil a+ing vote "~! Yeas Foremnn~ Huur~e, Autier,FHa21yy,G9alman~ He-nnip~ Hartong Jaoobs~ Lenhard ltoorsy i' Smith and Watts. (12) Oh motioh by member Watts the'reporE d! the E1soWrioal Inspector was reoeived aW 'i ~. '. ~ ~ ».~, 38~ ~I 1 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ;sna riled. t , ~~ ~ ~ fr,D On motion by the above Mhe Fidsiity de Deposit Compsty- of M.D.was re3eseed off i v!~ of the Bond of S.i.Tiok Fire & Polioe C~roaissioner. ~ ~~ jI On motion by member Henning a deed wee granted to aso Harvey & Bin6letoa to s • d int in Aek [irevs na~nekarv_ f 4 i ~• •' . 1,. , it ~ ~ ~~ r. •, ~. I I L •.~ .~ f ROOF_..--------•- .. .. .. ... .... . ~ =MITN-----•------ - -•- •- -- - - ~ . >. s:' r -- ....__..~__-__.__.___._~_~_ ~ .: '~~~ ,COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, CITY OF PADUCAH ~ ~ I Q I i • ,.. ~~ ,. a, 1 ~+ .. . jl,+ c ~~ ~ ~~ . !I +' ~(~ .. ~ , t ~1 J' } ~, b ~. P 1• ' ~ b n t.