HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/71Proceedings of Board of.Commissioners City of Paducah Ernest Mitchell appointed Rec. Tourist & Con- tr.ention Com. Reappoint membe s Advisory Commit ee on Aging Approve appoint, ments to Advisoj Committee Aging No. 15 7 January- 15; 197 At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4:30 P.M. on January 15, 1971, Mayor Cherry presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Mayor Cherry offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that the executed copies of the Notice of Called Meeting to be held at 4:30 P.M. on January 15, 1971, be received and filed. Ad -opted on call -of -.the Roll-, Yeas,- Commissioners Fisher, Ha vey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry: (5.) ..:_ . -. Mayor Cherry made the following. appointment: Whereas :An .October 2-7, 1970, R. H. Overstreet was appointed -to a: four- (4) year -term, beginning November" 1, 1970, on the Paducah. -McCracken County Recreational. Tourist and Convention Commission, and WHEREAS said R. H.- Overstreet is -,now d_ecea-sed a-nd: his. -position As. vacant. NOW THEREFORE_,;, I = a-s:.Ma.yor, jointly with the Judge; of,: McCracken. County.-I"hereby appoint .Ernest Mit=chell to.. serve the unexpired: term of R. H.. Overstreet, so- that the Commission will now consistof the fo lowing` members to serve the- following prescribed terms: - Name P. J. Grumley Elnora Dowdy Marilyn Keesee Douglas Rose Coy Stacey Ernest Mitchell Ernie Long Term Effective Date 1 year November 1, 1970 1 year November 1, 1970 Y year - No'vember 1, 1970 3 years November 1, 1970 3 yea r s- -November 1, 1970 4 years November 1, 1970 4 -years November 1, 1970 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners -Fisher, Harvey'; Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5)-.. Mayor Cherry made' 'the following appointments: Subject to -the .approva l of 'the Board of Commissioners, I hereby r"eappoirrit Rev. Robert A.- Hil.1, Dr. E. W. Whiteside, Mrs. Josephine Kelly-, ' Mrs. --L. 'G. -Ma`rherry, Mrs Eugene Butler -and Russell- Mills as members -of -the Advisory Committee on Agi.n:g f -or terms -expiring--December- 1, 19T2,.. so that said- Board shall be composed of -the -following members -:-- Mrs. 'Perce Clement whose 'term 'exp'ires. -December 1,. 1971 = - Carl Marquess whose term expires December 1, 1971 Byron R.. McGill wYso°se term expires Dece_mber�-I, 1971 - Mrs. Dorothy Toy whose term expires December 1, 1971 H. W. Sledd whose term expires, -Recember_,.1, 1971 Rev. Luther Williams whose term expires December 1, 1971 Rev. Robert A. Hill whose -term, exp -ices -December,:-I,, 1_97 2 - Dr. E. W. Whiteside whose term expires December 1, 1972 Mrs. Josephine Kelly whose term expres''December 1, 1972 = _. Mrs. L. G. Marberry whose term expires December 1, 1972 Mrs. -Eugene Butler:whose term,expires:December 1, 19.72_ Russell Mills whose term expires December 1, 1972 Hornsby offered motion seconded b Commissioner Puryear, that the CommissionerH y Y action of Mayor Robert C. Cherry reappointing Rev. Robert A. Hill, Dr. E. W. Whiteside, Mrs. Josephone Kelly, Mrs. L.G.Marberry, Mrs. Eugene Butler and Russell Mills as member of the Advisory Committee on Aging, be approved, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). No. 158 Board of Commissioners January 15, 1971 Proceedings of City of Paducah _ Reappoint Chas A. Wahl Water Com. Approve Chas. A. Wall Watex 'Commission 'Walter H.King reappointed ' Civil Service Commission Approve Walter H Ki Civil Servi Commission Lease proper 9th & Harris File Lease Certification Assessment tc Bd. of Ed. &' Dept of Rev. Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: It appearing that the term of office of Charles A. Wahl as a member of the Commis ioners of Water Works expired on January 6, 1971, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, I hereby reappoint Charles A. Wahl as a member of said Commission for a further term of three years, so that said Commission shall be composed of the followi members: Robert C. Morrow whose term expires January 6, 1972 W. W. Dyer, Sr.. whose term expires January 12,- 1972 Dr. T. G. Kerley whose term expires January 6, 1973 Charles A. Wahl whose term expires` January 6, 1974. Lee Livingston for an indefinite term Mayor Robert C. Cherry ex -officio member Commissioner Fisher offered motion, " .seconded- by. Commissioner -Harvey,,, ,.tha-t the :Boar of Commissioners approve .the action :of` Mayor Robe.-rt,--C..,.Cherry--reappointing Charles A.. Wahl as a member of the Coinmiss ioners- of Water Works.. Ad -opted_ , on ca 11 of_ the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5).. Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: _: Th, e:. term: of -office of Walter- H:, as' a member of the Civil Service Commission :expires: on December .9,- 1.97Q,and; I.. hereby; subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, reappoint the said Walter H.._:Ki for a further term of three (3) years,, so that said Commission will be composed of the following members: Ed Cain whose term expires December 9,,.1971 Kelly Crayne whose term expires December 9, 1972 Walter H. King whose term expires December 9, 1973 Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by,Commissioner Fisher., that the action of Mayor Robert C. Cherry reappointing Walter H. King as a member of the Civil Service Commission, be appy-ove-d. Adopted -:on call of the RoLi,'.Yea.s,..Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear -and.-Mayor :Cherry (5);. Commissioner Fisher offered" motion,s-econded �;by-Commi_:ssioner_..Harvey,..t.-hat an.; executed copy of the Lease dated December. 19;, 1-970, ;betw,een Mrs.- Mildred `.Terrell Werner and Mrs. Marguerite Terrell Langstaf-f, and husband,- Dr. -Samuel'.Husband-s Langstaff;: and the City of Paducah, Kentucky,. leasing property at _th-e southwest :corner_ of .9th and Harrison Streets, be received "and •filed :. ::Adopted on call ..of --the R:oll,, Yeas,., Commission Fisher, Harvey, Puryear, Hornsby and Mayor Cherry (5'). Commissioner Harvey offered -motion, seconded -=by _Commiss;ioner Fisher, .that the copies of letters dated- January _13,- 1971-, from the.-.-.Cit-,y- Clerk .to Dr. David Whitehead, Superintendent of the Board of .fd-ucation and to Mr .._ _Ed Ballard -of the Department of Revenue, together with a copy of the certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation in the year 1971, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Brs Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cify of Paducah Willie Hester, transferred to Refuse Div. Liability Ins. Ed Downs & Son File contract Florence & Hutcheson, Inc Swimming Pool Liability Ins. Mid -South Con: Company Liability Ins.l Loren Jones Excavating Co Report of Boaz Equalization V year 1971 - 5 January 15, 1971 - Commissioner'Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fisher, as follows: Willie Hester having requested that'hebe transferred from Janitor in the Maintenance Department'to laborer "in, the Refuse Department, I move that:he:,be: transferred. -to, the Refuse Department, at a salary of $2.2-5, pier hour; e.ff,ective January 18, 1971._ Adopted on call of the Roll,•Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor berry (5) Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the Certificate of Insurance issued by The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Ed Downs & Son, Inc. and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for period of one year from January 1, 1971, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the executed copy of the engineering::contract between the City. of ,Pad-ucah:.-a.nd _,Florence & Hutcheson, Inc. for services --to. be ,performed in .connection- with. the swimming pool and bathhouse at Noble Park, be received and filed.; Adopted- on -ca;ll of. -the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, H-ornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Commissioner.Puryear .offered..motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the • Certificate of Insurance issued by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to the City of Paducah, covering work done by Mid South Construction Company for a period of one year from January 1, 1971, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of th, Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the Certificate of Insurance issued by Th&';.Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Loren Jones Excavating Company and theCityof Paducah, Kentucky, for a period of one year from January 1, 1971, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the report of the Board of Equalization for the year 1971, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). "STATEMENT OF REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT FOR 1971 City Taxes for the City of Paducah, Kentucky REAL ESTATE (Full Rate) 1970 Final Assessment by Board $131,711,820 '1970 -:-Omitted Bills`- _ ' r,., 7, 2.7:0: 1970 Rora l Real Estate $1311719,090 1971 Gkoss Increase by Assessor & Board: $15,478,910 1971 Gross Decrease by Assessor & Board 9,443,110 1971 Net Increase $ 6,035,800 197.1 Total Real Estate $137,754,890 No. 160 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah January .15, 1971 II PERSONAL PROPERTY (Full Rate) Sall grave Rushing Add Lillie Mae Maxwell Accept bid I Paducah Ldry� & cleaners uniforms Refuse Div. Transfer fun to Police & Firemen's Retirement F . 1970 Final Assessment by Board $40,038,880 1970 Omitted Bills 109,5..00., 1970 -Total Personal Property $.40,1.48,380_.. 1971 Gross Increase by Assessor & Bo-wrd 12,458,650-_ 1971 Gross Decrease by Assessor & Board 9,987,760 1971 Net Increase $ 2,470,890 1971 Total Personal Property GROSS TOTALS 1971 Real Estate & Personal Property (Full Rate) 1971 Bank Shares, 1970 (Estimate 1971) 1971 Agricultural Products, 1970 (Estimate 1971) 1971 Special Rate - City Only (Real- Estate & Personal) 4,59,970 = 1.,-940,830 1971 Special Rate - School Only` (Real" Estate :& Personal) $ 42,619,270 ':.. _:-.,. ) 180,374,160 7,026-,300 809,330 6,460,800 550 1971 Special Rate (No City General Fund-) (Rea1 _Estate.. & : Persona_1 :_ _ _ 447 4 x,80., 1971 Polls (School only')6413-(E-stimate)- @,;$2.00: -Board .of,,Equalization /S/. .Charles Dorza>n: Chairman Charles Crain Sheri€f.. . U : S . ,Evans Clerk" Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of Paducah to Lillie Mae Maxwell of the northeast corner of Lot No. 326 in Block No. 6 of the Rushing Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Commissioner Fisher offered motion that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF PADUCAH LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS, INC. FOR FURNISHING THE CITY OF PADUCAH WITH UNIFORMS FOR THE REFUSE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SUCH UNIFORMS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Mayor Cherry offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF $51,002.6:3 FROM'-THE"GEI FUND TO THE POLICE AND" FIREMEN'S RETIREMENT FUND", be introduced -and remain-; on' file: for at least one (1) week for public- inspection in the completed form_ in -,which it-: Proceedings of. Board'' of Commissioners City of Paducah Ja:nua.ry _15,:..1971 shall be put upon its final passage ., Adopted on call of the Roll , Yeas, Commissioners . Fisher., Harvey-, . Hornsby_,.. Puryear. and_ Mayor_ Cherry,. --(5-),.!. On motion the meeting. adjourned.. - ADOPTED4 1971. APPROVED 161