HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/70No. 9 Board of=- Comm=ssoners.- February `10; 1970 Proceedings of. City .of Paducah At a-Regular-Meeting�-of the Board of Commissioners held in. the Commission Chamber in'-the.City:Hall,, Paducah,-Kentueky,.at 7:30,P'.M, on February 10,. 1970; Mayor Cherry:presidedsand'upon call of th.e;.Roll_the following -;answered to their names:.- Commissioners'Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby; Puryear,and,Mayor Cheery ..(5). `Mayor Cherry offered motion, sec onded�by Commissioner Harvey; that:the reading of.the Minutes.for January 27, 1970 be waived'and that the Minutes.of`said:,,meeting prepared by the'City Clerk be: -approved as written. Adopted on-call of,the Roll., Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey;. Hornsby, Puryear.and Mayor Cherry (5). Reappoint Dr. T.G. V, Mayor Cherry made -the following:appointment:e- It -appearing that the term of Kerley Water Works Commission office of Dr. T. G. Kerley as a member of the Commissioners.of Water•Works:expired on January -6, 1970;subject`to the approval -:of -the -,Board of Commissioners,.I.hereby reappoint Dr. T;, .Gw;Kerley as a member- of said Commission for a further term of three (3) years, -so that­csaid,!Commission as now constituted shall -be --composed -of rthe followi members: Charles A. Walh whose term expires January 6, 1971;::,. Robert C. Morrow whose term expires January 6, 1972 W. W. Dyer-, -Sr. Whose term: expises.January 12, 1972 Dr. T. G. Kerley whose term expires January 6, 1973 -Lee Livingston.-for-an,indefinite term Mayor Robert C. Cherry ex -officio member Approve Dr. T.G.KerlE y Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fisher, that the Water Works Com. Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Robert C. Cherry reappointing Dr. T.G.Kerley as a member of the Commissioners of Water Works. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Glenn Schrader Gol�-Commission Approve Glenn Schrader Paducah Golf Commission R.H. Overstreet Resignation as City Manager Mayor Cherry made the following appointment: A vacancy having been created on the Paducah Golf Commission by reason of the death of Ernest Hannin, I hereby, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, appoint Glenn Schrader as a member of said Commission to fill the unexpired term of the said Ernest Hannin. Said Commission as now established shall be as follows: Keith Bryant whose term expires March 26, 1970 Glenn Schrader whose term expires March 26, 1970 William M. Carson whose term expires March 26, 1971 Harry Bolser whose term expires March,26, 1972 Harry B. Ford whose term expires March 26, 1973 Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by commissioner Fisher, that the action of Mayor Robert C. Cherry appointing Glenn Schrader as a member of the Paducah Golf Commission, be approved. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Fisher offered motion that the resignation of Mr. R. H. Overstreet _ - - - as City Manager, effective April 30, 1970, be received, accepted. and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Fisher, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). No. 10 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah February 10, 1970 File to legrarr Senator Cook AND Senator Coope approval NDP Liability Ins jMorsey, Inc. File contra 'Addressogra Mult. Corp. J.D.Pace transferred Refuse Div. Telegram Con- gressman Frar Stubblefield Urban Beauti- .fication Grar File bids on Police cars File contract with Gulf Oil Commissioner Fisher offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that the telegram from Senator Marlow Cook and Senator John Sherman Cooper announcing approval of a Neighborhood Development Program for the City of Paducah, with a combination loan and grant in the amount of $1,535,689, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roil, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Fisher offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey,'that the Certificate of Insurance issued by The Home Indemnity Company, covering work done by Morsey, Incorporated for a period of one year from January 1, 1970, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry'(5). :^ Commissioner'Fisher offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that the executed copy of the Contract between the City of Paducah and Addressograph -Multi - graph Corporation, for sale to the City of one new Model 4000 Addressograph, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fisher, that J. D. Pace, laborer in the Street Division of the Public Works Department,'be transferred to the Refuse Division of said Department, retroactive to February 2, 1970. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the telegram from Congressman Frank Stubblefield announcing the approval of an Urban Beautification Grant for the City of Paducah for the year 1970 in the amount of $18,043.00, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner 'Puryear, that the following bids for furnishing police cars to the City of Paducah, be received and filed Baker Oldsmobile, Inc. Parker Dodge Purchase Chrysler -Plymouth, Inc. Allan Rhodes, Inc. Wilson Chevrolet -Cadillac, Inc. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the �f executed copy of the Contract between the City of Paducah and Gulf Oil Company, U.S., for sale to the City of its requirements of gasoline, etc. through December 31, 1970, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). No. 11 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners February •10, 1970 - - Cify .of" Paducah Certification Assessed valuati to Bd. of Educat Settle claim Bessie George Report of Board of Equalization CommissIoner_Horn•sby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that copies of letters dated•January-3.0, 1970,.from the City Clerk to Dr. David Whitehead, Superintendent of the Board of Education and Mr. Ed Ballard of the Department of Reven together with -a copy of the certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation in the year 1970, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the claim -of Bessie George in --the amount of $30.25- for-X-ra.y and .examination following an injury -sustained by her in -falling on the City Hall steps on September. 9,. 1969, be allowed-, and that the City Treasurer be authorized,.to pay same,af:ter first obtaining a complete_and,.final release. Adopted on call of,the Roll., Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry .(5). Commissioner Pur. year offered-motion,.second.ed by Commissioner - Hornsby,.tha,,t the report of the Board. of Equalizati.on..£or.,.the year 19.70 be received, f,ile.d and, spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call--of.-the Roll, -Yeas, Commissioner•s:Fish;er;,.Ha.rvey, .Hornsby, Puryear-and Ma.yor.,..Cherry (5)... _. STATEMENT OF• :REAL..& PERSONAL• -PROPERTY -ASSESSMENTS •.FOR • 1970 City. Taxes for .the. City, of. Paducah, ..Kentucky REAL ESTATE (Full Rate) 1969 Final Assessment -by Board, $124;-936.,0.90 1969 Omitted Bills 0 1969 Total Real Estate $124,936.090 1970 Gross Increase by Assessor & Board 13,961.570 1970 : Gross -Decrease. by Assessor-& :Board -,7,174,-770- 1970 -Net Incr.ea,se .., - • 11.111. . 1970 Total Real Estate PERSONAL PROPERTY:' (Yull Rate) 1969 -.Final Assessment—by.—Board 38,289,2.70. 1969 Omitted Bills 75,670 1969 Total Personal Property 1970 Gross Increase by Assessor & Board 10,039,530 1970• Gross Decrease. -by Assessor -&-Board: x8;3.68;750 1970—Net -.Net Increa-:se 1970 Total Personal property $ .. ,.6,_786;-800- .. ..$131,-722,-890 38,364,940 1,670,780 40,.035,_720 GROSS TOTALS 1970 Real.-Esta.te.& Personal -Property (Full -Rate) 171,758,61.0 1970 Bank Shares, 1969 (Estimate 1970) 5,785,220 1970 ..Agricultural:Products 1969 ,(Estimate 1970) --809;330 1970 Special Rate - City Only (Real Estate & Personal 2,362,590 - - 1.,013,;330 - -3,375,.920 1970 Special Rate - School Only (Real Estate & Personal) 55,530 1.970 -.Special.•Rate-: (No !City" -General Fund) =:.(Real Estate &.-Personal),., - 430,-110 1970 Polls (School Only) 6413 C $2.00 12,826 VA 6 No. 12 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah February 10, 1970 Letter tanki police & fir Depts. Liability In Leslie Feastt Z3 Board of Equalization S/ Charles Dorian Chairman, Charles Dorian Corbett Collie Sheriff, Corbett Collie U. S. Evans Clerk, U. S. Evans Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the letter from Mr. R. P. Fields, President of Fulton County Oil Company, Inc., dated February 6, 1970, expressing appreciation for the assistance rendered by members of the Police and Fire Departments to the driver of one of their transport trucks, during an emergency stop on Highway 45, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the Certificate of Insurance issued by National Surety Corporation to the City of Paducah, covering work done by Leslie A. Feast et al, f -or a period -of one-year from -January 1, 1970, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the,Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher; Harvey, Hornsby, Purygar -and Mayor, Cherry (5) Liability In5 Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded -by -Commissioner Hornsby, that the Tom Waynick d/b/a Cha stane & Habacker Letter Watex application for grant Letter Wate sell proper 128 S 4th Settle claim) Virgil Tucke Co /` liability insurance policy issued,by-The Travelers Insurance Company to Tom Waynick d/b/a Chastaine & Habacker Plumbing Company; -for a period of one year from January 2, 1970, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the Roil, Yeas -j Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry -(5). -- Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the letter of H. B. Gibbons, Secretary of the Paducah Water Works, dated February 6, 1970,'I requesting the Mayor and City Clerk to..execute an --application for- a -fifty- percent gran, with the Federal Government for water main improvements, be received-a-nd filed - together with a copy of said application. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). CodCommissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by CommissionerHor-nsby, that the letter of H. B. Gibbons, Secretary of the Paducah Water Works, dated January 29, 1970, requesting the City to authorize the sale of Water works property at 128 South 4th Street to the Peoples First National Bank and Trust Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5) . Mayor Cherry offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that.the claim of Virgil Tucker in the amount of $94.95 for damages to his vehicle caused by a collision with a refuse truck driven by James -R. Helton at 10th and Caldwell Streets on January 13, 1970, be allowed, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the claim after first obtaining a complete and final release. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Proceedings of Board of Commissioners city of File contract S Oil Company Request bids Asphalt General Assembly take no action to prevent Day- light Saving, ti Request bids poli uniforms Application Water Works for Federa Assistance water mains Request bids on limestone Request bids ✓' resurface various Streets 1 February 10, 1970 MayorCherry offered motion, seconded by' Commissioner Harvey that the executed copy of the 'Contract 'between th'e City -'of, Paducah" and' Sun- Oil" Company; -for 'sale to- the City of- its requirement of Motor Oil"-' etc.- through `December '31, 1970,' be 'rec'e'ived 'and f Hed . Adopted on= call' of the Roll, Yea s , Commissioner's Fisher,* Harvey , HbrnsbyV, Puryear and Mayor -Cherry (5) -. Commissioner Fisher offered"inotion, seconded by Commissioner -Harvey, that a Resolution -entitled "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING -THE CITY'MANAGER TO -ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY' "S" REQUIREMENT OF' AS'PHA'LT (EITHER'" LIQUID" OR- EMULSIFIED OR BOTH) FOR THE-YEAR-197-0--(AN-AMOUNT EQUAL TO APPROXIMATELY 44;000' GALLONS:) TO BE=USED IN STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR WORK", be adopted: Adopted on -ca -1-1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher;- Harvey, Hornsby,- Puryear and Mayor"Cherry (5-) Commissioner Fisher' -offered motion, "s'etonded'-by, Commissioner' Harvey, -that a resolution-" entitled '','A_ RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE '1970 GENERAL, ASSEMBLY OF -KENTUC TAKE NO ACTION TO PREVENT"'UNIF'OR.M DAYLIGHT SAVING -TIME", be adopted. - Adopted -on call j j of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Fisher offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that a resolution entitled,"A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTI FOR BIDS,FOR THE`'SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, OF UNIFORMS AND ASSOCIATED CLOTHING -'FOR THE MEMBER'S OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY, AND PRESCRIBING THE- CONDITIONS HE- CONDITIONS UPON WHICH -PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted'. ' Adopted on call' of the Roll-, Yeas, - Commis-sioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry.- "(5') . Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fisher, that a resolution entitled-"A"-RESOLUT'ION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND-FACILITY"TYPE PROJECTS ON BEHALF OF THE PADUCAH WATER WORKS, FOR EXTENSION OF VARIOUS WATER MAINS"'INTHE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted-on'call of the.-Roll,'Yeas., Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry -(5). Commissioner Hornsby offe-red motion, 'seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that"a resolution -entitled "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE -CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE.FOR BIDS - FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY'S REQUIREMENT OF LIME-STONE:FOR'-THE":YEAR 197-0:'(APPROXIMATELY 8,000 TONS) TO BE USED IN STREET CONSTRUCTION WORK"; be_adopted. Adopted on"'c6-1l'of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner-'Puryear, that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR RESURFACING VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, INCLUDING THE RAISING AND RESETTING OF MANHOLES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5). No. 14 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah February 10, 1970 Request bids . 4 dump truck Recommend y passage of Senate Bill 123 Rezone prop- erty N side Hinkleville Road west of Floodwall Accept bid Baker Olds. police cars Deed Water Works prop to Peoples Bank y Mayor Cherry offered motion, seconded. by. Commissioner. Hornsby.,. :that a. resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION:REQUESTING THE,_C,ITY MANAGER.�TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FOUR .N) DUMP TRUCKS FOR USE IN THE. STREET DEPARTMENT; --AND PRESCRIBING THE'TERMS.AND'CONDITIONS1 UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", -. be:. adopted,: Adopted on-call of the :Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5).. Mayoil­Cherry offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey,:that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT:THE.197.0 GENERAL-ASSEMBLY.-.PASS.SENATE..BILL w 123 PROVIDING FOR'A SHARING Off' THE. , KENTUCKY; S.TATE...SALES' TAX WITH CITIES . AND , COUNTIES" , be adopted. Adopted on ca -ll o.f,the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry:(5). . Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Fisher, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE.FINAL REPORT -OF THE PADUCAH 'PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTING.THE REZONING.OF PROPERTY.ON THE NORTH .SIDE OF HINKLEVILLE ROAD WEST OF THE FLOODWALL, AND AMENDING THE PADUCAH. ZONING..ORDINANCE-1961.SO AS. -TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", be adopted. .-Adopted on- ca l.l. of ' .the Roll., . Yeas , ..Commissioner: Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and. Mayor Cherry (5)-... Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by C.ommiss.ioner .Puryear, ..that.. an -ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPT.ING..THE BID-OF_BAKER OLDSMOBILE, INC...FOR SALE TO THE CITY OF SEVEN.NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE DELTA -88 TOWN SEDANS FOR USE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF..PADUCAH., AND..PRESCRIBING THE TERMSrAND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE",- be . introduced and :r.ema.in on file .for. at least_ .one (1) week for- public inspection in:! the, completed. form- in. wh.ich-.-It ,sha-1l. be put upon its final passage. Adopted on;,call of.the..Ro:l.l., Yeas, Commissioners Fisher., Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry -(5):. : Commissioner Puryear offered motion, ' .s.econd,ed by. Commissioner Hornsby., that_ ;, - an ordinance entitled."AN:ORDINANCE AUTHOR:IZING..THE MAYOR TO..EXECUTE A DEED BETWEEN THE CITY OF PADUCAH,;KENTUCKY, FOR;THE USE AND BENEFIT OF,PADUCAH VATER.WORKS, TO PEOPLES FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST +COMPANY",.; be.=adopted... Adopted on. call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fisher, Harvey, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor Cherry (5)..: On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED JU,", 1"970._ ;APPROVED City. Clerk