HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutAcquisition of property from Hibbs, Walls, Ingram, et alAllen and Barnett - Audit Paducah Power Plant BoardAmendment 1 - FAAApplication approval Powers/Sutton - connection to City SewerApplication for Federal Property Assistance ProgramApproving Application - Strathmoor SubdivisionArea Development Funds - Littleville Flood Abatement ProjectAutomated filing and retrieval systems for PPDAvertise for bids to purchase twenty mobile radio sets for Public WorksBid for adjustable manhole ringsBid for AsphaltBid for asphalt (2)Bid for asphalt mixer and leaf machineBid for auto for MayorBid for automobile for mayorBid for bituminous concretebid for city hall maintenance and repairsBid for construction of restroom facilities in Noble Parkbid for construction of Southside Fire Stationbid for improvement - Phase II of Community Street Improvement ProgramBid for improvements on Boys' ClubBid For Limestonebid for new vehicle for MayorBid for Phase III - Riverfront Improvement Projectbid for postage mailerBid for public bus transportation systembid for purchase of backhoeBid for purchase of equipment for Civic CenterBid for purchase of exercise equipment for PD and FDBid for purchase of new street sweeperBid for purchase of new tiresBid for purchase of two diesel powered cabs - Refuse Dept.Bid for purchase of van - PDBid for repairs on City Hall RoofBid for Resurfacing StreetsBid for rubber tired tractor - ParksBid for truck to be used by animal wardenBid for typewriter - Clerk's OfficeBid forgymnasium flooring at Boy's ClubBids for construction of Phase I of the Industrial Park Sewer ExtensionBids for construction of Transformer Substation at Island Creek Pumping PlantCondemnation of property belonging to Albirda BusbyCondemnation of property belonging to Powers/Gaines/Bolen, et alCondemnation of property Garrard/Hughes/et alCondemnation of Rodocker, Hicks, et alDesignating Paducah Bank as depository for CETA Title VI Grant FundsGrant Agreement - AirportKET TV transmitterLandscaping in Townlift areaPermission for Pines Subdivision to connect to City Sewer SystemRestroom construction - Parks Dept.Street listingUrban Renewal Condemnation - Hicks/Wilson